2016-05-18 15:53:49

Let some crime happen man. This is just getting boring. WE get spaceships, do some activites, then they become boring after a while. We need osmething dynamic. We need some action. And no, missions have no taste at all simply because you can make your weapon range 20 and whenever the enemy moves you can just type aim enemy then shoot them all the way. There needs to be some terrorism.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2016-05-18 20:39:42

I stopped playing exactly at that day, when the hosts kicked out my friend and deleted her character. She was a host there too, and they killed her host-character, and her usual game character. And that only, because she didn't log in for one and a half weeks. I am sorry to sound so harsh. But the hosts on Prometheus appear neither responsible nor competent.
I don't want to start a flame war here. But I think, you guys should know, with what kind of persons you are dealing here. I will definetely not touch this game again.

Thumbs up

2016-05-19 11:58:55

you know? i am boered from waiting for the developer to make the creation of a new characters avalable again, so i'll leave this game, thanks

don't wish to become like the oceans, the flowers, or the sun. oceans will dry out, flowers will die, and the sun will be extinguished. be yourself and nothing and no one else and hope for a better tomorrow.

Thumbs up

2016-05-19 16:57:36

I know that there was or is optional PVP. I know that I haven't logged in sents tuesday here, but I do wonder if they think that it would turned into enforced PVP. If they think that, they could make it clearer. I do know this though, RP has been and is a bit diffecult seeing that I really don't know what is coming up host wize. I am not saying that all of the hosts are problems, but part of my problem is figureing out what the unspoken rules are, or at leasts for the hosts... I also find it strange that alot of stuff goes on when jack isn't around. Instead of logging in yesterday, I logged into Alter Aeon.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
DropBox Referral

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2016-05-19 23:26:33

I stopped playing roughly... a munth ago? Yeah. Roughly Give or take a week or so. after my friend was kicked off the hosting team for reasons that seem to change every single week since afore mentioned crap happened. That friend was one of the few compitant coders left and has spent a lot of their time instructting others on how to do things as well as contributing money to keep the damn game running.

The game has several flaws:

Missions are stupidly easy as mentioned above by burak. It basically comes down to a button pressing fest Fly to place, type commands til thing dyes.

Attempt to do any kind of beyond the norm roleplay, and your either going to get clubbed by a host with the rules, or some player will complain endlessly behind your back about what your doing til something in the games policys get's changed so that your not meant to be able to do that thing. See: human pyrian hybrids.

Most of the hosting staff are flat out terrible. One member has been on their for over 2 years, has no idea of what a property is, what a verb is, or anything moo related accept the demote command. Get this, this person has full wizard status and could easyly break the game at any time with their imcompitant bumbling. They are not above leaking former hosts contact details over public channels then attempting to say it was a mistake also .

The UTF are massively overpowered. They can and have fined players for not refering to them by their ranks over public, informal channels. They have abused host powers to lock down ships that they have no IC way of being able to access. They were also in the process of restoring themselves to their stupidly overpowered days when I left. As I type this, every UTF ship probably has it's autodetonate console back.

One host is playing through the game with his own host char.  With host created ship with host powers. If he decided to go on a rampage, everyone would be screwed.

the announcements in post 629. It's all about the restricting of players these days I guess.

I'm not doing this to be a dick, I just want potential players to know what they are getting into. It was a good game once, that time is not now.

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

Thumbs up

2016-05-20 07:00:42

The problem is, that Jack doesn't care what his hosts do. And after all I have heart yesterday, I have to fight the urge to write a file, that would constantly ping the server of that game. If someone donates money to the game, only to get kicked out by hosts, who were probably envious of someone else's abilities to actual code something, says a lot about these hosts. It makes me wonder, on what conditions Jack chose his hosts. Did he just take the first few persons, who logged into his game?
It's actually really sad, because Prometheus had a lot of potential. But Jack needs to take his hosts  on a much shorter leash.

Thumbs up

2016-05-20 10:51:16

nothing to say but... well, just nods to some of your post, guys smile

Thumbs up

2016-05-20 14:35:27

LOL. I did wonder if this was a good mud to play, and it did look good for awhile. LOL. The thing is, I haven't really found a good space base mud that I really truely like. Ashame. If they are still doing the host voting, I might should try to vote out all of the hosts for the good it will do...

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
DropBox Referral

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2016-05-22 00:15:02

Hmmm, I've had a question about promethius on the audeasy list sinse someone is having trouble connecting, and when I tried with Vipmud I saw the same thing.

I tried prometheus-enterprises.com  on both ports 2223 and 5551 as the website said but no luck with either.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-05-22 12:37:51

I think it is up this morning.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
DropBox Referral

Thumbs up

2016-05-22 13:31:51

Okay, it seemed to work this morning.

I'd actually be interested to know the status of the game sinse the website calls it "classic" is it not being updated or similar?

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-05-22 22:29:23

Hello! I can't say I've red all postes, it would be a big lie big_smile  So I don't know most of the stuff which are on a descussion here. But just my mind... I liked that one game!  I'm not a good player in this kind of genre, how ever, for me this is one of the best mud games I ever played.  I am still a newbie there and have a bunch of stuff for exploring.  Huge thanks to developers, and good luck!

Sincerely yours... Lucy.

Thumbs up

2016-05-23 11:40:09

seems to be down again this morning.

Thumbs up

2016-05-28 17:08:57

Hello, all!
To clear out some confusion:
1. I do care what my hosts do. The problem lays in hearing about ten different versions of each thing they have/have not done, and digging out the truth from those things can be hard as is.
Reading logs from all the players involved is not what I have time to spend my time with, unfortunately, so I'll read as many as I have the time to, if and when issues arise.
2. I have outlined some more strict rules to the hosts, and am acting accordingly. Rest asured that I'll lay a hand on things if the hosts act out of their permitted doings.
3. I'll most probably lessen the staff somewhat. The less staff members, the less issues, ey? I'm not able to be on 24/7 myself, so I have established a command chain that will take effect when I'm logged off.
And 4. The new version, when opened up, will probably have a different staff than the classic one.

As long as we code something, we are truely alive... But only when the code benefits our players, that's when we're high up in the sky! :)

2016-05-29 02:08:33

hi so any news on the new game?

Thumbs up

2016-06-03 14:57:49

I logged into the game to see the following announcements. Most of these don't seem to be major, but there may be one or two that may be of importance to some.

Number of new announcements since last visit: 12.
Fri May 27 10:14:15 2016 EDT, UTF FiveStar General Daniela Cortez: Hello players. I have been made aware that someone told another player misinformation. If you are ever not sure of something in game, either ask a host, or check the help files. And if you aren't sure of something, instead of giving wrong information, again, ask the hosts or check the help files. Either way, I, as a host who happens to care much for this game and its players, will not tolerate wrong information being given. Thanks for your cooperation in this.
Fri May 27 23:10:02 2016 EDT, UTF FiveStar General Daniela Cortez: Made the following changes to the UTF Intimidator: Increased the amount of damage weapons can take. Added soundproof hull. Made it to where things like speed and components need no further upgrading. Also added the repair drone efficiency and the air freshener. I may be missing something, but those are the big ones.
Sat May 28 17:57:22 2016 EDT, Jack in the Box: OK, I'm pretty sure I finally! Squashed the bug where your ship would randomly state it's already moving while using NAVI. I tested it in different ships and with and without silent mode. If it still persists, let me know.
Mon May 30 06:55:04 2016 EDT, Jack in the Box: yo guys and gals! Just thought to let you know that the login screen has changed a bit in layout. You might have noticed it already, but just in case. Maybe the biggest thing that changes, and removes a lot of annoyance, is the fact that if you fail at specifying a usergroup, the game just asks for it again, instead of listing all the available ones each time. Oh, yeah, and I made absolutely sure that, unless you try to break into an admin account, your IP won't be temp-banned after however many password/username retries. That one was there before but apparently didn't function as intended. Well, I think 'sall for now, have a good one or something!
Mon May 30 08:09:56 2016 EDT, Jack in the Box: A new feature for pets, the idea coming from Corah Zehenah! Your pets now get hungry and thirsty! You can see their current hunger and thirst levels either by looking at them, or by using the 'check PETNAME' command. Of course, you can feed them by typing: 'feed PETNAME with ITEMNAME'. While I could say to keep it reasonable, I do understand that there might be dogs that have been genetically modified to love French fries, for instance, so if you feed your dog French fries, so be it! Adds up to the futuristics in terms of genes, ey? Have fun in any case, and do remember to keep your pets fed, as you would in real life!
Mon May 30 17:02:57 2016 EDT, UTF FiveStar General Daniela Cortez: Greetings Prometheans. This is just a reminder that these are your last 6 hours to get your Happy Days requests in. Happy Days will close at 11:00 PM United States Eastern Daylight Time, otherwise known as 2300 game time. I hope that everyone has had an awesome weekend, whether it's been a holiday weekend in your country or not.
Mon May 30 17:05:21 2016 EDT, UTF FiveStar General Daniela Cortez: I forgot to put this in the last announcement, please read the text that pops up when you type @happyday. Also note that custom bots are not being filled this time, in its place are 5 room messages in a room of your coice, either on a ship or in a house, not both.
Mon May 30 17:55:59 2016 EDT, UTF FiveStar General Daniela Cortez: The meat and seafood on Chronos is closed for the time being. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Mon May 30 23:08:13 2016 EDT, UTF FiveStar General Daniela Cortez: And this weekend's installment of Happy Days is officially closed! If you have an assist in currently and it was before this time, don't worry, we will still honor your request. But at this time we are taking no new assists for Happy Days. I hope everyone has had a great weekend and that it was a good start to the summer of 2016!
Wed Jun  1 13:32:52 2016 EDT, UTF FiveStar General Daniela Cortez: Greettings, players. I would like to remind everyone that Prometheus has both a TeamTalk and TeamSpeak server. From what I understand, TeamSpeak is a bit more accessible on the smart phones than the computer, but it is still a way to socialize off game. TeamTalk is accessible for Windows, iOS, and I believe Android as well. Please remember when connecting to these servers that the normal policies about metagaming do apply. Otherwise, any topic is fair game. Use the default ports to connect, and only the admins who requested such need usernames and passwords to join, all others, accounts are not needed unless we begin to see these servers being abused. Have fun!
Wed Jun  1 13:37:42 2016 EDT, UTF FiveStar General Daniela Cortez: Oops, it looks like I forgot to put the login info in my last announcement. prometheus-enterprises.com and default ports.
Thu Jun  2 17:12:31 2016 EDT, UTF FiveStar General Daniela Cortez: Attention, Prometheans. Please remember that Prometheus is a roleplay encouraged game. While RP is not enforced, there is one thing we do try to inforce, and that is this. Please try to keep in character things in character. Even things like finding a planet should be done in character. There are several ways to do this. You can always use your informational computers or communication channels. If you are new and have not yet accepted the communicator rules, you must do this on UTF Command. Informational computers are essential items in the game. You can use them for many things, including and especially banking. IN fact, there are no actual banks in the game as it's all done through your computer. The communicators will allow you to speak with other pilots via in character communication channels, private links between yourself and others, metafrequency channels, organization channels, and you can also monitor flight control through the communicators. Please make sure you have and use both of these pieces of equipment. If you have any questions, please establish a private link with me and I'll be glad to help you.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
DropBox Referral

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2016-06-03 18:37:09

Prometheus suffers from the problem that virtually all muds fall into eventually, the staff become power drunk and completely ruin the game. It used to be good, went to shit around new year when the game was being "redone." I'm having serious doubts as to if this will ever happen, as it has been literally half a year at this point, originally projected for, what, a couple weeks? Absolutely laughable.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

Thumbs up

2016-06-03 18:50:49

I heare that UTF ships have there press x to blow someone up no matter where they are in the game button back. So the game is going back to it's stupidly unbalanced UTF centric days. This makes me sad because the game was filled with potential.
Also, in my last post I called it autodetonate? It's remote detonate. Still stupidly OP though. RIP game balance.

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

Thumbs up

2016-06-03 20:58:42

Well I did play the game and get to status 3, but I then got a little stuck on what next. Activities like salvage and trash collecting were fun as far as they went, but I didn't seem to see anything like quests or combat missions or that type of thing to go along with them. Also, there was lots of gear around, but apart from starships no real idea what to do with it.

In general the mud was nice, but it felt a little random in terms of parts put together, for example lack of ability to communicate without going to a specific terminal first (a fact I only found out on the njewby channel by bugging people with questions), and quite a unfinished rooms and locations, as well as a general lack of npcs.
I'd love to see a coherent game here, and I know people have spoken  highly of promethius in the past. Certainly the one sim combat I tried was wildly easier than the annoyence of star conquest and it's spammy messages, but I would like a little more by way of direction in the game, as well as perhaps some coherence in terms of activities, ---- for examplee why is there hunting and pearl diving in a space age galaxy?

As I said this isn't intended as bashing, but sometimes it strikes me Promethius feels more like a space mud setup for those who are already familiar with miriani and star conquest than those new to space muds looking for a complete game, heck up until fairly recently there wasn't a new player guide at all, and the guide there is only covers as far as salvage, passengers and package delivery and doesn't really go into stuff like where to get combat missions from.

Star Conquest had a tutorial npc with quests to do to introduce you to several activities, and I wonder if something like that would help promethius, as would a little background on the world, the war, and an ability to examine items in the game before pumping credits into them.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-06-03 21:56:18

i think the biggest thing for me personally speaking as someone who enjoys the game I think the frontline battles are too easy. they need to be pushed up a bit. or at least make it so that the enemy responds to the amount of ships there are in that sector. I also think enemy ships should give chace if someone tries to get out of the sector to make quick repairs.

Thumbs up

2016-06-20 12:47:52

the game is not working for me for now, i've been trying  for a cuple times now but it won't work, what is the problem?

don't wish to become like the oceans, the flowers, or the sun. oceans will dry out, flowers will die, and the sun will be extinguished. be yourself and nothing and no one else and hope for a better tomorrow.

Thumbs up

2016-07-03 09:27:47

ok, so this is a bit of a ranty post but i hope you understand. it is a time line of prometheus' progress as far as i know. so ehre goes
2014. Grate game,couldn't recommend it more.
2015. Ok game, was starting to go down hill toward the month of december
2016. Awful. Te game has completely fallen apart it is not what it once was.
The game could be better it just needs a lot more time than it needed to get off the ground in the first place. i think the half of it is there is going to be a promo 2, so noone wants to play classic because if they do and promo 2 is good, there is going to be more focus on that than tehre is in classic.
Just my thoughts.

But sometimes the world is better without sight...
Because You can see the world how it really is...

Thumbs up

2016-07-12 18:39:17

I think the promo 2 is Cosmic Rage. Seriously. Nobody is going to want to play Promo when they see Cosmic Rage. Since Jack hasn't posted here in a while and he was the driving force behind promo, it looks as though it's been abandoned.

2016-07-12 21:22:40

I checked last Friday sometime and it was still up. So, I don't know. It has been, to some degree or another, losing players for a while. I also don’t know how many would had joined up with Prometheus 2 seeing that it is taking a while to come out. I suspect that part of why Prometheus is losing players is that Prometheus 2 might be around the corner. Cosmic Rage, may have taken some if not most of those who were and are weighting on Prometheus 2. Add those who may not, for whatever reason, that doesn’t like the hosts of Prometheus, and you have a bit of a dent. Some of Cosmic Rage does sort of feel like Prometheus, but play it up through some of the higher levels and you really do start to see where the differences are. Then again, the only things that do remind me of Prometheus the most in Cosmic Rage are the trash collecting and some of the vehicles. In short, it may be that some just like Cosmic Rage better.

All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king.
DropBox Referral

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2016-07-21 17:19:24

I have not posted here for a while because life has come to an obstacle as they say. I am still coding Prometheus and Prometheus 2, however.
I know Cosmic Rage has a mechical race and what not, and I am not going to start bashing them due to that. But Prometheus will have a mechcanical race too, as well as a backstory to it. I have been writing down notes and bits of code for it for so long that I can't just throw the idea out of the window just because another game has taken to it.

The mechanicals will have, for instance:
*the ability to upgrade themselves with programming cards
*upgrades that have levels to them
*the ability to craft mechanical items, including powerpacks, charge boosters, and a laserproof vest, from the high, medium, and low grade materials they can get from scooping, mining and trash collecting
*disadvantages include, but are not limited to, suffering more damage from laser weapon shots than other races

I have also been brainstorming on an idea where you could have your own water reservoir by first melting ice from icy planets, and then purifying the water you get from that.
Also, a new star-based activity, called stardriving, is under thought.
Let me know if you have any ideas, suggestions, feedback etc. I'll do as much as I can with the life breathing in my neck.

As long as we code something, we are truely alive... But only when the code benefits our players, that's when we're high up in the sky! :)