2016-05-09 11:04:39

Hi all! This is a strange request but... Where can I find recordings of girls imitating the barking of dogs? I searched in youtube but didn't find good videos about that! Any suggestions? You can PM if there would be any girl hwo wants to do a recording for mee! Thanks a lot and excuse me for this strange request. Bye for now! Claudio


2016-05-09 11:57:06

This is a fairly strange request. Why do you want this?

2016-05-09 12:30:37

I need them for a project I'm involved at my work! Sorry, I can't tell much more! Any help will be great; thanks!


2016-05-09 12:35:31

If you need them for your work, it would probably be better to get someone to make the sound.

2016-05-09 14:37:00 (edited by claudiogaranzini 2016-05-09 14:48:16)

I hope there will be someone in this comunity; I need onl girls imitating dogs, not men or boys! I know it's a very strange request, sorry for that!!! Let's wait and see! Thanks in advance!!!


2016-05-12 14:59:00 (edited by Lettsee 2016-05-12 15:00:38)

Might I ask what job requires the barking of the female human? And how about the barking of a female dog? Will that work?

2016-05-13 11:04:05

Hi! it's an audio project! I need as much recordings as I can; just girls barking! The recording would bee minimum 2 minutes long! Thanks for your help, guys! Bye for now


2016-05-14 00:31:45

It's a new game called Bitch bark where the palyer has to decide whether it's a female dog or a female immitating a female dog

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2016-05-14 07:25:45 (edited by Lettsee 2016-05-14 07:27:39)

2 Minutes? Use of the voice to that extent for that amount of time might both hurt and permanently damage the voice. Where as if you had a female dog it would be OK since they bark all the time. You haven't even given much of a description on what type of dog barking you would like. Do you want a more deeper bark from something such as a Labrador? Or maybe like a extremely small bark from something like a Chihuahua. Also would you like it to be studio quality or just normal home quality. All this is very important and will further help me as a female human barking agent find the right person or dog for this "project."
@KeyIsFull, that sounds like an amazing game, I wish I could play it but am too busy finding dog sounds.

2016-05-15 10:18:43 (edited by defender 2016-05-15 11:22:37)

Maybe he's secretly a furry and it gives him some sort of sexual pleasure?

Don't try and pretend your better than me for not saying it out loud either, everyone was thinking it subconsciously...


2016-05-15 11:22:18

at defender, erm, I have to admit that I did think about him beeing a furry and stuff, but not that it gives him any sexual stimulation or so, that was totaly your own thought xd.
But back to topic, why in the name of the great galaxy do you need that? Why not search on the internet for dog barking sounds, there are a lot of these on there areent they?

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2016-05-15 15:16:16

Well, there are lots of sounds on Freesound.org
Why won't you take a look at them.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2016-05-15 16:23:39

was thinking that too...

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2016-05-16 06:32:17

defender wrote:

Maybe he's secretly a furry and it gives him some sort of sexual pleasure?

Don't try and pretend your better than me for not saying it out loud either, everyone was thinking it subconsciously...


I'm a furry and wasn't thinking that tongue I did think petplay though, so I guess I'm still guilty XD

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2016-05-16 08:44:21

Hi guys, thanks for your suggestions. I'll try freesound.org. Bye for now!
