2015-12-14 16:51:03

I don't remember exactly. Did you try the reverse order?

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2015-12-14 17:56:27

Well, I'm on 25.1, hopefully the last staje.
How can I doo first in 25.1?

73 Wj3u

2015-12-14 19:59:54

The first thing you need to do is press the switch on 330.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-12-15 01:22:59

Hi, I too am having a tough  time with the turbulence at 1300 and 1315, I keep crashing and dying.  Can anyone else provide a guide as to how to get past it?

2015-12-15 07:01:07

OK, and if I say after pressing the switch how to do next?

73 Wj3u

2015-12-15 16:10:38 (edited by boy 2015-12-15 16:14:49)

If I remember 25-1 correctly, there&#0392s a door at 300 with a very powerful security jet in the room. Open it, and destroy the security jet. Once you destroy it, there will be an item, the lift sensor. Grab it, and leave the room. Now, get back on the lift. You will here high pitched beeps when there is a place above you, and lower beeps when there is a place under you, meaning a place you can land on. Next, open one of the doors, don't remember which one. Go all the way to the end of the room after opening the door, and destroy everything with something long range. Also, do not! Destroy the box, or let the enemies destroy it. Get in front of the box, destroy all the enemies, and open the box and grab the item. Go to the other door that you couldn't open by using the lift, and you should be able to open it now. Do the same thing that you did before, and there should be one more door that you can use to complete the level. In 25-2, either destroy some stuff or just run to the end. I will explain 25-3, 4, and 5 after playing them. That might be a long wait because I am only on 23-1, and I have english, math and other work that's more important than Bokurano Daibouken 3. Speaking of math, in 25-3, there are math boxes, and if you get a problem wrong, a stamina killer will be created. Try to kill it, because if you get too many problems wrong, there will be a lot of stamina killers and eventually your game will crash.

Barren Byron used Nature Overdrive!

2015-12-16 01:21:52

Yikes! finally figured out the turbulence on level 18-2.  when you hear the voice say turbulence at 1300, you need to stay at altitude 1 and keep an ear on your coordinates with the q key. until 1300 is reached.  Then you hold the up arrow key until you are back at altitude 4 and you'll pass through it.  There's a similar thing you have to do with some at coordinates 1390.
But now, I'm on level 19-1, I'm trying to get into the cave, and I've looked everywhere with my camera, but I can't safely get any further than coordinates 212,8.  Everywhere I turn I seem to run into a dead end.  Do I need to do something else like blow up a wall with something, or is there some other obscure trick I need to perform? I really hope someone can help, I've been trying for hours now.

2015-12-16 13:17:36

OK, this is getting seriously frustrating.  Can anyone tell me how to navigate the cave entrance in level 19-1? I am out of ideas.

2015-12-16 16:10:07

OK boy, well if I grabbed the item from the box and open the door to the first room when I started the stage, I went down to search the correct door, and opened it, then there's a keyhole and when I press it I keep dying. Can you help me in this part?

73 Wj3u

2015-12-16 16:52:51

For 19-1, remember to use your camera to see what surfaces you can grapple onto. Go to 210-8, then grapple up until you are at height 21. then drop off the edge to your right, and press the right arrow once to drop at an angle and land on what I imagine to be an outcropping. then drop right again. you'll take a fall, so remember to hpgrade your hp whenever you can so that you increase the height you can fall from before dying.

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-12-16 20:16:20

OK, I went to 210,8, but my hook doesn't seem to be able to reach the surface above, so I went back one step to 209, found a place to grapple on to, climbed up to height 21, pressed the right arrow to try and drop at an angle and ended up back at 212,8 again, there is a wall or some kind of obstacle and I can't travel any further

2015-12-16 20:52:50 (edited by threeblacknoises 2015-12-16 21:22:48)

Yukio, in your next update, you might think about  making it so that if we've already passed a stage with carla in it, her death means nothing from that point on in that particular stage and playing mode.
I'm trying to get a few copper wires in stage 16-4, and the stupid idiot keeps getting killed because she's always in the way when I'm either:
A, killing the boss
B, killing a launcher
or she's getting killed by the boss or launchers.
I can't get the components I need if she's just going to end the stage if something kills her, and even with super speed drinks, I can never get to her in time.
It's not the difficulty that's the problem, it's the stupid AI on carla.
I'll keep trying, but I'm also stuck on stage 21-1 with the cameras.
No matter what I do, I'm either dead or have a crashed game when stuff happens and death or crash.
No matter what I do I can't take out the cameras with any weapon or combo of weapons, and no matter what way the cameras are facing, they always see me no matter how I try and sneek past them or what hight I'm at.
I'm sure their's a way, I just haven't found it quite yet.
Oh, and the thing with carla, I'm just trying to get every possible weapon I can have by this point except for the omayga shooter.\
Sorry if I sound kind of rood, but I hate it when it's not my skill that's the problem, but the fact that no matter what I do, the person I'm supposed to protect keeps dying through no falt of my own.
I don't want the game to get broken when a player is trying to complete a stage for the first time, just something so that she's not a liabilitty after the first time.
Edit: I finally got the wires I needed, and carla staied put for a change.

2015-12-17 01:11:40

If you're wandering away from Karla, there is the problem. You need to be able to stay close to her, preferably with her behind you so you can attack whatever it is you're supposed to without hitting her. If she runs past you, stop attacking... this is what can possibly happen if you're tempermental with the space bar. Karla is actually very easy to work with... if I can, I'll do a recording tonight of playing a few stages with her. As for the cameras... not sure what to tell you. They have a range of 20 feet horrizontally, so don' be in that range when they're facing you. And remember, for both cameras and Karla, use the object locator! It's a vital tool in this game!

for 19-1, grapple up at 209-8, then press and hold the right arrow to fall at more of an angle. There's a small gap in that area which can land you in the wrong place. Might do a recording of that too.

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-12-17 04:33:13

yeah asalt freak she's not that difficult to work with once you get used to it but i agree with threeblacknoises that would be nice to have ukio

I don’t believe in fighting unnecessarily.  But if something is worth fighting for, then its always a fight worth winning.
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2015-12-17 04:38:38

Oh great. the instant translate NVDA addon is no longer working and I can't translate Japanese to English any more.  Now I really am stuck, I have no idea how to get through level 20-1, I'm supposed to search for something.  There are these beeps that get faster and faster in certain places, but that's all I know so far.

2015-12-17 20:05:54

You have to use c4.
Wate until the beeping changes to a high fast beep, then press T.
A menu should come up.
Option 1 sets a bomb, 2 detonates it, 3 calls for more bombs, but you may have to press it several times to get the bombs to drop where you can pick them up, and the last option is cancel.
C4 can blast through walls, so use a bomb on a wall if it's blocking your path.
Yukio, stage 21-1 is giving me problems because the cameras don't seem to be consistent with their range and level.
I can blast my way through most of the level, but the game keeps crashing more than halfway through the level most likely do to the amount of objects on screen.
If their is some kind of patern to how to avoid being spotted, I can't find it.
If you want the player to be able to snipe out the cameras, they need to have health values to allow this.
Even with the megaton hammer I only deal about 7 percent damage to a camera.
Also the spotting behavior doesn't seem to be consistent either.
If the camera is facing to the right, it should spot me as soon as I come into its range, but this doesn't always happen; same thing with when it's facing left.

2015-12-17 21:42:35

Just played through that stage this morning to grind for more money... and it's definitely consistent. The point isn't to snipe out the cameras but to avoid them entirely by using different routes. Stages 17 and 21 are boh stages where you aren't supposed to blast through the level, but sneak your way through. The object locator with d, and the camera using g are your best tools here.

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-12-17 22:01:55

You need to get some defense ignore weapons. THe mini/middle/mega/omega shooters are one, but the bullets only do like 1/8 of their normal damage to cameras, so you'll want a melee weapon that does extremely high damage. The magical edge and miracle edge are the best ones for that. But as assault_freak said, you have to learn how to sneak past the cameras. I've done it, it's just really really hard to do.

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2015-12-17 23:34:03

HI there.
What do I do on level 20,1? there's a door that I can't pass through and no place where I can use my magic hook.
I wish google translate was working

2015-12-17 23:49:58 (edited by threeblacknoises 2015-12-18 20:44:30)

I think you must mean 20-2.
In that stage, their's a door soon after you start that can't be opened.
to open it, you must use your C4 until you uncover an object that beeps.
After that, blow up more stuff with C4 using the beeps as a guide.
You'll have to magic hook some parts of the rubble to be able to set C4 where it needs to go.
After some time, you'll find a key.
Go back to the no longer beeping box then enter your collection items menu and use the key you just got on the box.
It will open and give you another key.
Go to the no longer clicking door and use the key on it.
And, stage clear!
I know you no longer have google translate, but check the off topic room for a possible solution.
I couldn't get it to download, but you might be able to obtain a new version of the NVDA google translate addon there.
Yukio, I can't seem to pass 21-1 because the game keeps crashing no matter how many enemies are killed.

2015-12-19 13:56:48

Hi there.
In level 21-3, how do I get past those 2 pesky security cameras near the door without setting them off?

2015-12-19 16:34:47

How did you even get past 21-1?

2015-12-19 16:54:33

You have to destroy them. That's not cheating, believe me.

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
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2015-12-19 18:21:42 (edited by Shadowcat 2015-12-19 18:31:16)

no you don't actually
in 21-3, all you have to do is wait near that drop for the camera to turn the other way, immediately drop down, backtrack and you'll find another drop down to another platform with another camera, rince and repeat until you reach the bottom, and bingo
also there are 4 cameras there, not 2

"You know nothing of death... allow me to teach you!" Dreadlich Tamsin
Download the latest version of my Bokura no Daibouken 3 guide here.

2015-12-19 18:41:10

hope someone like to respond to my questions.
I am currently in 16.1.
Is this a bug or what?
I got mini shooter when finished 15.4.
In 16.1, its stay with me.
After every robot I killed, I got another more mini shooter.
Something wrong happened with the stage, and I lost.
Now, I have no more mini shooter, and I lost all minishooters I collected.
How its taken from me?
I Never completed the stage.
How to get things back, or...
My second question is about 6.2 and secret landing, machine gun.
I tooked all boxes, used it on the fields, but I am 2 steps in hight away from the machine gun.
If you like, tell me in spoiler or in private message, what to do more to clime and grab it?
Thanks a lot.