2015-09-16 16:01:58

Hello guys.
I am thinking of upgrading to the ms office 2013 package.
Till now, I used the 2010 version off office. I am wondering,
Is office 2013 accessible?
Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2015-09-16 17:57:24 (edited by Aminiel 2015-09-16 18:11:20)


Technically, it's as accessible as earlier versions. However, I don't recommand upgrading.

I did so, and now, Word and PowerPoint are much slower than before with Jaws 16, especially when navigating in the text with arrow / Ctrl+arrow keys.

You have also the super joy of having to go through 3 dialog boxes when you want to save a file: first to select that you want to save on your computer (and not one drive and other cloud stuff), second to select the folder and then finally the usual save file dialog. What a nice simplification ! They do so only because they want to encourage you to use their one drive, office 365 and so on.

Another super thing also:  they purely removed shortcut keys such as Alt+I for ignore in spelling correction (F7). You have now to tab each time. Efficient, really.

If I had known, I wouldn't have upgraded !

IT seems that this is the same for Office and for Windows in general: each other version is good and then bad.
Windows XP: good; vista: bad; 7: good; 8: bad; 10 we expect good.
Office 2000: good; XP: bad; 2003: good; 2007: bad; 2010: good; 2013: bad; 2016: we expect good.

Has someone tried the newly released 2016 version ? Is it better ?

There are 10 kinds of people : those who know binary, and those who don't.

2015-09-16 21:05:43

Ok, seems I should leave the update where it is now and stick with the office 2010 I for now have.
Now, I just need to solve that little issue with getting a new language pack, due to the fact that there is just the us english one installed with the package.
Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2015-09-17 02:44:40

I have a friend wreseling with Office 2013 Outlook, and having a hell of a time with it.
Might there be a tutorial that will cover Jaws 16 and outlook 2013? And, that won't cost and arm and a leg? lol

Thanks so much for any help with this.

2015-09-17 13:32:06

@Mike: did you just use the terms "jaws" and "affordable" in the same sentence?
Don't do it! Save yourself countless headaches, and just don't do it.
Office 2013 is usable. Barely. Its not for accessibility reasons - you can navigate controls just fine, but because the layout has become an agony. Stick with 2010 if you have it.

This post is written by somebody who runs office 2000 and 2003, and is quite happy with them and their menus.

2015-09-17 15:48:05 (edited by The Dwarfer 2015-09-17 15:53:05)

I'm in a class at school called BIM (business information Management), where we use Microsoft, and learn, Microsoft Office. From what I've gathered so far, it's mostly accessible with jaws, but start getting into charts and graphics (especially reading both) and you'll find not so much. That's word. As for powerpoint it's good with reading most powerpoints, save those with graphics of course. Excel looks accessible when you open a book and it is, when you're just typing things into cells, but other than that... not so sure. I'm not too sure about the other office products since we aren't working with them at the moment.

  Also I've noticed that office 2013 runs way! slower! than the other versions. It also makes me angry that when you open documents from emails, it opens them in protected view, where you can't even read the document until you do a save as on it. Not to mention it takes 5 seconds just to load up a blank document, when word 2003 just flew through all of those tasks. It seemed that the productivity level with 2003 was much higher

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2015-09-18 04:03:00

Thanks for the clear information aminiel. I was consider upgrade myself. since I hear this information, I won't upgrade.

Follow me on Mastodon.

2015-09-18 05:08:11 (edited by Jeffb 2015-09-18 05:15:00)

You can turn off the backstage views, anoying extra pages when it comes to saving files. As well as turning off protective view. To do this go into word. I am asuming that you have vertual ribbons on. Hit alt and left arrow untill it says your name submenu, it may be who ever the program is redgestered to if not in your name. Then hit the right arrow and go down to options. In options first tab to you hear show the start up screan at start up and uncheck that. Next go to the catagories list box and arrow down to  save. Go to don't show the back stage when opening or saving files and check that. For protective view arrow down to trust senter, then tab to trust senter settings ...button and hit enter. Arrow down to protective view it's the next one down. Then uncheck the ones you don't want protective view to open, or all if you want. Tab to okay and you are good to go! Something I did notice, but I don't know if it's in 10 or not. With Spell Check you can't use alt A, Alt C, and the spell checking short cuts which means a lot of tabbing which is anoying. You could in 07 but not any more. Also 07 the spell checker was buggy and often what I spell checked it either didn't save the changes, or it didn't change them half of the time.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2015-09-19 01:31:06

@jeff, thanks for the infos on turning off these features in ms 2013 the others talked about.
I am wondering. Are you using ms word 2013 and with which screen reader are you using it?
Greetings Moritz.

Hail the unholy church of Satan, go share it's greatness.

2015-09-19 02:05:09 (edited by Jeffb 2015-09-19 02:05:41)

You're welcome, yes I am using it mostly for school and spell checking. I am currently using Jaws15.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77