2015-09-29 02:33:55

Er, wow? What exactly am I reading. Oh right. On this crittisism ishue, severe storm steve is correct on this. You can't please everyone all the time. You will gain fans, lose fans, regain some back if you do good enough. You can't look at this game development as a chor or your next grate assignment, or as a technical service that has to be offered to the community. Us game devs do the work we do because we enjoy it. We have fun out of it, and in return, it gives us pleasure to see the community play our games. In small ways, though's harsh comments, the constructive crittisism which by the way, if you want to be a true game dev you need to learn the difference between that and just all out bashing, are a giant blessing. If we all got awsome positive feedback all the time on our games, their wouldn't be a chalange. Most of the time, when someone makes forth an effert to put forth a well constructed, well explained point of view on your game, it means that they cair about it. When they try to explain their point of view fully, it means that they like the game, but that they want to see it grow better as a result. The hole point of game creation for us devs, at least in my book, is to create, and enjoy creating. Now. Onto this hole online games ishue, as someone who has ran an online game for almost a full year now, I just want to express the following. These online games arn't toys. You can't use them to please the entire party at your house, much less an entire gaming community which, sorry to say, has differing opinions on various things. Menny devs don't get into this sort of biznis on creating online games, simpply because the commitment is a gigantic one, far different to building an offline game where the responcibilities are less. On this hole emotional turbulance thing. I myself suffer from emotional ishues. Yes, their are times where I just want to put the game down and curl up in a ball and quit. Yes, their are times when I want to flat out stay in bed and not even get up to do my dudies. However, when running an online game, while you don't have to get rid of your ishues entirely, they still have to be in check. If you can't get them in check, the solution is simpple. You don't log on, you don't touch the games code, you walk away and get your reel life problems or whatever's playging you out of your system before you jump back. When you jump back, you politeley explain why you were away and leave it at that. If the ishues are in check, you get up, do what needs doing, do the dudie and the responcibility that's required out of maintaining an online game. I still do my dudie despite the number of problems that i've had recently, and I still keep my own ishues in check. If I do need to release them, I talk to my best friend about it, or go to my small group of friends that I have. Now, my last point on this. As I said before, not everyone will like your game. Have I been told before, hey, dude, dmnb's not my type of game or hey dude, your game sucks? Yes, I have. And that's the people's opinion. Have I gotten, as goastrider puts it here, a kick in the ass for though's times that i've stept out of my own boundrys, I sure have, from my own best friend. You'll think its bad at the time you receive them, but ultimitly, if your a true game dev, you'll learn to enjoy though's comments sooner or layder, and you'll be thankful someone's actually speaking up and telling you hey dude, your not doing something right. Because ultimitly, when you listen instead of taking though's types of comments out of priportion and raging on the forums as has been done here with the dev, ultimitly, you not only get a better game out of it, but you become a better person.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

Thumbs up +5

2015-09-29 02:42:09

Exactly. And in situations like this you don't usually get pushed to do something, (we're just making games here). So you can either take this as everyone hating you, or perhaps if you're so inclined, make it your personal goal to blow that person away with a great feature. Or heck, ignore it entirely and pursue your dreams! There's no harm in that, right?

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2015-09-29 03:43:25

nothing good will come out of me. I can't code shit, I didn't even develop this game in the first place. And friends? Bah! I have no friends! I have acquaintances. It has clearly been proven here by multiple parties that I am not fit for shit, so I'm just walking away. Be happy when you see the next release of 2dp ultron, because you will know, hey, this piece a shit actually got off his ass and tried to prove himself as something useful in the world. Because at the moment, i'm not. Take target. That thing was a waste of my valuable time. The updater and the MOTD system was about the only good thing it had. The rest, crap. I have the worst thing a developer can have. No patients, and no like for himself. I not only don't like myself, I hate myself and my life to the bitter end. Criticism is acceptable, just something inside me can't handle it, because it just adds to the tally of reasons I shouldn't be doing this, or I shouldn't exist, or I shouldn't bla bla bla. Life is a competition for me, and don't say theropy, counciling, don't work. I'm gonna quit ranting here. Good bye, up is my decision, but it is 72% no. If it comes back, do know it will only be minorly updated, I cannot completely fix security, and misc other things. One of my problems is I ran out of creativity years ago, I can't actually come up with my own ideas for this game. So I'm relying on this community, but by the looks of it, I can't even handle what they say because they show just enough harshness to trigger me. i am a bomb. A tripwire. A... Completely mental, insane, idiotic, stupid, useless, person who just lies there and cries in the dark after shit like this.

An anomaly in the matrix. An error in existence. A being who cannot get inside the goddamn box! A.K.A. Me.

2015-09-29 05:58:23 (edited by jack 2015-09-29 06:01:44)

Did we ever say you're a piece of shit? Did we ever say you were useless? Did we ever say you couldn't code shit? No, we never did, and never will. You, yourself, aren't shit. Far from it, actually. As for Target, that, dude, was your first! game. Every dev starts with practice games, in deed some devs start with either guess the number or trivia or even scoreless simon type games, so don't beat up on yourself for your first game being a simple one. Do you think the dev of adventure at c just went off coding mega mazes, his first game, right away? Absolutely not. While not publically, he most likely started off with some practice games. Not all devs want to post their practice games to the public. Starting off with simple games, is, ok. I repeat, it is. In fact, as I said earlier, not everyone starts up with even something like that. In deed, I started off with stupid yes/no trivia games, and while they were rediculously simple, they did help me in a way, I suppose. Hell, I didn't even read the whole frickin language tutorial before programming those!
But back on topic of things like this, you are certainly not the only one that has started off with something simple, and published it. In fact you have nothing to be ashamed of, as I'm sure no dev, even the gta/mk devs for that matter! starts off with a big-hit game straight up. THey program one, two, to several practice games, slowly building up. For example, a guess the humber to start off, then building up to a simple shooter, then maybe a sidescroller prototype kinda thing, etc. Streets of Chaos, your second game combined with Lucas, well, that game was actually pretty nice. There are some things that coulda been improved for it, but am I gonna bash you for it? No. It was your second game. Simply put, the more you code, the better you get, the better the games will get, you know. It's the same for every other complicated thing, in fact this can very well relate to learning a language, because that's exactly what it is, except you don't have to learn how to speak it...unless you really wanted to. lol But seriously, you're not the one to blame. 2dp's still good. Ultrapower's still good. Bottom line, don't beat up on yourself just because of others comments, or anything.

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2015-09-29 09:41:42

Okay, really, wow!!!
All this has happened just in a few days where I've been away from the forum...
Criticism will come, no matter how good a developer is, and no matter what a developer is making or is working on. The key is to take all the critisism and see it as constructive feedback, no matter how it's said. The critisism which is only bad, well just screw it, and keep work on the project for those who like it and screw the others.
Coltonhill: If you still are following this topic, then think about the following: 1: No one have attacked or said anything about you personally, not at leased what I have seen. No one has said that you are useless or anything about that.
2: I can only speak for myself about the following: I haven't followed this topic and read every single post. I don't know when you took over this project, and haven't read any official announcement before you told us this after I started to play around with the server etc. I don't think people, me included, know what you can do, what you can code, what you previously have made and we don't know you personally at all. It is like, you just took over Ultra Power which is the only thing I know, and I think that goes for most others who are following this topic. With only this information, the only thing we can expect is that you are able to continue to work on the project like code new features etc. Keep in mind that us who are not involved in the developement of the project, which means all of us accept for Mason, don't know, or didn't know before you told us, that better security might not be an option, simply because the way the game is coded or maybe the way BGT works. I don't know. So the request for security came from people who didn't know that it is impossible...
I hope you with this post can see the situration from our side.
Then, don't take things personally. We don't know you personally and therefore we have no right and can not attack you personally because we simply don't know you. And why should we attack you personally? I haven't seen any posts here with personally attacks against you. Think about it in this way: You are working on a project. Critisism is directed to the project and only the project, not you personally. Then, it's your choice to not take things personally, because that's not what people mean to do.
Then, I hope you'll think about the following: Do you wanna give up now and quit the project because it has been hacked? Or do you wanna improve yourself, take up the challenge and work on some kind of security to make it challenging for the hackers to destroy the game? It's your choice. If you give up now, then you won't improve yourself as a developer. If you take up the challenge, you'll improve yourself a lot. But it's all your choice.
Now, I have to drop all my great idears and plans for making an online server, maps etc. and make something enjoyable for the danish blind community. This is really sad.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-09-29 11:58:48

@slj Don't forget becoming a better person. Game developing is just as much of a learning experience, and, as a project progresses, speshily big giant ones like online games, the dev, if he so chooses to bite his tung and struggle through, becomes a better person each time a bad thing happens, if he learns from it. Getting back to the constructive crittisism point. Trolls will be trolls. Gamers will be gamers. Cats will be, well, meowing kittys/cats. You can't change them anymore than you can alter the laws of space and time or gravity, and unfortunitly that's just life. You can't please an entire community all at once. If your a true game dev at heart, you won't look at projects as... just another project on the drawingboard or as the next assignment that you must move onto. You won't attempt to treat the project as your offering a service and we should all be grateful for it and not complain. This is of course, my opinion. Are people free to disagree with it? Yes. Does that automaticly mean that i'm suddenly hated by everyone, being crushed, stompt on and having my head sliced off? No, it doesn't, just as it doesn't mean that i'm hated, just because for exampple, I happen to prefer the original series of star trek over say, next generation series. Some people might think me weerd for saying that, but ay, its just an opinion and we're free to run down different paths. So long as we can discuss our opinions in a suitable manner, with out jumping down someone's throte or saying we're hated just because we think that way, its all good. Anyways, that was quite a ramble, so, getting back to the original post. This is my personal viewpoint. Ultra power has a lot of flaws, and I personally think, that with the devs aditude, calling people swairs, saying he's going to implement a switch if he brings the game back to kill the game if its unsupported, i'd rather move on and find a different game with a more stable dev and less features. Their was also something I mist, when it comes to implementing security and something you don't know how to use. I've been known to tell people it isn't possible at the current time, or its not feezable. However, it doesn't mean that i'm not ever going to spend time looking into it. I've been known to tell people that at the present time they've suggested their features, its simpply not feezable, then maybe a few months layder but better layder than never, find a way, revisit that feature, and they have the request ready to go. Rapping up this post because its getting quite long now, I see the following points. You can't stop though's from disagreeing about the fate of the game or stop trolls from trolling, or though's who simpply hate the game from, well, hating on it, anymore than you can change my opinion on it. However, what you can do is the following. You can either grow up, realize the world does not revolve around you, realize though's who think the way they do are not going to change their opinions by proof of word and continue the game, or you can continue to ramble on about how everyone is attacking you when everyone else was, in fact not, and stop development. Before I go, because I just have to put this here. I understand about emotional ishues, I suffer from them almost every day, but that's no valid excuse for the behayvure that i've seen here from this dev. If your ishues are that bad, you shouldn't have taken the game on in the firstplace, reel life is more importent than a game. Again, that's my opinion. If colton so chooses to continue the game, fair enough, he'd be showing a strength and will to prove everyone, including me rong here, and if he doesn't choose to continue, its also fair. The world will keep spinning, another game will come along, someone else might be able to get the source from mason and continue it if its really that importent of a game and we'll all go on to bigger and better things. I'd offer to take ultra power up myself from mason, and was slitely considering it, but I personally don't feel i'm fit enough to handle the responcibility of such a project when i've already got a project that eats up most of my time already.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

Thumbs up

2015-09-29 17:34:11

guys. please calm down. just tell me colton. are you  coding or not anymore this game

Thumbs up

2015-09-30 01:16:19

OK Guys!
all you say that if the game was hacked, you simply, hate me. Please, obay me and I'l come into this war of people like this, and I'm so onest with anithing that I will considder, since I'm 14 years old and in the 20th of november I'l be 15, so if anybody wishis, I will imvite all of you to my birthday. The imbitations starts on october 20, 2015. If I want to imvite me, you can search me in my EMail address:
[email protected]
You can search my name in facebook. Note that it's in spanish, So you copy it.
Luis Carlos
Luis Carlos
Luis Carlos González
OK. If you don't respect what I sayd, unfortunately I don't send imbitations, so, you, understanded?

73 Wj3u

Thumbs up

2015-09-30 01:50:32

So I'm wondering, do people have some servers still up?

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

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2015-09-30 03:43:29 (edited by jack 2015-09-30 03:45:13)

I'm attempting putting a 24-7 server up, my old dell inspiren1545 with 4gb ram, 2.3ghz duel core cpu, would be running iwndows xp 32bit, yeah I'm not installing win7 back on. The thing is, despite how that thing crashed on me sometimes, it's a fairly decent system and may do well for a server if nothing else is running and I can leave the thing unattended. By leaving it unattended i mean the actual machine, not in any way the server. I have unlimited bandwidth, so shouldn't be a problem. Two problems. That computer hasn't got windows xp installed yet, and over the past few weeks my internet service has been getting shitty, so I'm not gonna trust it to behave. For example, I was downloading a 12mb file, it took 7 frickin minutes. It has moodswings, and at the worst of times, it totally blows. Uverse? More like, Screwverse. roll Basically, as much as I'd be most willing to host the server, I doubt it will be up anytime soon. That's not to say it won't be up, but if Screwverse continues to not satisfy my sole, and do what I ask it to do, I'm not gonna host, until I get this straightened out. I don't want to host a server that could possibly grind to a screeching halt just because of a spasm from my isp.

Thumbs up

2015-09-30 04:45:32

I could put up a server on my VPS, but at its current state, I do not trust it. I'm a huge security freak and before I ever touch that server again, I want to know how people gained access to the files within it, and if they have access to files outside the folder

Thumbs up

2015-09-30 08:13:02

At this point, I don't see too many servers being hosted. It looks as though RTR will be what we fall back on more often now, since that is very much a stable, solid game with very few bugs. I guess we'll just have to say goodbye to this game for the most part and let it go. However, as I have said before, someone else will come along and either continue it, or write one like it. So, I still have hope for a game like this. If a game of this sort is written again, I'm sure the mistakes made here will be building blocks for improvement on Ultrapower's successor.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

Thumbs up

2015-09-30 11:10:25

As severe storm steve suggested to me at one point, I was considering looking into writing something like ultra power when the hole security thing with voice clips happened. If people are still intrested in a concept like this I could look into it.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

Thumbs up +1

2015-09-30 17:56:17

Hi, my server is still up on ip standard port.
If you want to host a server, keep the following in mind:
1. Don't use any server version greater than 10.72, or 10.77. I'm not exactly sure, but you have to make sure you can't use the dev command from within the game. I'm not sure if I should post the code, but if you use 10.79 anyone can become a dev with the right code and have the same power as a cheef mod.
2. Keep an eye on the server. It throws runtime errors sometimes.

golfing in the kitchen

Thumbs up

2015-09-30 19:13:48

  @Danny that would be a great idea, though I'd suggest waiting some time to publish it to the public given the uncertain status of the current "Ultra Power". But by the looks of it, Ultra Power may as well be abandenwear, in which case replecating it would be OK, just not under the same name and using the same sounds. smile.

  That said, at post 603, it's generally not appropriate to post such things on a gaming forum, especially under these conditions:
1. You just finished slamming on the community from which you now desperately seek attention.
2. This has been posted on a topic which is discussing a game, as well as being in the new releases room, thus bringing unnecessary, off-topic discussion into an inappropriate area of the forum.
3. If you are indeed, suffering, the way you say you are, this is not really the place to go for such matters. If indeed counsiling is not a viable option, and you have no friends to talk with, there are other, more fitting solutions than posting your personal problems to an internet that will more or less not care. Plus, doing this will encourage people to question your social abilities, making it more dificult for you to obtain friends.

  If you are suffering from depression, maybe game development is not the way to go at this point, as it requires a level of criticism that generally cannot be taken in the seemingly vulnerable state you are in. Perhaps you might step away from the development world for a while, make some friends, build your confidence, and then make another go at it.
Should this be the path you take? I'd definitely suggest an appology for your actions as of late, as I wouldn't be surprised if your recent posts have aroused hostility.

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2015-10-01 00:08:17

All I can say, is I'm sorry i'm such a dick. I, am a dick. I will take up ultrapower again, server first. The dev command will be wiped off it's ass. And if you use a version below 10.77, the ultralaser will not work.

An anomaly in the matrix. An error in existence. A being who cannot get inside the goddamn box! A.K.A. Me.

2015-10-01 01:38:38

okay, let me rephrase that appology. I'm sorry for being such a dick, for hating on you, and for opening these holes in the first place. I will do my best to fix them. I have fixed the dev command, if you check for server updates now, you should see that version 10.8 is out. If you download it, the dev switch will be fixed. It also will find any players that are above rank 4 and that don't have clients sending they're devs, and demote them to rank 1 to fix past exploits. The real dev, as usual, has to run from source for his client to say he is one. There is no slash command to emulate this behavior, no longer using the rank file, simply your game sends it or it don't. if it don't, you are not a dev, and there is no way around that. Also, by suggestion of roel, I have added a way to edit the filtering of messages. I would recommend to keep this on, but it's your choice. Unfortunately the var command will not change the filter, you have to edit server.prefs while the server is not running. If it is running, it will now also filter account names so nobody can log in as a crashword.
The game is now supported a little by me, and will continue to go on. i will make sure to keep a level head about this game and any thoughts on it. GO ahead, criticize, if it's constructive it's good. UltraPower is back!

An anomaly in the matrix. An error in existence. A being who cannot get inside the goddamn box! A.K.A. Me.

2015-10-01 04:23:12

please update your clients and servers to the latest version, namely 9.2 for clients and 10.81 for servers. Ogg is back!

An anomaly in the matrix. An error in existence. A being who cannot get inside the goddamn box! A.K.A. Me.

2015-10-01 09:07:21

so this means good bye 3d sound and reverb?

Thumbs up

2015-10-01 14:46:22

I actually didn't like the 3d sound and reverb feature, since it effects on the sounds ambience and the other sounds which shows them compressed or have a low quality, in addition to their loss of being a stereo, though I liked the game, but it was better in its previous form. That's my opinion.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

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2015-10-01 15:08:04

Thanks Colton for the update, 2d audio is better for the game in my opinion, I didn't try it do to the servers' losses though.

Kind regards!

Add me on battle.net and let's have fun, region is Europe, my BattleTag is: Hajjar#21470
By reading my post, you agree to my terms and conditions :P

Thumbs up

2015-10-01 17:51:07

Ah, I really liked the 3d and reverb thingy. But the current file on the site is still 34.29 MB in size. That means: No changes in the sound's format. Anyway I was watching all this previous war about the project, leaving it then returning to it again. BTW how were you able to continue the project from the point you left off if you previously said that you and Mason have deleted the code from your hard drive? big_smile Away from that, I have a thing that I must say about myself, just about myself: without considering it chriticism, but I'm not interested in playing UP anymore, first for what originally happened for the game and the unclear statement about its current status, and second for my health and personnal issues which are making me away from this online world. But anyway, I wish you a very good luck developping, and glad you are up to hear chriticising again, since that's the only thing to let the game advance. But as I told you, I have my personnal view for the thing for my personnal reasons which I cited above, it isn't in any form something against you. Anyhow, I'm off, have fun coding, bug fixing, and enjoy your life smile

Thumbs up

2015-10-01 19:50:17

hi! guise! i'm a builder in a server! please give me name of sounds i meen is ambiyents
i need them, please help me

Co-founder of Sonorous Arts.
Check out Sonorous Arts on github: https://github.com/sonorous-arts/
my Discord: kianoosh.shakeri2#2988

2015-10-02 17:17:20

when I get home I will update the site, I thought I uploaded up_release.zip! THe new zip is back in ogg. Servers now need 10.82, by the way. 10.83 and client update 9.21 will support a new feature I'm thinking of adding, audio streaming as well as voice clips, and the builder doc will give you a list of surfaces and sources you can use.

An anomaly in the matrix. An error in existence. A being who cannot get inside the goddamn box! A.K.A. Me.

2015-10-02 18:31:53

Just to let you know, one of the most corrupt aspects of this game is that certainn players can appear out of the blue and kill you without leaving a single trace. I was just killed a few minutes ago on HarmonicaPlayer's server by a player whose beacon didn't play and the radar didn't alert me to the fact that he was there. This should be looked into because it isn't fair to other players. Not to keep comparing, but RTR doesn't give players serious advantages when it comes to stealth.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

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