2015-11-09 02:10:59

Hi,  I was just wondering if anyone knew an easy way to make file explorer have a regular menu bar?  I guess I am having a really hard time adapting to the ribbon menu... Is this even possible?  Thanks!

2015-11-09 15:48:29

I have heard about a program called ribbon disabler but I don't know where to get it, only one person has told me about it.

2015-11-09 19:11:46

You can get it from here.


2015-11-09 21:55:05

yeah, and don't feel bad, either. Lots of people, including myself, hate ribbons. Menu bars are just so much cleaner and faster to work with.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-11-10 08:29:41

Yeah, nothing says "I want more control" like hot-patching a Windows DLL. smile

I'm not going to 10, though. Win8.1 may be crap, but 10 is a bridge too far. And 7, where this misfeature is not present, is too old now.

Just myself, as usual.

2015-11-17 12:12:38

Hi guys,

Getting programs for such a thing means that such a program needs to modify the explorerframe.dll file which I would never recommend, as it could leave your explorer unusable.
What I do recommend though, is....
There is a trick that lets you show the old school menues in the legit manner.

go to explorer
hit f11
go to the system menu (alt+space) and uncheck auto-hide.
You have just brought back the old fashioned menues.
now everytime you wanna use the menues, just press f11 - it will remember that you unchecked the autohide.
Confirmed to be working on win 8.1, not sure about 10.

Kind regards,
Nikola Stojsic (NS studios)