2015-11-14 00:47:23

I discovered this accidently and wonder, is this intended or just an artifact of using Ineter Explorer to render many of the Windows screen like the Control Panel or Windows Explorer.

While on the desktop, press the Windows key +D to make sure the desktop has focus, then press control+n, now if you use alt+tab to switch applications, you'll find you have two desktops.

Since I don't know what the status of this is, or what it might do, play with this at your own risk.

2015-11-14 10:27:44

once the two desktops come, is there some way to revert it back?

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facebook group!

2015-11-14 12:01:31 (edited by Kenzon Yeoh 2015-11-14 12:15:03)

Yes, there is. Actually, the second desktop that appears when pressing ControlN is the folder where the desktop icons  are kept at (C:\users\username\desktop). To exit the folder, just press altF4. You will know which desktop your focus is at (the list view or the folder in users) when you release the AltTab key. Using NVDA, if the desktop that I'm in is the folder in c:\users\username, it will say something like
Desktop. Items view list.
Instead of
Desktop list
I think JAWS does the same thing too, but instead of items view list, JAWS says items view multi select list box, and for the normal desktop JAWS says desktop, folder view list view. But since I haven't use JAWS for a long time now, I can't remember.
I know this is kind of confusing, but...ah well, I suppose Microsoft loves to mess with us a bit.
I don't know why but in my case, in the desktop folder, there are items not on the desktop list view (homegroup, user, libraries, computer and control panel).

Best wishes

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2015-11-14 14:30:17

It says Desktop window for me

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2015-11-14 16:01:49

For me, when alt tabbing between applications, JAWS just calls each desktop, "Desktop". So from there you can't tell the desktops apart from each other.

But when you enter the Windows desktop, JAWS describes it as, "Folder view List view".

But the desktop created by control N is described as, "Items view Multi select list box".

2015-11-15 05:42:47 (edited by Kenzon Yeoh 2015-11-15 05:45:24)

Yep and the only "desktop" you can close is the "multi select list box"
I don't know why but sometimes NVDA does that. I think it might be because the computer is lagging or NVDA is losing focus...But usually it said desktop list, at least in my case.
@Gene, you can't tell which desktop you are at if you just continue to altTab, but when you stop AltTabbing you will be able to know.

Team rocket's blasting off again!

2015-11-16 05:54:47

also if you try to close the real windows desctop, the shutdown dialog will appear instead.

be a hero and stop Coppa now!
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-id software, 1995