2015-11-04 02:39:39

I was wondering if Tracktor DJ is accessible with voiceover. I don't like Djay2 so I'm looking for alternatives. I just want to know if tracktor is working before I buy it

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2015-11-04 13:43:19

One thing, even if it is, you are almost going to need to have 2 sound cards if you want to use ASIO drivers, if that's even a thing on mac, because as soon as you do, it takes over the sound card.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-11-04 23:25:55

Clairification: I am using an  ios device

Pics or it didn’t happen

2015-11-13 16:59:35

Hmmm, my guess would be that it probably is, at least somewhat due to Apple's app submition guidelines. However, I wouldn't risk buying it given it's accessibility on the PC and Mac side. It seems NI made it such that it'd run in its own custom GUI, making it easier to port from OS to OS and thereby trashing accessibility in the process. I've heard of people having limited success with a proper midi controler, but then you still run into the issue of how to load the files you'd be using in your sets without being able to read the listviews etc.

2015-11-17 00:17:15

so what's the best option?

Pics or it didn’t happen

2015-11-17 04:52:12

Um, DJay 2...

2015-11-17 08:23:45

Hey Gamesmaster,
This post became a bit lengthy, I apologize. I hope that this assists you smile
If you're using an IOS Device, I don't think that Traktor will be usable with voice-over. I've heard of the app produced by Native Instruments but I've always shyed away from IOS Dj Apps and things because of the lack of, and restrictions of usability, both with voice-over and without it. I know for a fact that traktor isn't usable on both mac and windows, and even with a Midi controller, I couldn't grasp the software, even with the hardware. Definitely quite confusing. But if you're looking for a dj setup with your iDevice, I would look into IOS Dj Controllers. I know that the brand named Numark makes them, but I'm unsure if the numark units work with the new lightning cable and conection, as IOS for dj's wasn't noticed but for a brief period, and IOS ended up not being used much in the dj comunity, although they do have some products for it. I can assist you in looking into IOS Dj Controllers further if you would like. But as treditional dj setups go, If you have a Mac, I would get DJay Pro along with purchasing a good Midi Controller, as DJay can be used with voice-over. If you don't like DJay pro, You could also download a software called Serato Dj along with purchasing a Serato Dj Controller, which can not be used with voice-over, however if you use ITunes for your music, and if you have ITunes set to share the library with other applications, all of your tracks will be imported and ready to go upon launching the software. For windows, you unfortunately have to get assistance in setting up Serato to use your ITunes library manualy, but it's definitely worth it.
I personally use a Mac with Serato and Controller, and I love it. I never have to worry about looking at my software, because if I had to, I wouldn't be able to anyhow. Everything is tacked rite to the hardware, from browsing and loading tracks to dsp effects.
I know this post got quite long, so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to let me know.
Thanks for reading,

I no longer use skype like I used to, so feel free to follow me on twitter at rockmasterrob for updates, to chat and all that good stuff. I follow any and everybody back who follows me.

2015-11-19 22:10:45 (edited by gamesmaster 2015-11-22 22:21:34)

sarato works on windows?

Pics or it didn’t happen

2015-11-20 23:52:12 (edited by gamesmaster 2015-11-20 23:53:20)

the problem with djay 2 is that I can't crossfade, loop and change speed at the same time. The buttons are just too far away.
The other thing is when you automix you have to wait for the track to be nearly done until the other track plays
The effects are not that you would find with any dj program. I am talking about backspin, break etc

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2015-11-21 08:01:36

Yes, Serato Dj definitely works on windows. I have it on my windows7 laptop as a backup, but my primary machine is my mac. As for DJay2, I haven't tryed that software with any of my hardware yet, but I do stick with serato because with DJay Original, I have to have my hands on my mac more than my dj gear because the scrolling/brows features on the hardware respond quite slowly while using the software. Perhaps that was fixed in DJay 2? As for serato, I can quickly turn the scrolling knob and get from letter A to D in a few seconds in my library. Like I've said above, I'm more than happy to post tutorials and things on my particular setup and such.

I no longer use skype like I used to, so feel free to follow me on twitter at rockmasterrob for updates, to chat and all that good stuff. I follow any and everybody back who follows me.

2015-11-21 16:00:04

OK, a tutorial on setting up sirato dj on windows would be nice and how to use it

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