2015-09-03 08:40:40

hi touc mint, i'm a level 15 knight  and, fully equiped. i cant kill they. the mumies deals very more damage to me, and the enchantress makes me feel crazy. how I can defeat them? Aaa, I forget, the encantress uses a form and the form makes her more powerfull to health. like, he has 23 health, uses that form, and bum! 63 health. and when i hit her after form, i deal more less damage.

"Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts. There are seven words that will make a person love you. There are ten words that will break a strong man's will. But a word is nothing but a painting of a fire. A name is the fire itself."

2015-09-03 10:24:38

Sounds cool. Let me know when writing assistance is required, writing is one thing I do a lot of.

Npcs who interact such as the exploding monsters and deathspawn etc is a great idea, but not really what I was thinking of monster wise. What I was thinking of was effectively  having a boss which is larger than one single enemy and thus functions as a group of targets who interact.
For example, imagine fighting a godzilla sized dinosaur. Rather than just having Godzilla as one target with different attacks such as fire breath, trample etc, you fight godzilla as five separate enemies, head, chest, claws, feet and tale. Each bit of godzilla (accept the chest), gets a turn, so the feet stomp you, the tale lashes you, the head breathes fire and the hands have crush attacks or defend thechest.
Depending upon which bits of Godzilla you focus on first, the other bits are effected differently.For example, destroying the tale wouldn't have any major affects, however destroying the feet also makes the attacks of the  other portions less accurate (sinse godzilla has fallen over).
If you destroy the head or chest first Godzilla dies entirely, however when attacking the head or chest there is a chance your attack hits the hands instead, ie, godzilla blocks the attack. So, if you have a very accurate attack you might want to go for the head, but that means enduring all the other attacks, or you might want to deal with the dinosaur one peace at a time.

In terms of game mechanics and coding, each portion of godzilla is effectively a separate enemy, no different to say the fight with the mummy priestess and the mummy guardians, accept that different portions effect each other, however through their interactions you leu effectively give the player the experience of fighting a much larger creature and one with independently acting and moving parts rather than just Godzilla being one single super tough enemy.
Hope this makes sense.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-09-03 19:27:38

I'd love to help with the writing, too. If you need a sample of something I've written or anything like that, just ask. I enjoy writing, especially descriptions for things, so it would be my pleasure to help. smile

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2015-09-04 01:10:40

@raz - what i can suggest is trying to stack some wisdom including stat mod potions(since that lowers spell damage taken and helps you resist). Try killing the priestess first as well since sometimes she wont spawn right away.

@dark that does sound cool but somewhat tricky coding wise so i will have to think about how it could be done. you right tho with all the other features i could make something somewhat work like that.

@dark & soul - will do guys once I get to that point I will give you guys a heads up i appreciate it.

Update Log

+Taunt (this monster must be killed first before the others)
-Should make battles a bit more interesting and tactful.
-Taunt monsters will have their names red as well as a red shield below (much like poison or stun).
-If you try to attack a non taunt monster first you will get a dialog box letting you know you cant.
-Example Robot Drone might be protecting scientists you you'll have to kill the drone first

+Death Spawn (this monster has a chance to spawn another monster when it dies)
-Again youll have to keep an eye on what is respawning and kill accordingly
-Example might be some spider eggs in the sewers kill these and they have a chance to spawn spiders where they were.

+Reflect (when this monster takes damage it deals damage as well)
-This one is interesting because it can go both ways (NPC > Player or Player > NPC)
-This will also be a stat on items
-There will be spells to buff or debuff this feature
-Its a better idea to use stronger attacks fewer times rather than small attacks more times because each time you hit you will be taking damage.
-Example radioactive mutant might have 5 reflect damage when hitting him you will take that damage each time you hit him.

Current Work
+Monster prefixes (sewer rat might be the base monster but you can find an angry, elder, injured, elite etc which will alter its base stats)
+Randomizing monster find by regular walking (before I had set each monster encounter on the squares) now you will find them randomized by level range for the area
+Thinking about having base stats and just changing level to affect how strong the monster is so you could find a level 2,3 or 4 snake for example. Same base stats and loot but level will make them harder to fight.

Next Work
+Polishing up new additions code and design wise
+Starting character skills levels 1-10
+Starting level content 1-10
+Getting you guys some screenshots once that is all looking pretty.

2015-09-04 08:13:34

hi touc mint! good idea! How I not thinc at that? i'm really a rpg player, but for this i really dont know at all. thancs for idea, I will anounce you when i finished her. aa, and one thing. the new game will be paid. I hope no, because two things. i'm only 11 and two i don't have a credit card. And, my parents don't buy me games. Only me uncle, but he goes to work and can't buy me more things. So, I hope the game don't will be paid. Enjoied your battle arena free. When i discovered it's i was really glad. now I need to finish of some mumies, see son in new posts on audio games guys. big_smile

"Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts. There are seven words that will make a person love you. There are ten words that will break a strong man's will. But a word is nothing but a painting of a fire. A name is the fire itself."

2015-09-09 10:27:53

Sorry the next game will be premium with no IAP at all but shortly after I will be releasing a free version with more features somewhat how Battle Arena was compared to A Quest To The Core.

Just wanted to toss you guys a little update:

I have completed most of the core coding and now am working on some of the actual game design.

I am starting on the classes and skills and this is what I have so far (mostly just brain storming).

Fury Smash - A passive skill that causes your third consecutive attack in a row to hit for double damage.
Adrenaline Rush - A buffing skill that raises strength and agility at the cost of wisdom.
Combat Strike - A physical attack with a small chance to stun.
Charge - A strong charging attack with backlash.

Psychic Blast - A psychic based damaging spell.
Haunt - A debuffing skill that lowers enemy agility and raises fizzle chance.
Grim Chant - A buffing spell that raises intelligence and critical chance.

Sneak - A buffing skill that grants an extra attack.
Wild Strike - A physical attack with a large random factor.
Blind - A debuffing skill that lowers enemy agility and raises fizzle chance.

Pray - A buffing spell that raises HP and SP recovery.
Holy Flash - A holy based damage spell.
Renew - A minor healing spell.
Bless - A buffing spell that raises intelligence and wisdom.

Mimic - This skill becomes the last skill cast by your enemy.
Alloy Mutation - A mutation that turns your skin into a metal like alloy.
Toxic Touch - A physical attack with a high chance to apply radioactive poisoning.
Radioactive Glow - A buffing skill that raises reflect damage.

Pet Mastery - A passive skill that improves pet abilities and allows you to tame secret pets.
Trueshot - A strong ranged attack.
Toxic Shot - A toxic arrow shot.

Ive also started a bit on level design and laying out how the starting area looks.

updates should be a bit more consistent since I will have design things to share.

2015-09-09 11:31:59

Hi touch mint, how many wisdom potions I need to take in the battle? she defeated me again. but no probl if the new game is paid, maibe I get that with a gift...

"Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts. There are seven words that will make a person love you. There are ten words that will break a strong man's will. But a word is nothing but a painting of a fire. A name is the fire itself."

2015-09-09 11:32:58

this game is text or audio?

2015-10-06 19:00:09

sswwaaiikkee wrote:

this game is text or audio?

This game will have text but you should be able to use the voice over to play it.

2015-10-06 19:08:25

Hey guys sorry about the delay dont worry ive been working hard and have most of the coding done. Now I am working on content and have the first of 6 zones nearing completion.

Here is a breakdown of what they will be like theme wise:

-Current Time- The end is near an evil force has already destroyed most of the lands and the effects of its evil can be seen everywhere.
Sewers Area
Rubble / Ruins Area
Cursed /Cultist Area

-Future Time- You will be following this evil into future end times where the dead have risen and the spirits are.
Frozen Wastelands Area
Zombie Area
Hell Fire Area

2015-10-06 19:31:59

ok but this game have sounds effects?

2015-10-09 23:27:50

Yes This will have lots of sound effects. If you want to checkout something like it "Adventure To Fate : Battle Arena" is already on the app store and is a free download.

2015-10-26 00:00:32

Hey guys I just wanted to give you a little update on the game and a new feature that was suggested by a forum user here. The new feature is confuse and will cause the monster or even player to attack or heal the wrong monster or players.

For example if a monster is confused it could attack itself or other monsters. If a player is confused it could attack itself or even heal other monsters. This is going to be a lot of fun and add a ton of depth.

All 3 NPCs now attacking, skilling, spelling and healing themselves as well as the hero at random
-Includes effects sounds hp bars adjusting.
-Includes npc movement when attacking a monster behind them they will move that way.
-Death can now come off of poisoning, reflects, confuse attacking themselves or another monster attacking them.

Players confuse completed
-Players now can be confused meaning instead of casting spells on their enemies they might hurt themselves.
-Players when confused and trying to heal themselves might heal other npcs.
-Players can also die during their turns if they injure themselves from confuse.

adding objects in the database for NPCs that allows them to be confused
adding objects in the database for items that allows them to hold a confused percent stat
adding objects in the database for skills that allows them to hold a confused percent stat
update database files in the game files
update excel game files to have room for new stats
load all new files into game
implement it so bosses cannot be confused (implement it so bosses cannot be stunned either)(or so npcs in general can only be stunned once per battle).
Add icons on area screen as indicators to if the monster is confused. Change text color as well.

After some testing this is really going to make things quite a bit more interesting.
Confuse as an offensive player spell can be devastating if landed on the correct monster. You might choose to confuse a healing monster so you can have heals while you fight some harder ones.
Confuse as an offensive monster spell really makes the player think about what moves they want to use. Since confuse does not work against potions or buffs/debuffs it will be a good time to use those. You might even want to make sure you have a weak attack spell handy just so your opponent cant use your strength against you.

You will likely see a confuse percentage on the cultist class in their buffs and offensive spells. You also will see it in some of the rangers poison type spells and maybe even in the assassins blind type spell. There will be a few pets and items that will give a slight chance for it as well.

Anyways I am pretty excited about all this hopefully I can have this all completed and polished up by early next week and get back to the building phase.

2015-10-26 13:01:46

This looks cool. I will definitely have to check out battle arena, that's one on the list, and this game too once it's released.

2015-10-27 10:53:07 (edited by TouchMint 2015-10-28 02:05:57)

@aaron great to hear! I hope you enjoy them and let me know if there is anything I can do to improve.

After a long battle with some horrible code I have completed the new confuse feature.

Next up is actually implementing it into the current game and forward. Here is a look at the cultist spells as of now. The cultist will be using confuse quite a bit but all classes will get a chance in on the fun using items buffs etc. Anyways here is a look at the class skills this should give you an idea of the direction im going with it:

Psychic Bolt - A psychic based damaging spell.
Haunt - A debuffing skill that lowers enemy agility and raises fizzle chance.
Dark Intellect - A buffing spell that increases intelligence while lowering strength and agility.
Plagued Bolt - A poison based damaging spell.
Soul Shield - A buffing spell that raises armor and block chance at the cost of life.
Hellfire - A demonic fire based spell that damages all enemies.
Confundus - A weak damaging spell with a high chance of confusion
Horrify - A debuffing skill that lowers enemy strength and wisdom.
Demonic Bolt - A dark damaging spell that also leeches HP.
Corrupt Chant - A buffing spell that increases HP leech and confuse chance.

2015-10-29 03:21:07

Ok spent most of the day yesterday fixing bugs / glitches in the new confuse system as well as some leftover pet bugs. Introducing the new confuse system complicates everything by another factor code and game design wise so I figured it would take a bit to get back on track.

I also updated and added about 50 new item images as well as sharpened up all the effects images.

Now I'm testing the first 2 zones by class fixing the bugs and balance then moving to the next class / pet / profession combo.

Hoping to have everything tested and balanced by this weekend. I have some heavy Halloween drinking in my future so lots of hangover testing haha.

I'll be posting another quick class preview once I finish the testing for it tomorrow as well.

2015-11-05 05:47:29

Just been squashing bugs and testing/balancing the classes.

Here is a look at the ever evolving Mercenary Class.

Fury Smash - A passive skill that causes your third consecutive attack in a row to hit for 1.5x damage.
Adrenaline Rush    - A buffing skill that raises strength and agility at the cost of wisdom.
Combat Strike - A physical attack with a small chance to stun.
Deflection - A buffing skill that raises block and reflect damage.
Raging Blow - A strong swinging attack with backlash.
Fortify    - A buffing skill that raises armor and hp.
Intimidate - A debuffing spell that lowers enemy stamina and strength.

2015-11-05 17:40:33 (edited by TouchMint 2015-11-06 11:03:11)

Hey guys I made few changes in game design. These are not huge changes but enough to make an impact on play. If you have an opinion on them let me know I am kind of on the fence and could use input.

You can now portal back to town from anywhere as long as you search the room first and it is safe. It will also now cost you a mystical, soul or infinite orb depending on level.

Instead of just destroying items you dont want you will now disenchant these into mystical, soul or infinite orbs depending on level. (you can use these for crafting or portaling).

You will only be able to use the account vault once you have completed the game. Once you beat the game on 1 character you will unlock it for all your characters. This will allow you to freely trade crafts etc.

-Other Additions-
Updated skills to have 3 effect images that will animate rather than just 2

Updated pet find window to show the pet animated and bouncing around instead of just static.

Added passive skill icons for pets to the pet skillbook (you wont see these in battle just when looking over your pets).


2015-11-06 01:25:14

I like the portal idea, but there could be special rooms where that might not work. Maybe teleportation misfires, or teleport encounters etc?

Go, balloons. I don't see anything happening. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Go, balloons. Stand by, confetti. Keep coming, balloons. More balloons. Bring them. Balloons, balloons, balloons! More balloons. Tons of them. Bring them down. Let them all come. No confetti. No confetti yet. No confetti. All right. Go, balloons.

2015-11-06 10:38:12

Soul Keeper wrote:

I like the portal idea, but there could be special rooms where that might not work. Maybe teleportation misfires, or teleport encounters etc?

Yea thats the idea I will have a room element that I can set so you cant warp out. I am planning on using this for boss rooms or like you said maybe anti magic type rooms as well.

2015-11-14 11:48:38

Hello. I am a very big fan of the game.  It took me some time to get around how to play but now I know how to do it efficiently.  I do have a question for the new release.  Are you going to add some 3-D sounds like four swords and spells etc.?  I do love the 8-bit sounds as well too.  But it would be cool to have some 3-D sounds in there.  Also as a musician I would be happy to email you some new in game music that you can use.  I have some new ideas for battle music as well.  Also I think that the vault thing is brilliant especially when you're training between characters that you have created.

2015-11-14 11:59:08

Also it would be cool for the new game to have a critical finisher state.  Basically there can be an in game sound to show that your character is low on health. Let's say 40% health.  Once this happens the character can go into a critical finisher state.  In which you can choose one enemy to kill instantly.   When this happens the music could be something scary like the character will charge before planning his next move and then the killing blow.

2015-11-15 23:56:04

this game sounds great! Definatly looking forward to this coming out. I played adventure to fate battle arena and I love it!

fantasy world creationist

2015-11-19 04:04:56

@leon hey glad to hear you enjoyed the game I can never hear enough of it! As for the music that's for sure a work in progress. I'd like to stay with the 8bit theme but that doesn't mean it can't be a little more in depth this time around. I'd also like to have battle music but I didn't get around to it last time. I actually had been planning to work with a DJ duo from nyc on music but have not heard much from them so I will for sure keep you in mind. Things are progressing very fast and I might not be able to wait on them. My goal is to have this out for xmas.

As for that skill. I can see like a fighter class using this skill. I might save it for an expansion class but have for sure added it to my list of features.

@dark glad you are looking forward to it I've put a lot into it!

I'm thinking about renaming the game to Adventure To Fate : Quest To The Future. Matches the gameplay a bit better and it's important to have quest in my title.

I'm still a little torn but can always change before release no big deal. Maybe once people start testing and see a bit of the game I'll get a bit more input.

Anyways I am just polishing up a few more design things as well as some storyline details and then beta testing will be ready.

This first stage will be pretty raw but I could really use some help on balance since there are so many possibilities with the new classes, pets and profession crafts. A few good testers could really move things along since I'm currently spending most my time balancing.

Things are not totally optimized for accessibility but they are atleast on the same level as battle arena so you should be able to get by or atleast tell me what needs the most work.

I'll be submitting tonight but I'm not really sure what the TestFlight review times are at hopefully only a day or so?

If you are interested post here and I'll get you a pm with the details you need to get started. I'll be crediting your guys and I'm always open for input on new items monsters even pets if you want to leave your own touch on the game!

2015-11-19 04:20:07

all right great stuff man! I'd be interested to help test this game

fantasy world creationist