2015-08-24 21:52:02

So I am thinking about the simple online game development. As the matter of fact, I need the ideas to think about. I would love to make a shooting online game, but I don't have a whole idea, so suggestions are welcomed.
Also I would like to ask about the sounds, where can I get the free sounds for my free online game or how can I make them myself? May be someone knows a program where I would be able to create them?
Cause of  the sounds are exactly the thing that stops me from doing something related with Audio Games, I am not sure if I will make something, but I am thinking about that and may be it will comes true, who knows...
Futhermore, this idea might not be only a shooting game, it might be something else, may be someone offers an idea that would be fun to transform into the code hahaha.
Also I consider about just a text-based online game, therefore is not need to make a sounds this way, but I don't know if someone would be interested in these kind of games?
Another important thing, if my game will be made some day, can I expect from someone to keep a server up?
Thanks for the discussion in advance.

2015-08-24 23:01:52

hello arbuz
Well first, what programing language will used for this game?
I can use autoit and bgt. can I help your development?
And fps is good I have lots of ideas but I can't implement it now because my programing knowledge is not good.

2015-08-24 23:34:49

I use AutoIt for that, if you want to help, then we can chat about it via skype if you don't mind. Send me a Private Message with your Skypename, or post it here, that's up to you.

2015-08-24 23:45:36

Hello Arbuz.
Well I haven't gotten sounds in a while but soundranger, shockwav-sound, soundbible, soundcloud, there's probably mor that I'm forgetting right now. Really we could throw out a whole bunch of suggestions but really it's all up to you. Here are some questions you should ask yourself.
What kind of games do you like? What features do you notice in other games that you would like to implement into your own game? How big or small do you want it to be? Do you want it to be story-driven or completely action based? What platform do you enjoy games on the most? Windows? Mac? Linux? Android? iPhone?
Think about these things while you think about what kind of game to make. That said I would love to have a shooter similar to danny's death match games. And no I'm not saying I want a deathmatch clone. But something that combines action-adventure with shooting lol. I also would love a shooter that uses the mouse like swamp or ghorthalon's zombie shooter thing.
I would love to see a text-based game if that's what you want to do. Something like a mini-text-rpg that uses sound sort of like kerkerkruip.

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

2015-08-25 00:29:51

Hey arbuz.
I think that autoit is not good for online game, because the multithreading problem.
Of course you can use some dll files to solv the problem, but I'm not sure.
Maybe bgt is good for this thing, since Stw coded in bgt.
Anyway, I will help you if I can, I'm interested about game programing.
And, I don't have a skype and I don't have a mike.
Is it possible to text chatting in skype? I haven't used it before, since I forgot my id and password.
Anyway thanks

2015-08-25 06:51:58

Hi. I'd really honestly like a game like grand theft auto. Where you blow up cars own people in verius places and stuff olike that. We do have psyco strike but honestly that's not at all like GTA.

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2015-08-25 07:06:38

Answers to Guitarman,
I am thinking about game that will work on Windows only;
In my opinion it could be an action-based;
I would try to implement walking system something like in Swamp, just by moving mouse to the left or right side, shooting system would be also made to aim with mouse;
It would be a small game, cause of Scripting language that I have chose. I have never made an big audiogame, so I don't want to risk a speed and so forth. To make a game with AutoIt can be a challenge, cause of it's limitations, but... May be I'll try;
If we talk about the text-based games, then I would make something like an RPG game, where you need to walk, fight against various monsters, up your level to open another maps, learn various skills, collect an items dropped by monsters, by doing that you could perform a quests and etc.

Answers to momo7807;
I don't want to use BGT, cause of it's price when I can choose a free alternative. Yes, I can leave the game as open source and players would need to download whole BGT stuff just only for an opportunity to play my game, but I don't like it anyway;
Multithreading is necessary for bigger games than that one I want to make, and don't forget, on the server side, I stil can use more that one .exe file at once to make it faster. I don't know, may be I'll need a multithreading and I will change my opinion, for that I would change either a programming language if that would be the only way, it's not a problem for be, but there is now as it is.

2015-08-25 07:08:32

I am planning to make the online game, not the offline one and it would be a huge challenge for me to collect the various sounds to do that. I don't mention to code all that stuff.

2015-08-25 07:15:34

Hi Arbuz.
Nono bgt is completely free. You can write and compile your game no problem. I don't know much of anything about programming but I've tried autoit it's a huge pile of crap. But you can use any programming language you want. You Might want to try out python that's free and easy to use. You said you've had programming experience so learning python shouldn't be to hard on you. Basically any programming language can do the things you want in a game all you have to do is write it.

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

2015-08-25 08:47:50

Yes, I have a programming experience and that's why I decided to use AutoIt. It is very easy scripting language and has a main features that I need to develop such a game.

2015-08-25 17:16:19

what about a game like mortal kombat? with multiple characters and with fighting combos and such? maybe you could design your own character as you wish and advance in level by fighting other players online and doing various missions that involve fighting. that would be a game that I would like to play very much.

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Stephen King

2015-08-26 04:50:34

Yeah mortal kombat sounds cool. I've got a dude who's sighted and i might ask him to code that but he uses c++ and isn't very good at it but.

I am the blind jedi, I use the force to see. I am the only blind jedi.

2015-08-27 02:48:58

I have a problem
Simply, the tcprecv function is only for the server, and the tcpsend function is only for a client.
This means that the a client can send a packet. The server can recive it, but the server can't send any packet to the client. And the client can not recive any packet?
Is it a real problem? or I was wrong? Please let me know

2015-08-27 06:56:33

Hi momo7807,
You can use TCPRecv and TCPSend either on server or client equally, but if you are using it on the server, client should be connected, otherwise, you will get an error. If you send it from the client to the server, you also have to know server's socket, where to send data. That means, that you  should be connected to the server. That's all.
Small example:


local const $IP_ADDR = ""
;We set an IP adress of your server here. I set this IP that you can test this Script on one PC for the server and client either.
local const $PORT = 31782
;Your server's port. Client should be connected also by using this port.
;This way you can set how many connections server can accept
local $listen = -1
;Variable, which will be used to listen for incomming connections
local $client_socket = 0
;This variable holds an information about the connected client socket.
;We started the TCP services here. But don't forget when you will do some real program to check an errors for all these actions.
;We created a listenning socket here.
$client_socket = tcpAccept($listen)
;Accept the incomming connection. We simply put this code itno forever loop to catch if someone wants to connect.
until $client_socket <> -1
;Do this forever loop until client socket wil be unequal to -1. -1 is a value, which are returned by TCPAccept on failure. So if -1 is returned, it means, that noone connected to your server yet and you need to wait for a while. You also can use if @error = -2 then it means, that client is not connected.
local $msg_from_client_socket = ""
;This variable will be used to store a messages from client socket.
$msg_from_client_socket = tcpRecv($client_socket, 1024)
;We are waiting for the client's message. 1024 means, that we accept max 1 KB of data.
until $msg_from_client_socket <> ""
;If we got something here, this variable returns a message from the client socket, otherwise, it will be just empty string, like "". So we also put it into a forever loop to wait.
msgBox(0, "Message from the client socket", $msg_from_client_socket)
tcpSend($client_socket, "Hi, I'm a server.")
;We send something to client here.
;We just turned off the server.

Now for the client

local const $SERVER_IP_ADDR = ""
;Use this if you want to test it on the same  PC where the server is started.
local const $SERVER_PORT = 31782
;The server's port.
local $server_socket = tcpConnect($SERVER_IP_ADDR, $SERVER_PORT)
;We connect to the server and get the server's socket.
tcpSend($server_socket, "Hi, I'm a client.")
;We sent a message to the server.
local $msg_from_server_socket = ""
$msg_from_server_socket = tcpRecv($server_socket, 1024)
;We scanning for incomming message here.
until $msg_from_server_socket <> ""
msgBox(0, "Message from server socket", $msg_from_server_socket)

That's it, but as I already mentioned, don't forget to check errors everywhere.
I hope this helps.