2016-07-25 03:26:46

OMG. OMGOMGOMGOMG! I just beat the game! And that last fight is a killer.


This is in relation to the person asking about Octoross, not to my endgame stuff.

Octoross has eight or nine manamon, and is one of the main reasons I was yowling about "cheating" the other day. Rather than have his six mons at higher levels, he's got nine. Maybe eight. Either way, the only way I won is by setting up and then sweeping with Banyardan; that's a pretty brutal fight too.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-25 03:37:55

I just can't get enough medical miracles to beat him. I get destroyed by Thornita most of the time so I brought in Promolder to try and do shatter to destroy it's accuracy but got instakilled because the combat system like that is annoying. I guess it could count as a turn but... there should be some sort of defense boost when freshly summoned to ensure that doesn't happen.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2016-07-25 03:38:41

Hi guys!
I think I will buy this game soon.
Since it was look so interesting.

No! Please don't get me wrong!
The wrong could be right! The right could be wrong.

2016-07-25 03:59:03

@Ghost rider, how are you fixed for levels?

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2016-07-25 04:01:37

My main, Fauntazaur, is level 61 but levels to 62 midfight. The rest are in the 40's. My Steelion is level 44.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2016-07-25 04:03:04

i got past the clubhouse. is their anything i need to do before i leave the city? and how do i get to the next gym through the jungle?

PSN ID: AvidLitRPGer
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AvidLitRPGer
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leave me a message saying how you found me.

2016-07-25 04:18:34

Hi again,

Trajectory, Aaron, Sterlock or anyone else with postgame knowledge, I have a few questions.

For the rest of you, spoilery goodness ahoy!

so I went to the new city and watched the scene there. Now there's a house with a guy blocking a door inside, and there's a gate that's also blocked. There are also a couple of fights I can do but they're all level 85.

Am I supposed to just level and grind till I'm tough enough to take 'em down, and then the postgame continues? Or is there something else I ought to be doing besides the three mythical manamon? I'm' not even sure if they're required or not.

A little direction would be good. I don't really know how big the postgame is at this point. Maybe these things I've found are for future development or something. Not sure.

No more spoilers.

Fauntasaur? What the hell is that? Never heard of it.

And you're in basically the same boat I was, by the way. If you think Octoross is hard, just wait till what comes after.

My suggestion, painful as it is: get out. Go level your others into the low to mid 50s, and while you're at it, make sure you've got an answer to grass (Thornita's grass). Ice? Air? Something. In my pokemon days I firmly believed you could never have enough ice. It's not quite true, but it's one of my favourite types...or was.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-25 04:28:24

Fauntazaur is a transformed version of Aquaf.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2016-07-25 04:35:02

Oh nice. Is it pure water then, or did it pick up a new type along the way?

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-25 04:39:25

@Jade, slight spoilers:
There are two important places in which the Holy Medallion and irod pendant will do something when used. Once you figure those out, then the door that was blocked in the city will become available to you.
On a side note, apparently I forgot to pick up the pendant so I have to go all the way back there to get it... damn.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2016-07-25 04:50:14

That doesn't help a ton, Trajectory. This is a pretty big game. I'll have a look at a couple of fairly likely places though.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-25 04:58:38

At Everyone with Hyper unbalanced teams:  Err, that seems overkill for running through the stadium with.  Which makes me kind of think more that stadium leaders should be scaled (modified on how far down their mons are from each other).  Honestly if people encountered this fromt he first stadium onwards, they would not get stuck in the secret hideout and other scaled boss fights.  That, and it would end the odd habbit of people leveling something ridiculously high and trivializing something even further...to then get stuck at one boss fight as they only have one viable mon which most likely will get koed, and the boss will proceed to slowly pick off the rest of the under leveled team before the player could get a turn to revive.  Alternatively, your highest level char is a type super weak to it's strongest attack and gets one shotted anyway.

    Though, I'm going really slowly in progressing through the game.  I'm distracted level new things I found to see if they're viable and also I now want that undead wasp.  Though First I want to see what this bone Cane wielding creature can do before committing myself to getting that.  (the thing just sounds awesome and looks as if it's an amazing status troll).  I wonder if anyone would trade one if I gave out something annoying to get like an Autosun or that other arcade creature.

     Well back to field testing.

2016-07-25 05:08:39

@Spiraling I could trade you a dormanoid for one of the starters other than Leafox, if you have it and want to breed it.
@Jayde: I was being intentionally vaig, but once you find one of them you'll probably have a pretty good idea where the other is.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2016-07-25 05:13:39

Well, the one strong clue I thought I'd follow up on, didn't pan out.

I thought I'd go to the place mentioned right at the very very end of the winning sequence (right before the credits roll, where he says he goes when he wants to think, or wish). No good. Nothing new there.

And, regarding unbalanced teams/scaling fights:
No no and no. If you unbalance your team and you get wrecked because your strong one dies, that's your issue (and I say this knowing I was guilty of it). Putting scaling fights in to stop you from doing this is not really viable. After all, I would be punished even if my highest mon was particularly good at what it did, which is why I don't care for it. But I've been down that road in other posts, so I'll keep it to a minimum here. Suffice it to say that I am so, so, so glad stadium leaders don't scale.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-25 05:17:25

@Jade: spoilers ahead.
Go to a holey place...

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2016-07-25 05:54:47

If it's where I think it's referring, I'm surprised we haven't been banned from entering. 

    Also I actually wanted a Bombasect, not the dormanoid, already leveling up and seems to be doing well so far. 

    Also I'm just going to pipe about the scaled fights, said fights that were causing issues seemed to be the scaling ones, and ones that one mon could not possibly solo.  Honestly scaled fights would make my life a lot eaier though since I've been doing leaders with a balanced team and rarely lose someone in a fight.  The other alternative that a favorite fan made game I saw use was level locking the player based on how many badges (well keys) in this case they  had.  Without anything, your limit in that game was lv 20, and each badge bumped it up by 5 levels.  Though this made powerleveling something to get through a gym impossible (as going over the limit caused beings to stop listening to you like if it was traded overleveled), but once some of your team was approaching that limit, you could rotate other members to get some exp to have a well rounded to team to take on the multiple 6 v 6 fights that those gyms were (and barring certain Pokémon, impossible to have one Pokémon to solo as that idea will fall since the leaders/bosses had balanced teams, even with sticking to a single type).  Though, I'm not sure if  7 keys are enough for this.

     Ah yes, so there is a move that acts like curse.  neat.  Wonder if this will come in handy later.

2016-07-25 05:58:16

Hmmm, reading all these posts is really making me wish I could afford to buy the game. Ah well, patience is a virtue.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2016-07-25 06:07:38

Found the holy one, and now am trying to think about its opposite number. A hint would be welcome. Even an idea of where to start from. If I know an idea I can work from there. There are several places that spring to mind.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-25 06:25:12

Just had my first taste of the scaling battles. Fortunately my team was fairly balanced level wise, I think the biggest level difference I had was 3, so it wasn't too bad. Skirial is definitely starting to show the "early game bug" symptoms though, so I think he's going to be taking a hike soon. Preferably for something electric or stone, to paptch that gaping hole of an air weakness I've got going.

Finaut transformed at level 30, learning a more powerful water move in the process. and I also now have the beast that is Banyardan. Especially with that willow hammer item, Banyardan hits pretty darn hard. Eagawk is probably getting fairly close to transforming as well, the original transformation was the same level as Leafox.

I hope we get to see more of Renaa or however you spell her name.

2016-07-25 06:33:09

Yeah, Banyardan is a freaking beast.

Some of you guys now coming to some of these fights have the advantage in that, if you've read the thread, you've heard me get upset about the scaling and may consequently avoid the same pitfall I did. I just don't love being limited that way; if I have a mon that's particularly strong and I like to use it, why should that negatively impact my play if all my others are still at a reasonable level?


Please, please tell me I don't have to go where I'm afraid I have to go for the non-holy one. If it's where I think it is, I'm gonna pull my hair out.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-25 06:41:16 (edited by Loxias 2016-07-25 06:55:03)

Lol yeah, I did go into it forewarned. I do usually try to keep my team pretty balanced level wise whenever I play a game like this though, so I probably would have been ok regardless. I'm just glad I didn't encounter any really nasty air types in the scaling fights, haha. I see what you mean though. It's good to have a way to let you know you're not training enough of your team, but all scaling to the same level does seem a bit extreme. Some kind of formula that would still have them scale but perhaps not as much could be better maybe? Although that'd be a bit harder to implement most likely.

As an example, say you're usually facing around level 30 mons at the point where you first see scaling fights. If you have a level 40 starter and then a bunch of lower level things, maybe if the scaling fights had level 35 mons or something, halfway between 30 and 40. That would still make the ones with a type advantage over your big guy a threat, but make them a little more manageable for your lower guys who have a type advantage. It would still be an uphill battle, but it would be a bit more manageable, and you could take that lesson and go ok, I need to train up the rest of my team a bit as I continue the story, rather than whoa, I need to stop and go grind for 4 hours right now before I can get anywhere.

*Edited example to be a bit more realistic.

2016-07-25 06:54:38

Bah. I've tried writing this message four times now, and I can't find a nice way to say what I'm thinking so I'm just not going to. I said I wouldn't, so I wouldn't. Suffice to say that when I play the game again I will do as I'm told and have a balanced team, but it chafes. Badly. I will take extreme pleasure in destroying the scaled fights. Haha.

Okay. Tried one of my ideas for the evil place and pendant. No dice. I have a really nasty feeling I'm gonna have to do all that work all over again.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1

2016-07-25 06:58:13

because a friend is asking, anyone know how to evolve Autosun?  I thought it would be the lightning element but that doesn't seem to be it.  Or is it something that's found a lot later than the Jungle/Brightwater section?  Honestly the Autosun for them won't help in the next stadium for obvious reasons, but even if it's a bit off to evolve, it's base form isn't too bad. 

    ON that same note, anyone found out any that evolve with items and what they are?  We should start making a list.

2016-07-25 07:05:40

@Jayde yep, I was just about to post and say "It's a place to which I'm sure you wish you never had to return". Oh, and go well-prepared.

Official server host for vgstorm.com and developer of the Manamon 2 netplay server.
PSA: sending unsolicited PMs or emails to people you don't know asking them to buy you stuff is disrespectful. You'll just be ignored, so don't waste your time.

2016-07-25 07:40:10

Ha, yeah. Think I just screwed myself out of the endgame.

I am a compulsive saver. Let me say that right up front.

Well, here come the huuuuge spoilers.

I mean it, huge.

So are you still here?

I had to fight Irroadium yet again in god-beast form, which annoys the living hell out of me. So I kill him, and instantly I'm thrust into battle with level 70 Irroadium. I hit him twice, put him to sleep, threw a giganet and he popped out. He used a move that confused himself, then killed himself.
And that's when I made the bonehead choice. I saved. I did it on reflex, sort of a "Whew, what a tough battle!" moment. There was probably some transient element of "I am not doing that freaking god-beast fight again: in there somewhere.

So I have one legendary but not the other. That door is still shut tight. And so is the gate.

Think I'm screwed. You have no idea how pissed I am right now.

Check out my Manamon text walkthrough at the following link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/z8ls3rc3f4mkb … n.txt?dl=1