2015-11-02 12:20:15

SLJ, well, I think there's no more to say here. This is why I didn't preordered this thing and I hat my own reasons from the past. The most tragic customer support.

Well, i'll be not surprised if the game will be maybe decent if it will be out, ofcourse. Most of the times when there are a lot of advertisements about epic game, which is so great, so long, so fantastic in terms of gameplay after that... well, It's nothing more  than something decent. Ah, and teasing more and more like, there's new game coming soon also, haha. Seriously, you can think what ever you want but ... from these types of posts it's hard to not be frustrated and after the frustration it's sooo funny lol

Add me on Steam
Discord: lirintheblindguy
BattleTAG: Lirin#21759

2015-11-02 14:04:11

Slj, the meaning that he is posting the demo is that he is still On a process of finalising the demo or he is still working or fixing something.
And to anyone who doesn't preorder, it's very lucky to you all. For me, i think i am the most luckiest person here in this forum, because i'm not preordering stuff, but not only that, i didn't purchase any released games or software, so that means that my credit card is safe because i didn't make any online purchases, just like most of the blind gamers in my country.
Whenever a commercial game was released, they always asking for one thing, a crack of the game, which is unfortunately isn't allowed here.
So, all people in this country is always enjoying free products.

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2015-11-02 14:23:35

@hanif in your country there is Paypal?

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-11-02 15:26:13

@FabiG: yes there is paypal, but most of the people aren't using it because even though that the card will be encrypted, but they are still sure that there credit cards will be hacked with an unknown person.
that's why most of the people don't use paypal or any other shopping services.

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2015-11-02 18:27:49

Of-topic. i've sent you an e-mail earlier this year, did you receibed it?. i'm asking because i sent it several months ago. if not, please send me an e-mail, i have to talk to you.

bokura no daibouken 2 by yukionozawa. installer:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/897 … _setup.exe
bokura no daiboukenn 3 by yukionozawa. download page:

2015-11-02 19:58:56

@mr.brunete: no i didn't get that email

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2015-11-02 21:44:20

I'm glad asking for cracks isn't allowed here. It's not as though we have all that many developers in this community to begin with and stealing from them is only likely to decrease that number.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-11-02 23:27:57

As for me, it's reverced here.
All of the people in my country don't like to purchase softwares or games online, or if they did purchasing it they will find that there credit cards will be hacked in the future.
So that means, purchasing a product online, with any shopping services,  is not safe.
Back on topic, what is the current progress of the game? If the date is delayed again than i think it will be like a mainstream game that someome posted earlier.
Back to online purchasing again, i'm also afraid after someone did the purchase, not online there credit card will be hacked, but they will not get the product that was planned.  What i mean by this is, the time that the developer to send the download links, product key or any other thing.
For this developer, i'm really sorry that your customers who had done the pre-orders for this title or the steam punk neverland or clocktower chronicles were not satisfied. As siel said, all of them are tragic customers.
Back to the game again, if the playing time of the game is long enough, i will get surelly download the game.

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2015-11-03 13:52:01

@Hanif: Many developers has stopped developing great games mainly because of you who just crack software and games. You might be one of the most luckiest people here on the forum, but I'm more happy, because I have gladly purchased games the last 15 years, payed with my own credit card and never had any issues. Paypal is secure and people are using it world wide. But you don't like to support the great developers and that's okay. Just don't expect any really great products to be released soon. You haven't deserved this because you won't pay for it. I hope there are great products which you have been unable to crack. One example is Private detective school from Code factory. I'm so glad that I have my own original copy of this game... big_smile
Back to the topic: No news yet. It takes months to post the demo version because the developers are using a 56 k modem. Lol.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-11-03 14:16:39

Well said SLJ.I've purchased games for about eleven or twelve years using my debit card and PayPal with no problems. So unless there's something I'm missing Hanif's argument doesn't hold water.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-11-03 14:23:26


Maybe your arguments sounds good reasonably for you but I think ONLY for you, lol

I know people from many, many places around the world like russia, pakistan, probably one person from Iran etc etc and try guessing what? all or most of these people are just fine with paypal or other methods of paying. It's just easy for me, if someone don't want to spendmoney and support something there will be always argument to say I can't because noone can't or noone around is doing that bla bla bla.

I don't want to say I never used cracks because I'm doing it really often because I have my own reasons. First of all, I'm using cracks for the mainstream games to try the playability before buying. If game is great, if it's playable I ALLWAYS will support the devs.
Okay, stop this non-sense offtop...

@SLJ: Well, the 56K modem should upload 200 MB in few months, right? LOL
There's something about HDD requirements: 200 MB

You don't know really, how I like these type of messages / post repeating all of the same things over and over without any sense in it and in the same time talking about superp extra cool ultra mega crazy new games which will be OUT SOON! YEAH! LOL
Sorry for my ironic style but... it's true and nothing more. I'm not trying to be offensive, absolutely and it's just a opinion.

PS. I am so happy I didn' t preordered this thingy because I'm doing that many times on the video gaming scene and I never be in situations like this one. If there's a delay it's well documented with concrete reasons, changelogs and updates most of the times and this is what I like, to be professional and respect the existing or potential customers.

Add me on Steam
Discord: lirintheblindguy
BattleTAG: Lirin#21759

2015-11-03 15:51:23

Hanif, sorry if this sounds harsh, but saying people know their cards are encrypted but still are sure they will be cracked is like saying that I know the Sun rises in the east every morning but still I'm sure that one day someone unknown will decide to rip it off the sky. Just non-sense. I mean, if Paypal hasn't been hacked yet, anywhere in the world, why should it be hacked in India or wherever you live? I mean the infrastructure and the website itself hasn't been hacked in a way that would compromise user account credentials, as far as I know. Sometimes people themselves are not careful enough and respond to spam fraudulent e-mails that ask them about their login information, claiming they come from Paypal staff, etc. So these cases were always the users' own fault. If you know how to act on the internet and are sensible enough not to reply to such e-mails, I would like to see the guy who would be able to crack Paypal's card encryption, first in the world to do this, just to get the credit card number of a single blind guy. Sigh. I just despise such alibistic excuses.

I won't be using this account any more or participating in the forum activity through other childish means like creating an alternate account. I've asked for the account to be removed but I'm not sure if that's actually technically possible here. Just writing this for people to know that I won't be replying, posting new topics or checking private messages until the account is potentially removed.

2015-11-03 15:52:36

@slj and bryan: not only I don't want to purchase games or softwares because of the unsecured payment, but the most important thing is, my parents refuces me.
whenever I want to try to buy games or software online, my parents always says don't try to do that and they always said about that unsafe payment that I've mentioned.
to the topic again: using a 56K modem? if he said that he is posting the demo, maybe it will be posted a month or a year, just like super airik the cleric that take 2 years before both the full game and the demo was released. he posted his announcement about super airik the cleric in 2013, and he posted the game on january 2015.

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2015-11-03 16:04:10 (edited by FabiG94 2015-11-03 16:05:59)

@hanif I sincerely your excuses. seem devoid of argument.
I'm from South America, and the dollar is very expensive here, but I and other friends usually always buy games that we like, even the mainstream.
I think that everyone can do what you want, but personally I think it is disrespectful comment about cracks that in these forums. Do not be a developer to leave the audiogame programming for your comment.
greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-11-03 16:09:54

Hanif: It's sad that your parents won't let you purchase games - but in that case, the morally responsible thing would be to not play the games at all. Using cracks to get commercial games for free is stealing, plain and simple. If you really want something from the store, but your parents won't buy it for you, would you steal it from the store? This is no different.

In fact, it may be worse, because your theft is setting a bad example and encourages other people to steal games - and this stands in the way of games for the blind ever being able to grow in quality. Think of it this way: we at Out of Sight Games are working on our first release, with absolutely no budget. The fact we have no budget limits what we're able to do, but we have lofty ambitions for increasing the quality of games available to the blind. We have big plans for our second game - but in order for those plans to be possible, we're relying on the profits from our first game. We're trying to create a business model that is self-sustaining, so that we can provide blind gamers with a gaming experience of comparable quality and depth enjoyed by sighted gamers. But if too many people steal our first game, we'll never accomplish this - not for lack of trying, but for lack of resources. Please - set a good example, and encourage people to never steal games, no matter the circumstances. You won't just be helping developers, you'll be helping the accessible gaming industry as a whole.

2015-11-03 17:29:28

ok so for this case, I will only play demos or stuff(if the developer made a demo for it).
I know that cracking is not good, but in my country many people always tries to search for it.
when a commercial game is released, one of the people ask to me, "hay, could you give me a crack for this game?" I tell them to buy the games(if it is impossible to crack, for example the games made by ticonblue), but they say the same oppinion, just like me.
buying an audio game on an iOS device for me it's fine, because there is another alternatives other than using a credit card. one of the alternatives is that users have the ability to purchase apps or games using an iTunes gift card.
but on the PC, I can't buy any games or softwares, because I will have to use a credit card or something else.
so for that, again, I will only play the demo, trials ETC. I know it's really short and have so many limmitations, but it's my only choice.
even though if in the future I have a credit card, I will never try to do something like this.

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2015-11-03 18:20:47

OK, enough of the cracking thing. we are going very of-topic.
@hanif, regarding another topic, i've sent you an e-mail. hope you did received it this time.
@giro, can't wait to play this game!!!! i'm very excited for it, hope it gets released son!

bokura no daibouken 2 by yukionozawa. installer:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/897 … _setup.exe
bokura no daiboukenn 3 by yukionozawa. download page:

2015-11-03 20:38:04

Just having a credit card as such, and even using it online if it's done well, is not any more dangerous than carrying some cash with you. Even then, you have the possibility of someone stealing the cash from you. If the absolutely irrational fear of your card getting hacked is as huge and widespread in your country as you say it is, then I'm sad to say this but I have to: The majority of people in your country seem to be basically computer iliterate in that case. With this logic, you shouldn't even be writing to this forum because you face the incredible, unbearable risk of getting your computer hacked and infected with viruses beyond repair every minute you have your web browser open.

Either learn how the big established international transaction processing companies like Paypal work and accept it, or keep your attitude towards online purchases which is pretty medieval but in that case please don't mention your problems on this forum any more because they are, in all honesty, your very own, and just like Joseph said, if you kept on propagating your attitude, making it sound almost as if you believed it was actually a good thing, you could be setting a bad example for others. And such actions are, to me, absolutely hateful, unacceptable and despicable when it comes to audiogames made by blind indie developers, not a well established commercial company. I mean, cracking is a crime nevertheless, no matter what kind of software it concerns, but if a guy decides to get a cracked copy of say the latest Tomb Raider series installment, it's just his own stupidity, carelessness and risking a sanction. If the same guy decides to get an illegal copy of, say, the Gate, he's also ruining the future prospectives of the involved developer and maybe even draining any potential future motivation from other, would be or current developers.

Think whatever you want about this but even if you don't like to hear it, which I can understand, it's still the plain truth and the way things just are.

I won't be using this account any more or participating in the forum activity through other childish means like creating an alternate account. I've asked for the account to be removed but I'm not sure if that's actually technically possible here. Just writing this for people to know that I won't be replying, posting new topics or checking private messages until the account is potentially removed.

2015-11-04 01:06:44

I don't think there's a need to be quite so aggressive, Lukas. If Hanif is worried about the security of credit card purchases, that's no business of mine. I think it's irrational, but it's not my place to say, nor is it a problem for me. What is a problem is using that fear to justify game theft. "I can't buy it safely, so I will use cracks to get them." And Hanif, I'm not sure if you're saying that's your practice personally, or just what others in your country say. I guess my point is...it's fine to say that you don't trust credit card purchases, and Lukas, I think we should be able to have a courteous conversation about whether or not that's reasonable. But it's not fine to say, "It's okay to use cracks because otherwise I'd have to use a credit card, and then I might get hacked."

But I tend to agree with Mr. Brunete - let's just move on...

2015-11-04 01:29:56 (edited by mr.brunete 2015-11-04 01:31:01)

i agree with joseph, and i add:
In hanif's case, keep in mind that buying games is something that still must be done by his parents rather tan doing it himself. cracking games is illegal, incorrect, bad, prohibited, something i'll personally never do, because i apreciate the efort put by the developers, but this is not the place to discuss it. just move on people.

bokura no daibouken 2 by yukionozawa. installer:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/897 … _setup.exe
bokura no daiboukenn 3 by yukionozawa. download page:

2015-11-04 02:49:58 (edited by hanif 2015-11-04 02:53:36)

Yes, i know cracks are not good, but still, in my country it's the only choice.
I think for now we have to stop discussing about this and back to the game.
So, my conclusion is, i don't trust the safety of purchasing games with credit card online.
If all of you still wants to do so, that's ok. If I have a credit card in the future, and if I accidentally doing a purchase like this, my only. Choice is to request a refund, but the developer who sold the game must accept it.
If there is no refund, then i'm in a lot of trouble. So that means, i will never use a credit card for online purchases. I will only use credit cards in department stores or supermarkets.

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2015-11-04 06:42:44

Hanif, this stuff about credit card purchases being too dangerous to do sounds like (excuse my language) bull shit spouted to ensure you don't ever do it. Do you know how many people are buying things on the internet asI write this post? Over 5.3 to 6.6 billion people are probably buying things on the internet at this exact moment, which is, might I add, 75.71 to 94.28 percent of the human population on earth. So, I would like you to go and buy something on the internet, something that's affordable, and see what happens. I highly doubt you'll be hacked. You have nothing that a hacker would want: you don't have a billion dollars, you don't have this super huge mantion, etc. At least, I don't think you do. But try that. I highly doubt a hacker will go and search you out for no other reason than to overcharge you.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2015-11-04 07:16:11

I don't know about those numbers. Sounds highly overblown and dramatic to me. But I still agree with your sentiments 100%. Yes, it's possible to have your credit card info stolen, but there are lots of ways that can happen. Shopping online is no more unsafe than having someone scam you, or steal your wallet with your credit card inside, for that matter.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-11-04 08:30:59 (edited by jyro22 2015-11-04 11:34:17)

A playable demo is now available, here's a direct link.

Demo Link

Game Manual

The download should automatically begin within just a few short moments after clicking. Some browsers will bring up a save prompt. Unzip the downloaded file and find your way to the unzipped folder. Click Edge.exe to start the game. After a few minutes the game should start. Make sure that if you are using an Xbox 360 controller that you plug in the controller prior to start up.
Be sure that you are running the game on Windows, preferably 7, 8, Vista or XP. Windows 10 depends on the specific system.

Menus are quite advanced, you can change individual volume levels, learn game sounds,
access location map, quick inventory nagivation, journal updates and autosaves, pause menu with load game option.
Conveniently, there are multiple object types, so that you can quickly decipher their meaning. Boundary objects, scenery
objects and interactive objects. Picking treasure chest locks is fun and they become more challenging as you progress. Starring Steven Kelly from Dragon Age Inquisition, the story features some interesting characters. Thank you, I hope you enjoy playing this as we put the final pieces together for the full game. Keeping you posted.


2015-11-04 09:02:19

Yay. Really, wow. It's really great that the demo version finally is here.
But, I can't download the file... I have tried more than 5 times, and even clicked the "if the download does not start click here" link, but it won't download. And now: Sorry, the file link that you requested is not valid. Sign error.
Can you please upload the file to a more userfriendly service? I'll keep trying, and if I get the chance, I think I'll host the file so others can download the demo version. It's interesting why you won't host your own games on your own website.
I'm looking so much forward to try the demo version, and of course to get the game which I've payed for.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen