2016-02-27 06:32:55

can you give us a sneak peak about the battel system, and even though the game is read by sapy I'd still it. lol

Blindness isn't a disability, but a diffrent way of seeing things

2016-02-27 11:16:05

wow. What an awesome demo of the navigating system. It's very well explained, but sounds like it takes a bit of getting used to. This is very well considered, and seems like you have put a ton of work into the design and almost everything. Wow...
The sounds are also really awesome. I can't wait to hear more demos.
When the Kickstarter goes alive, I'll donate much more than I has planned. Wow this is going to be awesome. That's what we have waited for.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-02-27 18:16:39

Naruto: I'm thinking about doing a combat demo next; just thinking of the best way to do it.

SLJ: Thanks, and what you said about taking a bit of getting used to is true. We've gotten almost the exact same response from all of our play testers - when they first start playing, they find the radar a little disorienting because they're not used to it. But without fail, they all report that after using it for a little while, they don't even think about it and just navigate automatically - it "gets out of your way", so to speak, which is exactly what we want. I hope that will be the experience for most players, and that the learning curve won't be too steep.

2016-03-01 09:37:26

I really like that people are actually walking around in the game. That could turn into interesting things like avoid being seen, catch the right guy, searching for someone where you don't know where the person is because people are moving around etc. If there are any cutseens, are they then in realtime without like a video playing? I saw that for the first time in Half life 2, which is fantastic. There are still many mainstream games which have cutseens, which is kind of interesting, when realtime cutseens are able to make, which just feels much more natural in my opinion.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-03-01 15:50:47

I assume that what you mean by real-time cutscenes is the idea that you're walking around as the player, and suddenly events happen around you - a villager runs past, someone shoots an arrow at him, he dies, etc.? The truth is that most of what would pass as "cutscenes" in this game just take place within the context of conversation - but this idea of immersive cutscenes, as I'd call them, is already something we're planning to incorporate into our next title as we're working on developing the story. So that's something to look forward to in a future release.

Now, there is the occasional real-time event that may be triggered in this game; perhaps you give a beggar some money - once you finish speaking to him, he may walk down to the local tavern and buy a loaf of bread. But I wouldn't consider this a cutscene since you don't have to watch it unfold - you could go about your business and not even know what the beggar is up to. For the most part, the story of the game is advanced directly through dialogues and brief audio cinematic contained within dialogues. Hope that answers your question.

2016-03-01 17:02:30

do you have boss battels?

Blindness isn't a disability, but a diffrent way of seeing things

2016-03-01 17:30:48

Yes. Each "chapter" of the main story, so to speak, culminates in a boss battle of sorts. Certain other side quests involve a mini-boss battle, or an encounter against a group of enemies larger or more difficult than your usual encounters.

2016-03-01 23:11:01

Oh, I see. thanks for explaining in post 30. big_smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-03-04 20:55:27 (edited by Joseph Westhouse 2016-03-04 22:22:51)

***EDIT: I uploaded a broken recording. Feel free to download if you want to listen to the first six minutes. Will post below when I am able to re-record***

By popular demand, here is a link to a demo of the combat in our upcoming game: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dcukhkjn4fnoj … o.mp3?dl=0

This one is pretty long - I probably went into way too much detail. Still, enjoy! Sorry that the sound quality is a little bass-y and muffled - that's just the way my Stereo Mix records it. Hopefully it's good enough. As always, feel free to ask any questions or share your thoughts upon listening!

2016-03-04 21:56:45

Looks like the file had a problem uploading as it runs 6 minutes and abruptly cuts off.  Sounds great so far though, thanks!

2016-03-04 22:13:48

Oh my gosh, you're right. Apparently I made a mistake when exporting the file, and din't check before I closed out of the project. Really dumb mistake on my part...and that means I'll need to re-record the demo. Sorry, guys - I'll re-make this as soon as I can. For now, you can listen if you want, or ignore it as I'll try to cover everything from start to finish once I re-record.

2016-03-05 00:01:51

I can't even download the broken file. I look very much forward to hear this... Not the broken file, but the combat. big_smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-03-05 00:56:29 (edited by Joseph Westhouse 2016-03-07 00:38:05)

Ok, I was able to re-record the demo. I hope you can't hear my dog whining in the background - he was throwing a fit because I wasn't paying attention to him. Enjoy! https://www.dropbox.com/s/dcukhkjn4fnoj … o.mp3?dl=1

2016-03-05 11:51:48

Wow... Really awesome batteling system, and very nice explained.
It would be great if you can choose if yu wanna use the sapi voice or just the screenreader for announcing the status after a attack, of course with the consiquence that this will not be in stereo.
I really like the way you can get all the informations in the battle, and you can just take your time to do it. Especially for those where english isn't the first language, many people don't have an idea about the different skills etc. just by reading the names of the skills. Many huge RPG games just assumes you already know what everything means, so I really like that this game is also for those who never have played a RPG game before.
I really love the audio, also in the battles. This is amazing that you even are able to make this... It's fantastic.
I also like the replay feature of a battle at the end. It would be awesome if you could save a battle in a kind of a log, so you could listen to some of your most epic battles later on. You know, some games have either a logbook, notebook, tablet or something where different things are stored on for either remembering or just enjoyment later on in the game.
I don't remember if you have mentioned this before, but who have made this awesome music?
I look so much forward to this game, and I'm sure this game will be one of the best games ever... Keep up the fantastic job.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2016-03-05 11:59:12


The battleing system sounds amazing. I do think however, the option to have the battle log show up every time you take a turn should be toggleable as you said in the demo.

Will their be a tutorial level to show us how to get started?

I'm gone for real :)

2016-03-05 13:18:03

hi god. sounds is wonderful
and how long will this game,?

2016-03-05 15:02:06

this project sounds interesting.
Now I am following in the Twitter.
a summary of what was discussed in all post?
I honestly do not read all the messages.
and I do not know much about this game.
king regards.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2016-03-05 16:35:51

Thanks for the positive feedback, guys! Apologies if I miss a comment or two at the moment, but here are my responses to some:

SLJ - I'm just wondering, why would you prefer to have the in-combat announcements handled by the screen reader instead of SAPI? I want to know if there's anything we hadn't thought of. I'm not sure how easy it'd be to pull this off, though, based on the way the combat sound scripts work.

Regarding the music - I'm composing it, and a friend of mine who's in music production is providing the finished versions. I'm glad you like it, as I'm really proud of the score, personally.

Brad - Yeah, the addition of the in-combat SAPI announcements has really made the battle log less necessary. We'll have to give serious thought as to whether or not we want to make it optional.

There isn't a tutorial, per se, but there are tutorial messages that appear throughout the early portions of the game as you encounter certain scenarios for the first time So there's an easy fight at the beginning of the game, and as that fight starts, you get a tutorial message explaining some basics of combat. The first time one of your quests updates, you get a tutorial message explaining the quest system; the first time you look in a container, you get a tutorial message explaining how containers work. And so on and so forth. We'll also provide detailed documentation on controls and gameplay.

sswwaaiikkee: It took me six hours to play through the main story - but that was with me knowing exactly where to go and what to do, and skipping all the dialogue because I already knew what they were going to say. I didn't explore, I did''t collect gear (which caused problems occasionally cause I wasn't very well-equipped), and I didn't do any of the dozens of side-quests. I expect the main story will take most players no less than 10 hours, and there should be several additional hours of entertainment from the various side quests, and from just exploring the different maps and seeing what you can find.

FabiG94: Glad you're interested. In short, this is a story-driven fantasy RPG, the first project from Out of Sight Games which is made up of me (it'll be my first game) and Ian Reed, of Tactical Battle fame, as well as Drew Becker (our fantastic sound designer). Most of the posts just involve us answering miscellaneous questions about the game, and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have. We're hoping to release it sometime this year, but the first step is to run a Kickstarter campaign in the interest of raising enough funds to get all of the dialogue in the game fully voice-acted. We're waiting on some contract work from an artist to design a logo for the game, and as soon as he's done, we'll be launching that campaign.

I'm enjoying making these little demos; is there anything specific you all would like to see a new demo of at some point?

2016-03-05 17:13:22

First off, I can't believe I missed this ! Joseph,  this sounds like the exact kind of game I've wanted to play for years,  as it's been ages since I've been able to play an RPG with a sighted person.  I will definitely support the project in any way I possibly can .  I'm very jealous that you were able to play Knights of the old Republic though. tongue
I will most likely play every class as well.  I realise you can't really compare the two projects, but one thing that irritated me about entombed  was that all character skills were available from the start.  One thing I love about this genre, is seeing characters develop,  story wise or otherwise .  .  .

2016-03-05 17:35:46

I understand. thanks for your answer.
The game sounds great.
good luck and I hope to read more about this project in the future.
So far I have just a couple of questions.
how will be the style of combat in the game?
the game will be in 2D or 3D? And that movement guidance system and use the game?
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2016-03-05 18:04:00

ahoy there,
Joseph, I had been following this thred sinse it was started, well mostly. besides the later bits and everything that you have talked about so far sounds real interesting, however I just heard the recording,and it just blew me away!
excited? you bet I am! one feature that I particularly liked and it left me feeling like I had received a hole broadside was the ability to replay the hole battle cinematicly!

I do have quite a few suggestions which I'd want to put forward but I have no clue if there's room for them by now.
The sounds were quite excellent too, although the twittering birds were a tad much,if that was the game, but of course its just a demo.

Seriously, looking forward to this actually coming out,and when ever it does couldn't be soon enough!!!!!!

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
Follow me on twitter

2016-03-05 19:09:44

can't wait to play this.
I'd buy it. here's  my question. how will items be equipped? will they equip themselves when you get them?, and in the full version, when you pick up an item, will  the game say taken like in the radar demo, or will there be sounds for when you  peck op weapons and such things?

Blindness isn't a disability, but a diffrent way of seeing things

2016-03-05 19:31:48

Love where this game is heading! I confess I'm more typically a fan of action rpgs, turn-based games have never really been a thing... but I do love trying new styles, though. Combat is just something I generally like to be fast-paced and requiring quick reactions and thinking. I noticed you said that in the full game you'd probably change the numbered mana and stamina announcements to more general descriptions, but I personally think it's actually better to keep it as a number in keepign with the cost... hit points I'd also honestly like to see as numbers, just because I like to know exactly what I'm dealing with. Middle ground would probably be to have a general statement followed by the number in question. But I do love the audio in this game so far, though I'm assuming since this is still a work in progress that the sounds will get bigger and better with the time and campaign. Love the overall design, just think there could be a bit more punch to the sounds.

Discord: clemchowder633

2016-03-05 19:51:21 (edited by Joseph Westhouse 2016-03-05 19:54:22)

Dan_C: I'm right there with you. Hope the game lives up to your expectations!

FabiG94: The game will be 2-D, technicaly, but from a first-person perspective. In other words, you'll hear sounds in front/behind/to your left and right, but there will be no sense of "up" and "down." I don't really think there's a good way to pull off true 3-D in audio, and that's okay in my opinion. Regarding combat and navigation, check out the two audio demos I've posted (posts #123 and #138)

Grryfindor: Thanks so much - glad to hear you're excited. Feel free to pass along suggestions in the thread, or via email - even if they don't get incorporated into this game, it's always good to hear ideas as we plan future projects.

Naruto: There's an equip menu that you'll use to decide what gear your units have equipped. I may do a demo of that at some point - not sure. As for whether it says "Taken" or actually plays a pickup sound - I can't answer for sure. We would like to incorporate "pickup sounds" for all types of items, but it's very low on our priority list. In other words, if Drew finishes everything else he needs to do, and still has time to add in pickup sounds, we'd like to - but if we don't get around to it, we're okay leaving it with the "Taken" announcement.

Assault: I definitely get where you're coming from on the action-adventure front, and you'll be happy to know that, while we're just in the planning stages for our second game, we're leaning very strongly toward real-time combat. Regarding mana and stamina announcements - the reason we're reluctant to leave in the exact numbers is that it tilts combat a little bit toward a direction we didn't particularly want. We found in testing that if we could track enemy stats specifically, we wound up doing too much math, figuring, "Okay, if I use this skill, he'll have however many points left, but if I do that skill twice, I know he'll have however many left..." I think we want to give players the ability to make an educated guess, but not the ability to reduce everything to pure numbers. It's simply an aesthetic choice, and I can understand how you might prefer it the other way. You will have access to the exact numbers for friendly units, just to clarify - it's only enemies that we're currently planning to keep as general announcements.

Guys, I am so grateful for all the positive feedback. It's really encouraging for us and helps keep us motivated to make this game as good as we can.

2016-03-05 21:07:01

While I generally leave Joseph to respond to everyone regarding our upcoming game; I wanted to chime in briefly.

First, I'd just like to reassure people that while I don't post much on this thread, I am fully committed to bringing this game into reality.
Joseph, Drew, and me work very well as a team and that allows us to make far larger and more immersive games than I have ever made on my own in the past.
Our combined skills fill in the gaps where each of us lack individually.
I'm looking forward to the release of this game and our future projects.

Second, I'd like to say that Joseph originally wanted the game to have real time combat, but that I wasn't ready for that kind of coding challenge when we started the project.
So I'll take the blame for the game not living up to Joseph's original vision. smile
That said, Joseph has done an amazing job leading this project and the final outcome will be a very memorable game.

~ Ian Reed
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