2015-09-01 18:35:03

Brad is correct, so I'm merging the sites and making them easier to navigate.
I'm currently in the process of finalizing and posting the demo, then I'll be sending the  full game links out
firstly to those who've pre-ordered the game. Thanks so much for your patience.
Now that I've found a way, I will make all download links automated for all of our current and future games
so that when you purchase one, it will instantly provide the download link.

This game is really cool and I'm excited for you playing it!

Now included with your Edge of Winter game download is an original soundtrack, bonus commentary, outtakes and a full game guide! In other news, we're also updating the Steampunk Neverland page with some new content there as well!

I'll be back later today with the announcement and site additions. Thank you!


2015-09-01 18:35:21


No, the game demo is not on there. I've emailed breakerbox and will tell you guys what response I get.

My guess is gyro is sending out the links to everyone who ordered the game but since he's sending one email at a time, it's slower. I could be wrong on that. I did email asking why he doesn't make a central place for us to download games and get unlock keys since this sending everyone an individual email is nice, but slow.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-09-01 19:52:40

curious. will the full game guide spoil it for people *smile*, so only read it if truly stuck?  what's its purpose?
not saying its a bad idea, just interested how much of the game will it give away is it a step by step guide for example do A, then B, talk to C, etc.

2015-09-01 20:31:41

Personally, I find the notion of sending out download links to a zip file of the game to be laughably insecure. I am almost positive that within a few weeks of this thing being posted, dropbox links to the file will be passed around like vollyballs at a beach party. Not by me of course. I have no reason to do something like that, seeing as I've already pre-ordered the game. I am sure this will happen though, which is why I strongly recommend a different form of validation. Perhaps an automated server that, upon receiving a paypal email about a completed payment, generates a one time use key and sends it out to the buyer. Additional keys could be generated manually by contacting you with the email the buyer used to pay. I'm not trying to be critical, but as an honest customer, i would not take kindly to something I pay $15 for to be passed around freely, and I doubt you would either.

2015-09-01 20:34:23


Hear is what gyro said in his email to me.
My email is first then his is underneath.

Start of Emails.


I heard that you're sending out links now for the demo and the full game, is that true?

My second question is; why not just have a sentral place where we can get games from?

I remember when buying eric the cleric and getting it that you guys sent everyone individual emails.

While this is nice, it slows down for us as we need to wait for you to send us emails for games and other things.

I think that having a place where we could go to download the demo and have unlock keys emailed to us would be a lot quicker.
One more thing; if you go to www.breakerboxstudios.com there's no audiogames page. Even if you click on the games page, the first thing that comes up is the squirrel game. (which would be awesome as an accessible game.)

I hope you're having a nice day,

Hello brad,
you are totally correct about this. I'm working hard to update the website so that it is easy to navigate and has everything you need for the games! I'll be finished with everything this week. Thanks for your support! Also, I am working on making the demos unlock so that the whole system is automatic. Thanks for your feedback! I'll keep you posted about this progress asap!
Thanks, hope you have a nice day too! And I hope you'll enjoy the game!

End of emails.

I hope that helps clear up  some things for people.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-09-01 23:03:21

What ever happened to the preorder of Aeric the Cleric2? I don't recall that coming out?

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2015-09-01 23:26:53

I'm not usually one of these demanding types, but, for once, I have to say that the concerns expressed in this thread are 100% valid.

If you notice, Gyro's responses seem deliberately vague when issues of payment are raised.

For another thing, getting updates to the previous titles and so on has always been a disaster. It's totally hit and miss, which is not OK. This company has a well-established pattern of sales, and it's not one that I like. I think a lot of other people are displeased, too.

So I would say let's wait and see if the status quo changes before throwing more money into a project that may or may not come to fruition.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-09-02 07:49:35

That's what I learned from this topic as a developer:
1. Accepting preorders is a responsability, if you do and don't release the game when you are suposed to do, community isn't happy at all.
2. If you argue that you cannot release the game cause you are compiling a demo (for all who hadn't preordered the game), pommunity isn't happy as well smile
3. If you release your brand new game but not a demo, the whole spacetime will collapse, for some mistical reason (just jocking).
4. "really, my dog ate my homework", or if this is true, I'd preffer something like: "hey, we need more time to solve a couple of bugs", it sounds much better than: we finished the game one day late and we still have to compile a demo. One of my teachers said: and why did you leave your homework there? Don't you know dogs always eat homework? Lol.

Please, don't missunderstand me, developing a game is a hard job, and I'd love to play this one, but it's a good demonstration of what happens when you promise... "Siri, remember me not to specify a release date".

2015-09-02 08:24:33


I'm going to wait until the end of the week and see what happens. I'm quite sure it will be downloadable by then.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-09-02 08:37:54

I usually don't jump into topics like this to complain, but it seems to me this is getting rediculous. We've been promised the game all of yesterday and today, and yet there's no word out and noone who preordered has even gotten their games yet. I don't believe it takes this long to finalize a demo for any game. This is where I think mainstream developers and Japanese audiogame developers have it right. You hardly hear anything until its confirmed... and release dates aren't set until the company knows that they can meet that deadline. I'm still waiting for this game, but I'm getting more and more disappointed and relieved that I didn't preorder it. Case and point, Shadow Line. We'll see lack of information for months at a time, yet when an update comes out it's always been something noteworthy and something new to make the game fresh.

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-09-02 08:48:46

i just hope that the game is fun smile, enjoyable and not easy to beat. i am sure when it comes out we will all be happy. i agree it should be here by now but maybe lesson learnt to be fair, just don't even tell us you are making it and then boom, here is my new game. look at the new game danger on the wheel from Oriel gomez, that's out now came out yesterday yet no one knew about it.

2015-09-02 19:44:06

Fair enough if developers can't meet up to their own time schedule, but I think the reason here is quite weird.
1: Us who have preordered the full version should not wait for the demo version to be released, but instead the full version which we have payed for. So saying that the time schedule is delayed because you are working on compiling the demo version is not a good reason to us who have bought the full version. We want the full version, not the demo version. smile
2: Long time ago, in an other topic, I and others requested that you make a place where us who have bought the games can download them instead of having send mails out manually. I thought that was fixed, but well...
If I haven't received the full version of the game at sunday this week, I'll contact Paypal to get my money back for an unreleased product.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-09-02 20:47:37

Hence why I didn't preorder. I kinda figured this would happen. No disrespect meant to Jake, whom I've come to consider a friend outside the gaming world, but the last few titles have shown me a pattern that, as Turtlepower stated earlier, isn't exactly encouraging. When the game finally does come out, as I'm sure it will, I'll certainly try the demo and decide based on that whether or not it's worth my money.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-09-02 21:37:34

how can i get a refund on this title?

2015-09-02 22:06:06

I don't get why people want refunds. When the game comes out, which I'm sure it will soon, what if you like it? Not to mention that the price is supposed to go up upon release, and you're getting a discount when you preordered it.So, you just going to buy it all over again? And at a higher price?
This is why so many developers walk away from the blind gaming community because of the way we act if we don't get our little present right when they say it's going to  come out. In the mainstreme world, teams of developers work on these projects, so if they give a release date, it is being worked on by many people, so it's pretty sure to come out on that day. (the day they say it will).
Jakes' only one man, he's working on things all by himself, just like most of our developers.
Not to mention, you know Jake's history.. Airik the Claric was late, Kurt Wolf was late, you know he has a history of being late. You should've expected this to begin with. The game will come out, just give him time. Just cause he said it'd be out in August, and it is September second, you dont' have to  jump down his throat about it. Give the guy a chance.. He has a personal life, and he doesn't even have to make games for us in the first place. He's doing it cause he cares, and he wants us to have something to do. None of the audio game developers have to make games for us, we should be happy that we even have these people that are putting there time twoards making games for the blind community.

"I've learned that this life's not just a game, just a line, between the pleasures and the pain." - Aaron Lewis

2015-09-02 22:39:20


I agree with staindaddict. Yes I asked for a refund on psycho strike; but that was because I felt the game wasn't my kind of thing and didn't really have a story to it. I've learned my lessen and ordered this game knowing it's going to be my kind of thing.

I won't ask for a refund on this since it has: fully voiced characters,a world to explore, music made for the game, a folder with items that aren't in the game, a full manual and a bloopers audio folder or clip. Honestly this is going to be one hell of an awesome game.

I can understand if people want refunds due to needing that money and if so; you can go to paypals website, log in, look at your history and get a refund that way. I'm not exactly sure on how to do it but if you look on google I'm sure you'll findout how to do it.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-09-02 23:24:32

Totally agree with staindaddict.
Everyone should have a little more patience and comprehension with the developer.
Programming is not easy, so you have to have some respect.
The Games are not a primary need, but there are developers who make games for us, and we must be grateful to them.
Greetings and thanks.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-09-03 00:01:33

I agree with Staindaddict as well, which is I have decided to wait until Friday the 12th to do anything about it. That is fair in my mind, and if Jake doesn't think so, he can express his concerns to me privately in the paypal resolution center on or after that date if something hasn't happened by then. I totally understand that jyro22 is developing pretty much by himself and therefore needs a bit more time to get things done, but knowing all of this, I think he should have waited to say anything until the game was all tied up in a neat little bow and ready for release. Knowing his own sales history might also be a sign that he should try something different this time around. Just know that this is not a rant, but rather a suggestion that you can choose to follow or not. It's not time to rant quite yet, so I'm not going to intentionally say something that will set everyone ranting and get what sounds like a great game off to a bad start.

2015-09-03 04:33:38 (edited by Ethin 2015-09-03 04:34:11)

You guys do realize that if you issue chargebacks, the person who receives the chahrgeback does not have to pay the chargeback? They can just not use PayPal and they'll be fine. The only way you can force them to pay the chargeback is if paypal forces the payment to occur, something that can easily be reversed if you tell your bank that it was not a payment that you made. After that, they can cancel their credit or debit card's and the chargeback can never occur in the first palce because it has no credit or debit card to send the money to.

"On two occasions I have been asked [by members of Parliament!]: 'Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out ?' I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."    — Charles Babbage.
My Github

2015-09-03 17:38:28

Well, things have been pretty quiet on the front for this game. Is there any news?

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-09-03 17:44:37 (edited by Orin 2015-09-03 19:42:09)

I told him he should send us pre-order's links first. He said he'd send an email "shortly" with the link but hadn't got it yet. That was yesterday. He also says that he was adding a new feature, whatever that may be.
So, at least he's responding to emails.
Edit: By chance, did anyone get their game? I'm referring to those of us who pre-ordered it. Jake told me yesterday he'd begin sending out emails with our links, and I don't want to ask him where mine is if it isn't my turn, so to speak. If he is sending them from the first order to last, I should be the first. I don't know how he'll do it. He's apparently working on an automated registration system--he told me that's what's holding the release back. The least he could do is release the game to use pre-orderer's and then get the registration system sorted post-launch.

2015-09-03 21:47:11


I got the same kind of message.

About the new feature and gyro sending out links. I've not got mine yet but am hoping that I will get it by the end of this week.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-09-03 22:47:07

he answered my e-mails as well. he said he'd send them out this week.

Blindness isn't a disability, but a diffrent way of seeing things

2015-09-04 01:01:04

I have no idea why he sets these strict deadlines for himself, and not once has he ever met them. He's also extremely slow about sending out links, super airik the cleric took a few weeks to get to me if I remember right. At least he's not james north who ran off with everyone's money years ago.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2015-09-04 04:00:58

who was james north?

Blindness isn't a disability, but a diffrent way of seeing things