2016-07-14 01:10:14

Hi all,

For those of you who have played the Blind Swordsman, do you have any tips on how to beat levels 9 and 10?  Everything up until this point has been relatively easy, and I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Any help would be great.



What game will hadi.gsf want to play next?

2016-07-14 01:56:33 (edited by Slender 2016-07-14 02:04:29)

Level 9 is tricky. Perry the horseman, but attack him as well, because he may try again. Whether he runs away from you or not is a random chance. Now, when he attacks several times, it gets rather tricky. I will say this. It will take several tries to beat him. So, the way it works is when he attacks you, he will move to a different area and try again. The difficult part is tracking his movements, because he will move every time, so be sure that you know which direction he's moving at all times, and don't get too far out, otherwise he might hit you. Try to keep him in the center of your stereo field, and then keep hitting him and hitting him until he goes down. This will take several tries, I will say that. And someone else should tell you how to beat the final level, because I still haven't beaten it.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2016-07-14 02:32:43

For the final level, parry the fireballs.  When the mage teleports, keep note of his first teleportation  He then will teleport three, maybe four, times.  On his last one, however, he will end up near or at the first place.  so if you track the teleportations right and pay attention to that first one, line it up and wait.  once he teleports for the last time, you should have him ligned up and slash him in the face.

2016-07-14 18:26:12

And don't worry about the crows, they are only there to distract you.

Oh no! Somebody released the h key! Everybody run and hide!

2016-07-27 07:17:20

I really don't get this. I can dodge the fire just fine in level 10, but I can't hit. i hear the teleport sound three times and then a pause, and then another sound. The third one seems to come a little ways off to the left or right. How do I know ow far to move in either direction? For that matter, how do I know if it's left or right? I really don't get this.

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