2015-09-18 13:54:59 (edited by Sean-Terry01 2015-09-18 13:57:24)

Hi, I know we're starting on our 15th page of post, and I know I haven't posted here before. But, I really love the idea of this game. And it's just a text game. I've never seen something like this before in only a text game. I can't wait to see all these new things in this game! You can bet I'll be playing it a lot! I've already started on the current one.

2015-09-18 14:58:08

Glad to hear it @Sean-Terry01, it's the most ambitious project I've done yet but I hope it pays off, It's gonna be like a text based version of Fallout mixed with dwarf fortress mixed with mount and blade with a few other games thrown in there for good measure, I've played lots of good and bad games in my time and hope that what I've absorbed from games and modding will pay off if it hasn't already smile

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2015-09-18 16:24:33

wow this is turning out to be a damn awesome game in my opinion it is the best geme out there right now keep up the work man

2015-09-18 16:58:29

Yes, I'm really looking forward to Towns because it'll add the Dwarf Fortress elements. It'll be like Dwarf Fortress adventure mode. I wish Dwarf Fortress was made in this kind of interface because then we'd be able to play it. DF is actually text based, just inaccessible to screen readers because of the Ascii map and user interface.

2015-09-18 20:50:55

Well I don't know fall out, but I've been wanting an accessible version of dwarf forgress for literally years, so the more complexity goes into the npc personalities and the management of the town the fine with me, plus of course everything else. the wastes is already a huuuuuuge game as Sean said, and with the town update it'll be going titanic, ---- though in the sense of being large and scary and hard to escape from rather than the sense of being hit by an iceberg and making you endure Selene Deon, whom the iceberg unfortunately did not hit, worst luck big_smile.

Seriously as regards Karma I don't know about Fallout but I was just thinking of things much as you describe, ie, do good stuff it goes up do bad stuff it goes down.
If you wanted it to be a bit less judgemental you could take a leaf from some of the  choiceofgames titles and have a stat feared/loved which say started at zero meaning nothing, and with plus points you were loved, with minus points you were feared, so a brutal dictator or a crime boss would be down at minus 50 or whatever, where as a heroic person would be up in the plus range.

Town reputation sounds like a good idea, but there is also a sense of over all reputation in the world too, after all there are lots of brutal nasty dictators with fanatical followers who adore them, and likewise at least a few examples of leaders who do good things for their people but who are over all resented, indeed  you could consider some sort of propergander system later whereby you could persuade the people of your town to follow you irrispective of whether the rest of the world thought you were an angel of utter loveliness or a complete douchedevil.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-09-19 06:08:12

Will we be able to dig down into the bowels of the earth until we hit hell, and the associated near-immortal demons with it that would turn all regions into titan regions! Also, what about ships, and island exploring? Maybe, mutations that aren't immediately evident as to their affects (one that makes you undead when you die, so in affect you have a second chance at the game, but you can't gain any more mutations when you're undead), or heal yourself by eating stuff) or a mutation that negates the next mutation, regardless of whether or not it's benefitial, etc. also, can we have an extra limb (tentacle) mutation!

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2015-09-19 17:41:28

This is my best adventure, i don't configure the starter inventory! lord the Wasteland Traveller travelled through 74 places in the wasteland, he died at level 6 and the last thing he saw was a Roving Black-Blood Cultist in the region known as Scrapperstown

lord travelled through Buddy's Crater into the far expanding wastes of Scrapperstown Where his journey ended.

Health               - 100
Strength             - 11
Agility              - 11
Intelligence         - 15
Lockpick             - 10
-----------------------------OTHER STATS-------------------------------------
Times Mutated        - 0
Mutation Level       - 0
Money                - 1957.47
Kills                - 46
Regions Cleared      - 1
Dungeons Cleared     - 6
Settlements Visited  - 1
----------------------------CURRENT WEAPON-----------------------------------
Weapon Name          - 'War Slam' the Pure-Chrome Scythe
Weapon Damage        - 60
Weapon Durability    - 169
Weapon Value         - 630
----------------------------NOTABLE KILLS------------------------------------
lord Killed Ieuan the Merchant in Scrapperstown
lord Killed Evan the Roving Merchant in Scrapperstown
lord Killed Zack the Roving Merchant in Scrapperstown
lord Killed Fry the Merchant in Scrapperstown
lord Killed Twm the Merchant in Scrapperstown
                       Rest In Peace lord
(built in version

Hail, Daughter of Hatred. Creator of Sanctuary. Hail...Lilith.

2015-09-19 20:30:15

@Soulkeeper,  I thought there was an extra leg mutation already? not to  mention the lizard tale/dragon tale.
then again, tentacles would be cool, you could wrap your enemy up in them  so they couldn't attack you, and all the best games have tentacles big_smile.

I don't think Hell would fit with the theme of the wastes, sinse I always got the idea that Thewastes was more post appocalypse, albiet a very, whacky appocalypse, but one with an explanation not involving the powers of darkness, ie, more far out science fiction than streight up fantasy in theme.

What would be cool however and similarly nasty would be some sort of uba top secret government facility. We've seen the labs and military bases but where is the one that started it all?
Getting some of the backstory, whether the wastes was caused by a war or a neuclear accident, or colliding with a comett, or a virus or whatever. Indeed for amusement value, and explaning why literally the hole of nature had gone random and weerd, maybe there are several causes, and perhaps some contradictory accounts of why, eg, some people think the neuclear reactor safeties shut down before the virus outbreak, others blaime the flood of chemical waste dumped into the sea at the same time a coorporation was secretly trying to seed the rain clouds with mind altering drugs to keep the population passive.

Actually as we already have books, this could be  rather fun, particularly if said evil government facility was full of uba monsters, mega weapons and super mutating vials.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-09-19 21:25:38

Oh the hell thing was a joke. It's in the DF tvtropes page or something...
Ah, here it is:
• Physical Hell: Yes, you can dig to hell now. Just don't expect to win the resulting battle, as there are literally billions of demons and some don't even have organs to destroy, making them Nigh Invulnerable. Additionally, they are all flying, magma-proof, drowning-proof building destroyers, so once freed, odds are you won't be able to contain them again. It's possible, though: several players have succeeded in colonizing Hell. Including putting civilian quarters down there just for the sake of "tonight we dine in Hell" jokes.

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2015-09-20 06:24:08

Lol, I actually had heard of that in Df, a friend of mine who's a big df fan had mentioned it, though he didn't tell me you could literally colonize hell.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-09-20 18:41:59

hi. just a quick question. how can I review the spoken messages with nvda? sometimes it's quite hard to remember what each number does...

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2015-09-20 19:36:59

you go to object review and use nvda up and down arrows

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-09-20 20:12:21

hello waistlander, I'd strongly suggest removing the abillity to mod your starter inventory. It might make the game a lot more moddable, but a thing that people can do is give themselves a weapon that does so much damage, it kills anything in the waists with one hit, and food that regens about a trillion hp, with no limmit. I hate people trying to mod their inventory and then gaining level after level, it just takes the fun, the risk factor, and the danger out of the waists. Really, I think its enough if you have the igwana bill mode and coward addition. Please ither remove it, or at least make limmits for example, you can't create weapons that go over a sertain damage and dura limmit, maybe make it the limmit for the game. Because even the game itself doesn't generate overpowered weapons of mass distruction and foods that can heal 1000000000 health.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-09-20 21:22:00

I tried it but it doesn't work. I go to object review mode but it just navigates around objects and I can only see the scrolling options there. can you give me a detailed explanation please?

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2015-09-21 06:16:55

Bob the The Wastes Incarnate travelled through 111 places in the wasteland, he died at level 29 and the last thing he saw was a Defiled Headless Green Beast Queen Titan in the region known as Soloroad Township Cratering Drylands

Bob travelled through Tommy's Craters into the expansive wastes of Oldden Craters, from there he passed into the sizeable wastes of Great Hellwater, from there he passed into the expansive wastes of Soloroad Township Cratering Drylands Where his journey ended.

Health               - 835
Strength             - 100
Agility              - 100
Intelligence         - 100
Lockpick             - 100
-----------------------------OTHER STATS-------------------------------------
Times Mutated        - 0
Mutation Level       - 0
Money                - 110278
Kills                - 125
Regions Cleared      - 3
Dungeons Cleared     - 5
Settlements Visited  - 2
----------------------------CURRENT WEAPON-----------------------------------
Weapon Name          - Atomic Luminous Pure-Cobalt Morningstar
Weapon Damage        - 3000
Weapon Durability    - 3880
Weapon Value         - 15900
----------------------------NOTABLE KILLS------------------------------------
Bob Killed Warrior of The Infamous Granite Cavalry in Great Hellwater
Bob Killed Niall the Roving Weapons Merchant in Great Hellwater
Bob Killed Archibald the Roving Merchant in Soloroad Township Cratering Drylands
                       Rest In Peace Bob
(built in version

Spill chuck you spots!

2015-09-21 13:55:54

Thanks for all the great feedback and support guys!

@Dark as for Karma I see where you're coming from but I hated it in fallout, the idea was stealing something even if no one saw you gave you bad karma that people reacted to, so even if no one ever saw you steal stuff you would eventually become hated by everyone good in the world which makes no sense to me, instead in the wastes the player will have a reputation with guilds/factions/people and towns, you kill a group of people from a faction but one gets away, that faction will hate you, you beat up or steal from someone in a town and get caught, the town and the victim will dislike you, you badmouth a guild... you guessed it, they'll hate you, the same goes the other way around though and good rep will also work, however you move on to a new area and it's a clean slate, you could go town to town switching from being heroic to evil and no one would know, only you, because that's how it works in a world with no widescale communication.

I also like the idea of propaganda,  it would be a good way to rule over a town but I would likely code it so that people with a high inteliegence would be reistant to your propaganda, perhaps then the player could look at eliminating the smart people or removing schools and education like a lot of modern day governments are haha.

@Soulkeeper, great imagination, I do plan to massively expand mutations but I want to wait until more things are complete and build the mutations around them, as for island exploring that is a possiblility, across some irradiated ocean rife with rafting survivors / mutant pirates and titan sea beasts, would make for an interesting region! you could either find an island (jungle like, paradise) and anomaly such as a whirlpool or mainland that would offer you the chance to return to the normal game world regions (definitely going in the plans)

@Dark, Dungeons are so few in number at the moment, I plan to expand the types and differences of dungeons way more in the future, you may have noticed among recent builds new rooms being added to bunkers, for example kitchens, armories, treasuries ect, well I plan on expanding dungeons way more as time goes on to make them all different in their own ways, perhaps in mines you can mine, dungeons may be held by a faction or cult, perhaps the lab is owned by a friendly scientist who will test mutations on you and cure you of stuff, I also plan in the future to add factory dungeons that will manufacture a random product with scrap, (bobby pin factory) (baseball bat factory) ect

As for the reason for the apocalypse this has crossed my mind, robot uprising, cyborg uprising, global warming, nuclear war, nuclear desolation

Something I am considering is that each time you start a new game much like how vials are randomised each game, so will the reason the world ended, this may be a bit far of a theory but it will make the games vary a bit more, it's a concept I am willing to try out but if I doesn't work well with the game I'll scrap it but for example, a cyborg uprising will mean the world was destroyed by cyborgs but you might find cyborg cities, cyborg labs and militias fighting cyborgs, no mutant creatures just all cyborgs ect, as for global warming it will all be deserts and badlands and there wont be any mutants and so on, giving you a different game each time! (can't guarentee it will be in the game due to the amount of things each one will have to change but maybe in the far future)

@Soulkeeper, wow I never knew that but that's hillarious! can't imagine you can colonize hell for long though

@Connor142, sorry connor but I have no interest in removing moddability of the game, it took a lot of work to get it in, If you don't like the idea of modding the inventory don't do it, I've used it a few times in the past for dev related testing but never for a legit game, though some do and that's fine, its a personal preference thing but I want the players to be able to play how they want and do what they want smile

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2015-09-21 14:23:56

@Wastelander, fare enough on reputation, though even in a world with no mass communication some sort of global rumour mill might be nice, look at the way people like Dick Terpin in the past acquired a reputation as a dashing hero rather than a ruthless highwayman just because of what was written about him and what people read miles and miles from those who he actually robbed.
Indeed, Dick Terpin would be a good arguement for having some sort of global reputation sinse he committed a lot of robberies in the south of England in the 17th century, then fled to York chased by police. People thought he disappeared and some people even romanticised his reputation.

Terpin himself went under a new name in York and thought he'd got away scot free, until a postman happened to recognize his hand writing on a letter, so the police court up to him and he met a sticky end, ---- well more accurately he met the end of the rope as was the style at the time.

So to translate this into the wastes, while I can see the point of faction reputation, having a person turn up in a region where you are with a rumour about you which changes your reputation with your current faction might be good, eg, a newspaper was printed about "the savior of blue gulch town", or "A carter from Green smoke city came in today with goods to trade and a story of how the ruthless insert player name robbed and looted his way across insert last town player was in and had a bad rep with"

As to the appocalypse changing, I'm afraid I'm not a fan of that idea, not because it is a bad idea, but because one thing i love about the wastes is the randomness. I love the idea that you could meet a mutant diseased radioactived zombie titan, (and if cyber goes into the mix that is another one).
It is so wonderfuly unstructured. Usually post appocalypse fiction tends to be on the drab side, but The Wastes really isn't.
So limiting those factors to just zombies or just cyborgs or just deserts would to me be something to take away from the game.

This is why I suggested contradictory explanations within the same game to go along with the idea that nobody exactly is sure what! happened, and perhaps it was lots of things all at once.
This keeps the world fresh, vibrant and random, and keeps the player guessing at exactly what ambiguous weerdosity has gone on.

The only post appocalypse fiction I've ever seen much like The Wastes is Tim Powers Dinner at Devients palace. Though it's usually called post neuclear appocalypse, what the appocalypse was, war, accident, disease is not clear, indeed you find out throughout the course of the story that at least some of the radioactive stuff happened later on. It's got mutants, robots, blood drinking ghosts, weerd biker gangs, strange cults with even stranger drugs, actually a pretty awesome read and something I'd highly recommend, however one thing which is very cool is that your never told exactly why! the world has gone to heck, indeed the story is mostly about events that happened after the appocalypse.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-09-21 14:57:59

Love this game now if there was only a text based minecraft that would be good.

Bitcoin Address:

2015-09-21 15:23:59

I still can't get it to work with nvda. I can't review the commands and I can't keep all of them In mind. can some one please make a recording or explain in detail how to do it?

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2015-09-21 18:58:44

well wastelander thanks for not changing the modifying  hings of the game. Conor  i can tell you that even thought my weapon is at 100000 dammage i got lucky to get to level 125 because you have to have allot of health to beat those bigger monsters that has allot of dammage. the reason i say that is if you mis a hit on one of those bigger monstersthey will kill you big time lol. i have even lost on level 9 having a weapon so powerful. so i think that the game is that much more challenging. keep up the good work  wastelander i love the game. looking for the next update.

2015-09-21 19:25:51

oh well, I never bothered to go that high level but anyway, I'll try and see what happens with the modded version of the game.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-09-21 23:32:42

I agree with Catfish on this one, keep the modding.
That being said, I did rather like the idea of starter kits for the game such as starting with slightly better gear or slightly worse, or modding yourself a starter weapon, which could be noted in the graveyard file, indeed it'd be nice if the graveyard file could note the starting weapon as well as the one you died with just for comparrison, eg "insert player name entered the wastes wielding a (insert name of starter weapon), and when they died they were swinging around a (insert name of weapon they died with)"

That way it would also be possible for players to track their progress and for others to see if they'd used a mod or one of the starter weapons, and how, sinse a graveyard file which shows someone who started with no weapon or with a bent spoon doing 2 damage would be viewed differently to someone who started with the almighty boomstick of blagging doing six million damage with six million durability.

I will also confess myself, I'm not a fan of modding myself an uba weapon for the same reason I stopped grind mining, sinse I just like seeing what weapon comes up and how lucky I get and find that the game is less interesting without that aspect, ---- but hay that's me, and if someone ones to start with the ultimate sword of power fare enough to them, it's not as if there is a competitive scoreboard or anything.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-09-22 03:01:43

Agreed here, Dark. My score I posted earlier was purely from grind mining, refreshing weapons from a store until I got a good one, and then... dying to an even better NPC. lol. Modding the game to have the ultimate weapon makes it boring, but by all means please don't remove the ability. I sincerely believe in freedom of play -- let the player do as he wishes in the game. It's not a competition, there's no foul for having one advantage, since it's not a multiplayer PVP situation.


Spill chuck you spots!

2015-09-22 14:37:16

@Dark, I understand that but in the 17th century there were newspapers and country wide unity that allowed for mass communication, not some disjointed land where every few miles across is a new world.

There would be reputations for people, factions, towns but generally speaking you'd be a mysterious stranger everywhere you went as would make sense, I do see your point about the random ascpect being removed but I do plan to add robots and cyborgs evnetually

Never heard of Dinner at Deviants place but now I kind of want to check it out, it looks awesome

@hhurstseth405, glad you like it!

@catfish1953, No problem, the way I see it the game is to be played how you want to play it, weather you want to roleplay as some op beast or start weak and puny, or carry on your inventory from your previous play ect! and even with the biggest weapon and the best stats the game will still chew you up!

@Dark, I do plan on adding an alternate start to the game where you choose your past to give you a start point, be it in a town, as a slave, as a merc ect, as for the weapon thing it would be an issue because the player never starts with an item equipped, he can put as many as he wants in his modded inventory but the game has no way to track that as there could be tons of weapons, it wouldn't work, whereas it can track what the player had equipped when he died because he had it equipped

I agree, aside from little bit of testing way back when, I barely use cheat like things, I have a few menu codes that give you ridiculous loot ect but that was to test misc item generation

as you say, no scoreboard or anything so it doesn't matter

@Xoren, freedom of play and the vast and growing amount of options is what makes the game fun! smile the more you can do the more replayability it has! thanks for the comment

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim

2015-09-22 14:56:07

Also a little mini announcement but I have been working on misc item descriptions! so instead of like before getting a "Meat Hook" now you can end up getting an

"Engraved Plated Meat Hook" with the description "metal meat hook, it has been given a thick extra plate of metal and it has been engraved with a pattern of crosses"

This has turned just under 400 misc items into 56'520'324 misc items with dynamic descriptions!

Last Free Version of Warsim ( - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ewnm4cehswu6m … m.zip?dl=1
Steam version of Warsim (0.7) - http://store.steampowered.com/app/65954 … na/?beta=0
Itch.io Version of Warsim (0.7) - https://huw2k8.itch.io/warsim