2015-09-16 23:38:14

Hey all!
So I'm a big sci-fi space dork and I was wondering what was out there for Space oriented empire games. I've tried Aturion and Core Exiles, but I'm a bit confused by both. Does anyone know of any help articles or web pages for them? If there are any other games of this nature worth checking out, browser based or otherwise, please let me know. Thanksss!

2015-09-17 07:05:56

Hi Cody_91.
I'm trying to think I haven't played many games like this. There are plenty of muds that offer what you want the best one I've ever played is prometheus. The reason I call it a space empire game is because you start with a small shuttle, then get more ships, more money, you can buy your apartment, stuff like that. Also try miriani, spaceworlds, star conquest, star wars mud, and flux world. I never liked miriani or star conquest but you might like them better than I did. Definitley try core exiles I haven't played it so I can't offer any help on how to play. There is a sci-fi game for iOs called ErnCon I don't know anything about it other then that it's a space exploration game. There was a game I heard mentioned way, way back called lisauora sorry I don't know exactly how to spell it.
There are some choiceofgames and hosted games titles that you can get that have that space empire feel. The ones I remember are mobile marine and apex patrol.

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

2015-09-17 07:27:57

hi all, gitarman, where i can gwet the  connection info for the star wars mud?

2015-09-17 07:42:13

Hi Cruiser Destroyer.
Here is the connection info.
port: 6666

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

2015-09-17 10:15:32

Hi cody91. on google search i find more brofser based space empire games you can try to play:
astro galaxy
astro empire
space oddisey
warring faction
colony war
and more-more-more...

2015-09-17 10:27:22

Hi Cody.

First Core exiles. if you go to the articles room you will find my explanation of some of the screens in the game which might help. I used to be a major ce player, so ask any questions you want, though I confess I've not played for quite some time, also note the core exiles forum sinse it's one of the friendliest game communities you will find anywhere.
Basically at the staart the object is flying your ship from place to place, double click the planets to fly. You will get missions to do when you've landed and can talk to npcs, and those should explain a few key things like mining and combat, the game expands from there.
Core exiles starts off in a ship and is about the exploring and the missions and the resource management rather than running an empire with troops etc. Later you can get factories and settlements and coorporations and all sorts of other things, but at the start you'll be just a captain with a basic ship.

As to ateraeon, like most games that are based around military empires the object is to build up resources over time and research. It's not a game I've spent as much time with as I'm not really into battling other players. I don't remember it being a difficult game to understand, but as with   most of these sorts of browser games you need to be fairly good at navigating web pages sinse there is often a lot of information such as stats etc. some indeed I've never got the hang of, such as warring factions, though personally the hole attacking other players thing which these games are based on was never as much my thing.

If you go to www.whitestick.co.uk there is a list of games to play online which lists a number of space empire type games such as space oddessy and ateraeon, also note the mud federation 2 which is a space business game and is played as a mud not a brwoser game.

There are also some mentioned in new releases as well, though I confess sinse I'm not a big fan of pvp core exiles is the only one of this sort of game I've played very extensively.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-09-17 20:02:50

I think, spaceworlds is offline.

2015-09-17 20:25:32

Mud legends of the jedy too is accesible

2015-09-17 22:31:14

@ Dark,
I didn't realize at frist both how simple and how PVP oriented Atorian is. It's kind of a bummer. I'm a much bigger fan of PVE myself.

2015-09-18 01:19:10

Hi Cody_91.
I almost forgot try smuggler's 3, 4, and 5. And if you have an iOs device get star traders rpg. The smaller version is free but if you buy the rest you get a whole bunch of extra stuff. Don't get star traders 4x that is not accessible.

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

2015-09-18 18:07:10

i cant get spaceworlds to work i have the  address as spaceworlds.co.uk port 1234 can you please tell me whats going on? thanks tyson

“The fear of loss is a path to the dark side. Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy.
The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” —

2015-09-19 03:28:58 (edited by Jason SW 2015-09-19 03:55:44)

A while ago, I thought about creating an empire game like OGame, but in a (realtime strategy) MUD/MOO format. With a space system similar to that of Star Conquest/Miriani, but as an empiror/empress, you would be giving orders most of the time, rather than directly flying ships. Orders like where to send your ships, What to do, etc.

Maybe someone else will pick this idea up and do something cool with it.
I had some other cool ideas. Feel free to PM me if any of you are interested in discussing ideas with me.

2015-09-19 05:10:10

That is a pretty nifty idea Jason

2015-09-19 10:05:30

Try the mud "Wayfar1444" it's quite an excellent project.

connection info is:
host wayfar1444.com port 7777

Commands are in quotes.

Going to wayfar1444.com in your web browser of choice will also give you access to changelogs and help, and even though the game can be challenging at first, do to there not being much of a help system, you can talk to people just fine by using the command "chatnet on" and "chat" and what ever your message is, from within the game.

To turn on and off certain settings use the syntax "@prefs" to get a list of possible categories and "@pref" "the setting you want" "is on" or "is off" respectively.

You can also type "help" by it's self to get a list of help files and "X" "and item name" to get the possible commands for any object.

"help colony" will get you started from the beginning.

2015-09-20 06:19:30

Defender is correct on wayfar1444, though it is a mud not a browser game you can find It's homepage here which has more info.

My only problem with wayfar is firstly finding resources is a pain, sinse as the overview ascii map isn't accessible you don't know what biomes are around you on a planet, and though you can freely search for stuff running around a 100 x 100 map looking for sand isn't fun big_smile.
I did suggest a "biome finder" to give you directions to somewhere, and the developer thought it was a good idea, but I don't think it ever got added.

My second problem with Wayfar1444, is that once I'd built my colony the game became a lot less interesting, sinse it basically devoled into looking up very complex recipes for crafting and making stuff, with your colonists not being much help. I'm told things got more interesting when you get out into space and could fight npc pirates. Also, there was potentially unrestricted pvp in the game, sinse there was nothing to stop  people blowing up each other's buildings or hacking each other's vehicles and electronics, althugh in practice this didn't seem to happen often or indeed at all.

I've been looking for that Pve empire building game myself, but it's sadly not come around, at least not online. Core exiles is your best bet for that sinse the only pvp there is price competition on the market. Your best off looking offline for something space based and pve. Smugglers 3-5 and star traders are more like trading and turn based ship combat with managing in a war between different factions, though in the most recent version of s5 you can be a pirate and build your own pirate empire.

They're not exactly what you want I think sinse it's more about the trading and exploring and fighting than the building, although stratogy is still needed (both series have pretty complex combat in their own ways), but if your not looking for a grindnbash online they're probably your best bet.

For more on smugglers, check out My smugglers 5 introductory podcast here on sendspace

and of course The db page for smugglers 5 and The db page for the smugglers 5 invasion expantion 
And lastly The db page for star traders and This introductory article I wrote on the game.


With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-11-12 07:11:05

do you got an link to ateraeon