2015-10-31 09:45:39

I have traditionally use winamp on my computer, but lately it seems to be playing one song and stopping. i thought since winamp has not been supported for some time, and it doesn't seem to be working correctly i should change players. which player do you use, and why? I am currently trying vlc and fubar. fubar always wants to convert files when I want to play them. Vlc seems to be working great so far, but there isn't any keystroke to change the media volume, also, I haven't figured out a way to switch from standard play to shuffle. Is there a way to do this?

2015-10-31 10:35:43

I used winamp for years, and recently switched to foobar2000 which I am pretty happy with.
I also use VLC for playing individual files without messing up my foobar playlist.
Try control + up or down arrow to adjust volume in VLC.
I've never had foobar ask me to convert a file and have been using it for about a year, so I'm not sure what is different about our setups.

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2015-10-31 11:22:37 (edited by afrim 2015-10-31 12:06:21)

Not sure why I chose this, but I use media player classic. It is 100% accessible but it has a crappy hectic option which says the status of the song or video. This means that when you're playing a song, it will announce the status in seconds, like, 1.1.00 seconds playing. Hopefully, this life-disturbing thing can be taken off by going to view tab and unchecking the option that says, Status, checked. Then you won't have any other problem. Note that this media player is mainly designed to play videos, so there are not any special feature you can find about audio tracks. For example, media player classic, as far as I know, doesn't have any option to play all tracks inside the folder. However, if you play a track, you can go to the next one in the folder by pressing page down and vice-virsa. Finally, There is an option in the options menu when you go to playback tab, which says: after playback: combo box, select "Play next file in the folder" and everything will work fine.
Windows media player is not bad, too. It loads fast and it supports many file formats.
I use VLC media player to play tune in radios.

2015-10-31 14:42:01

Heh, Like afrim, I used media player classic too. this thing supports many formats. but the issue with jaws that I have is, this thing always reports the status of videos/MP3s while you're playing. when I used this software, I always switch to NVDA for quite sometimes.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2015-10-31 18:01:59

Listen mate, just do the following:
Open a song or video with media player classic, and go to view tab. From there hit enter on status and all the crap will be gone forever. No issues with jaws anymore. I promise.

2015-11-01 03:47:14

wow, I didn't know this tricks! thanks mate!

Follow me on Mastodon.

2015-11-01 15:56:06

Also, go to the view tab, and select options. From there, select playback tab, and there's an option which says, "after playback". Select go to the next file and you are OK. the songs will load one after another in a folder without needing to press page up and down.

2015-11-02 16:11:41

Well I've still not found anything to beat Winamp for just pure playback and customization, not to mention support for all sorts of fun game music formats (I know foobar does this but hay).

I love the fact winamp doesn't have all the library best rated recommended crap of windows media player much less the horrors of Itunes.

I have however recently started using Vlc player specifically for watching dvds, sinse my computer got blanked and I didn't have another power dvd license, (plus when I tried the latest version of power dvd the interface was totally inaccessible).

Vlc I like as a dvd player, especially the options to play bits like titles and chapters of a disk, but there are some things from power dvd I miss.

For example, I miss the auto resume that kept your place even when the computer was shut down.
It also seems vlc doesn't have many shortcut keys. There's an option in the preferences for keys, but the only thing there is mousewheel, it doesn't actually list any functions, so if someone could let me know about some keystrokes that'd help a lot.

I've found space as general pause button, p for play, s for stop and f for fulscreen, but others I have no idea about. In particular I'd really like to know the keys for wind back and forward, sinse right now it seems if I miss a line or whatever and want to whiz back I can't at all, and the menus don't help with that one.

knowing the shortcuts for next and previous chapter would be nice as well.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-11-02 18:02:12

Hi Dark,
In fact, I would love so much to go back to Winamp but it crashes on windows 8.1 that I'm using so I have to stick with another alternative. Anyway, I know some keyboard shortcuts for VLC that could make your work easier on your computer as you watch videos or DVDs, but I think it could be a nice player even for audio, so not only for videos. To go to the next file, press N, (the letter N). To go to the previous item press P, to pause the playback press Space, to increase or decrease the volume press ctrl+up or down arrow, to forward or rewind the track you have three options, the first one is shift +right/left arrow, ctrl+left/right arrow and alt+left or right arrow. They set the song forward respectively by 5, 10 or 15 seconds. S to stop the song/ video. Also, remember that if you are using a mouse, you can adjust the volume from there, exactly as you do on winamp.

I think that's enough to know. I use VLC mostly to play any tune in radio and it is fast and responsive.
Hope it helps.

2015-11-03 07:53:51

If you guys are using the latest version of Winamp, that could explain all the problems with crashing and so on. I noticed that problem myself when I first installed it. I just rolled back to the previous version, 5.65, I believe, and it works great. I've used it both on Windows 7 and 10 with no issues. You can try googling for that version, or maybe see if oldversion.com has it.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-11-03 15:43:37

No worries, I think it can be found easily on cnet download.com

2015-11-05 10:38:20

Thanks for the tips. I hadn't heard of this media player classic thing. Control up and down doesn't seem to change the volume for me in vlc, I don't know why. when i change the volume from the menus, that works, and the rest of the keystrokes work too.

2015-11-05 14:58:48

If you are using jaws, it is not supposed to work.

2015-11-06 09:43:37

o, why am I not surprised at it being a screen reader issue. Good thing i have nvda as a backup.

2015-11-10 09:12:00

I'm installing all my Windows software so this is an apropos discussion for me, too. Great discussion.

I want to give another +1 to MPC. It really is wonderful--just a thin layer around DirectShow. Be aware though, that you must have codecs installed on your box for whatever formats you will want support for. Happily, there are many of them, and they work.

But VLC has excellent format support, too. Does anybody have comments on which is better there?

And somebody talked about playing sequential files. Can you perhaps express your opinion on the media player that is most suited to playing a folder of files, or a sequence of selected files, in order?

Just myself, as usual.

2015-11-10 16:01:56

Hi there mate,
Media player classic, when installing it, comes with some codecs. As I have written above, if you are using jaws, it will announce the status of the file currently being played. So, if you are using jaws, go to the view tab and disable/untick the status. Then go to options menu, and select playback tab. There is a combo box menu there which says, "After playback", select play the next file in the folder and click OK. This media player is not the best one for playing all files in the folder, but you have the opportunity to play a track in the folder and then press page up or down to go to the previous or the next file. This, by the way, is the only media player so far that does this. So, if you press applications button over a folder, you won't find an option which says, "Play files/folder using media player classic."
In my opinion, the best media players for playing folders or selected files are winamp, VLC and windows media player.
As regarding your point of comparing VLC and MPC, I think they are almost equal. Each one has its advantages and drawbacks. Both open the files quickly, both do not crash, both are accessible. (remember, VLC shortcut to increase or decrease the volume "ctrl+up or down arrow" does not work with jaws).


2015-11-10 17:42:32

Thanks Afrim for the clarification.

I am now quite used to iTunes gapless playback, you see, and if my memory of the distant past serves me, MPC would also pause very briefly before moving to the next track. I'd love to learn that this was no longer the case. But I will give VLC a good go on Windows to see if there is potential there. It works quite well on the Mac.

Just myself, as usual.