2015-10-02 15:05:21


I'm delighted to say that an update this July made the fantastic Silversword RPG game accessible. It was originally considered accessible but there were some Voiceover issues with navigation. They're fixed and the game is probably the best IOS game I've found.

It's a game in the style of a 1980s game called The Bard's Tale and it plays like Dungeons and Dragons and similar RPGs. You control a group of up to 7 adventures in a very large and immersive world with hundreds of items and monster variants. There's an over-arching plot but plenty of flexibility to just wander around and explore.

Other good features, in my opinion, are the ability to create more than your 7 characters. You can have up to 25 characters created and swap which ones you take out. A massive in-app purchase expansion which not only gives you a kind of sequel game to the main one but also unlocks lots of bonus features right from the start of the main game. A wide selection of races and classes to play with plenty of weapons and armour to customise your party. A huge list of spells and skills to learn. Repeatable side quests. Resetting dungeons with many random encounters to give replayability. There's also much, much more.

I really do urge anyone who enjoys RPGs to check this one out. I think the main game costs around £3.00 or so but it has hundreds of hours of gameplay and the random encounters and different character options means you'll get plenty of replayability from it. The game's forum also suggests that there may be another expansion on the way in the short to medium term future as well so there's going to be even more to keep you hooked.

The game's website is:

And it has a forum at:


2015-10-02 16:39:08

Wow, I'll definitly be checking it out, I know that there were lots of people excited about silversword, and they now have a reason to be excited again because it's happened and become accessible!

2015-10-02 17:09:05

ok I've played the game but I don't know what to do other than wondering around finding nothing but going back to the same area over and over again, for example going to the training hall.
so for that reason, I've just refunded my purchase of this game because for me it's really hard, don't know what I must do after the tutorial thing, even I don't get to a fight screen at all.

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2015-10-03 00:54:44

Hi there.

I don't think this has enough accessibility improvements to make it playable. Although it does announce if moving forward is possible, and what is blocking your way, there's no way of moving around the map efficiently. I spent a good amount of time bumping around, running into mobs, and killing stuff. The combat screens move too quickly to comprehend what is going on. I have no idea what all of my party was doing or how much damage they landed, I just know I won. There's no coordinate system that I could find either.

The menus are accessible and you can interact with the game fine in this regard, but otherwise it's still a game of ping ponging around until you find the right location. I'm happy progress is being made, but I'd still say it's not accessible enough to play easily. I could have missed some critical detail though, so please let me know if there are additional accessibility features I had disabled or missed.

2015-10-03 01:55:39

Did you try the magic tap (two finger double tap)? I've heard that it could help. I still would like to try this but I'd rather hear experiences and thoughts from someone who's played the game first.

2015-10-03 03:39:13

Still the problem with combat. Doesn't actually read anything while in combat.

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2015-10-03 06:21:50

The two-finger double tap anywhere on the screen does tell you the type of terrain you're on, the available exits from your current square and your current coordinates on the map. You can also hear your footsteps so can tell if you're following paths or going on to some grass.

In the settings menu, found near the bottom right of the screen (as far as I can tell) there is an option to slow down the text delay in combat so that messages scroll much slower and you can get more of an idea of what's happened. You can also flick through your party's general health and spell points levels between combat rounds to see if anyone needs healing or whatever.

There is a help option in the settings menu with a manual. You can also buy an even more detailed manual as an in-app purchase if you want. The basic manual does explain some of the aspects of the game and I recommend reading it. Indeed, I refer to it fairly frequently. That, at least, is easy to navigate with standard Voiceover gestures. The in-app purchase manual mostly adds more detail about all the items and monsters in the game so is not essential. Also, the website for the game has a "lore" section which is worth looking at. The website link is in my original post.

I will agree that the maps are super complicated and it is still the case that trial and error are required when navigating with Voiceover. One good thing is that the game does generate plenty of random encounters so that at least stumbling around the maps isn't uneventful. There seem to be some direction-finding spells but I'm not quite sure how they work yet. Unfortunately, the complexity of the maps is something the developer has directly addressed on the forum and it's here to stay. I've asked for more accessibility features in the "feature request" section though, including the ability to check if you've visited a certain square before or to mark a spot to orientate yourself from it (like in Shades of Doom). I'll wait and see if I get any response.

It is definitely the case, however, that this game has a very busy interface and fiddly maps that do make it more of a challenge with Voiceover. If you're prepared to be patient and embrace the sense of adventure then it is really rewarding. If you're not comfortable with that style of gaming, which isn't at all a problem, this probably isn't for you yet.

There is a very good and detailed walkthrough of the general things you're apparently supposed to do in the game on the Silversword forums. It gives you a good idea of the rough directions you should be heading for for each part of it. It helped me a lot although I will agree that the complexity of the map makes it less intuitive to follow the walkthrough instructions easily. You can find the walkthrough here:
http://silversword-rpg.com/phpbb3/viewt … &t=742

In general, my thoughts are that those who find the map frustrating, confusing and complicated are quite correct. I must admit that the style of the game really appeals to me so I was able to persevere and overlook the fact that I spend quite a while trying to find everything on the map. At least it's a way of getting XP and gold without farming the same dungeons. Besides, some of the Entombed maps got pretty big, laborious and complicated so it's not like we're completely new to that. I'd say that the main appeal of the game is the RPG element and the ability to control, with relative ease, a whole group of adventurers. The combat menus are easy to navigate so at least you don't get hacked to bits while trying to find controls.

In combat you select the actions for each of your party members and then start the turn. As mensioned in a previous post, text then scrolls across the screen to show you what's happened, action by action, as your adventurers and the monsters fight. Once the round is over, you are presented with the screen for selecting the next turn's combat actions and can leave the combat menus there while you review the condition of your party to plan if you need to do any healing or anything in the following round.

I do feel that the fact that the developer, a single person and not a company, has made such a large and vibrant game and still taken the time to implement Voiceover support is something I want to support. If the game doesn't sound like your sort of thing then that's fair enough but I've not found a more immersive and detailed accessible game for IOS (although I guess KODP comes close, despite having a different scale).

Feel free to ask any specific questions that will help you play and I'll see if I can help.

2015-10-03 07:16:21

Maybe we should try making the developer aware of this forum.
If he is on here too, maybe we could give him more detailed info on what we need to play the game in an efficient way.
Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2015-10-03 07:40:58

Ahoy there
I haven't tried the game yet,have always wanted to but from what I heard  by the developer himself and the players I thought I'd wait a long while until the developer got time to fix the existing issues. although welshweyr's post did make me quite excited and want to grab it right away. :d
The difficulty of anything at all isn't the issue for me at all, I do not mind difficulty but what I do mind is stumbling around in the dark tongue and hoping I get to where it is that I want to go
But perhaps if the map overview is still not intuitive enough, perhaps the developer could try something like  A dark room. The combat messeges could be handled as alerts or again as a dark room handles them. That is if the developer wanted to,of course.
I repeat again I haven't tried the game yet so I don't really know if any or all of my suggestions are worth anything at all,or if something like them is needed,but eh.
The developer as far as I remember already knows of this forum, has already taken part in discussions about the game and so on. I would however suggest people do not flud him with messeges, from what I have seen he does not seem to appreciate that very much. :d
still and all, I wasn't expecting this game to be updated with VO fixes anymore, but now that it has been, its a good thing.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.
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2015-10-03 09:51:07

If the developer has actually stuck in coordinates that is awesome! I looked over this game way back when, and the only really major problem was absolutely no ability to know where you were, whether you'd been there before or what was going on.
I was able to read all the menus and inventories and even change my party around (for all that the tap and drag method with characters got a bit wiffy), I was able to succeed in a combat by slowing down the text delay and having vo read incoming attack messages, however the lack of navigation features meant that practically going anywhere was near impossible, and unfortunately last I checked with the developer this wasn't going to be fixed, however if as you said a magic tap coordinates function has been added that is amazing!

I won't be able to try this today, but I'll look over it tomorrow and see what I can find (it's going to be nice to get my money's worth from buying the game).

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-10-03 11:20:52

ok but maybe who can recording this game?

2015-10-03 13:12:13

That's rather surprising given how indifferent he made out to be.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-10-03 13:36:25

the game is fun, you can double tap on screen for listen your coordinate and know the way in from of you. go to the setting for slowly text and go to the forum for know where are the zone, i have the walk trough.

Sorry my english is very bad, it's no my language natal.

2015-10-03 16:31:40

I'm going to be honest. The navigation thing isn't a problem for me. It'd just be super nice to have combat read automatically instead of me swiping to the right like a mad man hoping to get to the right spot.

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2015-10-04 09:50:59

Wasn't there a combat log? combat is turn based anyway, it's just the text appearence that is automatic as I recall.

I will download the game this afternoon and check more completely.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-10-04 16:51:26

Dark, you won't get any luck even with the magic tap implemented to the game

going in to the wilds, collecting pokedex, and capturing them are my kind of thing,
training them, making them evolve, and generally making them stronger is my ultimate goal,
fighting other manamon tamers, winning the tournament, and fighting octoros are what these manamons like to do,
and ultimately, I become the master of mana!

2015-10-04 17:46:43

It depends on how good you are at navigating environments. I'm guessing there might be a nack to it, so to speak. I will try out this game and let everyone know too.

2015-10-05 16:21:15

I've found that there is a nack to the navigation. I've learned to notice features to use them to orientate myself when heading in new directions, particularly on maps where I've spent a lot of time. The thing with this game is that it is a very big one so you have to commit to it. It's not quick and it's not easy so you'll probably not enjoy it if that's what you're looking for.

The coordinates are definitely read with the two-finger double tap and they are useful to check if you're stumbling around the same bit of the map or heading in a new direction. Everyone learns Swamp coordinates for the purposes of avoiding obstacles so this doesn't seem that different to me. Still, each to their own, I suppose.

There is a log but it seems more of a general log of your progress through the game than a specific combat review option. It would be good if I could get Voiceover to announce the scrolling battle text though. Does anyone know if there are Voiceover controls to make text read automatically?

2015-10-05 16:38:03

Sorry for the double post but I wanted to let you know that I've created a topic on the Silversword forum, in the feature request section, with a link to this thread here so the developer can take a look at what the VI community has to say and what would help us enjoy the game a bit more. I thought that doing this would allow him to look if he has the time to do so without applying undue pressure. The link to that thread, in case anyone wants to look at any response I get or comment directly, is:
http://silversword-rpg.com/phpbb3/viewt … amp;t=1401

2015-10-05 17:51:27

I've tried it, but the moving around part is just plain difficult. I've beaten my first battle, without knowing much of what happened, and now I just stumble around. I really wish there was a way to know what's around the characters, like places or whatever.

Devin Prater
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2015-10-06 01:10:14

Honestly if you could find a way for the combat log to be read I'd have no problems with the game. A game that size with all of the expansions is going to be pretty huge so I have no problems with the navigation. It'd just be nice to know what damage I was doing in combat along with other things.

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.

2015-10-06 06:04:09

Hi guys, saw the link posted in the silversword forums to read what you had to say. As a sighted fan I can say navigation isn't always easy for me either. Mario has stated that it is in part intentional due to his fond memories of Bard's Tale and memorizing keystrokes for travel. Some of his first maps are visually ugly, so your not missing anything there, but unfortuately for all of us with some difficulty the later maps prettiness has nothing to do with them being easier to navigate, but at least there are somewhat better travel options by then.

Personally I find counting strokes before turns helps me, maybe with that and the coordinate system may help a few more. Long travel is supported thru two methods in the base game and a third in the current expansion already. Road wardens at a few select but key locals, and high level spells, a base game character and an expansion character (Dragon Callers are available with the expansion only after the base game is defeated with their powerful teleport spell). The start of the game requires all movement by simple extended exploring though.

If Mario's last stated plans for the next expansion hold, you will be able to destroy many obstacles in the future...

The current expansion content (extra maps, alchemy, thief mastery and additional items) becomes open after a good way thru the base game, but largely can be explored well before beating it if purchased- just to clarify.

Finally, combat messages are less important the more you play... Review your character health between rounds as welshweyr aka seeing eye dragon? said and you should be able to get by. The game seems tailor built for experimentation more than imediate succes. For example, not all player party make-ups are equal, certainly not in all locals of the game, so having up to 25 player made characters possible, with up to seven fielded at a time allows a lot. You will need a mage for group damage at times if you don't want a hyper long grind and leveling, and a thief at least the second time thru a dungeon - to open magic resistant chests - at some point to progress.

2015-10-06 11:13:46

Yes, I guess I should have clarified that I'm Seeing-Eye Dragon on the Silversword forums. I intend using that name to make accessibility podcasts and Youtube videos, game reviews and walkthroughs and generally champion accessibility with a focus on fun and not practicality. By that I mean that I want to show that visually impaired people have just as much right to enjoy a device for pleasure as much as having it make every day life easier. That's the idea anyway.

Back on topic though, slowing down the text output in the settings menu really does help with reviewing what happens in combat. Also, the 3-finger swipe up and down to review long combat rounds, during the rounds, also works. The only problem is that the new game round seems to reset the text output window so that you can't look over the last round's actions. Maybe some kind of continue button at the end of the round would be a useful feature so that at least you can review how your characters did and exactly how the monsters acted before moving to the next round? I'll propose that on the Silversword forum.

2015-10-06 15:25:31

Well I've downloaded the game and given it an initial look.
First as regards navigation. This coordinates system is exactly what I suggested to Mario originally and what I've wanted all along, it's  wonderful and Mario definitely deserves thanks for including it in the game, indeed I may well drop him an e-mail myself saying so.

To those who are having difficulty, well to be honest my comment would be "get used to it!" similar systems are used in very many games, from real time ones like Swamp and Shades of doom, (galaxy ranger from vip games zone uses them a lot), to web based ones like Gothador, Crimson moon and Sryth, (grendel's cave even has them), so they're something to get used to if you want to play many games.

Myself, I check the coordinates every move which lets me keep track of where I am and what the exits are. For example, I now know my character party starts at 1-3, and the first fight in the armory is at 3-19, right in the bottom left.

The only other thing to remember is that in silver sword the coordinates seem to go top down rather than bottom up, so 1-1 is at the top left hand corner of the map, while 10-10 would be at the bottom right, rather than as is more usual having the ascending coordinates go up from the bottom. Then again I suppose that'd mean your characters starting at 1-20 or something which could be confusing big_smile.
So from me, the coordinates are a major success! (I particularly like how your told the exits, that is very helpful in keeping in mind where your going).

As to combat, I first set my text delay to zero 
have done the first battle with the rats, unfortunately i think I missed a message there which was annoying sinse I set my mage to cast a spell and wanted to see if it worked or not, but sinse I have only been in one fight thus far I can't say whether me missing the messages was a problem with the game specifically, or was due to me just not looking in the correct place, though I will say either having a log of the previous round to review or a "continue" button on the text as apposed to real time scrolling would be nice sinse then you'd not need to worry about auto speaking and could read at your own pace, wich might well be necessary given combat rounds will doubtless get rather complex with 7 party members and goodness knows how many enemies.

Btw, if someone can tell me where to go for another fight that would help. I'm not playing the game seriously right now so much as just checking the access, when I play properly I'll restart, read the manual (and likely buy the various improvements), but I want to check everything is working first, especially because if indeed (as seems the case), silver sword is now accessible I'm going to want to create some news and let people in the audio games community know about it.

Oh, and also I recall hearing about some real time colour lock puzzles in the game, does anyone know what has happened with those in terms of access?

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-10-06 16:19:45

Erm... I thought the higher your text delay was the better it was? Clearly... I have no idea what I'm talking about. That could be some of my problem. A continue button would definatly help though. Also, for some reason when I go to the armory it keeps telling me the place is empty, I wait a moment, and then get kicked out of the place.

Silly Gohan, animals don't eat people. People eat animals.