2016-06-13 01:03:09

It wasn't that I came into this situation not knowing, but rather, that I came into this situation not knowing enough, not knowing what I didn't know or did know.  In essence, I'm saying I know nothing! :d
You get people who tell you babies are just as smart as you, so you try to treat them as equals, until you get people on the other side who say they don't understand you, so you dumb yourself down.  Then, baby starts acting like you're an idiot, which of course, is exactly what you're doing... Wait, Whaaaat?

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-06-13 04:32:08

@Cae, again my usual comment super hero film? meh!  same old same old. I'm actually at thepoint now where I think it's more interesting if people save the world without! special powers, and even more without the host of usual cliches. Then again I've had this rant before so will stop.

Ironically there is an awesome bridging quote for the subjects of super heroes and babies from the old comedy series third rock from the sun, which was about a few aliens living on earth (not that good a series but I saw an episode or two at one point).

"There is a new command structure now. Rank baby, powers infinite, orders, to be obeyed as soon as understood" big_smile.

Ironically, babies I find easier to deal with than older kids because babies I can relate to as animals, and having looked after a four week pup who eventually became a fourteen year old bull terrier with a mind of her own, it's amazing how similar the principle is big_smile.

Then again I find  animals tend to like me, which is an advantage. Still, in a way I'm relieved Mrs. Dark and I won't have all of that.
I won't dane to try advice other than what Cae has already said really big_smile.

Well today we had another fun family affair, buying wedding dress and accompanying items for myself! Surprisingly this went smoothly, we ended up with something lovely in purple and silver complete with silver shoes and pearls and such. I'd already bought my rather fun silk brocade cream tux, so it was just a question for me of buying shirt, and other bits like collar studs and cufflinks.

Unfortunately then we had a slight ding dong with the inlaws about what cash they're paying for and us having the temerity to hold the wedding reception in somewhere they! hadn't chosen and even worse, somewhere that Serves! alcohol! oh horrors! btw, Mrs. Dark is certainly a long way from being an arch conservative, ----- her parents on the other hand (or at least her mother), might be a slightly different story.

Still it'll work out, apparently Mother in lawis prone to the odd hissyfit on occasion, and after all I suppose it wouldn't be a wedding if there wasn't at least some in law trouble big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-06-13 15:33:43

Amen to the in-law trouble, Dark.  if I could tell you that dealing with my daughter or my wife was honestly the worst part of being married, well, I probably wouldn't be married or have kids.  As it happens... Hey Lisa, in case you chance upon this, do try and remember I don't hate you.
There is a difference between being a parent and being a grandparent.  As Cae has wisely pointed out, every child is individual, thus requiring that you tweek your knowledge and experience to fit that child at least to some degree.  But if we try saying that to my mother-in-law, it goes in one ear, out the other.  We say, "The baby sleeps best when she's swaddled and has little to no noise going on."  She decides to take her when she's got routy family over because they're in town.  We say, "Older brother needs to start sleeping on his own now that he's four."  She brings him to bed with her because she doesn't wish to put up with the fuss he makes at night about how he's scared of the dark and whatnot.  We say, "Life is golden."  She says it stinks!  I rip my hair out!  Aaaaaaaaaahh!
She has her good side, mind you... Really!  She does!  When it comes to taking care of family, she'll do what she has to, but it comes at a price, and that's where I have difficulties.  We're currently bracing ourselves for the argument of our lifetime, because according to her, she's going to be paying for our yardwork to get done.  This is a blessing and a curse, because if my wife and I know anything about her, it's that she tends to hold such things over your head for as long as she can, which means that as soon as we get a pet or even a guidedog, it'll be something along the lines of how we're ever so ungreatful for all she does for us, how we let the dog trash up the backyard and so on.  Nonsense!  I tell you!  Nonsense!

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-06-14 13:20:47

Youch, that doesn't sound fun, though I'm a little confused at your "dealing with your wife or daughter is the worst part of getting married" statement, since pretty much being married is! by definition dealing with your husband or wife, and if that is the worst bit, what is the good bit? 
Fortunately for Mrs. Dark and I dealing with each other is! the good bit, it's just all the other bits that are occasionally problematic, or at least trying to stop Mrs. Dark's parents from either running the wedding, or treating my lady as though she's five, or driving her up the wall, or probably all of the above big_smile.

This afternoon we have the rather fun task of trying to explain that we don't want a hole bunch of random strangers from their church turning up to the wedding, on the basis that the groom's party pretty much just involves the groom (due to a small thing like the Atlantic ocean being between myself and everyone who would want to come), while even the bride's side is pretty much just family and friends. Given our last conference it's not something I'm looking forward to.

At least we have managed to avoid the mother in law's suggestion of having a wedding reception at their house where all the guests eat frozen lasagnee (yes, this was a serious suggestion, for a wedding! ).

Then when all this is done we have to finish the visa application, go back to Britain, and then start everything up again big_smile.

Fortunately I have managed to persuade the jewelers to replace my engagement ring, considering they didn't actually down size the thing and it slipped off on a train and is likely in a pawn shop in the north of Scotland right now. Actually I'm a bit ashamed of myself since I played the Doctor card which is worryingly effective sometimes.

Well other than those sorts of hangups, things are obviously good. yesterday I played through a bit more of one button travel which was fun. I think I'm coming to the end of the story on Ios. I did get a ways through and slightly forget the thing due to other stuff happening, but I do find the intermitant playing in installments is a rather addictive way to play an interactive story, I'll probably do a b page today if I can, though since Mrs. Dark is going for the dress fitting I likely will have time. 

I also am continuing playing through bits of crazy party, which I'm finding the perfect game for right now. I'll certainly be getting back to Alter, but things are so tangled in rl at the moment something arcady or something I can at least sit down for a quick blast on is just about right, thoughme being me I like the progressive aspect of crazy party with the unlockables and such so that when i play my eforts aren't wasted. Actually that is one aspect of arcade gaming which has really been progressed by online capability and more time taken in the processing.

I'm also continuing with the Scar by China Mievelle which is of course awesome! and to say the first half wasa little slow in terms of pace, albeit I found the descriptions and style very compelling, things are definitely heating up hugely.

i think once I'm finished I'll go streight on to the Iron council, the third in the series, particularly since I suspect the ending to this is going to be pretty major.

My only disappointment thus far is that we've not run in to anyone from the first volume at all, and I really wanted to see what happened to Isaac and co, though hopefully they'll show up later.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-06-14 19:02:24

lol It is quite obvious you misunderstood me, though that might have been owing to my word use rather than your power of deduction.  What I meant to say and shall do my best to clarify is that the worst part of being married to my wife is my mother-in-law, a statement I never thought I'd be making but which is true nonetheless.  It's because I love my wife so much and because she loves me just as much that dealing with my mother-in-law is tolerable, else I'd be in a never ending nightmare!
Arguments?  Not really, unless you count the discussion concerning the taste of grape soda... She likes it; I don't.  Personality issues?  She's grumpy in the mornings she doesn't get enough sleep; I'm grumpy on days I don't drink enough water and don't have food.  Physical acceptance?  She claims she's fat; I personally find her just right.  I don't care for any part of my face; she's always touching it.  Emotional ties?  We don't, like, being, away, from each other! :d
The wedding was actually very simple; the reception was non-existent... We simply went to a restaurant we both liked and ate a ton of food and, well, methinks I'll leave the rest of that day where it is.  Oh, and parents treating their sons and daughters like, children?  Far, too, familiar with that concept!  We're young adults now, mother-in-law, we'll thank you for noticing, honestly!

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-06-15 16:20:58

Ah Nocturnus, that makes a bit more sence. In fairness Mrs. Dark has a little mother in law experience since her previous mother in law was pretty dreadful, even down to wearing black on the day of the wedding and telling everyone she wore black because she was in mourning for losing her son big_smile.

In comparison to that relations between my lady and my mum are really rather good.
As to my lady's parents, ---- well I like her dad, her mother is a bit more problematic due to aforesaid issues, though we were around there the other day and things were comparatively amicable other than my lady's extreme exhaustion due to dress fitting and her tendency to get somewhat ditsy when tired, (she passed out on my lap making  cat noises).

As to the rest of issues, arguements? A few heated debates about books such as game of thrones (she says it is too dark, I like the fact nobody is safe), and mutual swaring sessions at her computer which seems to have more goblins than usual (bloody windows 7), other than that nothing, indeed we've frequently been described as somewhere between beautiful and nauseating.

Mrs. Dark also interestingly complains about her weight, which is sort of amusing given that she is extremely tiny, both short and very slight, indeed I've pointed out to her that if anyone! would notice were her weight a problem it'd be me given how often I pick her up and carry her around, but she remains unconvinced.

As to not liking being apart, ----  yes, I completely sympathize, indeed my lady has said she's worried even if I go shopping, which is sort of amusing, yet at the same time there is never a problem with actually having own space to do things, indeed she's asleep and/or reading at the moment while I'm awake and enjoying morning coffee while forum browsing big_smile.

As rregards time etc, well hopefully that is most of the running around done, though we still need to get a carriage (and not a bicycle built for two), as well as arrange the service if we can. This sunday we're off to new york to see the Lion King which should be amazing! INdeed for me, seeing a show on broadway is sort of a big deal, indeed I do hope we'll have time to get at least a quick look at some of the touristy bits of New York such as the statue of liberty, since it'd be nice to see in person.

Hopefully today will be some down time, which I think we're both in need of, indeed I might get on alter for a bit if I can.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-06-15 19:53:02

Awww, cat noises?
A year and a half later, I can honestly say that I prefer the life I have now to the life I had before.  Hard?  It can be.  Impossible? Nope, and that's what we always remind each other is true.  We've done so much in so little time that I'm honestly surprised that it's only been a year and a half.  Knowing that I'd willingly do it all over again is refreshing; knowing that I don't have to and that we have a whole future to look at together is rewarding!

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-06-16 07:17:41

Hi  to all moderatees audio gamees
well well?
last two days were very fortunate because as I told you that I am at my trip.
we saw mysore palace and ooty hills and tea garden.
though the crap came when we just forget the way of my uncle's home.
also all the batteries of our phone got dead and it was very problematic to find a way of our home.
conversation is too difficult in Karnataka and tamilnadu.
So this is for the two days and now it is the time to return Dehradun back from koyambatoor.
write your messages here please

life's battle do not always go to the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later who win the one who thinks he can!

2016-06-16 08:58:41

@Ishen, glad you had a good trip.

@Nocturnus, while  we have had some  rather irritating things to deal with like visa applications and my dad's illness and a lot of commuting and setting up house together, I wouldn't say anything has been too extreme, then again we have no kidsies which probably makes at least the adjustment slightly easier.   I do  know had you told me this time last year that I'd be halfway across the world preparing to get married I'd have wondered what exactly you were smoking, since things have been pretty static for me over the past few years and I was quite afraid they'd stay that way perminantly.

I don't have a lot to report specifically about today, since mostly it was a day of down time, which we both sort of needed due to running around. The only miner irritation at the moment is that it's about three in the morning, my victor has run out of charge and the only way to charge it is on my laptop since the one convenient socket is behind Mrs. Dark who is very very asleep! One item we are! going to get more of is a strip forpower cables so I can plug stuff in, indeed at the moment plugs are somewhat of a pest which is why my Iphone and victor are having their batteries regularly run down rather than being on charge, though hopefully this is fixable soon  enough.

The Scar continues to be amazing and seems to be getting to a point. I do hope though that we'll see Isaac and co again, particularly with how things ended at the conclusion of Perdido street station.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-06-16 12:58:39

Hi dark sir!
this is a really good news that you and Mrs  dark have an enjoyable time.
Well I don't have any right for saying this but can you please send your videos privately to me.
Why just for casual.

life's battle do not always go to the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later who win the one who thinks he can!

2016-06-16 13:30:48

Awww, cat noises?

That's what I would do…  smile

Well I don't have any right for saying this but can you please send your videos privately to me.

Culture clash? Culture clash!
(I should be careful in future regarding when I make cookies, so that I don't wind up eating a dozen,... per meal. I know.)

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2016-06-18 04:02:59

@Ishen, I'm not really sure what you mean about "private videos" if you mean of the wedding, well we don't have any, indeed I will say that saying "will you send private videos to me" combined with  your statement about "enjoyable time with mrs. Dark" could give people something of the wrong idea that you are looking for something rather dodgy, hence Cae's words about culture clash.

Well again not much today, though mrs. Dark's wedding ring is finished which is nice. We're going with white gold so if either of us gets stuck in a fantasy kingdom we won't have a problem, ---- actually we're going with white gold since it goes with our silver engagement rings but there you go.
Also I was sent a game to beta test which I think the community will very much enjoy, so I gave that a try, which is good.

I now intend to play alteraeon for a bit and see how I can do with the castle and the drakke keeper before I say goodnight and go to sleep.

So, not much major, though a really rewarding day none the less. The only miner irritation is we still! are running into problems trying to get a horse drawn cariage for our wedding since the one person of the several we tried who called us back had a highly ridiculous! fee compared to the others. Hopefully we'll find somewhere since it's something we'd really like.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-06-18 16:40:02

Hi dark sir!
Private means your romantic and jolly mood with Mrs dark and I just wanted to see that how UK people deal in romanticism because in india I never see a visually impaired with this type.

life's battle do not always go to the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later who win the one who thinks he can!

2016-06-18 17:23:45

I do believe that could be misunderstood as an invasion of privacy; while I can't speak for my wife, I know I would certainly not want to send videos of ourselves to anyone, not even our closest friends.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-06-19 12:09:59

@Ishen, that is a disgusting and extremely offensive request.  I wouldn't share what goes on between myself and my lady with my best friend, since it's a highly beautiful and above all personal experience, let alone some random pervert on the internet, and yes, if your propositioning people for personal videos, that is pretty perverted and potentially illegal as well.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-06-19 23:02:50

I would tend to agree. Even making allowances for the language barrier, I have to admit I found that request to be pretty icky.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2016-06-20 05:40:27

Well today was wonderful, if rather exhausting. We traveled from lebanon in pencilvania to New York city to go and see the Lion King, and also got in a meal at a lovely Italian place on the way and bought a statue of liberty statue at the same time to prove I've been to New York.
The Lion King was great as always, though i have seen it before at the west end in London for my 21st birthday present, though I never imagined seeing it with my lady (It was a wedding present from her sister).
New york has to be the busiest place I've ever seen, though fortunately we didn't have much walking to do. One thing I'm noticing about the weather in pencilvania is while the temperature on average is warm rather than roasting, the humidity is lower than what I'm used to so I get dehydrated fairly often (I'm drinking lots of gater ade for that reason).

So I'm rather dead this evening and am soon planning on crashing.
Books wise I finished The Scar, and have started Willow, the book from the film. It's definitely got that rowlocking adventure fantasy feeling from the eighties, and I love the way that certain characters are fleshed out in the book (bavmorda is even eviler especially in her random slaughterings), though i do wish some of the descriptions of the characters were a trifle longer, paticularly since the book does take time characterising people a little more, even comparatively miner characters like Vonkar, the Nelwin warrior.

I'll say though that Willow is definitely! getting me in the mood to play some mre alter aeon, though probably not tonight big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-06-21 05:55:28

Hi dark sir!
sorry for that.
well well? for today is a world yoga day
you all know that?
why not.
reading wise I am not reading anything
but I started the far from the madding croud.
by Thomas hardy.

life's battle do not always go to the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later who win the one who thinks he can!

2016-06-22 18:26:21

Hey people!
As suggested by @dark, i decided to participate in this topic, as i want to chat with other people, especialy with dark himself.
he and his posts are very funny, don't you guis think?
If any of you want, my skype is below my posts, in the signature.
Hope to be chatting actively soon!
best regards!

Cloud Gaming makes me part of this new generation.

2016-06-25 01:19:04

Stomach bugs are a pain, you know?  My wife and I started out with one yesterday morning, which ended up with our daughter getting it, obviously.  At 6 months old, spewing everything and with a 103 degree temperature, life, I can only imagine, must be miserable, and yet, all she wants to do is eat... Bless her poor little heart... Er, stomach.
Otherwise, it feels great to be back on the moderation team, gaming when I get the chance to do so and writing idiotic things for the sake of writing idiotic things and hopefully educating people who are absolutely not, idiotic!  Now, the paradox arises, however, on how an idiot educates anyone... Don't dwell on it too much!  Don't do it, I say!
Our modem has started doing this funky business where, for whatever odd reason, it disconnects on the hour, every hour, or at least, the wifi network is dropping out... I'm not sure what to attribute that to.  We called our internet service provider and all they could apparently do was give us some suckage about how the modem's channel configuration needed to be... Well, reconfigured.  they set it to autoconnect to less congested channels, or so I was told, but it's dropping stupidly nonetheless.
The house is more or less ready, save for smoke alarms, which we intend to get as soon as possible, along with some bushes out in the backyard that have thorns that are almost impossible to see, which we need to get rid of before any children go and play out there.  It'll be nice to not live in an apartment with paper-thin walls anymore.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-06-25 16:21:52

@Nocturnus, the stomach bug sounds nasty, as do the thorns, but good to know the house is getting fixed and your liking being back on the mo team.

As to things over here, I spent most of yesterday wrestling with mp3va.com. There is some music I needed for the wedding and they were the only place that would send me a streight mp3. It's actually something I've been meaning to do for a while, but annoyingly their payment system only took visa and the alternative was a bit dodgy, though i got it working in the end, now I have to restrain myself to not buy a hole bunch of music, (though I did get the soundtracks to princess monanoke and spirited away).

The wedding plans are going ahead, we need to arrange candles, flowers and vows, which should hopefully get sorted, we also have to pick up the license tomorrow. It seems really quite odd that now a copy of the license will sit around in the pencilvania courthouse forever now. Then again, mariage has sort of been inevitable for months now, even before we got engaged.

Gaming wise, I'm torn between stuff like  oubliette which I want to try out, stuff like some of the blindfol games which I need to try for purposes of making db entries, and just playing alteraeon, though last time I got killed by an annoying viking after I ran out of mana grrrr!

It's my own fault though I should really have checked my mana and done a runner earlier.

After the wedding we're going to of all places hotel hershy for a romantic coupl of nights. It's expensive, (even though in the states things are mostly cheaper), but should be pretty amazing as a sort of mini honymoon, particualrly since the deal we've got includes champaigne, chocolates, and other nice things, though the price is sort of nuts.

it also looks like despite the debarcle, the inlaws are actually going to help with the cost of the wedding rings which will be good.
Unfortunately it's in cash and I won't be able to put it back into my bank until i get back to britain, but still it is much appreciated.

In terms of books and such, I'm doing series eleven of Jago and Lightfoot from big finish. I confess I'm a wee bit disappointed with this one. I don't know why, Jago and Lightfoot are usually great fun, taking two characters, one a very wordy theatrical impressario, the other a rather cool pathologist, in 19th century london and facing them with aliens, the super natural and all sorts of weerd stuff, with occasional appearences from other who regulars like Leela or the doctor himself.

Series eleven was to contain the master, but for some reason it just feels like going through the motions so far, hopefully it'll pick up later.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-06-26 08:45:00

Hi dark sir!
me and my friend discussed about music and have an idea of covering a song.
though it is a hindi song a romantic one.
yesterday we went to the studio 6 productions and we fixed the charges.
I hope in few days the song at least ready for singing.
If you want then I will paste the link.

life's battle do not always go to the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later who win the one who thinks he can!

2016-06-26 08:46:41

Hi nockterness I feel sorry for you and I recommend you nexpro fast but your daughter cannot eat this right?

life's battle do not always go to the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later who win the one who thinks he can!

2016-06-26 09:23:53

Well today was fun.
Went for one of these american Gril,le and pool parties people in this part of the world are so fond of with some of my lady's sister's friends. I've not swum for years, and since in Britain outdoor pools are very much a luxury thing it was great as a novelty, they also did some amazing bbq briskit plus had my very favourite brand of rum, The Kracken!

A good time in general, albeit it left me a little shattered so I literally collapsed.

i did finish Jago and lightfoot, and am debating what to read next. Things did pick up once the master got involved, and once the sixth doctor turned up,but in general I was disappointed with this season, it just seemed not to have as much attention spent on it, indeed with the final episode being both jago and lightfoot running out of energy it felt almost a little too apt.
There was some setup for season 12 with Elly Higson's vampire thing coming back which sounds fun, though I actually hope they are working to a conclusion. There was some implications of this when Jago and Lightfoot ended up in the sixties, and it was said that their deaths weren't mentioned.
It's odd, much as I love some characters, I often feel I wish they'd have a final good end, either their deaths or just something that concludes things, rather than simply bimbling on until the quality drops and the writers run out of ideas.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-06-26 11:44:13

I should get back into the Big finish stuff. I got Bookshare, since I was taking adult education at the center for the blind I’m attending. Now I’m doing the FDIC MoneySmart course, and I hate the way they implemented it. It’s all in Flash, so only Windows screen readers can access it. I finished The Talisman, by Stephen King and Peter Straub a few weeks ago. I didn’t find many Dark Tower references, and no talk of Roland nor his KaTet at all. Ah well. Maybe in the Black House or whatever the sequel is called.

Devin Prater
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