2016-05-19 23:54:07

Wow I started pretty late on this game.  I tried single player a few days after it was publicly available and played for a few minutes but everything was just taking too long.  Now I've given it another try and I love it.  Things don't really take that long after you have more people doing things, and the amount of jobs and the detail put into them is amazing.  I would love to see one thing though.  Would it be possible for in-game sounds to play while working in another window?  while playing single player, I have a  tendency to set a few jobs, then work on something else and check back on the game shortly afterward, but I always end up forgetting and lose 20 minutes of time or so.  This isn't a problem now that I'm playing single player, but I plan on getting a kaldobsky gamer account sometime soon and that would be very helpful when playing multiplayer.  Anyway, love the game, and thanks for putting so much time into this.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2016-05-20 03:49:01

I like the story of castaways 2, but I honestly like the gameplay of castaways 1 more.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2016-05-20 09:09:32

Hi, Castaways 2 is a lot of fun, but when I first started out I too struggled and wasn't sure whether I liked it or not, but now I love it.  It just takes some getting used too is all.

out of my mind, back in 5 minutes.

2016-05-20 10:25:39

I still have to get back and play that game...but honestly. it makes me feel sleepy most of the time even when I have more workers to do jobs. some random events would be awesome, lol.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2016-05-21 05:03:23

I have created 2 editional plots. Whenever I try to do anything with either of these I get the message "Missing requirements.  Wrong Stage."

2016-05-21 09:29:44

Switching the game over from the weekly system to the monthly system has caused a few internal conflicts.  These are the odd error messages people have been seeing, and I'm still working to solve them.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2016-05-21 10:05:42

Ah, that might explain why the server is down, I'm playing in offline mode at the moment and trying to think up ideas of things people could do with swamp tiles.  How's about they jennerate zombie workers Aprone?  smile

out of my mind, back in 5 minutes.

2016-05-21 11:46:46

Well, at least for me you seem to have solved the problem, unless it happens again at the making of my next plot.

2016-05-21 15:10:58

Laurie's idea about the zombies coming from the swamp is great! Brilliant!
I think about the swamp game every time I hit that tile. I have not played swamp, I can't figure out how to put in the update. Also, I don't have a mouse!
I am also playing in offline single mode and even opened two games on my computer so I could double build.
cAll me addicted!
Go ahead, call me that.
It would be cool to be able to make the clothes again and cities and stuff.

What a fabulous bunch of fun,
thank you,

2016-05-21 16:00:33

Perhaps background ambiences would be good too, for example swamp sounds when you're on a swamp tile, which would keep playing until you switched tiles, like the sounds in sound rts.  It'd give you something to listen too while tasks are being done.

out of my mind, back in 5 minutes.

2016-05-22 00:44:25

Hi all, I can't seem to manage to get logged into the server. It tells me I am connected but I don't see anything there but the main menu. I don't get the story at all.
If there has been a patch how would I put that in?


2016-05-22 01:16:17

hmmmm I haven't robbed plots in a while maybe I should hop on and create some havic lol pikeman assemble

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2016-05-22 13:02:40

I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen but every week the story restarts. So the steam-related items and tasks are not available earlier in the week, and only become available later. Even though I have a factory I can't do anything with it, can no longer sell suits even though I still have one, etc. Also, how do the quests work? What determines which quests are available?

2016-05-22 16:14:37

I can't get onto the server either, sometimes it tells me the website isn't responding and other times it just sits there and does nothing.  I was online a few hours a go and my broken plot seemed to be fixed, but at the moment I'm unable to log in.  sad

out of my mind, back in 5 minutes.

2016-05-23 05:19:40

My client likes to connect to the server then stop. It acts like it will go further then just sit there. It stops after saying connecting to server.

2016-05-23 11:12:32

Same problem as Dragonsbane. I hear the sound telling me that I'm connected, but then nothing.

2016-05-23 14:44:21

even though it says you are connected the server is down people, just give it some time

can i get a peace double harmony burger? no chaos

2016-06-07 01:40:02

Aprone, do you think you'll still be updating this game? or are you distracted by blazing/the other game?  Just bought a kaldobsky gamer account the other day so I could finally play this on multiplayer.  Like I said earlier, I love the game.  Only wish there were more players active and that the notifications on log on bug was fixed.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2016-06-07 02:02:57

I plan to do more on this game, yes.  For now, I'm still trying to figure out what exactly I want to do with the game in order to make it more enjoyable.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2016-06-07 03:06:21

I'm not really all that far into the game, but will try to think of stuff that could be done as I get deeper into it.  maybe part of the problem is that there's no risk?  I mean, maybe food becomes a bigger problem later on but I have a feeling that it's not.

Discord: @Aaron_Stormerr

2016-06-07 09:35:42

I think one thing that would add atmosphere to the game would be task in progress sounds that change as the task continued and random positiv or negative events such as your worker having cut down an extra big tree giving you some extra logs all the way to another worker getting in the way of the steam saw, breaking it and killing the worker, to the oviet inventing computers, allowing you to play exciting new games like swamp or loonimals. Zombie tiles replacing swamp tiles from time to time?

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2016-06-10 00:47:40

As much as I love playing the online game I've decided that until there is a flag or something that prevents other players from stealing from me I don't want to play online. I will play single player mode. It does not have as much stuff as online and it is sort of lonely, but that stealing stuff does not make me want to do more, it makes me want to just walk away.
I want to build a city, perhaps battle goblins, have a natural disaster, but not other players stealing what I have worked so hard for.
I can't even defend my plot. There is no battle just sneaking and stealing and that doe snot work for me.

So, my protection has warnen off and so I will just play single mode.

Thanks for the work on this game and it is fabulous. I actually made a factory! How cool is that????
When you update the multiplayer game wil you also update the single player game too?

Creativity to you my friend!


2016-06-19 14:22:12

please reset.

2016-06-27 00:22:55

I'm testing this beta in the single player mode, and noted something odd. I planted several apple trees, but they never grew any apples at any point, they already were listed as empty. Is this one of those things controlled by the online server, or a bug I haven't read about yet. Thanks.

AKA president731

2016-06-27 00:25:30

I just want to say just because I dont' come on the server much does not mean I don't love and am not playng this game. I am playing single mode but I have a question.
I have settled a new plot of land on single mode but p tells me I only have one plot of land although in my inventory it terlls me I have one.

How do I get to my new plot of land in single mode?
Thanks for so many hours of fun,