2016-06-16 04:03:25

I'm not even going to try to explain why I did it because if I did, you all would start with your crap. Sorry to be harsh but its the damn truth.
Most of you don't even know what happened, and if you did, maybe you woudln't be so judgemental about the hacking deal.
I even let Mason remove his things off my computer, and if you don't believe me, ask him. I told sam I was willing to let him search my computer with all my drives connected for him to find the source or whatever he wants.
Still, I'm not gonna bother explaining because most of you won't, sorry to be an ass, but won't understand.

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2016-06-16 07:28:32

you know what, wizard? i guess we've already started with our crap. if it's something personal about you and this devs, why does your activity affect other people which have no idea about what the hell is going on? well, i'm reading your tweets now, and you seem a good guy, that's why i'm totaly confused...
guys, i'll tell ya. no matter what something has done to you, no matter what you've been through, no matter how goddam cool you are. don't lose humanity. never lose it.
sorry bout off topic.

we are the strongest! we are the weapon of the force! we are one!
my name is darth scorp!

2016-06-16 12:35:17

Stop wasting server space.
We don't need to spam. Do you guys think that saying fuck ivan will change his mind? If so, I don't anything to say, but I don't think so. I think its time to force him to stop hacking. All we need is a perfect banning system. Will nothing work on ivan? Then, simply, just send it to the police. They'll deal with ivan. He intentionally hacked Sam and Mason, and that's a crime. No more excuse now. Accessing to someone's computer withou permition is breeches of privacy, also you took the redspot source code and made a cheated version of redspot. Its a violation of copyright laws, And you didn't even say sorry to Sam, instead you said that the banning system will not work on you, and you are gonna continue with hacking. Guys! We have to do something for him to stop hacking forever. We should give him a chance to see the power of police and laws, plus the power of the world, and the powers of technical experts. Now, send him to the police. I believe the phone number of the police is 911 in the u.s, right? If I was wrong, I'm sorry.

2016-06-16 13:17:26 (edited by ivan_soto 2016-06-16 13:19:35)

Um, first of all, smart ass, have you seen me and sam's skype messages?
Because you didn't see them. actually, let me go get them now.
so did you read the message I sent you the otherday?
skype has been closed
did you send threw skype?
ok saw message. Makes sence, and apopogy accepted until you do something. The thing is is you've attacked mason over and over so many times that it gets to a distrust point of me thinking it's you when I see it. And once I get an IP it's prooven that you maybe, connected to my server. Not that you did anything, but it's the first thing anyone would think of
I'm gonna leave off the messages that follow because of personal reasons, but second with your police shit, Redspot is not copyrighted there for they can't and won't do anything because of it.
NVDA remote's security is horeable, and you really think the damn police is gonna care about some fucking game? I normaly don't curse in these forums but you guys are just pissing me off. You can't even attack me, you don't know what happened, and Sam's done a few hacking and virus attacking, in fact, he did one a few weeks ago, and you don't attack him do you?
O yeah, when the hell have I said that I was gonna continue hacking?

momo7807 wrote:

Stop wasting server space.
We don't need to spam. Do you guys think that saying fuck ivan will change his mind? If so, I don't anything to say, but I don't think so. I think its time to force him to stop hacking. All we need is a perfect banning system. Will nothing work on ivan? Then, simply, just send it to the police. They'll deal with ivan. He intentionally hacked Sam and Mason, and that's a crime. No more excuse now. Accessing to someone's computer withou permition is breeches of privacy, also you took the redspot source code and made a cheated version of redspot. Its a violation of copyright laws, And you didn't even say sorry to Sam, instead you said that the banning system will not work on you, and you are gonna continue with hacking. Guys! We have to do something for him to stop hacking forever. We should give him a chance to see the power of police and laws, plus the power of the world, and the powers of technical experts. Now, send him to the police. I believe the phone number of the police is 911 in the u.s, right? If I was wrong, I'm sorry.

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2016-06-16 13:17:52

i fully, fully agree with momo.
Ivan, stop hacking.

2016-06-16 13:18:44

It's not that simple.
Ivan, here's, more of a question more than harsh flaming thrown at you.
Have you ever considered channeling your talents into something creative such as software, or a game?

2016-06-16 13:25:11

I have yes, but as I said, do you yell at sam for SVCHOST? No you sertinally don't.
If anyone doesn't know, SVCHOST is in some ways worce than my little script witch I open sourced 2 weeks ago.
You wanna know what it does? SVCHOST will sit in the backround allowing sam to use a controler with a server and send the computer packets and allowing him to record someone's microphone with out their knowing. How about that for your me being the horeable person? How about that!
Take that in to consideration before you go o, yeah fuck him. I'm a hacker blah blah blah!
Just because I invaded your little blind game world, its the end of the world! Shit guys, he hacked redspot, ooooooo! run! If redspot was payed I would give you that much, but it isn't.
O yeah, SVCHOST? He refused to remove it from his computer when asked by mason and I.
And it can get your accounts and passwords, stored on a text file or not.

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2016-06-16 14:38:23

I thought svchost was a windows process? Wtf?

2016-06-16 14:40:22

Hi everyone,
why are people Always crying about whats hapend, i mean f*ck ihvan. I was also killed by a cheater and i don't give any comments. It's hapend and thhats it. Ihvan said that he did it. So what? He skyped with sam and i think the situation has changed? So please stop massing this topic up with messages about a hacker that isn't a hacker anymoree?
sorry forr this rude message bbut guys, we are of topic. Please stop this sahit.

kind regards and have a nice day,

2016-06-16 15:14:20

According to wikipedia, svchost is a service host. It is for preventing resource consumtion.
If you made a high level program like svchost, can you show me the source of your program? And, I think bgt is for audio game, and you know bgt well, but not other programing languages. If you know high level programing languages like c#, c++, java etc, why do you hack Sam and Mason instead of making better game than redspot?
And, about the police thing. the police would not care about redspot, but they will care about the fact that you actually accessed to Sam's computer, without permission.

2016-06-16 15:34:32

You Iven arabic: you think that my attack will hurt me?
Just go to hell and don't make this arabic... drama get it on my head!
you don't think like a people of a yong age like you cud attack me?
I'm 15 years old, and I cannot understand your motherfucking words I say to you, Iven non american, just to clarify out.
If Sam did hacked me I will destroy my computer and let go of that dam arabic piece of shit, then shoot your head with a gun, just to call to satan about you Iven, because in the name of satan you will be dead. Dead as Jesus Christ.
But if you accept my apology to not hack toomany people, then you will be of no more and survived.
But if you don't accept it then you wanna die, iven you.

73 Wj3u

2016-06-16 15:46:24

You know what? I'm gonna tell the admins to ban you now.

Ivan M. Soto.
Feel free to check out my work and services.

2016-06-16 15:51:22

This topic was first a topic about a a awesome game. then it became full of complaints about cheaters, then hacking, and I see a death fret in the last post. And no, even if English isn't your first language, saying that you'll kill somebody isn't good, in any way, and I think this is the time for at least 1 ban here.
For the hacking thing, I don't have much to say. Ivan clearly feels proud of what he has done and there's not a way to change that. The process he mensioned is a windows system processs, so I won't believe a word of it till I hear a word of Sam, if that will ever be. It's sad though, that with all the ways your problems could be solved, the best one you find is to hack somebody. And then you say we are stupid blind people because of knowing that hacking is wrong? I wouldn't say so. Try hacking a actual game not made for the blind, and we'll see what happens. The diference will be, here people say they will call the police. There, they would.
This community is really becoming terrible sometimes. In one topic they are having a exelent conversation, in the next we have hacking, cheating, threats of death ... Can't you just ... be normal for a change? Humanity is easyly lost but not so easyly gotten, it seems.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2016-06-16 15:57:20

Iven, No! I will tell them that they want to bann you arabic!
O. it seems that this comunity didn't respect me...

73 Wj3u

2016-06-16 16:29:44

woops fellas, i think we've gone too far already. especialy after luiscarlosgm's message.
well, i'm reading all of this and just thinking that you guys are so dumb! the dev with his goddam childishness who doesn't listen others too much. wizard with his selfish and stupid things like "i'll be hacking him and i don't give a damn about you bros, if it affects you". why is everything fine with other game devs? why do they always deal with their problems? just... i don't know, what the hell... horrible thing...

we are the strongest! we are the weapon of the force! we are one!
my name is darth scorp!

2016-06-16 16:50:42

Oh wao, this became a fighting ground! Guys this is the forum not RedSpot, so pleas calm down and throw those personal things away! Do not forget, this is a forum and it is public, if you guys wanna solv it you have skype or whatever!

My twitter

2016-06-16 18:47:28

hmm, looks like we need some words of reason here in the topic, so I'll toss them out for everyone to consume.

let's think about why someone would hack something, whether it is a small audio game or a fortune 500 company. well it's because they don't have anything in their day to day life to give them gratification. they need to hack something and get attention from it because they can't get that anywhere else, and this allows them to get attention they can't get in the real world. it's quite sad they need this feeling of gratification from something like this but more than anything I have pity for them and the sad life they live day to day. And before anyone starts wigging out I'm not saying any names, this is just something I've noticed from these type of people in the past. and even more so it is sad when in a small community like the blind gaming community. they are under the mistaken opinion that they are a big fish but really they are a ickle little bottom feeder in a very very small pond. if they were to bring their so called skills out into the real world they would be laughed away. but these types of people can't handle this type of negative response in the real world, this is why they must do the things they do in a small community. to reaffirm their digital opinion of themselves, because they find something lacking in the real world.

now let's talk about legality.

I'd suggest a good read for anyone here is the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (18 U.S.C. 1030)

if you have the ability to understand it you will realize how broad that is? yes that is intentional, it was wrote to cover anything what so ever so yes anyone who want's to even DDOS is covered and caught in the net of this act. now the argument is well yes it was illegal but who cares? well if anyone knows anything about how the US system works, if you care enough you can get something done. it is made to filter out the lazy ones, but persistence always pays off. and yes accessing someone's computer illegally is a big issue especially when that person may have sensitive information on their computer. and that applies to a personal computer, or a server, or a web site. so the argument of who cares is simply you think no one cares, but something can be done, all you need to know is who to contact. I wish the little fish would get caught in the net more often, they never learn lessons and they need to.

and if anyone gets mad because I said these things about people who hack for gratification, please go inspect your own life. let's face it, hacking is a criminal act though everyone seems to think it is okay because it is digital. but guess what it isn't, a 12 year old snot nosed boy sitting in his mother's basement doing hacking of any sort is still a little criminal. but it' is okay, cause get them in the real world and I'm sure they are just the one everyone walks past without a second glance. if that wasn't the case they wouldn't need to do things like this for attention.

2016-06-16 19:02:17

Hi. Ok, time to set things strate. First, let's not have this topic turn into a drama imblazened mess. This SVCHost thing ivan is talking about does exist, one of the most stupid things i've made that doesn't even exist anymore. I did some really dumb things with it that I can't take back now, most of it way in the passed. If you guys want, i'll even post loads of recordings just so you can see how much of an idiot I was in those years. I wasn't originally going to say this and none of you believe ivan, but you deserve to know anyway. It was a really bad script that could do all sorts of dumb shit. It's gone now, but yeah. Back in 2014 before I could use my programming power maturely, I did all this shit, similar to what ivan did. I never stole anything, but it was similar. I hope i've shown though by my games and just generally me that i've moved on from that shit. The script doesn't even exist anymore. It was a lot of personal crap that went on, thus why none of you guys heard about it. I'd rather not go into it though. I regret what I did, but it's to late to take it back now. I'm expecting everyone to be pissed at me, but what ever. I've been considering posting a topic about it, because it's been a wait on my chest sence 2014, and I wish it would go away. Again everything I did was purely personal and didn't really do much, never stole one line of source code or data, but honestly. If I could take it all back? I would. I would have said something before if it wasn't that this was all personal shit that went on, but again. I don't know what the hell the response to this hole thing is going to be, but i'm sick of holding this shit all inside anyway. If you guys want more information about what went on, let's just make like, a skype group or something, ok? This is a game topic, not a let's throw shit at people topic.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-06-16 19:42:35

Ok, here. Every stupid thing aside from things that got very personal, that i've done. Think of me what you must.

So here. This is pretty much the mini story, and list of utterly stupid things i've done in the horor year of my life, 2014. I may get some utterly dumb responses, but so be it, it's off my chest now. You all know, and I don't have to think about weather to tell you, i'm not one of the only people who knows i'm not perfect or anything, so here goes. Ivan, you will get some blame hear, but you deserve it.
Basicly I met ivan very late 2013. We would talk, and we actually became OK friends. I told him some personal information I didn't need spread. And boom! The torcher begins. He started threttoning me, saying that if I didn't do what ever he wanted me to do, everyone would know that personal information. I was very young, only 12 at this point and completely knew to the internet. We thought at that time, it was fun to spam people and well... that's what would happen. Ivan kind of pulled me in, turned me into his hench beast. I would end up writing scripts for him, and he'd give them to his friends who would give them to people. God do I ever hope these don't exist anymore. Ivan got me into some quite serious depression actually, threw all the bashing I got from him. Again, I have the recordings if anyone needs them. And that's what got me into all that bullshit. It got me to a point ware if I was pissed at someone? Make a script to spam the hell out of there dropbox, or make a script that deleted there documents or something. Really stupid stuff, most of it pressured by ivan. There was actually a point in that, not even my mom knows this, but I had a knife to my throat because of all the shit he did to me and made me do. At that point, I didn't see a way out of it, I guess I was just to stupid. It actually really effected my personallife. I had this depression until god, what, late 2015?
After a while, by staying out of the loop, I got away from ivan's grasp. I still felt the effects of it. So, SVCHost. It was created yeh, for doing dumb shit with. I originally made it to hack colton hill. Why, I don't know. Probably the depression and me being a stupid fuck. It worked and I had control, though I really didn't do much. But the thing is, I still accessed it, so damn me raw. Then, the next thing that happened was storm. Yeh, for those of you who knew him and how he randomly vanished off the face of the earth at least from spamming and impersonating, that was me. He impersonated me so much that when i'd go onto a game, I was instantly thought to be storm and I was banned. For the past couple months i'd been telling him to stop, you name it, please, bribing, everything. For months. Nothing worked. So using SVCHost, I got into his box, did a couple things so he knew I had control, then got into a giant call of romanions, and storms mom got on, and threw translation, I told her that if he didn't stop, I would destroy the computer much as possible. She agreed to make him stop, and nothing else happened with that. I even self destructed SVCHost on that box. Again, just me being stupid. There were probably loads of ways to get around it, but even now I don't know many. Before the storm hack, I asked so many people including danny, steve, mason, so many damn people. They all told me to do it. RIght now even if didn't, heh. I wonder what the outcome would have been. I got so sick of coming onto games and no one knowing if it was me. Anyway, I made the choice I did, and no turning back from it. Everything beyond this, which really isn't much is completely purely personal, and unless people want to know what happened really bad, I don't wish to go into that. Now I have escaped from depression, and ivan soto's fucking grasp. I've been tempted to do a fiew things to him before, mostly when he hacked me, but never did. I've realised how dumb hacking and spamming was for a long while now.

So, there. That's pretty much it. Theres something personal that happened that didn't really harm anyone that again I don't wanna get into that happened, but if I have to I will. Maybe a lot of you will hate me now, i'm expecting at least distrust, but i've done my part. Reguardless of the reaction, i've told everyone now. That stupid powerhouse of a fucked up script SVCHost doesn't even exist anymore, and I don't wanna keep hacking anyway, havn't for a long while.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-06-16 20:51:30

hi sam
what have been done is done. you did things in the past but the important is not to know what you did. the important thing is that you know whitch mistakes you did and learning from them. i know because i also did things in the past whitch wasn't good.
the past is the past. you will just feel bad if you keep thinking about it. i still trust you because you shown us that you learnd from those mistakes. you are doing it by developing things whitch is good and also you told us about what you did.
i'm not that guy who wants to dig in other's past and i hope that all other feels like me. we don't need to bring up things from the past.

2016-06-16 21:06:16


Wow, do we really want to turn this into another UP topic? Just looking at those posts...I'd like to think we can turn this right around. Let's not throw blame or cause drama or any other stuff, let's use this topic for what it was actually meant for. Redspot. Not Dramaspot.

I've been going by Bryn, which is now reflected in my profile. Please do your best to respect this :) Mess ups are totally OK though, I don't mind and totally understand!
Follow on twitter! @ItsBrynify
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: brynify.me

2016-06-16 21:27:02

NOT for people that don't like C u r s i n g
Listen, fucker Ivan
You can be destroyed by the police, you shouyld know that.
Even indie developers like Sam have their laws and if he will tell about your crimes his parents, you can be in trouble.
I want to see you in jail fucker.
And the last thing:
Redspot is cool, keep up the good work guys!

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2016-06-16 21:28:26

Guys, guys, listen. I know we all don't like Ivan, but this just isn't the topic nor the place for flaming.

I've been going by Bryn, which is now reflected in my profile. Please do your best to respect this :) Mess ups are totally OK though, I don't mind and totally understand!
Follow on twitter! @ItsBrynify
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: brynify.me

2016-06-16 21:33:44

Yes, but he did something to Sam and he's fucking stupid.
And he would get penalty for his criimes, that's my state and I wouldn't change it

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2016-06-16 21:34:25

I understand that, but many people have already expressed that. Let's keep this down to a minimum guys.

I've been going by Bryn, which is now reflected in my profile. Please do your best to respect this :) Mess ups are totally OK though, I don't mind and totally understand!
Follow on twitter! @ItsBrynify
Thanks, enjoy, thumbs up, share, like, hate, exist, do what ya do,
my website: brynify.me