2016-04-20 21:22:41

Well here's a question.

I have not played alteraeon for quite some time and am not sure what is happening with my character, Thelok. So I will restart  I think and go again with the practices and such that I had bought

However, I'm wondering about what classes to go for.

I'm a solo questing and exploring sort of chap, so am less interested in skills like tanking or group cast.

Druids weren't around when I played previously, so I've not tried them, but as I do enjoy all the secondary activities involved with them, I'm tempted to give them a try. Necro I really enjoyed as a class and want it further up, but am worried about mana and combat problems if I have too many spell based primary classes.

pPrevious I was a clerric warrior necro, thief,, however I think that wasn't always the most ideal combo, sinse I was affectively a combat tank using my minians as meat shields, where as I really would've been better with stronger minians.

obviously there are those who have played far more alter than I have, so any suggestions?

I was level 26, total level around 83 or so I believe, hopefully it won't take me to long to get back to where I was, and anyway, slo and kordon will have changed in my absense (I look forward to trying out the new jobs).

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-04-20 21:31:03

Hey dark,
i thing the best is warrior mage druid.

2016-04-20 22:08:31

Depends on how you wanna play. Each set of classes have their ways of soloing. Not a huge necro fan personally, but necro as a primary is usually good for constant soloing. Druid is more for quick but dangerous exp. Mage as a primary will make you squishy but also you deal a hell of a lot of damage. Thief/warrior are fantastic for straight up fighting and lasting long. Thief is also a fantastic damage doer at higher levels with backstab and warrior levels backing it up. HTH

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2016-04-20 22:36:18

Well I enjoyed necro for the activities, and I think I'd enjoy druid the same way, but apparently druid and necro as primary and secondary is a bad combo because of numbers of minians, though I don't really like the idea of having necro as a third class again sinse previously I wanted my minians to be stronger.
Actually i do confess when I see that 326 hours marker on my character for time spent it does sort of make me wonder if I can still do some good with thelok, but then again I'll never get to try druid that way.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-04-21 04:28:22 (edited by Nocturnus 2016-04-21 04:31:28)

Necro Mage Clerik, or Necro Clerik mage.  End of story.  lol
Nah, seriously, I can solo or group with these two combos without any trouble.  if you use mage as your second, you'll end up with displace rather early, which, along with the shield and armor spells acquire you 90 armor class.  In my weakest equipment set, that brings me up to a total of 115, good for regenning, while  in my strongest I stand at 212.  This doesn't include bone shields and bone armor, which I would highly advise staying away from at any rate, unless you truly need saves against gasses and breath attacks.  My combat points went into my tanks, and most all my practices went to my minions.
Druids consume far too much mana for my liking; necros really don't need to worry about it with the insane amount of equipment floating around for them.  Liveoaks never seem to do any better than my single woad, and certainly not against my metal construct with all saves intact.  Sanced, displaced, armored, crystal coated and sometimes difracted, , I'd say that is the best tank of them all, tedious to make and maintain, but worth every ounce of mana I pour into it.
If you're going to run with any of these combos though, don't age too fast, don't play too hard in the beginning, and don't level too quickly.  Pick up all the xp you can on the newby islands, take advantage of experience rewards given that people are willing to give them out, and spend time getting to know the equipment you possess so that, hopefully, by the time you're level 26 again you have a full necrocast set.
As a final note mages gain mana faster than cleriks; the way you level really does make a diference.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-04-21 06:29:21

It depends whether you want a better experience levelling up, or  at the endgame.

If the former, then necro is a great choice as first class; their minions make the newbie experience pretty easy, which is now complemented by the fact that powerful low level equipment has never been more easy to obtain. Some good secondary classes include mage (for offensive power while being able to use shadow fiends as tanks) or cleric (for healing in groups and for general utility). This is the setup for my character.

I'd recommend not choosing druid if your primary motivation is to get strong minions; their niche is equipment enhancement through runes (which you can get done for you by other druids) and working well in concert through their area of effect spells in groups.

Unfortunately, casters aren't viable at high levels (solo-wise anyway) because a lot of higher level areas got relevelled, so mobs are stronger. The caster minions were never updated so they're pretty much useless in a lot of high level areas (both damage dealing and tanking minions), nor have they received anything to increase their survivability. The balance has tipped towards melee classes being more powerful now (though that's another conversation).

Your best option long-term would probably be to have a caster class + thief or warrior as your first 2 classes, to get most of the benefits of both. The Melee classes have excellent offensive capability and survivability in high level areas (bonuses to shield block/dodge, armored skin, and evasion which allows dodging of certain spells).

2016-04-21 11:04:15

Hmmm, this is loopy, sinse I'm being given a hole bunch of contradictory advice by various people, lol.

I think I'll try druid as a primary sinse that is a class I don't have experience with and see where it goes from there.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-04-21 12:18:56

If you are going to try druid, you're going to have to group to get things done at the higher end unless you feel like grinding for hours and hours. Druid minions aren't nearly as sturdy as necro minions so you'll spend extra time makking them, plus the best ones require supplies that you need to wait for such as starcatchers and suncatchers.  Unless you feel like buying them. Solo druid is arduous is all I have to say, the class itself is quite useful.

I like to sleep, Sleep is good,
This is how I do it: Lie on a nice warm cozy bed, and dream dreams about how to rule the world!
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2016-04-21 14:47:43 (edited by Xvordan 2016-04-21 18:34:22)

Bearing in mind that I haven't played AA since June 2015, I really enjoyed my NMCWTD combo. Druid being last was more a product of the class' release timing against my class structure, rather than intentional design, but that combo let me solo tons of tough mobs and areas that people didn't think could be done without a group.

Necro as your primary will give you tons of great minions, and mage secondary will give you enough blasting power to assist your minions, with just enough cleric abilities to tend to wounds.

I find that flesh beasts and bone guardians make just as good of tanks as the other tank minions which require 2 CP rather than 1. Applied with some forethought, they will resist things quite well, and are easily replaceable. Flesh beasts are great if you're going up against mobs primarily dealing blunt damage, while bone guardians are great against pierce (I think). My memory on their specifics is slightly vague, but it worked quite well for me -- I used to use bone guardians and flesh beasts in high level areas, resorting to woads and constructs only for particularly hard hitting mobs.

You'll find a lot of contradicting opinions on the matter, simply because there are several playstyles to choose from, and everyone is going to promote their personal preference. My own class order may not suit you, but it definitely did suit my very solo playstyle -- I rarely ever grouped in my entire AA lifetime, from tot 1 to tot 129.

Hope you find a combination which does fit your preference.


Spill chuck you spots!

2016-04-21 15:23:39

@Xoren: wow, you have an identical class build as me.

@Dark: you'll need either a lot of patience, or a bot to do lightcatcher farming. Druids are very dependent on them (especially suncatchers at lower levels). You'll probably be disappointed, as KeyWasFull said, if you choose druids purely for minions.

2016-04-21 16:14:57

Yeah, seems whatever the actual adaptation is, most of us who have posted on here are in agreement for the necro class being primary, though I'm personally with Xoren for the most part.  NMC or NCM both have their advantages, though I prefer NMC for earlier displacement, more mana and quicker mana regeneration.  if, as far as updated mobs go, the rock dragon has been updated, methinks I'll have to go after him again sometime soonish and see if I can still speak as highly as I always have of the necro class.
Honestly, I thinkt the hardest thing with necro soloing is sometimes working up the nerve to go into higher level areas and staying calm about it.  In terms of HP, necros do seem rather squishy, but training con early on and learning to adapt and remain aware of the situations you're up against do pay off, remembering what minions you might be able to use where and against who, what equipment will best suit you against whatever you're fighting and so on.  Once upon a time, finding lower level necro gear worth keeping was a struggle, which arguably made minions next to useless as you progressed through alter.  Today, I'm fairly certain you can have a full necrocast set by level 21, and tons of extra equipment lying around for druids to add cool changes to.  if you're still missing something, the donation pits in Naphtali and gad's are worth checking out.  Never underestimate the powerful uses of lower level equipment.  Would I ever use a necro as a player killer?  Probably not, but player killing has never appealed to me personally.  Soloing, on the other hand... I don't find there is any place I won't at least try once.  Grouping is something I've only done occasionally since groups are a hit and miss kind of thing; I'd say I've actually led more groups than I've followed, and I've yet to get anyone who has actually listened to me killed... I promise to let you know when that happens, since it really isn't a matter of if it actually will.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-04-21 21:57:13 (edited by revan 2016-04-21 21:59:29)

I'll recommend necro mage warrior cleric is excellent combo
don't go druid,  if you do,  you have to deal with these stuff
1,  druids cannot run solo lower levels with
if you want be druid you have to run with groups and get higher levels
but necromancers can run solo areas with lower levels
as i said,  that's good for me thought
here's is my example
i was druid before,  but i kept died these solo areas
i was level 26,  and i tried to run level 23 area
after resetting
i've been decided to try necro
i just noticed necro minions is very very powerful
compare to metal and liveoaks
we was running in group
just i keep watching their liveoaks going down
liveoaks can't stay longer alive
but my metal ghoul is did
and vampire is good minion too
don't get me wrong
druid are squish
i just died with my necro 2 3 times
but i died too much with druid
yeah one things suncatchers are being like a hell
you have to buy them somewhere,  or you can carve,  but will always expensive
that's my suggestions anyways

2016-04-22 00:38:39

Well, its mainly down to preference and play style you want. I have tried many combos and found druid/mage/cleric/war to be my personal best being able to solo very difficult mobs that usually need a group. I also disagree about druid minions, my liveoaks are far more effective than my necros apart from very powerful constructs and shadow fiends in certain situations. Druids also have very strong area spells and life saber in earth wall. However, again this is my preference and it works for me, but i will say i have had most fun on my druid.

2016-04-22 11:06:38

Well I've made my decision, I am now a druid mage, third will probably be clerric for the healing and hp, fourth will probably be warrior or thief, (warrior is tempting for basically being able to hit things, thief is tempting for pick locks and searching).

I decided on druid sinse they have a lot of fun extra skills like carving that it's good to play with. With balance and what people have said, I've actually heard pretty good arguements for virtually every class combo in the game accept perhaps primary clerrics (iironically what I was last time), so in the end decided to simply go with fun stuff and activities. I always wanted to try brewing potions just because I like exploring, and I like the idea of having more mana, hence mage as secondary.
I don't want necro as third or fourth again, sinse last time I had necro third and was always sorry my minians weren't tougher, so decided to give necro a miss this time around and try druid minians instead,  ---- sinse while people have said druid minians are not as good as necro ones, Brad S really isn't the only person I've heard argue the other way around, actually it seems most classes in game are extremely well balanced big_smile.

I'll say I'm enjoying myself at the moment, ducking behind my earth wall and alternating hurling destructive spells or elemental attacks, actually in terms of pure damage, I seem to be doing rather better than I remember doing as a clerric warrior which is nice.

Hopefully it won't take me too long to get back to where I was, though of course I have a little less time gaming these days, particularly because sinse MRs. Dark's computer went completely squish earlier on (just after I set her up an e-mail address), she's having to borrow mine intermitantly, but I still should get some time for a bit of creature slaughter occasionally.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-04-22 11:23:13

Yeah a primary cleric would be pretty tough especially after some of their skills got moved over to druid.

Good luck with your new character!

2016-04-22 15:06:26

What would you guys recommend in terms of the two melee classes?  They both look a ton of fun to play as now, especially compare it with what other muds like to do with warrior and thief.  .  .  I'm not sure whether it would be best to put them together, or mixed with a caster class. I do like the idea of a hybrid if it's possible .

2016-04-22 22:04:29

I personally love thief warrior, but mixed does have its benefits as well.

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2016-04-23 18:55:42

Ok ok, so I've been playing as a necro for roughly 6 years now... Still!  I've tried them all at least once and just can't wrap my head around many of them without grouping a little at the very least.  I don't care much for the melee classes.  Warriors seem to be either hitters or tanks; I don't know that I have ever seen one strike out on their own as a solo character.  Thieves?  Sneaking and hiding can be fun, but mostly I'd say they're good for making money, and leave it there.
My greatest beaf with druids is the massive amount of mana they consume; even gust of wind requires 8 mana, which is more than coldfire for necros at 7, or magic missile for mages at 6.  If necros had any area spells, druids would be toast, because I have yet to hear any argument for them that doesn't sound weak to me, having tried on three separate occasions to make a successfull druid by soloing.
That being said, there actually is one huge bonus I am jealous of; druids don't require druidcast level in order to maintain minions, which means that, unlike us squishy necros, taking off your druid equipment to regen in something else is a viable and even sensible option.  The resources and time required to make a druid work though seem like a bit much for me; calling animals takes far too long, producing liveoaks requires bottled light, walls and shambling mounds thrive only by being regularly reenforced and only truly serve well as temporary minions anyway, and area spells are mana guzzling monstrosities that can get you into trouble if you don't remember what you're fighting.
Of course, those who advocate for personal preference are honestly right in suggesting that it really depends on one's playing style, so I would like to see a successfull druid who actually soloed his way to at least level 30... That would indeed make me happy, and then I would never doubt it could be done.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2016-04-23 20:06:16 (edited by revan 2016-04-23 20:19:26)

hi all?
letting everyone know druids in the underwater useless
cuz you can't gust fist in the underwater, don't get me wrong
just wanted to say here
but one last if you have mage spells and other something different that would be useful in the underwater
remember,  people likes different combo classes?  so don't get me wrong big_smile
that is my opinion thought

2016-04-23 22:08:00

level 28 druid, so I'm almost there... Several pains though. All that calling down the fury of a blizzard to shred your enemies? Hardly ever get to do it because most of the time, your in a building, or under ground. Ditto call lightning, hailstorm. Additionally, the rare times your above ground, the sun is always splitting the trees, and you have to burn through 300 or so mana just to sort the weather out for your fancy kaboom magic. gotta say thanks for the tip on druidcast and minions though, I can now expand beyond blowing stuff about and chucking rocks in doors.

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.

2016-04-24 04:48:00

A couple of quick responses:

@Dan, you can mix either melee class with a caster successfully.  The most popular seem to be warrior/mage or mage/thief, but I've seen druid/warrior or necro/warrior work well.

Some comments in response to the druid critique:

1. Druid spells cost more because most mobs in game are not resistant to a great deal of the damage types put out.  Gust for instance is a breath attack, and very few low level mobs (where you're using gust most often) are resistant to breath damage.

2. Preparation for druid spells.  The spell staff skill allows you to pour a lot of those high mana spells into staves.  One spell staff of control weather and that 300 mana isn't coming out of your fund right now.  Also too, if you do travel in groups, druids can work together to avoid this problem.

3. Sun catchers are not the big time sink and pain in the butt that I'm hearing.   Before I leave game I hide 8 or 9 catchers if I've used that many (rarely).  At the beginning of the next game, I gather.  If you are not a min maxer and don't wait for optimal fill, it's no more of a time sink than creating necro minions is.

4. Druid minions are good for some stuff, and a lot of their utility or lack of it has to do with the player in the similar way that necro tanks suck when used against the wrong damage type.  The bears for instance are decent tanks, and polar bears at high levels have in excess of 1400 hp.  Yetis are good in this respect as well.  Further, at higher level, druids have a number of possibilities for a quick tank with earth wall or shambling mound.  NO, neither is optimal, but they both are good as hide behind mobs.  Druid minions, the tank minions, hit much better than their necro counterparts, and live oaks have hands and can be loaded up with hand spells and they make decent tanks for most midlevel things. 

I've run several druid primary combos.  None of them are high level as of yet, my highest is tot 106, but they're getting there.  The biggest issue I run into with druid is just corner cases: underwater, underground, etc.  However, even in these cases a druid, at higher levels, is not completely helpless.  Thunder seeds works underground as does a number of the vine spells.  In water, call waterborn gets you some very nice minions.  The sun spells that use sun catchers can be useful as well if you're not the one tanking.  If you have paired druid up  with another class with damage dealing magic, then in those situations you switch to flame strike, ice bolt, or w/e and move on.

Many people brought up the issues with people giving different advice due to play style, and this is a good example of that.  Necro and druid both are minion classes, but they have a diferent set of emphases in their minions.  At high end play, a lot of people are dissatisfied with minion classes, and with some justification.  The recent changes to areas to make them group worthy have made minions a more difficult matter, however, even in these situations, scrolls or other items with protective spells on them that can be used on another come in handy.  Alter is not primarily solo play driven, and Dentin has been working hard to tilt it more toward group play.  For those of us who prefer smaller groups, and/or, solo play have found this frustrating.  However, one thing to keep in mind is that this change came about because a number of high end players were complaining that their experience was denting because they were running the same half dozen to dozen areas repeatedly.  The dent giveth, the dent taketh away.

As to any one class, or class combo being predominant, I tend to see that as if true an ephemeral truth.  When I started playing ten years ago if you did anything other than mage primary you were insane.  A lot of people thought for a while that necro was the most dominant class on the mud.  The classes are becoming more balanced, but they're balanced in relation to each other both as first second third choices and in terms of grouping.  That's something to keep in mind as well.

Having run with several people who have druids to level 37, I can say that I am not seeing them totally sucking compared to everyone else.  However, I don't pretend to huge amounts of knowledge about what the current best build or best method of dealing  with X is.

Take care,
