2016-05-04 19:57:04

Hay. threeblacknoises here, with a new topic.
It's ment to allow people to offer opinions, suggestions and thoughts on the upcoming Bokurano Daibouken III Version 2.0 by Yukio Nozawa

Slightly paraphrased from Yukio over on the bk3 translation topic:
BK3 V2 features new bonus stages, a level up system for summoned characters, enemy strategy changes based on playing mode, more weapons and items from the previous BK series, and much more.
Summoned characters are ones you can call by using the companion or super companion card.
Cats, Yamijin, Carla and Yokotank are available now.
The price will be around $15 USD or 1800 JPY, but I may set up a discount for those who have bought the translation.

This game update was only mentioned briefly on the translation topic, and I thought people would want a place to discuss it in its own topic.
Yukio, if you're reding this, and want the topic removed, either post here or send me a Pm, and I'll take care of it.

First, a few things.
I'm sure many people have found fault with some things Yukio has done with BK3 and would like to express their opinions on how these things can be made better.
I also understand that some things could be fixed or improved.
People are free to comment here, but be aware that Yukio must have some kind of solid game plan for this new upgrade by now.
He is free to take into consideration or completely ignore any feetures that don't fit in line with his plan.
Of cource, he is free to participate in this topic as much or as little as he wishes as well.
Now, on to the discussion!
I'll start.

More enemies from the older games!
I miss some of the older enemies, like the big slimes and the ones that shoot water, the croozers and the giant robots.
Also the dragons and giant birds, and more I'm probably forgetting at the moment.

karla needs improvement.
a somewhat better AI, and the abilitty for her not to be hurt by the player's melee weapons would go a long way toward making her stages les frustrating to play.
I understand that medkits need to be used on her, thus I said melee weapons.
She's supposed to be a strong character, but her current AI makes her seem kind of stupid and week.

Aside from the alt stage 19, I'd like their to be a kind of mini adventure/epilogue thing that's unlocked after the main story is complete.
As I currently understand the ending with JGT, the player character goes off on his own just before the credits role, hence the lone wolf in the title.
Maybe he could have a small adventure before he gets wherever he's going?
Not reall long, just about two or three stages worth.

a shop that lets you sell off all your useless stuff.
While collecting things for making sirtain weapons and items, I've personally collected a lot of junk.
being able to sell some of it would be nice.

Having more collectables.
The articals were nice, but they only made me play through exciting mode in order to get them.
Having other things; like unlockable music tracks; would make repeat playthroughs feel more worth it.

Maybe the shops could be updated to sell stronger healing items; for example; to support repeat playthroughs?

Okay, all that was more or less on the practical side of things.
Now, I'm going to suggest something kind of ratical.
what if all the shops were more like actual areas instead of just menus.
Shops in the zelda series; for example; had it set up so you could walk around and look at the stuf before you bought it.
This could apply to bk3 so you'd know exactly what you were buying and what it did.
The shops would play like the overworld in bk1 where you had full movement in all directions, and you could look around, and when you knew what you wanted, you could just talk to the shopkeeper and buy it.
The shopkeeper could always be straight up from where you enter, so you'd always know how to get to him/her/them.
In this way, hidden items could be placed in shops, and the player would have to look for them.
this could also be good for shop menus and such, as they wouldn't need to be updated all the time, and that would make translation easier.
The selling macanic could be incorporated into shops this way, so you could sell almost anywhere.
Shopkeepers could also be asked for advice this way to.
For some of the bonus shops, you could also talk to one of the venders; friend 1; for example to buy healing items, or friend 2 for stratagy items.
Like the stage 14 tent, other characters could be added, or just visit from time to time, and they might have special advice or even items or special weapons to sell.
As far as construction goes, all shops could use the same map, and depending on the stage selected, different venders or characters could be present selling different stuf.

Okay that's it from me for now.

2016-05-04 21:13:59

yay cool

2016-05-06 21:52:34

So I went back into BK2 today, and realized I'd also like the drumb machine to be added to the game center.
With more songs if possible please.

2016-05-06 22:43:18

Hi, and what about bradboys, super bradboys and ultra bradboys?

kind regards and have a nice day,

2016-05-07 15:46:04

Hay Marro, according to the story of BK3, at this point, the brat boies, or gaki shonen; are now peaceful.
But Yukio just might put them in anyway.

2016-05-07 15:54:09

Gakishonen can be put up, for example, to hellp hero train, just friendly battles

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2016-05-07 16:37:57

Unfortunately, I can't set an exact release date, and it won't be so soon. But if you have something you want to say, please post here. I can view your comments when making the game just like a project repository.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-05-08 20:45:27

I have some questions regarding my 2 favorite characters:
You can put more participation to yamijin and yokotanku, like: in some level you control yokotanku, doing activities in the hero's house. It's like an
dlc or someting like that, that involves the story of the game.

Cloud Gaming makes me part of this new generation.

2016-05-10 00:02:52

I would like it if you could have Super Attacker or Killer be one of the characters you could summon with the nakama card or super nakama card. Yes it's fun to have Carla, Yamizinn, and Yokotanku, but it would also be cool if you could have a gakishonen fight for you or with you.

Barren Byron used Nature Overdrive!

2016-05-11 19:53:55

I'm not sure how hard this would be to program, but maybe the paint ball launcher could reduce the range of the cameras in stage 21?
Not by more than eight or nine squares, but just enough so plaiers could jump over them just a little easier.

2016-05-12 02:09:18

I don't think that makes sense... the cameras are already easy to avoid... you're not supposed to jump over them, anyway. That's why the information is there in the object viewer.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-05-12 04:41:20

I think it does make sence. If a red paintball really strikes a camera lense, it will certainly be unable to see anything other than red.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-05-12 06:29:27

True that, but I feel that might make the game too easy.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-05-12 08:05:32

So, I could make the material different from the current ones so that players would need to try sneeking when playing the first game.

I don't speak as good as I write, and I don't listen as good as I speak.

2016-05-12 08:51:16

Ah yes, that could work. Or make the paint launcher unavailable during the first playthrough. Blinding the cameras would be a fun feature as long as it doesn't make the game way too easy.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-05-13 08:01:18

Hi yukio. I'm curently on 23.1. I really got a really frustrating time with that cameras on 21 1 and 2. Only at 21 3 I needed to explode the cars, that stange was more hard than I tought. I maibe I need to finish the game for adding some ideas here, but I think you should add a practice room for the powerbomb launcher and for another weapons that are hard to use.

"Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts. There are seven words that will make a person love you. There are ten words that will break a strong man's will. But a word is nothing but a painting of a fire. A name is the fire itself."

2016-05-16 23:11:44

Hi all, what about bring back the rocket launche? And a save option for previous modes you have already complete, so you don't have to do it all over again
Kind regards

kind regards and have a nice day,

2016-05-16 23:58:38


What about making it so that you can use a scaitboard in the game and other things like that? I think this could make a great game even greater. Imagine you could pick up coins and crush bad guys faster than before while doing tricks and having fun.

I'm gone for real :)

2016-05-17 00:07:14

brad wrote:


What about making it so that you can use a scaitboard in the game and other things like that? I think this could make a great game even greater. Imagine you could pick up coins and crush bad guys faster than before while doing tricks and having fun.

Sounds great and what about the doggs, and the gun batteries, i mean the cheats

kind regards and have a nice day,

2016-05-17 15:46:01

hi guys.
a thing i want to see in the vertion 2 is that if you missing to pick up something in a stage. the game should give you a hint so you have a chance to find what you missed.
also can you fix so items don't dissapair if you open a door again by mistake and whent in to that room again? it will make the game more realistic
awesome game.

2016-05-19 02:03:05 (edited by Dan Gero 2016-05-19 02:08:16)

I kind of said this a lot but I feel as if I can't stress this enough, big_smile. I was hoping that you might be able to make your own adventures, like custom levels with the ability to add enemies from the previous game or games. This may not be possible but maybe you could set what characters you can go in as, and even set restrictions to only allow surton characters for a surton level. Just a suggestion, I really hope the custom feature is added but I will be fine if it isn't added, it would just be a thing that will make bk3 twice as fun as it already is, and considering how it already is a lot of fun, that's saying a lot. . Also, and I don't know if it's possible, but maybe you could possibly add custom dialogue sounds depending on what character's speaking, if you don't understand what I mean, take the game under tail as an example. Each character has their own dialogue sound. This could also tigh into the custom adventure thing, if you add new characters or villins, you can assign them their own dialogue sound. These features probably couldn't be added, but I'd be a really happy camper if they could.

All of my socials and content platforms can be found on my website (not ready yet).

2016-05-19 09:21:42

@21, fully agreed.

2016-07-22 14:34:57

Hi   all  . i think in bk3 new version their should be many improvements like for karla she should not be hit by any enemy or even by our weapons. i mean when we are killing any enemy and if by mistake our weapon or any enemy weapon hits karla it should not decrease her health rathar she should remain immortal. while making our weapons we face lot of difficulty for making certain weapons we need certain number of items but we don't know how to get those items their are so may dials from 0-9 which gives us difficulty to collect the items but from which dial. i think their should be one shop for all items which are required for making weapons which will make our work easier. i think their should not be any conditions that completion of such and such mode is required this will make our work easier. hope sir you understand and take our suggestions in your concern. rest sir you have to see whether you will follow up our suggestions.  thanks your awsome

2016-07-24 16:17:44

@23, please can you reword that? I can't understand jack you just said.

An anomaly in the matrix. An error in existence. A being who cannot get inside the goddamn box! A.K.A. Me.

2016-07-26 01:46:20

brad wrote:


What about making it so that you can use a scaitboard in the game and other things like that? I think this could make a great game even greater. Imagine you could pick up coins and crush bad guys faster than before while doing tricks and having fun.

this sounds cool

kind regards and have a nice day,