2016-02-12 07:26:50

Hey there peoples i found this newy  game or atleest new to me calld prisen struggle. The game is accessable bar a capture on log in which systems like rumola and or webvisum will solv with no problems. and everyone is helpfull and friendly. 

The aim of this game is quit litarly to make your way in a prisem system leveling and doing crimes making money and urning points. There is a nice easy to follow tutorial system and a realy nice mentoring system where other players who have been playing for a while mentore new players. during the start out process. There is also a gang waring system to  and a mugging system to.  The stat system is easy to follow if you are new to stat based games. You can also grow pot and other things to. For people who like this type of game  and to pass the time that is the boredem of my current life stile  it is fun!. 
Now that i have yabbered on enough and you have read the dislexic badness of my spelling! have a link.
http://www.prisonstruggle.com/register. … rer=320997
p.s my game name is liseo so feel free to mail me for accessabillity questions!

2016-02-12 10:13:28

Is there a capture alternative? those things are hellish and I've never got any of those addons or whatever to work. if the staff will create  accounts for  vi players on login or better still use an accessible capture that would be good.

Btw, is this game a torn city mod? I've come across several and what you said about muggings and crimes sounds as if it could be.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-02-12 23:45:33

i will ask and see i think so tho i just solved it using rumola but if people cant use it  or wotn or what ever  ide rather use webvisum but i am having problems downloadload and installing it  they all have isues  this is not a torn citty mod i tryed torn citty and it started being accessable but because of its citty map  turned out nt to be which suw. I rote to the devs but i got no reply there.

2016-02-12 23:54:55

ok so you don't need a capture to creat an account only to log in i can ask about this to if youwish me to.

2016-02-13 04:16:22

Well, in the login page, does audio captcha available?

Follow me on Mastodon.

2016-02-13 19:51:46

Ouch! A capture every time to log in? that's not nice at all, and should definitely be changed,  sinse those capture solving things don't always work or aren't  always available.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-02-13 20:39:47

rumola solves it  easly here but not everyone can pay or has access to that  and no no audio capture   which sux because its a realy good game

2016-02-14 02:46:48

Well, everytime I login, I need to solve a captcha everytime? that kinda sucks, actually. I won't boring solving these, if the audio captcha is available.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2016-02-17 19:19:11

No audio captcha.

2016-02-21 20:56:35

I dout they will do audio captures for us which totally sux because once you log in the game is ausom! and things like webvisum and rumola will solve the captures! totally makes me mad here

2016-02-22 01:20:16 (edited by Figment 2016-02-22 01:23:42)

I can understand using a CAPTCHA when creating an account, but requiring solving a CAPTCHA for every log in is, as the British would put it, a bit over the top. Until that is corrected, I'm not even going to go so far as to bookmark the game.

With that CAPTCHA requirement on every login and that there's no audio alternative, and considering that this is a community of vision impaired game players, I question the appropriateness of posting this game here.

2016-02-22 02:15:15

the rest of the game is accessable and i can play it with confidence  like i said the capture is not unsolvable  if you use third party brouzer adons.

2016-02-22 02:42:20

The point is, I shouldn't have to use anything other than my browser.

I don't encourage the use of CAPTCHAs without a vision impaired friendly alternative by sites that use them.

2016-02-22 03:22:05

I am so dun with this i post an accessable game and i get yelled at because it has a capture which is solvable using a screan reader  and things like webvisum or rumola like its my folt? i am dun postinng here i posted here hoping to get more people to campain to possible get an audio capture   put in just... wow

2016-02-22 12:52:22

Hi. Well, I dont see the problem with capture solving on every login page of this game, just use webvisum and bang, you have it.
I'm starting to notice that some blind people tend to think that everything they want to do needs to be perfectly accessible, with no captures, no inaccessible buttons ... I'm wondering when developers need to take there graphics of the websites due to blind people getting pissed off with them.
I guess I will take a look at this game, hope it's good.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2016-02-22 13:28:39

its loads of fun mail me in game user is liseo if you get stuck remember you have the mentore system if you need it.

2016-02-22 13:33:11


First, might I suggest that everyone calm down, this is a game after all, games are intended to be fun, and nobody should be yelling at anybody.

Figment is indeed correct here on accessibility. "accessible" as defigned on this site means playable by a blind person with the same degree of effort as a sighted person. having to use third party addons which are not usable by everyone anyway and not always efficient does not count as accessible because it is not something sighted people need to do, which is why games only get news written or added to the database if either A, there is an audio captcha alternative or B, the developers are willing to create accounts for blind players on (if the captchas are just at signup).

All that being said, Lysio has! reported this game here and it indeed is not his fault there is no alternative so I would suggest that people please keep their remarks on the irritation or not of this situation confined to the subject of captchas, and not be personal ones either about other blind people and what "they may expect" or not, or on what games people should or should not play.

Just because a game is not "accessible" in the formal sense, does not mean people shouldn't play it, look at all the topics about completely graphical mainstream games which people play by sound and memorization.

For the immediate situation as regards Prison struggle, I will move this topic to general game discussion so people know the game is not accessible in the formal sense though are still free to play it if they wish.
If however in the future (as indeed I hoped when I decided to leave this topic here), the developers of Prison Struggle add an appropriate alternative to captcha solving, I will move this topic back to new releases and also write some news.

I will also say, nobody should ever! be discouraged from posting about newly discovered games, after all all the classic muds and browser games and ios games had to be discovered by someone at some time or other, and whether or not the developers of Prisson struggle do the decent thing as far as their captchas go, it's great to know about new games.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2016-02-22 13:43:57

I am sure if we all post or contact them about they will want to change it there idea is why change it for one person? this is what i was toald so if more people contact them rather than  compla8ining about one little thing we could actually get something done about this?

2016-02-22 16:43:54


Well said, I agree 100%

2016-02-23 11:38:39

@Lysio, I'm a little disappointed with the devs having that attitude. When the game Bloodwars had a similar captcha problem, the devs fixed it within the day, after all most captcha systems do have! an audio alternative which it is comparatively easy to install (it's just sticking in another addon), it's just that people need prompting to install it.

I suggest you point the developers in the direction of this site, just to let them know that yes, blind people play computer games, and no, expecting complex workarounds is not reasonable anymore than it would be reasonable for a business to say "Well we're not installing a wheel chair ramp, sinse people can always get out of their chairs and crawl up the steps!"

Again, if people want to play with the workarounds that is fare enough, but it would be far better if they weren't necessary, particularly sinse they don't work for everyone all of the time (after all the point of captchas is to be unsolvable by software methods).

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)