2015-09-16 03:19:03

Hi Camlorn,
Sorry about my last post. I wasn't aiming that at you at all. It just seemed that Ethin was starting to get a bit aggressive so I tried to write something that would put a lid on a spark before it became a flame. smile But yes, I see the issue with IDES. In fact when messing with the Visual Basic 2008 express edition IDE I found that the way things were done was a bit like this. Drag and drop controls onto a form, and then type a bit of code for what happens when they are clicked or whatever. That's why it would be quite complicated to use visual basic from the command line in particular. I'm unsure of the other microsoft languages, but from what you've said they aren't much different in that regard. Also yes that is something I've noticed about Pure Basic, was that there isn't really a big support group for it. If it's even to use callbacks as parameters to functions, it is not documented, and that was something I needed for a project I was working on. I know such is possible in bgt, but am not sure if it is in Python, this being the subject matter of an email I was planning to send to you until I discovered you'd returned to the forum.

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2015-09-16 04:02:50

I didn't mean to be harsh. At all, in fact. Just a question: Who are the "SR" people? I've never heard of them whatsoever.
The fact that many languages are getting more and more OOP like is just astounding to me. Unfortunately, I'm being dragged along for the ride, restrained until we get to our destination (wherever that shall be). So, I've been catching up on my pointers and classes. I've also been catching up on my doubly linked lists, ordered linked lists, and trees (although trees, unfortunately, confuse me beyond belief). However, I'll keep trying until I get. Practice makes perfect, after all.
I do hate it when there are "undocumented" modules, classes, interfaces, namespaces, etc; it makes things a ton harder. Why do people have to leave stuff undocumented and expect programmers to learn what so and so does instantly. I can tell you, right now, that python has some undocumented modules. C and C++ do, I suppose. and windows definitely does. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of functions in there that aren't documented at all. So, if programmers want us to program things for people, take all the time you need and document everything first!

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2015-09-16 09:05:51

sr = screen reader, I believe.

If you want to avoid oop, your options are pretty much C and functional languages. I'm not sure my brain has enough ram to handle scheme or lisp for anything more interesting than number-crunching (and not much of that).
If you want to avoid oop but use something with high-level features, Javascript and Python dictionaries work pretty well for organizing arbitrary information. You can't get away from using objects with existing libraries, but you can avoid creating classes or any of the common datastructures.

(One of my CS instructors mentioned that one of the interview questions for one of his early jobs was literally to write an implementation of a Linked List. If you're programming for hobby reasons, you *can* dodge oop. Personally, I dodged it for most of a year and then some, before the advantages were too tempting to ignore any longer. ... I got more stuff done in that first year, though, didn't I? And I did kinda deliberately try to do everything as wrong as possible with Le Petit Planet and actually finished it in a day... -_- ignore this parenthetical, for I am thinking with my hands, and my brain is its own worst enemy.)

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2015-09-16 09:19:11

well except some Audio stuttering everything else is fine. and realy cool by the way.

2015-09-16 18:35:41

The audio stuttering will be fixed in the future.  We know what's wrong.
I'm using sr as an abbreviation for screen reader.  This is somewhat popular on Twitter, though I suppose not here where we don't have character limits.
I will not be answering any more questions about anything but Libaudioverse.  This is apparently inadvisable.  If you want to ask me stuff, you will need to e-mail me.  If you don't go to my spam for some reason, you will get a response; it may take a while, but you will.  I am not back.  I am only monitoring this one specific thread.

My Blog
Twitter: @ajhicks1992

2015-09-17 05:29:30


@Ethin, this is the second time in two days I've seen you attribute opinions to another person they did not hold and take an arguement over an unrelated issue into personal teretory, ie, your "oh yes Camlorn" remark in post 47.

Camlorn did not actually refer to pure basic neither did he say python was the best programming language. Might I suggest Ethin that you learn the difference between an interlectual arguement and a personal arguement.

This is an official warning, and if I have to give you another one about this sort of behaviour you know what the consequences will be.

I am also sending you an e-mail, please read it.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-09-17 21:27:58

I ended up downloading this and giving it a go. @camlorn Nice work with libaudioverse, the only ishue I have is studdering in some places.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-09-18 07:23:05

Well... the only that I can say is... Thanks camlord for the answer and lol, the giant discussion that is fired only for the camlords opinion.
In my case, I know how to develop with only notepad, and compile commands on terminal, but sincerely i don't have the time for remember all of my functions or the parameters of the signatures of my methods, or all the commands that I must to use in the script for compile my program  with A, B or c special parameters. For these reasons, I love visual studio and I Use it for develop on c# or python, and I love the intelliscense and the sintax of c#.
I depend of Microsoft for develop? Really not, but yes for my comfort and for almost the last hmmm 5 years I user vs from 2008 until 2015, and for now, I'll continue using it.

For PHP or javascript, well. You will kill me, but I use wordpad, not notepad xDDD.

Well, thanks for your opinion. But is definitely a endless war the discussion about IDEs vs text editors , or about object oriented programming vs structure programming or functional programming. All of these options have theirs advantages or disadvantages and each person take the option that are best for him, or he's project.
In my case, the core of my knowledge was in c#, and because of that, I love that language and it's features, and if I can choose that language for a project, I'll be happy of use it. But if i can't for any reason, a lot of languages following the same program orientation exist for replace it.

Well, thanks for all.