2016-03-18 17:12:44

hi all! so i'm planning to make much walkthroughs of games and hosting other peoples podcasts and file from live stream but i dont know where to host. can anyone tell me where to make a free webbsite out paying or give me a link on a peoples webb site there i can hoste my podcasts? i will giving out my first podcast via dropbox tomorrow. so if anyone can helping me i will be very happy.
you can kontakt me in skype at sito4331 or send a email to me, [email protected].

2016-03-19 20:18:20 (edited by leibylucw 2016-03-19 23:04:21)

If you are interested, I would be more than happy to help you construct and host a website. It will cost you some money, but it's very cheap.

Edit: I didn't understand your post because I misread it.  Unfortunately, free website builders don't have a great user interface regarding accessibility.  If you're looking to just host podcasts, perhaps you should just distribute the Dropbox links instead of going through the hastle of uploading only a few links.  If you're definitely sure you want to go down the free route, I can give a few pointers:

1. Google Domains and website builder is fairly accessible.
2. Google, like other free website builders, includes its original domain name in your domain name.  You can get rid of it by simply paying the $12 assuming the domain name hasn't already been taken by any other service provider.
3. Wordpress is another option I'd recommend.  It's a blogging site, but it's a site that costs nothing.
4. If you are willing to shell out a few bucks every so often, you can host your own website.
5. If you choose to host your own website, website builders do not seem to be accessible.  (Somebody can jump in here).  You'll have to code the site with HTML and upload your HTML files to the host server.

Best regards,


What game will hadi.gsf want to play next?

2016-03-20 22:46:17

Try sending them to the blind geek zone or cool blind tech.

“Can we be casual in the work of God — casual when the house is on fire, and people are in danger of being burned?” — Duncan Campbell
“There are four things that we ought to do with the Word of God – admit it as the Word of God, commit it to our hearts and minds, submit to it, and transmit it to the world.” — William Wilberforce

2016-03-23 08:03:16

I also have something called the awesome tech podcast at http://awesometech.samtupy.com whare you can upload podcasts to my website. I'll aprove them and then they'll be there, and each podcast get's an auto twitter tweat, so it's pretty much like the 2 services above but figured i'd throw it out there as another option.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2016-03-23 12:56:54

hi all.
thanks to all for helping me. i have decided to upload my podcasts on sams webbsite.