2015-10-21 05:59:20

Could we have a board for beginning gamers?
It could contain basic FAQ threads for the major games.  This way, veteran players could answer questions from new players, and share helpful resources and tips.
The board could also have general tips.  For example, when I was first here, I saw a lot of abbreviations I didn't understand, BK3, DMB, etc., and I eventually learned they were shorthand for specific games.  So maybe we could have an abbreviations or terminology list too.
I suggest this, because there are some huge threads for the more popular games, and while I kind of enjoy trying to decipher veteran-player-game-speak, I could see where it might be intimidating if you simply wanted to get started in a particular game.
Just thinking a beginners' board might be encouraging for someone who has never played accessible games.

2015-10-28 13:40:01

I see the logic to this idea Mirage, however my problem is we already have a general game discussion board where people already post topics like "beginning swamp" and the like. Really there is no reason why any beginner can't do so and I've done so myself on an occasion, start a new topic rather than delve into one of the mondo huge ones, ----  indeed as a general thing I don't get why people are so shy about starting new topics (it's not as if we're going to run out of them or anything).

Some beginner articles such as abbreviation lists, guides to start out etc might be a good idea, however the articles room can already serve that purpose, see my startout guide for star traders elite or all the guides to deathmatch project alpha as examples, indeed if you or anyone else wanted to write more beginner guides for the articles room that'd be very much appreciated.

That indeed is another concern with a beginners board sinse if the topics such as "A guide to abbreviations" were mixed in with actual requests from beginner gamers for assistance it'd make them harder to find, plus of course determining what goes on the beginner's board and what in general game discussion and what in the articles room could be quite a tangled task, and the last thing we'd want to do is create a situation where people were frightened of posting in various places for fear of getting it in the wrong place.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-10-28 22:30:10

I definitely see the logic in that.  I was a board moderator on another site, and in an effort to clean up and organize the boards that were there, I think we inadvertently confused people about where to post.

The articles board is a great idea.  I'm not knowledgeable enough as a gamer to contribute much, but it would be great if others added articles.