2015-11-02 23:16:13

Hey guys, so I might have to move out to be closer to town to get a job as I live in the country. So I am wondering if anyone has any tips for me about living on your own?

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2015-11-03 02:03:39

I leaved alone in a freaking camp and excurssion I gotta do, in order to record nature sounds.
if you are gonna leave near a toun, I suggest before leaving your actual home to get a lighter in order to cook.
if you dance with matches, then lucky you! cause I burned myself a long time ago trying to stryke one.
I would recommend, apart from that, that in your new house you be freaking organized. It happened me with time I lost things and when moving to my real house I often fownd them in weird places.
that you know exactly what, how and why to buy a certain thing on the shop of the toun. This is especial because sometimes you buy much of that item, or sometimes few. What I often do, is, buy everytime for every meal I do.
stay always sharp with mobility skills. If your toun is like galapagos, I am coting it cause I leaved there and believe me dude. It is so freaking weird that a single car passes. You are good to go. But in medium touns I'll recommend staying so so sharp with that one.
I think there's not much else I could say from my personal experiences. Hope it serves you.
best regards, mike.

no matter what you do, alwais, ghosts will be there. Demonic spirits waiting for you. Charlie Charlie are you here? suddenly, charlie appears with a knife. He killed me! charlie charlie are you here? tell me if it's yes. Are you gonna persew me or you're leaving me in peaze? oh my gosh charlie is indeed here! he's about to kill me!

2015-11-03 03:32:27

I'll try to organize these into categories.

If at all possible, live in a town with grocery delivery.
If that's not an option, learn before you move there, what your options will be for getting groceries.  You might be able to call a grocery store, tell them your situation, and arrange an assistant shopper (usually a store employee), to help you get what you need.  Once you make friends, they might also help you shop.  If the store is small and doesn't rearrange things that often, you can learn your way around and shop on your own.
Remember to find out the expiration dates of perishable items.
Develop your own organization system for canned food, and frozen things.  Do whatever works for you.  Place things in a certain order, label in Braille, just do what works best for you.

Know a little bit about where you're moving, the neighborhood, the crime rate, etc., and take precautions as necessary.
Most people are friendly, but if your intuition tells you not to trust someone, even if that doesn't make sense to you, listen to your instincts.
Write down all numbers you might need - police, fire, poison control, anything.  It may sound overly cautious, but you'll appreciate it if you ever need it in a hurry.
Remember to turn on lights even if you don't need them.  It gives people the impression you're home, thus less chance of burglary.
Get to know your neighbors because they'll often become friends and look out for you.

Organization is key.  If you set up a schedule for dusting, vacuuming, etc., then you never have to concern yourself whether something looks clean or not, because you'll know it will be.
Label all cleaning items in a way you'll know what they are.

Learn your options before moving.  That way if one way doesn't work out, you'll have a backup plan to get where you need to go.

General Convenience
If you can, write all the contact info for your electric company, phone company, home repair people, in advance.  That way, you don't have to stress, trying to figure out who to call if something comes up, you need a repair, you need to pay a bill, etc.

These are just a few I thought of quickly, but if you have specific questions, I'll try to add more.
Hope this helps a bit.

2015-11-03 06:07:33

Since you added security the apartment complex I found has patrols of security guards at night. Another good thing I have for security is keep the porch light on. As for food the place I'm looking at is close to stores and things like that. I am not sure if anyone hear is familiar with Indiana but the kabs bus system doesn't go out very far.

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2015-11-03 09:40:10

Here's one I know someone will more than likely disagree with me on, but don't stress about being a blind person who is unable to accomplish certain things as well as some blind or even some sighted individuals.  I so often hear of blind and vision impaired peers who get on others' cases about how their skills are not up to their standards and they wouldn't be caught living in situations similar to the person they are judging and so on.  We are all different with different strengths and weaknesses, traits, personalities, and so on.  Some of us take the word clean to mean spotless; others believe the word means manageable.  Obviously you don't want to live in a rat infested sewage pipe, but that doesn't mean go and kill yourself to obtain perfection, which, incidentally, does not exist as far as this world is concerned.  IN short, never let pride or peers get in the way of asking for help if you need it.  Since I truly believe that statement, I'll also offer my congratulations on this topic.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2015-11-03 20:45:07

wow guys that helps a lot.
Thanks much.
I myself is planning to move out later on in life so this helps a lot.
Thanks again.