2016-05-27 03:34:19

Every time I even think of switching back to Windows, I think of all that the Mac has to offer. Spell checking everywhere, built-in dictionary, speech synth choices, and the ability to run Windows XP VM’s to play the games that Windows people settle on making, and MUD clients of course. Shoot. Maybe one day I’ll find just the right tutorial for Python or Swift, and make an MUD client myself, since no one else wants to, for the Mac, where it’s needed. But even if I can’t MUD as easily on the Mac, I still have so many other advantages. I have so much possible with the Mac, and I think when one of these young developers gets bored enough and buys a Mac, the possibilities will stretch out further.

Devin Prater
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2016-05-27 05:16:39 (edited by Figment 2016-05-30 23:44:28)

Objective? Just reading any of your messages is proof enough of your bias. You gloss over Apple's misdeeds as if they were nothing, but take Microsoft to task for even the smallest of perceived slights.

I generally don't have any of Apple's or Microsoft's misdeeds in mind because I'm not interested in complaining about them, I have better things to do with my time. But, since you asked:

1. Apple was found guilty of illegally price fixing ebooks sold through iTunes. They raised the price of eBooks to improve their profits. As if they weren't already swimming in money!

2. How about Apple deciding that every iTunes user wanted the new U2 album, so they put it in everyone's library, regardless of whether they wanted it or not.

3. You can ignore the iOS point updates, but eventually your device will not allow access until you accept and install the update.

Those last two sound very similar to your description of how Microsoft is trying to get you to upgrade to Windows 10. sounds to me like its Ok if Apple shoves iOS update down our throats, but heaven forbid that Microsoft should try to do the same thing with Windows 10! Looks like a Double standard here.

Upgrade to Windows 10? I'd love to. I just tried, three times, all three attempts failed. The first attempt was done as an upgrade with a cloned copy of my current Windows 7 installation, the second attempt was done as an upgrade with a freshly installed copy of Windows 7, and the last attempt was done as a clean install to an empty hard disk. All three attempts got as far as logging into my Windows Live account, after that all I got was a screen with the desktop wallpaper showing and nothing else. It wasn't locked up because narrator was still running and I could change it's settings.

At this point I suspect that something in my laptop isn't compatible with Windows 10, so if I wat it, I'll have to buy a newer computer to run it and it isn't worth buying another computer just so I can run it. I'll wait until I need a newer computer to get it.

2016-05-27 13:21:16

Believe me, apple has done worse. Purchasing an iphone was one of the worst choices I made. Now I have to deal with apple's retarded accessibility bugs that keep increasing with each update. For instance, the speech synthesizer's quality changing sometimes after hanging up a call. Even restarting the device does not resolve this.  The only way to resolve this is to make a call. At least microsoft had the decency to fix all known bugs with windows 10.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-05-27 13:33:02

Um… All known bugs? Oh, sorry. I guess the inaccessibility of Microsoft Edge is a feature? I suppose the relative inaccessibility of metro apps is a feature? I guess the inability to install Windows (not setting up) is a feature? Wow. I must say, some people are very loyal to their little brands. Hold fast, then, to the grand of sand to which you cling, fore it is all you know. But hope, yes, hope, that a wave doesn’t cary it away.

Devin Prater
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2016-05-27 16:20:43 (edited by Ghost 2016-05-27 16:22:06)

I don't use microsoft edge and metro apps. Additionally, windows can be reinstalled accessibly through  privacy and recovery.  Also, the  crapple  iphone's IOS software is so awsome that  it randomly doesn't take some touchscreen gestures and randomly switches between LTE and 3g networks while my friends using the same carrier with android phones stay on LTE. Also crapples  determination to not fix bugs like the voiceover sounds bug that occurs after hanging up calls. Oh, did I mention the fact that you pay a price double the value of the device  when buying it? Go on clinging on to crapple and buying their ridiculously overpriced I-crap.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-05-27 17:47:48

Just because you don't use Metro apps and all doesn't mean it's not there. It most definitely is there, and the bugs you mention are very minor. You can still use your iPhone when this bug happens, or you can use Facetime, Messenger calling, any number of workarounds. But the inaccessibility of Metro apps is inexcusable, and the Microsoft Edge inaccessibility is due to them not starting off in an accessible manner. But please, if you hate your iPhone so much, please get an Android. Maybe you'll be happy with its cheap "opennes." As for me, I'll stay with Apple, who continues to enovate and still accessible at the same time, a feit only seconded, at a long distance, by Google.

Devin Prater
My Blog
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2016-05-27 20:57:36 (edited by Figment 2016-05-30 23:40:45)

wanderer wrote:

I'm just going to point out that consistently calling a company by a childish name with no irony over and over
again does not make you come across as someone to be taken seriously.

Everybody else does it, for example, M$ plus all the other names I've seen used for Microsoft in this thread alone, or Greedom Science Fiction, and nobody complains about that. Oh yeah, I forgot, there is a double standard here where it's OK to use derogatory name for Microsoft and Freedom Scientific, but it's not Ok to do it to Apple.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

devinprater wrote:

Um… All known bugs? Oh, sorry. I guess the inaccessibility of Microsoft Edge is a feature? I suppose the relative inaccessibility of metro apps is a feature? I guess the inability to install Windows (not setting up) is a feature? Wow. I must say, some people are very loyal to their little brands. Hold fast, then, to the grand of sand to which you cling, fore it is all you know. But hope, yes, hope, that a wave doesn’t cary it away.

Yup, you bet, you guys hang on to Apple just as hard as we hang on to Microsoft despite all the accessibility problems with OS X, iOS, and V O that some how never seem to get fixed despite the fact that they've been around for over a year or more.

wanderer wrote:

The point being that every company has its faults. If people want to bitch about them as I'm sure we all do now and then, what's the harm?

No harm at all. It's when somebody gbitches about one side, while at the same time acting like their side is blameless in all things, that there's a problem. Evidence, just look at any of Sebby or devinprater's messages.

devinprater wrote:

Just because you don't use Metro apps and all doesn't mean it's not there. It most definitely is there, and the bugs you mention are very minor. You can still use your iPhone when this bug happens, or you can use Facetime, Messenger calling, any number of workarounds. But the inaccessibility of Metro apps is inexcusable, and the Microsoft Edge inaccessibility is due to them not starting off in an accessible manner. But please, if you hate your iPhone so much, please get an Android. Maybe you'll be happy with its cheap "opennes." As for me, I'll stay with Apple, who continues to enovate and still accessible at the same time, a feit only seconded, at a long distance, by Google.

A perfect example of devinprater's remark about people hanging on to their little brand, totally blind to that brand's long standing problems. Notice how he makes mountains out of Microsoft's mole hills, but tries to make mole hills out of Apple's mountains? Just as Apple's flaws have work arounds, well so does Microsoft's!

So tell me again what your point was? I don't see any real difference between the two. As bartenders are wont to say, "What's your poison?"

The sad truth is, if Apple hadn't released the iPod when it did, they would be long out of business by now. Remember how Apple had to go to Microsoft for a loan just to have enough cash to avoid closing for good? The only thing that keeps Apple afloat is the success of their iOS devices.

2016-05-28 00:16:51

devinprater wrote:

Just because you don't use Metro apps and all doesn't mean it's not there. It most definitely is there, and the bugs you mention are very minor. You can still use your iPhone when this bug happens, or you can use Facetime, Messenger calling, any number of workarounds. But the inaccessibility of Metro apps is inexcusable, and the Microsoft Edge inaccessibility is due to them not starting off in an accessible manner. But please, if you hate your iPhone so much, please get an Android. Maybe you'll be happy with its cheap "opennes." As for me, I'll stay with Apple, who continues to enovate and still accessible at the same time, a feit only seconded, at a long distance, by Google.

Minor? That term is relative. I don't consider a bug where voiceover's quality suffers and the only recovery method is to place a call minor. Also, the LTE network problem is also serious as it leads to a "no service" error and causes my phone to have poor reception. Additionally, it drains my battery extremely quickly. This in turn, shortens the battery's lifecycle. Also, there are many other serious bugs with voice over. Some of them are on applevis
While others exist that are not on this site. Also, I think you forgot the completely awful IOS 8.0 release. There probably were at least 30 incredibly stupid bugs at first release. This prooves that quality control is zero. 
  the list of incredibly stupid bugs can be viewed at
http://www.applevis.com/blog/advocacy-a … ious-minor

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-05-28 00:46:59

@Enes, Are you serious? iPhone is so good that it doesn't recognise your gestures on the screen? What kind of iPhone is that? 4?
I have this iPhone 6 and it works amazingly everywhere I use it. Reading PDF documents for example, is something I really enjoy on iPhone because many of the long PDF documents will crash on windows, whereas this doesn't ever happen on iPhone. Coming back to gestures, iPhone is one of the most responsible touchscreen devices, especially for visually impaired  users since most of the time, the sighted people do not have to perform gestures using 2, 3, or 4 fingers and in different motions. That phenomenon of not recognising gestures on the screen is much common on android with talkback. When I needed to open a menu, I was forced to perform a gesture, sometimes 2, and other times three to accomplish what I needed. at this current version of iOS, (9.3.2), the only bug with voiceover is the audio ducking in the music app and nothing else. Talking about windows 10, not all bugs have been fixed. The way windows 10 handles processes is worse than windows 8.1. It seems like that an application which takes a lot of processor calls out the other windows processes to wake up, and then a very immense mess is created there leading your system to crash unless you have the latest generation of processor installed on your computer. What's more, before going to the processor and RAM management, the first issues are iniciated by the time you finish the process of upgrading your previous version of windows to windows 10. The reason is because the interface, and everything on your system is half windows 7 or 8.1 and win 10, causing the system to be so bloody slow.
I'm not personally a fan of any of these companies, neither do I care if Google wins versus Apple, or apple wins against microsoft in court for copying or such stuff. Even if I care, do I benefit anything from them? Absolutely not!
What I care the most, is that this device I'm using, being it android, iOS, or microsoft, needs to be solid, to meet my needs in daily basis in the way that I use it, to be accessible enough to perform what the device offers, and to not keep freezing and crashing minute after minute.

2016-05-28 00:57:18

This topic has become an unnecessary and rather childish discussion, which I'm sure Sebby did not intend it to be.  For my part, I'll simply say that it's thanks to this topic I finally got down and dirty with a mac and am glad I did.  Nostalgia still presses in on me and I long for what I am used to, but my loyal PC of four years finally crapped out, my new one was never as good, and I'm not going to spend a ton of time and possibly money running around to find a windows PC that suits me when I clearly know the fight is futile.
Can Apple and its software and hdardware do everything I need?  Certainly not, but they've come closer than MS has.  Safari is sometimes a nightmare, iTunes is not winamp or foobar, and goodness knows I miss eloquence's snappy responsive speeds.  These little annoyances, however, are no longer able to keep me away from my mac, my iPhone and my watch, all of which are united in providing me everything no matter where I am.  Where am I faster?  Windows.  Where am I more comfortable?  Windows.  Where can I get more done quickly owing to these facts?  Windows.  Which one actually does more for me?  OSX.  I can text my wife when I'm not with her, can make phonecalls directly from it thanks to it working seamlessly with my iPhone, can listen to music either through the preview app if I just want one song or as an entire playlist through iTunes if I really want to do so, and finally, I'm not sitting around worrying if the next time I launch my PC my OS version is going to change, anymore than I worry about it on my iPhone.  It's not perfect, but nothing ever is in this world.  right now, as far as I'm concerned, gaming is best done with MS products, everything else with Apple.  Once upon a time, that wasn't true for me, but that time is gone, things have changed, and I've had to change with them.  What strikes me as odd is that those of us who have embraced Apple's way of doing things are under attack for daring to try something new when what we previously had just didn't work out, and continue to point out why we don't wish to return.  I won't go any further than that; every side has its fanboys; I'm not interested in either camp from that angle.  I'll do what I do when I do it and with what I have; I wish others would do the same.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-05-28 14:20:15

The problem I described does exist on my phone.  especially the two finger double tap is usually not recognized. Also, the problems you described on 10 are non-existent on my machine and any other machine I personally examined.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-05-29 19:34:27

@wanderer, Here is a helpful link to give you some tips as to how you can make VoiceOver a bit more responsive.
I hope this helps.

http://www.applevis.com/guides/mac-os-x … ceover-mac

2016-05-30 22:49:47

If your issue is webpages I don't have much to offer except my apologies.  Honestly, the list of sites I visit nowadays is not a huge one, thus the reason I can probably get around this issue so effectively.  Usually I navigate by headings on more flashy sites like youtube and the like, but there's not much more I can suggest.  I try never to use quicknav myself, so I can't say I've experienced the jumping around nonsense much.  It probably goes without saying and you're probably tired of hearing it, but the best thing you can do is ditch the windows mentality and understand the differences between the operating systems and what makes them so.  OSX?  It isn't for everyone, just as windows is not for everyone.  As I've previously stated, I had more time and patience a couple of years ago to mess around with windows and its incessant, demanding environment.  Updates, cleaners, tweekers, maintenance tools and the myriad of applications for everything from media consumption to messaging.  I configured and reconfigured, tried and tested and tampered with this and that thing to make sure everything was to my liking.  Today, I'm not relearning, as it were.  Today, I'm a beginner all over again, just like I was when I first embarked upon my windows experience back in 98.  The reason?  With the exception being Alter Aeon which I've played for nearly six years now, I can't stand windows anymore, really.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-05-30 23:34:15

Let's face it, both Microsoft and Apple have their share of problems, and at the end of the day, neither one is any better than the other, it's just a personal choice.

Let's just all agree to disagree and bury the argument. Each side is always going to make their choice's problems look smaller than they are, wile at the same time, make the other side's problems look bigger than they are.

If I was just starting out using computers, maybe I'd choose a Mac, but I've been following the microcomputer industry since 1974 and working in it since 1980. In 1986 I sold off all my Apple 2 hardware and software and got an IBM PC compatible. Now I have all this time and effort invested in the IBM PC compatible side of the industry and don't want to abandon it by switching to a Mac, where I'd almost have to start over.

2016-05-31 00:59:41

Agree with wanderer. And this is comeing from a guy who is fine running mac, linux and windows. Windows is great for anything, but you have to be willing to take care of your own computer cleaning and updating. On mac, everything is more or less done for you, but gaming is not great for the platform. Linux is great for some things, it's better for people who like to know the ins and outs of the OS.

2016-05-31 01:43:37

I disagree with you  on updating and cleaning arqmister. Windows 8 and above automaticly do most cleaning and updating tasks when the pc is idle. I practicly never perform any updates except those that I set to manual. Same goes for maintenence.

A learning experience is one of those things that say, "You know that thing you just did? Don't do that."

2016-05-31 01:52:58

Post 120 is well phrased and carefully laid out; thumbs up.
Time is everything nowadays for me; I recently became a dad.  I lost a wonderful masterpiece of a windows 7 machine that was loyal to me for the better part of 5 years and haven't been able to find one to match it.  That being the case, and for practicallity's sake, and because I no longer really feel respected by MS, I've switched.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-05-31 10:35:54

I've actually thought a lot about it, though for now the windows xp VM works just fine, which probably has much to do with the specs on this machine.  I'm in a blissful paradise of beauty so amazing I can, gasp of skepticism, almost see it!  :d

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-05-31 13:56:44

At ns, i guess it depends on how picky you are with updates and cleaning. I use c cleaner personally, just because i like to get rid of temp files and such. But as far as updates go, i really never had a problem

2016-05-31 14:51:47


How do you deal with CCleaner's inaccessible parts? The last time I tried it, about 6 to 8 months ago, I found many parts of the user interface inaccessible. I knew those parts were there because CCleaner was one of those indispensable programs I always had installed before I lost my vision.


Someday you may regret letting the OS do all your maintenance for you. See the thread asking Apple for their music back. In it you'll find several people complaining about iTunes deleting music tracks that weren't purchased through it. If you insist on letting the OS do all your maintenance for you, keep good backups!

Honestly, if you make it a habit, and stay current with it, system maintenance isn't that hard, nor does it take very much time.

I set aside Saturday mornings for systemmaintenance. I first download all my email from GMail using GMail backup, then I delete temporary files, I used to do this with CCleaner, but now I do it manually because parts of CCleaner are inaccessible. I then use Backup and Restore to do a file by file and an image backup to one of two external USB Seagate 1 TB FreeAgent Go hard drives. One is for odd months, the other is for even months. Last I run Windows update. Total time spent, about half an hour plus the time it takes for the backup to finish, but I don't count that time because I am doing other things.

2016-05-31 15:40:04

Ok, since I'm now currently running windows 8.1, I have a question: How to disable "get windows 10 notification"? This is very annoying. I want to get rid of it.

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2016-05-31 15:42:28

Hi there,
Get this small program called Never 10, when you run it, there's a disable button. Also, if you use NVDA flat review there are other buttons as well like delete windows 10 files. Don't let the small size fool you, this little program is really useful.
Website is here:

2016-05-31 20:21:08

At figment, i think it's a double-edged sword. On the one hand, i see exactly where you are comeing from. Important tasks like backups, and god for bid, you get a corrupted update or similar things happen, it can be a real pain. I'm not even close to suggesting that apple doesn't have it's issues and bugs, but i have spent enough time doing cleanup and other such tasks from the tourmanal where it's nice to have things done for you sometimes. But i do think it's important to know how to take care of your own system, when like i said some automated task could go wrong.

2016-06-01 10:41:50

Maintenance for me meant everything from virus and malware scanning to registry cleaning and regular disc checkups, meticulous review of the event log, strategic oversight of the task manager for unwanted and undesirable services and processes that might have tried to sneak their way into my machine without my knowledge, extensive registry backups in case of a corrupted system which made for something better than the craptastic thing MS calls windows restore, and of course, always, always temp and prefetch data cleanups.  Some of this became easier with tools like CCleaner, but even that thing had a great chance, just as many automated tools do, of messing up.  One day I got myself into a mess with it as it deleted associations with known filetype extensions from my PC; that was a nightmare and a half.
Beyond that, configure my messaging client, configure my email client, configure my media player, configure my internet settings regardless of what program I'm using, and if my updates are set to automatic which is recommended, maybe my system restarts while I'm doing something else, where as if I'm not, then I have to check up on it or wait on its cute little notifications for me.  With windows xp, that usually wasn't too big of an issue, but once 7 rolled around I could never be sure if or when I would get the notifications to update my pc.
And then?  Screen readers.  JAWS for this webpage, NVDA for that one.  Sometimes it meant unloading one and waiting for the other one to load, its load time slowed by the fact that I had a webpage open.  Once again, with XP, not much of an issue, but once Vista and, more particularly 7 became commonplace it all changed.  The final nail in the coffin was the realization that even a sighted person could be fooled by MS, as was the case with my mother-in-law.  One day, she was using windows 7; the next she woke up with no idea how to use her computer whatsoever, and all because she closed a window she had no idea would trigger an action upon closing.  Call it whatever you like; I call it disrespect.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-06-01 14:25:15

@aaron, thanks for the link.

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