2015-08-27 01:51:17

So, recently, bladestorm360 took it upon himself to delete every last topic he made, and with it a multitude of useful information was lost. Can we get the forum backed up somehow? Also, it would be cool if we could disable the ability for individual users to delete their own topics, so something like this doesn't happen again.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2015-08-27 02:39:04

I disagree.

While I think that deleting every single post you make is a bit excessive, I think it should be a person's right to do with their posts as they please. This is a public forum. Maybe something happened to this person that made him think he was somehow at risk. I don't know him from Adam, so I can't really say what went on, but, as someone who has dealt with a lot of stress lately as a result of things that can be found over the internet, I have to say this guy has my sympathy unless evidence comes to light that would disprove my theory.

Another thing to keep in mind is that a person can really regret writing things on forums and such after the fact. With more and more employers scouring the internet for, what I think is no good reason, just to disqualify potential job applicants, it's good to try and keep a tight leash on what you say and do online. The vast majority of us don't have anything to hide. But the vast majority of us also say things in anger that we may not mean. We may say things that are foolish and childish. We may even have been trolls in our teen years.
All of that would be ok if it wasn't immortalized forever, set in stone, for those glowering employers to peruse as they see fit. And, yes, I know that the likelihood of such a situation happening on the Audiogames forum is slim to none. But maybe this person doesn't want to take that chance at all. Furthermore, of course there are things like the internet archive, but I wouldn't think that many people would be so desperate to scrape the bottom of the barrel that they would wreak havoc on someone's life in that way.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-08-27 04:15:25

I agree with turtlepower17. I delete topics I make sometimes, If I feel they're no longer useful. Taking that option away would not be good. What topic was it that you wanted information on? Perhaps we can help you?

I'm gone for real :)

2015-08-27 05:29:45

Basically his bk3 guide, and the guide to playing japanese audiogames.

Take care, it's a desert out there.

2015-08-27 05:45:50 (edited by livrobo 2015-08-27 05:49:22)

Here you are.

The Japanese guide:

http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/s … obmU8B9l7A

BK3 guide:
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/s … 9tV_AmiY3o

If a helicopter falls in the field and no one's around, it doesn't make a sound.

2015-08-27 06:56:59

The problem with links in post 5 is that they are from google cach and they are temperary.
So, they will disappear shortly I guess

All the best,
Adel, Akbari.

2015-08-27 07:24:20

Yeah. I only put them there so those interested can grab them while they still can

If a helicopter falls in the field and no one's around, it doesn't make a sound.

2015-08-27 07:31:34

Not to be rude or anything, but things can be solved when you ask for what you are looking for. Demanding that users should not be able to delete there posts was a bit extreme. One of the reasons I dislike the Zone is because you can not delete your posts or old topics, and then they archive everything older than a sertaint period of time. Which is just messed up especially if they are a sight geared to all ages teens included.

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77

2015-08-27 08:13:21

(I went ahead and saved both the guides that lovobo linked, but I suggest someone else do so as well, for redundancy's sake.)

The problem I have isn't with Bladestorm deleting his posts.
I mean, sure, I really can't stand when content disappears forever, but he wouldn't be the first person wanting to erase their history for one reason or another.

The problem I have is all the discussions that went with it.
The Bokurano Daibouken 3 topic was started by Bladestorm, but loads of other people posted in it. Pages upon pages of discussion were lost--I mean, for all intents and purposes, he deleted several of *my* posts, which is something people tend to expect only mods to have the power to do.

This might not be his fault, necessarily; after all, what's the forum software going to do if someone wants to delete only the first post of a thread?
But it's a little detail that people don't generally get confronted with, since, generally, regular users don't delete active, long-running threads, completely at random for all anyone else can tell.

So, I guess we learned something about just how much power regular users can have, all without breaking any official rules.
It's just the sort of power that would be pretty bad for a community were it used this way often.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2015-08-27 11:22:10


Firstly methinks this belongs in site and forum feedback.
Secondly,  Brad and Turtlepower are correct. It is quite within the admin rights of this forum to disable ordinary users ability to delete posts or topics, but I've not wished to do so sinse my feeling has always been if someone posts something she/he always has the right to retract later. I do know one forum where people do not have this ability and what happens instead is users will need to manually edit their own posts and replace with "content removed" or the like which is not only clunky to do for users, but annoying to read for other forum members sinse you open a topic about a given subject and see "content deleted" instead of a person's message.

Cae however is also correct. And I will admit the idea of someone upping sticks and removing all their posts including long running topics with lots of info is not something that occurred to me sinse it just has not come up before, indeed had I been aware of Bladestorm's desire I'd have asked him to refrain from deletions for that reason. I'll also add that sinse lots of db pages linked to that japanese game guide of his he's also now created quite a tonne of work for myself which I am not too pleased about.

To the immediate situation, I would please ask Cae or someone else to post both of Bladestorm's guides in the articles section, as I have done with several others, and that way I can begin fixing the db links.
For the future however, I am sincerely not sure what to do to avoid this sort of situation, though hopefully it will not turn up again. I suspect Bladestorm removed his posts due to his religious feelings and his desire to break his life away from gaming, which is fare enough for him, but probably not a regular desire that would occur too often to quite as much an extent with others.

Unfortunately, I don't think there is a way for me to restore all his posts, not without rolling the forum from an earlier backup which would of course delete lots of other people's posts in the process. Plus, I'm not even sure I should! restore his postssinse they are fundamentally his, ---- though I will make an exception for his articles on the basis that articles are intended as published works anyway.

So botom line, I'm not sure if anything can be done to stop this happening again, but I'm not sure if anything should! be done to stop this happening again, and I'm not entirely convinced this is so likely to happen again either big_smile.
It's just a painus in the anus that it has happened at all, however one unfortunate consequence of libertarianism is that you have to allow others their liberty as well as yours even when they use that liberty in perhaps an annoying fashion big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-08-27 11:30:03

I'm tempted to try and use the Google cache trick to retrieve discussions, with Bladestorm's posts removed per what I assume were his intentions. That would, however, amount to retrieving the URL for every page of some of those topics. If anyone can come up with anything less tedious, that would be great.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2015-08-27 12:19:30 (edited by Adel-Akbari 2015-08-27 12:22:11)

In this topic in  General game discussion,:
http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.p … 89#p229389
Trenton Goldshark has posted a link from mail-archive.com that has almost all of the posts in removed bk3 topic. here is that link:
https://www.mail-archive.com/audiogames … koglu.com/
Maybe this link can help CAE_Jones to restore that topic.

All the best,
Adel, Akbari.

2015-08-27 12:23:57

Dark, I partially disagree.
I would like to Point out that we are not only talking about personal religious choices here, but here it is about discussion topics in which usually more than one user has something to say.
Bladestorm started the BK3 topic, allthough the topic went on without him.
This means that he deleted 124 or 125 pages of posts.
On each page there are 25 posts.
This means that approximately 124*25=3100 posts  were deleted for no apparent reason.
I can see that users need to have the right to delete their posts.
But what gives one user the right to delete another user's posts?
I mean there was talk and information and tipps for playing the game even the developer used this topic to communicate with the community. This is all lost now.
This is a case of harming the community more than deleting a few personal posts here.
And while I obviously am not Bladestorm and thus I can't comment on his state of mind, why would it be necessary to delete basic guidelines for how to set up game X?
Even if he himself doesn't want to have to be in contact with any game or any game community anymore, why would deleting things change anything?
His information and tipps helped people and if this is gone, people might be unable to find such information.
Existing users will have problems because they can't find what they knew was there.
And new users will ask over and over "How do I play/install this?"
Then we have to repeatedly answer such questions all over the place instead of having one central place were we can say "Here is a basic guide for ... If you have more questions after you are done with the guide, feel free to ask further questions in the forum..."
This is doing the community more harm than it might clear his (Bladestorm's) mind or to distance himself from this community.
This sounds a bit like scorched earth tactics like "hey, I don't want to play anymore, so I'll go, but I'll make it hell for others as well for the fun of it."
I am sure that he did not mean it in this way, but for the outsider who doesn't know him personally, it might look/sound like exactly that...

So, is there a way to partially restore the forum from a backup, where we could choose to retrive only one topic or only one section of the forum?

2015-08-27 12:40:06

In my opinion, Just because Bladestorm has created that topic, doesn't mean that he can do whatever he likes with that. Although forum software allows him to do that.
I've not reviewed BK3 topic but as I know, he was just the creator, and it has 2 or 3 thousand posts from other members, they shared their information, share their guides for the game, Help each others, post their tricks, and put together a large source of information for other and new members. So removing it without any previous notice is, well, irresponsibility and destroying other's work.

All the best,
Adel, Akbari.

2015-08-27 23:26:46

I can agree with what the last couple of posters are saying. I stand by what I said about a user being allowed to delete their own posts, no matter the reason. As I said before, I think this case was excessive, but I'm not going to speculate on why he did it, because, frankly, it doesn't matter to me.

But taking a bunch of other people's posts with it is another thing, and I can see why you all are upset about that. This probably shouldn't have happened, but, as Dark said, there's nothing we can really do about it without restricting the users' ability to edit and delete their own posts, which I think would be a very undesirable outcome for most of us.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-08-28 12:35:46

Turtlepower is correct here. Unfortunately, deleting a topic means deleting all the posts in that topic and if we allow members to delete their own posts and topics this gives the topic poster the power to remove a topic, there isn't really any way of getting around that.

Thankfully, this isn't something that comes up to often, I'm just sorry that it has done so.

I suspect Bladestorm himself did not want to delete anyone's posts but his own, but did feel a violent desire to distance himself from gaming for reasons of his religious conviction, eg, perhaps he felt that having posts by him around and topics about subjects that he participated in was some form of "temptation" for him.

I can't say whether that desire is good or bad or not, indeed I do recall Bladestorm himself was quite clear that he did not think games in general! were evil or sinful, only that for him! games and a devotion to christianity were not compatible.

This isn't an attempt to justify what he did, just to point out that  under the principles this forum is run on, he was unfortunately free to do so.
Is it a right royal pain in the kneck? of course it is! as Adel said, having a centralized discussion topic on a given subject is a very useful thing indeed and having that suddenly removed is going to be a pain for all concerned as well as for new players of the game.

However, all we can do is try to pick up the pieces. Bladestorm has made his choice and it's one we just need to live with.
I therefore suggest people who are concerned set about writing up the appropriate information about Bokerano Daibuken, (as I believe has already started), perhaps with some retrievals from google cash, (though not of Bladestorm's own personal posts), and the guides could be reposted in the articles room.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)