2016-05-26 16:56:43

hello fellow gamers

I have recently learned how to play texas holdem, and I'm looking for any sites out there that allows you to play poker for real money, any suggestions? I'm pretty sure there won't be any sites that are acessible
when it comes to playing for real money which is fine, I just want to know if there are any ones out there

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2016-05-26 17:05:08


Poker is a game so your more likely to get replies in general game discussion so I will move this topic.

all the main programs I've seen have been things like the blind adrenaline card room which use virtual money, and I haven't heard of any online sites.
I do recall however someone mentioning a poker playing ap for Ios that had real money so I'd suggest checking the new releases room or applevis if you have access to an Iphone, if not I'm afraid I'm not sure.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-05-26 20:54:09

thanks dark for the suggestions

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2016-05-26 23:48:53

All in Play was good when it was around, and I actually wanted to get back into it.. but seems like they really aren't operating anymore. Their websites and all that are all very patchy at the moment and lots of broken links. Sad to see them go, though, if that's the case.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-06-01 06:54:43

Well, turns out that all in play is definitely gone... sad. The site was great for poker especially.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-06-02 03:29:08

awwww that was the first site that I played a audio multi game on, which was poker and black jack

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2016-06-03 15:35:35

I'm a poker player myself and I play pretty often. I've made pokerstars quite accessible, however it does require patience and a great memory since you only get to hear your cards once per hand. However if you are fast or want to note them everytime they come on the screen like I do just open a notepad and type them there. Also it requires jaws. If you're interested let me know because I don't want to write a long post for no reason, it's quite long to explain.


2016-06-03 17:42:04

Sounds like it's more usable than accessible... I think Quentin C's gameroom seems to be the place right now, even though the community isn't exactly brimming over with poker players. haha. I might ask for those instructions though... because I'm curious. But I don't like the idea of hearing the cards only once per hand. lol

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-06-03 20:00:37

Yeah you're definitely right. It's certainly usable, but definitely not the best way to play. I have a great memory and love poker enough to play for real money and to deal with it, but the accessibility definitely can't be compared to Quentin C's gameroom

2016-06-04 05:55:04

I'm interested.

2016-06-04 18:18:03

@seb2314, I definitely love poker as well. but I have nowhere near the level of skill, not to mention not nearly enough money, to play for real... the game intrigues me and I love it, but I don't think I have the skill to play seriously for real cash, unless I had money to spare... hahaha. Would love to learn more, though.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-06-04 20:37:26

Yeah I'll post instructions when I get time. You can also play using play money chips for fun anyway smile

2016-06-04 22:42:31

yes definitely post instructions when you have the time thanks

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2016-06-05 19:39:40

Here's a short demo in mp3 showing how jaws handles pokerstars. Please note that in this demo I play texas holdem in a tournament and I have to open a file in notepad and search for a specific line of text everytime I get my cards to know what they are. It's a pain, but it's the only way for now to know what cards I have since they are not displayed as text in the chat box. As I said before, what I use makes pokerstars playable, but if you're only looking to play poker for fun you should play where it's fully accessible for us. You definitely don't want to play for real money if you're just starting with those. If people are interested I'll post the jaws files I use as long as instructions in a separate thread. Here's the demo
https://www.dropbox.com/s/omhkrhjkrk5fi … o.mp3?dl=0

2016-06-07 10:40:56

wow this is great, its useable enough for me. yeah you may not have hot keys to repeat cards or read your hand but it is bery doable, yes please tell me where I can get the software to read the site. and I see what you mean with the control find to read your cards. I just wish the timer was longer than 10secdonds throughout the turns

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2016-06-07 10:43:20

seb quick question. I know years ago you couldn't play poker for real money on poker stars if you was in florida and a lot of other parts in the US. has this changed?

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2016-06-07 14:43:02

You can only play for real money if you are located in New Jersey, but this will definitely change in the future. I'll create a new thread with instructions later today plus I found a way to go back so you can read the flop turn or river if you don't remember them

2016-06-07 15:39:42

perfect, ill keep checking back for the instructions. I have a friend that stays in new jersey so I guess ill just use his address lol

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2016-06-09 09:35:49

seb did you get a chance to write up the instructions and software? I'm itching to start playing

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos