2015-12-11 14:50:28

Hi all,
good news about Space Encounter!

Number 1: the First Open Edition is over. We want to thank all the supporters who purchased the FOE, first of all Guillaume Passicos, GOLD MEDAL!, and Jérémy Dolignon, BRONZE MEDAL. Thank you guys for believing in us!
Last but not least, the price now is 14,90€!
Here is the link to purchase: http://www.ticonblu.it/audiogame/shop/s … l?lang=eng

Number 2: a new release is available, all new purchases will automatically get it, and the updated can be requested from this link: http://www.ticonblu.it/audiogame/update … p;lang=eng

What's new in this release:

- Audio for the enemy ships completely new, much more variety

- Levels for campaigns and 'total war' mode now present increasing difficulty
- More time required for the weapon to cool down - longer than the time to overheat
- Added super-powerful enemy to the last level of the campaign
- Tweaked power/damage, frequency and projectile speed for the weaponry
- Tweaked speed, shield power and movement of the enemy ships
- One movement pattern added for the enemy ships (will tend to get closer if you don't attack and enter their range)
- Many other minor improvements and fixing

You can find the complete list of our supporters for Space Encounter, along with all the info about the game, here: http://www.ticonblu.it/audiogame/spacee … l?lang=eng


Visit http://www.ticonblu.it/audiogame/index.html?lang=eng to stay up to date with the latest news on audio games.
Join our mailing list: http://www.ticonblu.it/audiogame/register.html?lang=eng
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AudiogameIT
Follow us on Twitter: @AudioGame_IT

2015-12-12 00:38:05

I sent my request for the game update several hours ago, and I still have not received the download link.
Mi mail is [email protected]
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-12-12 00:52:15 (edited by crashmaster 2015-12-12 02:48:28)

same here.
note if you have the origional mail the way to get round it at least till they change the version name on the file its gamename_release_lang.
at the end of release before the language code usually eng put 2 or whatever number it is.
I am having the same issue to mate.
This should get you past it though I really would like the official mail and to get it sorted.
I have the game the way I did it and my code still works with it so I will play this later on.
Just done a huge 2 hour workout at the gym so I may go over this after lunch
just ran the game..
sounds nice.
ships nice.
music nice.
Problems hitting escape when you die does not load you back to the menu it says loading but doesn't it does if you save though.
during the game.
2.  if you enter hyperspace that sound does not play the game sits and sits till you end the process.
The game is able to be played sertainly not point and shoot.
In fact the second level I found quite hard, wow.
still as it is the game can't be played properly.
every time you finnish a level you have to well exit and come back.
next your shields don't seem to recharge, or do they just get hit that much harder if you do get hit.
I was always hoping at each level start my shield would recharge.
At least the game has improved to some extent.

2015-12-12 10:27:23

All: please report any issues or requests to [email protected], we check the forum only every now and then, your requests could remain unasnwered for a while.

@FabiG94: you should have received the email with the link by now, we just tried to request the update with the usual procedure and it worked (http://www.ticonblu.it/audiogame/update … p;lang=eng)

@crashmaster: please try the link above, it is supposed to work. We will look into the issues you have reported.


2015-12-12 10:54:55

I have problems with request updates most of the time with this method.
For example, to request the latest version of audio Rally racing, I had to send an email, because I tried several times to send my request to that site you shared, but I never received anything.
I tried again to send the update request to that link, I hope it works this time, because I not yet received a download link of the last version of space encounter.
I remind you that my email is [email protected]
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-12-12 11:02:25

FabiG94 wrote:

I have problems with request updates most of the time with this method.
For example, to request the latest version of audio Rally racing, I had to send an email, because I tried several times to send my request to that site you shared, but I never received anything.
I tried again to send the update request to that link, I hope it works this time, because I not yet received a download link of the last version of space encounter.
I remind you that my email is [email protected]
greetings and thanks.

Again, please report any issues or requests to [email protected]. You should have received the email by now, it's being delivered.


2015-12-12 11:21:48

Now if I got the download link.
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-12-12 17:57:26

Glad to hear about the updates.
I did mean! to buy the silver medel, but lets just say games are not a priority for me currently.

I will certainly be buying the game, especially with the new tweaked difficulty, though whether I will get it for P cor Ios I don't know.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-12-12 18:47:51

Hi all.
ok this time the request worked.
it appeared in spam folder but at least I got it.
maybe to many making requests?
hmmm miko I do notice that the info address is the only  one for contacting.
if other games have a different email address, then they should be included either on contact page or on the page where appropriate to report issues to.
thanks for posting this  though it will get lost eventually once this thread moves down the page.
as for the issues I put it all on here because it was easy but I will send mail at you if I find more they seemed to effect  major bits of the game and I thought I'd put them here.
I understand if the forum is not checked that often but maybe if you or someone could check it at a set time each week and see if there is anything and post if there is that would be good as well.

2015-12-13 14:27:48

crashmaster wrote:

same here.
note if you have the origional mail the way to get round it at least till they change the version name on the file its gamename_release_lang.
at the end of release before the language code usually eng put 2 or whatever number it is.
I am having the same issue to mate.
This should get you past it though I really would like the official mail and to get it sorted.
I have the game the way I did it and my code still works with it so I will play this later on.
Just done a huge 2 hour workout at the gym so I may go over this after lunch
just ran the game..
sounds nice.
ships nice.
music nice.
Problems hitting escape when you die does not load you back to the menu it says loading but doesn't it does if you save though.
during the game.
2.  if you enter hyperspace that sound does not play the game sits and sits till you end the process.
The game is able to be played sertainly not point and shoot.
In fact the second level I found quite hard, wow.
still as it is the game can't be played properly.
every time you finnish a level you have to well exit and come back.
next your shields don't seem to recharge, or do they just get hit that much harder if you do get hit.
I was always hoping at each level start my shield would recharge.
At least the game has improved to some extent.

I'm searching a solution for the problem, is a randomic problem with a numeric values.

Simone Dosi

2015-12-13 20:39:40

Hi all,

we are releasing a new version following up to the feedback we have received from some of you, with all the errors reported fixed. Here is the link to request the update: http://www.ticonblu.it/audiogame/update … p;lang=eng

Thank you for your help!

What's new in this release:

- When finishing a level, it was not loading the next one - FIXED
- Shields now completely recharge once a level is completed
- Hitting ESC when you died did not load the menu back (said 'loading' but didn't it) - FIXED
- When playing 'campaign' and 'total war' modes, at the end of each level, when prompted to press 'enter' to start the next mission, it would not work - FIXED

You can find the complete list of our supporters for Space Encounter, along with all the info about the game, here: http://www.ticonblu.it/audiogame/spacee … l?lang=eng


Visit http://www.ticonblu.it/audiogame/index.html?lang=eng to stay up to date with the latest news on audio games.
Join our mailing list: http://www.ticonblu.it/audiogame/register.html?lang=eng
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AudiogameIT
Follow us on Twitter: @AudioGame_IT

2015-12-13 23:22:06

that fast, a new update
I just sent my request for the new game update.
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-12-14 03:53:28

that was fast I got a message this morning from dosi about the bug being a random number thingy I was expecting that it wouldn't be fixed till after christmas.
Good turn around on fixing it guys.

2015-12-14 04:54:26

I want an iOS version... Not buying the pc version sorry.

ReferenceError: Signature is not defined.

2015-12-14 13:52:47

crashmaster wrote:

that was fast I got a message this morning from dosi about the bug being a random number thingy I was expecting that it wouldn't be fixed till after christmas.
Good turn around on fixing it guys.

Thanks crashmaster, i want to support the community of Space Encounter in the best way i can!
Continue to support us!

ogomez92 wrote:

I want an iOS version... Not buying the pc version sorry.

The iOS version will come out after xmas... but i need your support to continue to implement new features and to improve the game with new spaceships and sounds!

2015-12-14 20:20:52

I sent my request for updating the game several hours ago and yet I did not receive a download link.
My i-mail is [email protected]
honestly, it seems very impractical method to get updates of your games.
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-12-14 22:08:07

Hello again.
I received two emails, in both the download links were not working.
my i-mail es [email protected]
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-12-14 23:34:02

FabiG94 wrote:

Hello again.
I received two emails, in both the download links were not working.
my i-mail es [email protected]
greetings and thanks.

Now i will call Mirko to update the server links!
Sorry for the problem!

Maybe try to re-download from the actual links!

2015-12-15 01:44:57

the strange thing is that the links are not taken as links for the browser.
the browser and NVDA takes them as ordinary text.
I still did not get a solution.
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-12-15 19:14:51

Hello again.
thanks by your help.
Now if I have the download link.

sorry my english, is not my native language.