2015-10-19 03:01:11

Hello there everyone, I thought I'd post this little topic here to see what sort of feedback I got. I can't code or anything, believe me I've tried using the blastbay toolkit and it's like criptonite to superman but I'm just asking because I personally think this would be cool. How would you like to see an audio-based open-ended sandbox medieval virtual world that's on going like our friend Danny's death match a new beginning. You could have it be completely open-ended. From the learning of skills and spells and worshiping deities and everything. You could be the most loving and kindly person throughout the land or be the most evil and heartless son of a bitch who ever lived, or anything in between. Be good yet somewhat bad, or vise versa. Like the idea of being a warrier but wish you knew how to cast spells too? well you could do it in our world. Want to be able to chop an orc or a goblin to pieces but also know how to heal a mortally wounded traveler you happen to come across on your way back to some small village town or large city? well you could do that too and you wouldn't even need to join some guild or anything. You could simply stumble across an old library somewhere, or find a person to train you in the spells or skills you want to learn, and then go out and practice them. You could even find a village in need of help and start buying up the houses and shops that are already there, and or start building things on your own. So for example, we have our village and it needs some sprucing up, you could build the buildings that they might need, or repair the ones that need fixing. Or, you could simply wish your new friends well and be on your way content to allow someone else to take on that burden. Again, I'm not a coder because if I were, I'd have tried putting something like this together long long ago. You could also learn how to forge and mix potions and elixors as well if you so wish in my world I've thought up in my head. So what do you all think? let me know. Let's have a discussion here. I'm back here now, and quite frankly I'm glad I've found a place with like minded gamers such as myself. I like my new home at audio games. Have a wonderful day to you all and I'm going to do my best to contribute as much as I can here and be an active participant.

2015-10-19 03:59:49

Hi Karate25.
That would be great! You might want to talk to someone like aprone, cae_jones, r danny who could put together something like this. You might want to get a team of coders together especially for something this big because it would take too long for one or two people to put this together.
I would love to see something like this the closest I've ever seen is muds with soundpacks and that doesn't even come close to what your describing.

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

2015-10-19 04:09:32

I would play the hell out of that game! The thing that appeals to me most about it is the ability to interact with the world. There needs - really needs - to be an audio-accessible large scale game that includes crafting and world building. The thing I get bored of with MUDs is that you nearly always have to slaughter your way through zones of monsters to grind money or XP. I really, really, really want to see a game where you can spend a day fishing and then sell the catch to the local market traders or donate it to the poor house for a different kind of bonus/alignment shift/achievement title. I want to be able to make simple leather tunics to sell to farmers or to harvest my own potion ingredients. I want to make jewellery that is just pretty and can be sold in towns. I think a huge virtual world where you can help a stranded caravan to find supplies and set up camp, pray with a group of monks, help the rangers tend forests and gardens by pulling up weeds or just plough your own hard-bought field would be a phenomenal thing.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to do it either and appreciate just how much work it would involve. Good luck with the dream though.

2015-10-19 05:00:08

I . WOULD . LOVE . a game like that.  There are a lot of great games out there, but most of them involve killing something.  I want to see one where I can just farm, or craft, or explore, or manage a castle, basically the exact thing you are describing.
You might message Aprone on this forum.  He's a game developer, known for doing some really immersive and unique gaming experiences.
He might be able to help, or at least tell you where to start looking for developers for your idea.

2015-10-19 05:14:11

Man, I seriously need that kind of game, and i'm sure people here love the idea too! It's lovely, it's virtual. Not to mention that I'm a huge fan of midworld myself. Oh, and don't forget necromancy or shamanism. Imagine how lovely it's gonna be with your voodoo zombie around.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2015-10-19 14:38:33

Hey there folks, karate25 here again. I knew you guys would probably love an idea like this, I kind of thought that I'd come to the right place and it turns out I was right. You're all on exactly the right track here when you're suggesting things like helping rangers pull weeds and tend forests, or being able to make simple leather armor for a farmer character, and the jewelry. You're going to be able to do that as well as purchase the shops themselves and set your own prices for the items the shop already stocks. Set them too high, and you won't sell as much if anything at all. Set them too low and you won't make a profit so you won't be able to earn the gold to buy that fine looking sword at the blacksmith's shop in that neighboring village, or buy that handsome flower vaze to go in the entry hall of your castle small shack or what ever kind of place of residence you wish. I can see I'm gonna like it here. I'll also tell you about how I know so much about these kinds of games since I'm sure you're all wondering how I came to play and love gaming so much. Well it all started with my mom. She basically helped me cut my teeth on simple little games like tetris and the little racing games on the old odyssey game system, and I also had some experience with the Atari 2600 over at my late Aunt Joyce's house. Later, my knollege grew when I experienced the original sega system and then the original Nintendo system. To make a long story short, I've pretty much grown with the gaming community from the sega system on up to today. So hopefully that'll give you some background of where I'm comeing from here. And I consider you my new gaming friends and family, hope you don't mind. And I've already spoken to Danny about this idea, and he tells me that medieval stuff isn't really his field of experteese, so I think that maybe aprone would be a better bet. In fact, hey aprone, if you could please shoot me a message so we can talk this thing over, I'd love to hear from you. I'll go over my idea with you and if you can't be one of my coders, maybe you could point me in the right direction. I don't think Philip Bennefall would be able to help me swing this either since I think he's pretty much getting out of the audio gaming business. Sad really, his games were pretty cool. Ah well. And by the way, this game is free to play. There ain't no room for money here, I don't want it since I'm running a business of my own. So put your wallets away and just enjoy the world. Since this isn't a game, it's an alternative life medieval style. And I'm not going to rest until I get this thing off the ground, I'm just not. I have read your wishes to have eunique games and worlds that have never been done before, and I'm willing to raise my hand and get into the fight right alongside you even if I have to get help in doing it. I look forward to hearing your feedback, and any of you game builders who would be interested in taking on this project, feel very free to shoot me a message or leave a reply on my thread. Have a wonderful day.

2015-10-19 14:59:36

Hi, while i'd love to chip in for something like this, i'm currently unable to as i'm working on the next major new version of dmnb, for the record dmnb was developed by just me with advice from others. So while a team of coders is not a dephanat requirement, i'd sirtenly consider putting a team together for your project. Not just development wize but also game design wize. Though it is possible for me to adapt the new engine i'm working on for dmnb for something like this, or maybe even the current engine, just strip out the spaceflight mecanics and science fictiony stuff. I'm sure my fello devs will be willing to help chip in, and i'd be willing to if you needed any advice. For now, the best advice I can give is, take it slow. Their will be plenty of people who will have plenty of ideas, but it'll be your job to select which ones fit your vision. If you want more advice on starting a project like this you can pm me here or add me on skype, skype name is dannystandley1, do note that i'm not the kind of socialable type to get into menny voice calls or group conferences, so text chat is my preferd methid. Also do note that i'm a gets to things when he can type of person as aposed to doing things in order, so if your chats go un answered, it doesn't mean that i'm ignoring you but that i'm focused on something else at the present time.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-10-19 15:42:31


You also may wish to look for a guy who goes by the name of @SoundMUD , for ideas.
He's the creator of Sound RTS, who is testing ideas of making audio web-based games.
There's a topic about it in the developer's room, for those who wish to scopethat out.

2015-10-19 16:37:04

Um, the only thing I can say is hell yes!

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-10-20 02:24:09

Hello there again everyone. I'm told that I should put together a team of not only coders and sound designers but also game designers? I'm guessing that game designers help you to determine how you want your game laid out? I can tell you now that it's going to be large with the ability to expand. I'm thinking of pretty much letting it be player run, putting up a few buildings but then allowing the inhabitants either build onto them or tare them down or just let them fall into ruin or maybe even put another completely new building in its place. Also, you're going to have the ability to pretty much learn every sort of spell or weapons skillsets in the world without limit even having the option to improve and learn things from other players. Gold will be the inworld currency and I'm also thinking of having all sorts of animals that you can mount and ride and breed. Things like horses, unicorns dragons and griffins. So if any game designers sound designers and coders want to pitch in and lend their time and experteese, as well as helping come up with a name for this new world, by all means, pm me, email me, or add me on Skype. My Skype name is Daniel.Perry70. Have a wonderful day and I hope to hear from some of you soon. Necromancy sounds good, and I'm thinking of divination and telakenisis as well, sorry for the horrible spelling.

2015-10-20 02:38:01

Thank you for the offer Karate, but I am going to pass.  I wish you the best of luck on your game idea, and It's indeed generous that you're putting so many things into your game, and that it will be free too!  I think this will be quite a project indeed!  big_smile

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-10-20 03:11:19

You're passing Aprone? well that's a darn shame, I was looking forward to having you on my team. Ah well though, I understand, you must have other obligations in the works right at the moment, so no hard feelings my friend. Anyone else care to join up? remember, I can't code worth a damn, nor can I design sound at all. I'm going to have to completely outsource this work to you folks out here in the blind gaming community. I can do the writing of the story, some of it, but I'll need lots of help with that too. I'm not really all that good at comeing up with medieval names and things of that nature enough to make them sound believable. I'll tell you who seems to be really good at that kind of thing, and that's Mathew, the fellow behind Sryth. He won't want to help with something like this though, I'm sure of that because he's wrapped up with Sryth which is understandable. Right now I think I should do two things. Find people who would even be willing to do the designing work for me, and I need to think of a really good name for our world. Since I say again, this won't be just a game, it's going to be a living breathing world. Day and night cycles and seasons and weather effects just as in the real world. It's going to be completely roleplay enforced, no talking about anything at all, and I do mean anything out of character. So now I want to start hearing from people who are willing to take on this project with me. Have a wonderful day and I hope to start hearing from you soon.

2015-10-20 03:12:55

I hate to burst anyones bubble, but while this sounds like a great idea, you also need to consider security.

We don't want to end up like swamp after all.

That was also free when it started, but thanks to hackers, to play online is now subscription based.

I don't know how the free online games like DMNB and Survive the wild manage, maybe they're just determined or something.

But security is definitely a must, or you'll just end up like some other games that I won't mention.

2015-10-20 03:28:17

I can help with sound design and some ideas regarding game contents, and I can also come up with midevil names for characters or places, if that's what you want. But I can't code, which is yeah, a shame. I can help give you thousands of midworld generated names, I can even help you with midworld language structures if you want a brand new language that doesn't exist in the present world. I just can't code.:(

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2015-10-20 05:35:25

Well, though I am buzy sometimes, i'd sure love to help with something like this. I as many of you know made survive the wild, I could actually quite easily help, if at all, something like this. The idea sounds absolutly fantastic! I'd love to help! Keep in mind I am developing my game so I might not be there 100 percent of the time you need me, but I can defenatly do what I can to help the project! Also I do a lot of sound design stuff, i'm sure I could help you with your game in that aspect too. What i'd recommend, is a base engine, whare you can just enter the game and have a world, but then you, with out any more coding, can just add things over time. Kind of like a mud, but utterly different. If you think of survive the wild, I can add of lot of things serverside. I'm only limited by sounds, which I have to put in there then release an update. Yeesh. But other than that you could just add new maps, objects, characters, buildings etc etc with either commands or some sort of a UI. But i'd be glad to help atempt this awesome sounding game come to life!

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-10-20 08:42:04

I really like the idea of such an awesome project, but man, you need to look at it in realistic ways.
1: It would be a shame to make this huge project free, which might mess it all up like in Swamp. Payed players will not hack the server, and if they do, their money are lost and taken for hacking the game. Lol.
2: You need to realize that Deathmatch and Survive the wild are only free, mainly because Danny and Sam who are the main guys behind those projects are multiple talented people, who can code, who have many of the ideas and can do many other things. In a huge project like what you are describing, at leased 20 people have to work full time for at leased a half year to make all this. It would be awesome if all this could be made for free, but I don't think that's possible. THis is only the game itself. What about the server and hosting all this?
I think Sam is right. When it comes to a huge project like this, I think making a system where you and other people you trust can build it all without needing a coder to make it all would be the way to go. that would also require a lot of work, but if you can get a system up and running where you, without any coding experiences at all can make buildings, cities, make objects, computer generated people etc. then you don't need a coder to make everything.
Again, I really like the idea, and if you manage to get all this up and running, you will bring audiogaming up to a whole new level, which would be fantastic. But as said before, you also need to look at all this in a realistic way.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-10-20 09:17:22 (edited by Soul Keeper 2015-10-20 11:28:38)

I'd be willing to help with any writing necessary (story content, etc). Can't program, but if you need more ideas, or need some kind of writing for the game just pm me or something. smile Not sure how far this project will get, but I'd be willing to provide help until the end, whether or not that spells completion. Also, I've always loved skill based progression, rather than archetypical class type advancement. It's just made more sense to me.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2015-10-20 12:37:58

Deathmatch is actually only free because A I enjoy my work and B because i'm not at all cumffy to handle yet another responcibility of shareware. If I ever made deathmatch shareware, i'd at least want to give users a far more stable experience than they've had in the past with server stibility. I've been looking into it though, yes yes, I know, queue the angry mob of people screaming I can't pay or your evil for getting reward for your hard work, mwhahahahahahaha.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-10-20 14:40:55

Good morning everyone, my goodness! what a lot of wonderful and educational feedback I'm getting. Sam, I think I agree with you about having an engine that you can simply put things in and then do the coding later on. I've never heard of this midworld game but it sounds like fun. I've also heard the comment about security, so if I do have to wind up charging for the game a subscription fee, I promise I'll keep it low so as many people who want to enjoy it can do so. Also, I'm happy you're bringing up the subject of servers. How much should I expect to pay for one, and can I simply get one where I only need to pay once and the server's mine, or is this a recurring payment and can I get one that I can pay an annual fee rather than a monthly fee. Lots of questions but believe me, I'm already learning so much and I'm taking it all in with a smile on my face because I really want to see this project come to fruition. We really need something like this in audio gaming. Games are becoming more suffisticated and it's time that audio games kept up with the times rather than all this dice and card foolishness. I have Naruto as one of my writers already, but from what I'm reading and picking up from you folks, I'm going to need a pretty fair-sized team of writers sound designers and coders, so I'll take all the help I can get. I'm looking to have the character be able to turn in one place and you'll be able to wield either two weapons at once, or a larger two-handed weapon like a bastard sword or battleaxe. Have a wonderful day and keep this feedback comeing. This is terrific. I didn't think this would amount to much but it's already getting lots of buzz so that makes me happy.

2015-10-20 17:20:00

Karate, there are different places where you can rent server space for your game, but those would all come with a monthly fee.  In my opinion, they are expensive.
The cheaper option is to have your own server, which still costs you money each month, but it ends up being much cheaper.  You may already have a computer you would want to dedicate to this task, or you can buy an inexpensive refurbished desktop or something.  Find a nice cool place to keep it plugged in at your home, and just leave it running 24/7 with the server software you've written.  The reason this has monthly costs is because you'll notice a rise in your monthly electricity bill. 

If I remember correctly, the server I'm using would have been $450 refurbished, but I got the same one for $280 because it was still considered "broken".  I fixed it myself and saved some money.  For me it costs about $30 per month to run the Swamp server in electricity.  Next you might need to pay for more speed or bandwidth from your internet company, and that price will depend on things I can't help with.  I had already been paying for pretty decent internet at my home, so I'm only counting the Extra I started paying when I had to also run the Swamp server.  The company's prices go up and down a little over time, but I think it's about an extra $60-$70 per month.

So for me, hosting the server myself costs me about $95 per month.  Companies that will host servers for you typically show you the lowest prices they can, but you find that they are missing things you need and each thing adds a bit more to the price.  Like almost every company, they nickle-and-dime you until you're paying a lot more than you expected at the start.  I haven't shopped around everywhere, or read through every fine-print about charges, but running this from my home was the best combination of price, control, convenience, and power.

Oh I almost forgot that you'll probably have to pay for website hosting as well.  That isn't really part of your original question, but it's at least something to keep in mind if you will be keeping your company free.  There are free website options after all.  smile

I kept Swamp free for 3 years myself, so I truly do understand why you'd want to keep your game free.  People were generous and many donated a little here and there to me to help with server costs, but of course it's really hard to get $95 in donations every single month.  There will be times when you would be paying for that out of your own pocket, so you'd need to be prepared for that.  I didn't make Swamp paid because of the server costs (It was for security reasons), but I will say it is nice to have Swamp paying for all of its server costs without me ever worrying about "will more donations show up before the month is over?", hahaha!

I hope this helps.

- Aprone
Please try out my games and programs:
Aprone's software

2015-10-21 03:05:39

Hi there Aprone, karate25 here. This ain't bad at all, I went over it with mom and she says to give me a couple months, but it looks like I'm going to take the refurbished computer route to make my server rather than paying a company to rent space. The price sounds very doable, about the same as a phone bill or something. So this sounds totally possible. Besides, that few months time frame will give me ample time to hammer out the storyline and skills spells and other things I need to make the world good. You've been a huge help and I'm happy for it. Believe me. Ah, feels good when things seem to fall into place. Looks like this project will move forward after all. When you started talking about the servers and what it would take to get one in place I thought ain't no way my mom will agree to this, but I used to have a gaming web site a few years ago when I tried selling regular video and computer games but that went over like a lead balloon, so if my domain name is still available I'll bring it back if only for this and the few other games I've got in mind. Have a wonderful day and I'm now looking for some more coders. I know Sam's on board when he's able to work it which is good, since we're pretty much all doing this in our spare time which is cool, I'm running my own business too so I know what that's like. Have a wonderful day and we'll definitely keep this going.

2015-10-21 11:42:18

Hello all! Carate, you've been luring me gradually to get involved on this project. So I think I'll bite. As most of the people who offered aid, I can not code. However, I can offer a long time experience with mainstream games, and more than 10 years of tabletop rpg as a dungeon master. I'm also beginning my life as a musician, and my goal is to create soundtracks for games and movies in the future.
Best regards, Haramir.

The true blind is the one who refuses to see.

2015-10-21 11:49:50

Hope this gets off the ground. A lot of the people around here who can code are busy with their own stuff, which is a bit concerning for something like this that's gonna need a lot of coding, at least in the beginning.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-10-21 12:56:41

This is just an idea, and I don't know how good or bad it might be.
But if you're looking for coders, maybe you could make contact with college students in your area who are majoring in all things tech, and see if they'd be interested to help you get this game up and running.  I would think they might enjoy the challenge of doing something unique.

2015-10-21 14:36:04

Hi there everyone. I like that idea of getting hold of colleges in our area. We've got 1 4-year university and a community college and I know that the community college has a course that teaches programming. I tried it and failed beautifully at it and withdrew after the first failed test because it was so visual. So it's a long shot at best, but it's worth a try. In fact, I went to the university and have a personal friend there who used to be my professor and he would I'm sure be only too happy to help me out if he could. Nice suggestion, thanks a lot. Quite frankly I have to say that I'm very happy to get all kinds of this wonderful feedback, I never thought it would get this far. I'm glad to see that you're all behind me. And haramir, I'm going to be sending you a message to speak with you further. I think I could possibly use you. Have a wonderful day to you all.