2015-12-06 01:01:46 (edited by ambro86 2015-12-17 13:34:31)

Hello, I want to write you about the solution I've finally found for Instant translate. I've used the 4.0 dev version, and worked for 2 3 times, but after that doesn't work anymore. Now I know that is because the developer don't update it and fix the problems. I've tried also the fixed Instant translate by Steve but doesn't work. I've searched in Nvda addons international mailing list  and I've found a post with a link for a finally working version! I've tried it and it's ok! Click here and enjoy finally!
The site is in russian Language, but once it is opened find an unlabeled button and press enter. The download will start immediately!
If you have problems to find the unlabeled button, here is the direct link, but I don't know if is temporary or stable: https://downloader.disk.yandex.ru/disk/ … mp;tknv=v2


Edit: now this instant translate version doesn't work anymore. I will update when I have some news.

2015-12-06 01:29:15

Thanks alot for this! big_smile
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2015-12-06 06:25:38

You're welcome! I was searching a lot that because I love this extension.

2015-12-06 06:26:46

I don't know why someone doesn't just make it so you're given the choice of google or bing.

I find bing to do a better job at translating than google.

I wonder if that's why Facebook chooses to use bing instead?

I'm not a programmer unfortunately, could never understand programming concepts or I would have done this ages ago.

2015-12-06 11:26:20

Have you stress tested this? THink the google translate API has a usage limit or something.

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2015-12-06 11:33:30

Hi Keyisfull, I've tried many times but no limits I've found! Fantastic!

2015-12-06 15:54:19

Hi. The website is not working. I pressed on the unlabeled button but no way. Can someone put an other link? I tried both links but no result.

2015-12-06 16:06:30

how can i translate i tryed it but nothing. i tryed it with bk3 and with the chinese game. what are the keys?

2015-12-06 21:18:51 (edited by ambro86 2015-12-26 19:04:28)

For keystrokes press insert shift t and then shift t. This translate the text you have in clipboard. If you want to translate the selected text press shift insert t and t.

2015-12-07 03:19:59

download link works perfect.
also InstantTranslate version I have installed works perfect for me now.
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-12-17 02:24:42

other time the instant ttranslate not working more.
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-12-17 11:34:33

yeah instant translate do not work

2015-12-17 12:47:01

It's not working! Again! Crap!

2015-12-17 13:33:13

Yes, now doesn't work. I hope that the russian person will update it again.

2015-12-21 19:56:05

Yeah, for now I use QTranslate, but I find it clunky and I don't like the double control key shortcut. It activates itself after you press control to mute your screen reader's speech. Not cool. Although the built-in TTS can be rather amusing. I also can't figure out if it can translate text from the clipboard. I hope Instant Translate can be fixed soon, as I find its structure to be a lot more intuitive.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-12-22 05:16:55

Yes, I'm using QTranslate too, and in normal use is good. But I can't use it with games because the keystroke that I use for QTranslate make actions in the game. For example I've tried it with Shadow Line, and some times translates, but not Always. Have you managed to use QTranslate with games?

2015-12-22 08:37:40

And I think we have to work with QTranslate for a long period. This is a message from Joseph Lee, posted in Nvda Addons List:
Hi all,

Due to Google forbidding the service the add-on writers were using, Instant
Translate add-on will not work. Because of this, until further notice,
please uninstall this add-on, and this add-on will be pulled from the stable
add-ons section of our add-ons website. Thank you.



2015-12-22 20:08:04

I can't say I've heard of q-translate the only thing I've seen like that is q-seek.
But seriously, why would he make control the keystroke? This actually looks a bit suspicious to me, jhe knows it's going to be used for games and he does that. I can not say I am very impressed at all with that decision.

2015-12-22 23:17:03

Not necessarily... how does the developer know it'll be used for games?

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-12-23 00:50:31

It's not just about games. The fact of the matter is control is also the keystroke that mutes speech for screen readers. I find it a strange choice.

2015-12-23 04:02:44

It is, but when you consider that it's the push to talk key for both Ventrilo and Teamtalk, and when you also consider that what all three of those programs have in common is that their main target audience is sighted folks, it starts to make sense. Maybe control is just the most easily accessible key for them to use, who knows?

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-12-25 05:08:21

Well, the link is dead.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2015-12-26 19:03:45

I have removed my dropbox link unles the extension doesn't work anymore.

2015-12-26 20:33:23

so we have to pay for q translate and then use the speech mute key to translate anything? WHy can't you just use another translation service, like bing, skype translator's server, etc.

An anomaly in the matrix. An error in existence. A being who cannot get inside the goddamn box! A.K.A. Me.

2015-12-27 08:32:26

Hello, QTranslate is free. It's very difficult to use it in the games like Instant Translate sadly.