2016-07-25 20:04:57

I haven't been playing as much as I like, but how do I get my  unknown gift?   I don't see it in the online menu

2016-07-25 20:07:13

Geminar served me well. It learns superspark somewhere around the level 25 mark. I forget at what level it transforms, but you'll need an item to transform it in to it's final form.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2016-07-25 20:18:09

flame_elchemist wrote:

how do i get out of the jungle to the 4th gym?

Always try to move as northwest as possible, meaning try to go upwards and left as far as possible, the exit should be in the far north of the jungle.

Anyway, just anyone a short note for me where to go after being saved from the tower? Several people already past that point in the game, as far as I can see... Thanks wink

2016-07-25 20:20:03 (edited by Spiraling Wyvern 2016-07-25 20:22:04)

Heh, is it wrong for me to be abusing Dustin and dragging him around everywhere so I can train up some new members I want to implement in my team like Palidor and that fire giant thing.  It's a lot faster to level up mons when two enemies appear consistently.  I'll probably put away the fire giant once he good enough but I want to keep the Paladin because I wanted one ever since I saw it at the third stadium. 

    Also the equipment is mostly worth the expenditure o cash.  Some of the equipment actually can have the downsides negated, such as an item increasing taken damage of standard type attacks on a ghost.  Though, if you're just plowing through the stadiums with an over leveled mon, Err, good luck with one fight from what I heard. 

    On another note, though I was expecting this tower to have mostly undead and ghost types, the type with the greatest number of representatives is fighting.  Go Figure.

     Anyone also know if there's also a move relearner somewhere.  Just in case I field test an attack I thought would be good and then regret purchasing.

2016-07-25 20:26:46

yes there is a move learner as you call it, but he won't show up till you reech the 5'th city. (umm, should i put spoilers above my post? smile.)

2016-07-25 20:29:07

Spiraling Wyvern wrote:

Anyone also know if there's also a move relearner somewhere.  Just in case I field test an attack I thought would be good and then regret purchasing.

Yeah, Dustin is a great way of training though, use him as far as possible^^.

I didn't found a move relearner before the 5th Gym, but you're nearly as far as Iam at this moment and I don't know how to progress after the tower you're currently working through.

2016-07-25 20:33:01

i just need to get my teem to be at level30. bin training in he jungle.

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2016-07-25 20:40:59

A few things here:

1. for future reference, if you want us to help you get through an area, you've got to be more specific. "How do I get out of the jungle", for instance. That area is big, but the advice given a few posts back about heading northwest is good. Again, follow walls. Can't lead you wrong.

2. As far as I know, Placebot can only be found in the arcade, making him a bit like Porygon from the original pokemon games that way. If you're willing to wait, Autoson can be found elsewhere.

3. That guy with the key to get to the factory leaves the beach and enters the city eventually. I got stuck for a little bit there too.

4. Slight spoiler: after the tower I'm pretty sure you have to go to Hazeldale. I'm pretty sure you can go into the sewers now.

5. That first Octoross fight is a bitch. You aren't meant to win, though I damn near did on my first playthrough. I originally thought he scaled. He doesn't. He has mons ranging from 24-28 I think, maybe higher, and some of them do tremendous damage (Eagawk with Cyclone Claw, Recobrah with Poison Dart, etc). Just lose and be done. Try and take a few mons down though, if you can, for some experience.

In my new playthrough, I've just been trashed by said shadow leader. I just got Ratsal, but my other mons are Eagala, Friggle, Flammerick, Cacone and Jackanaipe, all level 18 (except Flammerick, who's 19). I decided I wanted more coverage than pure electric, so I took Friggle. We'll see if he sucks or not.
Ah well, learning experience. I do know one thing though. I've already got an ice type earmarked for later. Kinda sucks when you get him, but if he gets even one halfway decent move in twelve to fifteen levels, it's GG, god-beast.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-25 20:46:16 (edited by amerikranian 2016-07-25 20:51:42)

yes your right about the tower fly back, but only after you reentered the bright water again, and thanks for help, so i'll just wait around 5 minutes, then check the city. also i'd like to see option that changes your walking, like in bk1, but i dono if it will work on this game, if it wouldn't, oh well, but if it would, that will help because i'm being challenged by level 18 things and waiting and hearing my footsteps all over as i'm ascaping is annoying. oh, if you cant add that, can you add a way of skipping or turning off the sounds of your enemys? like so you'd not hear the sound of your challenger, and your own man? i cant wait for scaled fight. (that was sarcastic.) it will probs give me a lots of pain. but anyway, i'm starting to wait... meanwhile i'll  just leave beech and go buy some counter down things, because i see too many enemys, heh.

2016-07-25 20:54:52

give it up, will you! ROFL!

2016-07-25 21:16:38

Well, I finally managed to find the ring, rofl. and, has any of you guys captured that Pandourbit monster? So, I'll try to get some mega nets and I'll try again. God that one is awesome, it can copy other monsters attacks. However, I really would like to know if some of you got that one. Or probably it can't be captured?

My twitter

2016-07-25 21:49:34

I actually captured one this morning, the one that guy's guarding in the Amica Woods. I do have one question. Slight
What triggers that guy wanting to trade a Feruddae for a Jiminar? I know it's after the first stadium but I can't recall exactly what triggers that event.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2016-07-25 21:59:45

Did you actualy use a mega net to capture that? Oh wao, nice.

My twitter

2016-07-25 22:00:49

Amine wrote:

Well, I finally managed to find the ring, rofl. and, has any of you guys captured that Pandourbit monster? So, I'll try to get some mega nets and I'll try again. God that one is awesome, it can copy other monsters attacks. However, I really would like to know if some of you got that one. Or probably it can't be captured?

It can, I captured the first Pandourbit, found after getting the first key. It's hard to train at first, since it can "just" split and split and split the opponents health and it will take nearly 20 levels until it learns its strong moves, but until then it evolves into a real powerhouse, taking loads of damage without any problems and it's first strong move bashes down everything you might encounter for a while. It's useful to use it in multi-battles, so said such battles could happen directly in front of the clocktower, there Pandourbit can slice the opponents health in half and your other manamon can cut them down, giving loads of EXP to Pandourbit too. Since it's Shadow type it can also be used against Standard Manamon, since they usually don't know any moves which can hit Pandourbit at all, so you can just sit and wait until you "splitted" it down and got a whole lot of EXP. I can tell you, it's worth a try.

2016-07-25 22:07:33

where can i find a Pandourbit?

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.

2016-07-25 22:22:04

flame_elchemist wrote:

where can i find a Pandourbit?

Pandourbits are the Manamon who look like treasure chests. The first one can be encountered after the first gym. If you remember back, you past a man while walking through the woods before the first gym. He told you, that he can't let you pass before you got at least one key. So, now you can talk to him, he'll leave and you can find this chest. Pandourbit will attack you when you open it, it will be at Lvl. 10. A second one will occur later in the game, if I remember right, but i'm not totally sure about it. If yes, it will occur dirrectly on your way, you can't miss it, it should be at Lvl. 30 then, which means that it might have forgotten Soul Split, which cuts the enemy's health in half, but you can make it remember in the town of the 5th gym, which I now found too, thanks for your help smile.

2016-07-25 22:34:47

I cannot get the game to work after installing it on windows 10.  It says unable to load sounds/the name of a sound file.  As I said, this is a windows 10 computer, using sapi5 with the John text to speech voice.

2016-07-25 22:44:22

jake4252 wrote:

I cannot get the game to work after installing it on windows 10.  It says unable to load sounds/the name of a sound file.  As I said, this is a windows 10 computer, using sapi5 with the John text to speech voice.

Try using the context menu on the game shortcut and selecting "Run as Administrator", optionally accepting the UAC if it's enabled on your computer.

Also, sorry, I was wrong, Pandourbit is Ghost/Earth type, not Shadow/Earth, anyway, the remaining part is fine smile.

2016-07-25 22:52:44

Thanks, I'll try my best to capture that one.

My twitter

2016-07-25 22:55:41

Good grief, the second gym is hard.

Last time I ran through it, my Bulpine basically wrecked it on its own because it resisted both Quake and Power Surge. This time, no such luck. Even with a team of five l25 mons, it's very tricky. Haven't won yet, though I got close.
Domestress's ability is very nice. I want one.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-25 22:57:51

witch city do I go to get the paunderbit? And, how do I get into the mountains? I did it once, but can't do it again

stw is a game i play sometimes. If you would like to check it out, go to

2016-07-25 23:00:21

spoilers? maybe? possibly? rofl
so i finished the factory, god, last fight was hard, now, where do you go after? the story says i need some fresh air, i'd think next master is through ice mountin, but i'm not sure. please don't tell me it is, i had enough of mountins sinse i was thrown off of one!

2016-07-25 23:02:04

sorry for double posting.
i think the one your looking for is amica woods or how ever you spell it, if i go there and open chest i'll own the guy with one hit. umm...

2016-07-25 23:04:31

Pandorbot isn't in a city.
To get it, go to the woods south of the city with the first stadium.
Go south into the woods and keep goint south.
Pass both signs and follow the walls south and kind of west.
eventually, you'll come to a non-player character that won't let you pass unless you have at least 1 key.
Once you do he'll move out of your way, granting you access to a chest.
save before opening it, because it's not a chest at all!
Their is a real chest with 3 herbs just south of where the npc was though.
Pandorbot is lv 10, but it's strong.

2016-07-25 23:09:03

is Domestress's the one that's in armor or is that another one?

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvidLitRPGer
leave me a message saying how you found me.