2015-11-07 04:43:29

The developers of this game have just made monumental accessibility improvements, and it deserves its own topic here.
You build your own mob, buy weapons and armor, fight battles, do missions, etc.  It's a lot like the old Mafia Wars game on Facebook.  But what makes this stand out is that you "claim turf" in the real world, based on your GPS location.
So let's say you live in Los Angeles and work in San Diego, but you travel to Orlando for a family reunion.  You could claim turf in all cities, and still claim more turf in Florida when you got back home.  So long as you have turf somewhere, as long as the new turf you want is close enough, you can buy it or capture it.  It's just fun to "capture" places that are local to you, and if you get your friends in on it, it's even better.

The game was playable originally, but you had to do a lot of guessing as to what and where you were claiming on the turf map.  Now they've instituted a grid system, and when you tap on a location it says things like, "J1, open, in range, "J3, open, out of range", "j4, open, in range, protection."  For that last one, it would mean that if you claimed that turf, you'd have to pay protection money to someone else who had turf close to you.

I'm impressed with the improvements, and also with the level of responsiveness from the developers to feedback they've received.

Here's a link to the Turf Wars website.  It's available on the iOS and I believe Android app stores.


2015-11-07 12:00:07

I know this game, but unfortunatelly polish people aren't playing it, so It is quite boring.

If you want to contact me, do not use the forum PM. I respond once a year or two, when I need to write a PM myself. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Telegram: Nuno69a
E-Mail: nuno69a (at) gmail (dot) com

2015-11-07 23:14:53

This game works well with Android as well.
I've been playing it for a while now and am loving it.
There are a few things that need to be worked out on android and I've been giving feedback with grate results.
Also, getting a custom invite code makes it much easier for people to add you to there mobs.
My invite code is cerberus feel free to add me and if you have any questions, please feel free to email me and I'll try to answer your questions.
See you all on the game!.

2015-11-08 04:43:17

My invite code is MOVIES if anyone wants to add me.

2015-11-08 06:21:44

Ahoy all
I just got this game yesterday haven't really done much but start the game and capture turf near by so far so I still need to learn a bit. but from what I see the developers are really great with feedback and I'm specially glad to see their response to the request  of adding/ improving  accessibility in the game!

Developers or shall we say efforts like these should be applauded and one in turn must do whatever they can to support such developers. be it through a bit of inapp purchase a 5 star review in fact that costs you nothing so even if you can't spend bucks on games go ahead and write up a 5 star review.
I haven't found out my invite code yet but as soon as I know I'll let you all know. I would've put in your invite code Mirage during registration but I didn't have access to it then. wait, are invite codes like referals or something or have I got it entirely wrong
btw, how do I know what turf is the nearest to mine? on my iphone 6 plus screen I can through exploring touch everything from c1 to w13? but for a and b I have to do a 4 finger tap on the top of the screen and then flick to them. but a double tap on those elements that way does nothing
thanks for pointing this one out to us,Mirage!

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, β€˜It might have been.
Follow me on twitter

2015-11-08 10:11:44

I'll definitly check this out. I've always wanted a mafia game. I love shows about the mafia and movies etc. Can this be played on a PC?

Audio game king

2015-11-08 10:30:43

I'm so sorry.  I should have made invite codes clearer.
Invite codes aren't refearls.  They're just words, or letters and numbers, that each player has so he or she can be invited into other players' mafias.

I don't think it's possible to play on a PC.  You can go to the website, and look at the turf map, but I've never seen anyone say anything about playing the actual game from there.  I could be wrong, so google and check it out if that interests you.

I'll tell you all a little secret that will help you from the beginning.
Having influence and upgrading your turf is nice, but the most important thing is adding members to your mob.  If you start now, you'll be in a good position when you get past level 50 and get in with the bigger players.  Some of them have mobs as large as 5000.
So here's the "secret."
When you go to the mob tab, and choose "invite mob members", you'll see local mobsters in your area to invite.  All you have to do for them is click "invite" on each one.
Then, in regard to the invite codes I talked about earlier, many players have used respect points to get a personalized invite code, so that it will be much easier to invite them.  Rather than a string of random letters and numbers, they'll have actual words.
So you can start typing things into the edit box and click "invite" and 99% of the time, you'll invite someone to your mob.
The codes can be as short as two characters, so here are some examples of what you can type to invite people.

Pretty much anything you can think of is probably an invite code for somebody, because this game has an enormous amount of players.
There are also websites which have lists of codes that you can type in, if you really get into the game and want to grow your mob to gigantic proportions.

2015-11-08 11:04:45

hi Mirage. just added you to my mob. for those on here that want to add me, my current code is, BOOT6756.
i've yet to built up enough points to make a custom one.
Loving the game so far! i have 4 turfs, 80 influence, and level 10 i think from memory. that's all gained in the last 10 hours! i only signed up and started this morning my time.

2015-11-14 06:00:28

btw, invite codes do in fact work as referrals as well. if somebody joins using my code, i get an extra 5 respect points. so that's cool!

2015-11-15 17:49:21 (edited by keba 2015-11-15 18:21:22)

Hiya guys. my new invite code is kebaspack. if you did happen to see the previous version of this post, where the code was keba'spack, try adding me again. i had to change it from that one due to the "'" not being supported on some code listing websites. ugh. lol. also, if you added me when my code was boot6756 or what ever it was, add me again. i have restarted my char, due to spending points where i shouldn't and waisting them.

2015-11-25 09:17:54

The developers of Turf Wars just released another update with some more accessibility improvements.
I am so impressed by the responsiveness of these developers!

2015-11-25 10:13:38

yeah, i just wish they'd update the multiple purchasing system, so that you can flick up and down through the numbers you want to buy, without having to do this double tap, holds, flick, repete. ugh. and that is not a very easy thing to do. and sometimes the numbers don't move, or go backwards even!

2015-11-25 10:52:46

Go . ahead . and preach!
That is the only thing about this game that drives me insane!
But they are aware of it, and working on it.  I mentioned it in feedback, and they said it will be addressed.

2015-11-25 17:26:47

Okay, I checked this one out (and joined Mirage's mob I think).

I'm not exactly a fan of either big pvp or mafia, but I will say that I'm well impressed on the access fixes, even the home button tells you what page your returning to when clicked.

I doubt I will be playing this long term sinse it's not my thing (I prefer exploring and quests to battling other players0, but I will see if i can put together a databse entry and also give a five star rating sinse the developers are doing a great job.

This is what the storm8 games should! have been, and for anyone interested in this sort of thing I hope you have fun.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-11-25 19:03:53

Well I might give this game a try for a bit at least,  sinse I'm finding the missions and the turf upgrading to be fun.

My code is MMAKI5464.

I might get another, but if people want to share there's I don't mind inviting other people as well.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-11-26 20:38:57

Okay, my new custom invite code is darkcode, (one word, all lower case).

Feel free to invite me to your mobs.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-11-28 06:24:28

i've seen a game similar to this.  it could use accessibility fixes but it is verry similar.  this ok game but like alot of games i've ran in to lately, lacks sound.   quite frankly, i'm overly tired of that.  as if all hour games require no sound and just text.   some games, ok   understandable   but damn,  i've ran across way too many text games with no sound.   if the sighted have sound then why the hell don't we.    sorry, just being real and stating fact.   this is grate game but bing you're dong missions etc, sounds would be nice.   i've gotten several other games that are text based and may make a new topic for them letting everyone know of them for those interested.  they are nice and they can be fun but its time for sounds.