2015-08-14 06:55:18

Sam, do you know who's ip address were posted? And as par as I know, Ip address is changeable unless you were poted an ipv6 address. I don't know if ipv6 address is changeable but ipv#d address is, completely changeable. Simply disconnect and reconnect your wifi or a network device, the network will generate a new address randomly in dhcp server.
I'm sorry I wasn't very helpful. I don't know about the situation exactly.

2015-08-14 06:58:03

Ah, and I'm sorry if I was wrong.

2015-08-14 07:07:49

I was angry at this person who came on as a character "SamTupy Junier", calling him self my long lost son, etc. And I posted his IP address after banning him from the game, and am very upset at my self for doing it.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-08-14 07:25:55

is the banning system is ipv4 ban? or ipv6 ban? or client ban like dmnb?
And someone ever attempted to use that ip address?
If someone haven't used that ip address, well I think it was acceptable at somepoint, but why did you post his ip address, even Samtupy junior had been banned?
Ah, I'm sorry I don't have any choice to help you. My help is just forgive you, even I didn't play stw.

2015-08-14 19:28:43

You know, I really don't know. Maybe we should look it up. That scares me to play stw, and it's a good thing I haven't! Holy sh'sh'sh'sh'sh'sh'sh'shoot! I think that is a felany, but I don't know. All we need to do is talk to the cops, and they will ask the admins of the audiogames.net forum to give out Sam Tupy's IP address and boooooom! Nothing serious, i think, they will um probably take away Sam's computer or computers. Witch means, he has to start all over. Sam, I don't wish for this to happen to you, but that depends on the others. Sorry,

What audio dramas do you like. I like the leviathan chronicles, we're alive, and our fair city. Check them out!

2015-08-14 20:22:48

Are ya sorry for real, or just sorry because ya got caught... something to think about.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-08-14 20:29:05

If you're talking to me it was Sam who gave out someones IP address, not me. That's all.

What audio dramas do you like. I like the leviathan chronicles, we're alive, and our fair city. Check them out!

2015-08-14 21:02:35

At Ironcross, good point. I'll also add that even if he is truly sorry, we all know how volatile of a time adolescence is. We know, because we all went through it. So I would be willing to put some money on the fact that a similar situation will come up again at some point.

At whoever was saying that IP addresses can be changed anyway, that is not the point at all. It's inexcusable, and shameful to boot. If you're an admin for an online game, your players' security should be of the utmost importance. That's not to say that accidents can't happen, but this was a deliberate, malicious act. Whether the intent was to actually destroy someone's livelihood, or whether it was just seen as a harmless bit of fun, makes no difference. It is not harmless, and it is not fun to distribute people's personal information all over the internet. At least, it isn't fun for anyone with any common sense or morality.
however, as I said, we all make terrible judgment calls during our adolescence. That's the only reason I'm not completely exploding in rage. However, this is a serious matter. The internet has made everyone seem like insignificant little blobs of matter floating in space, adding to the feeling of immortality, the blasé attitude of, "oh, nothing bad will happen!" So just remember that, whenever you launch an application that interacts with the internet, you're placing your life in the hands of billions. Similarly, if you're running the show, you have a responsibility to juggle all those lives. It's no laughing matter, not to say it can't be fun, but it's time for the petty games and drama to end, now, or I believe this game is headed for a quick and fiery death.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-08-14 21:09:30

Well said, turtlepower! I couldn't have said it better!

What audio dramas do you like. I like the leviathan chronicles, we're alive, and our fair city. Check them out!

2015-08-14 21:24:39

I agree with everyone. And yes I am truely sorry. I regreted it instantly after I did it and truely feel really bad about it. I can't say anymore than it will never, ever, happen again, and that I am seriously and truely sorry. I know it's a serious matter. Like I said, people saw me do it anyway, I would have posted something. I know I did something stupid and i'll say it a million times, and if you guys wish to dislike me etc because of it I will not try to stop you. I just would like to say i'm sorry, and I know it was the worst mistake I could have possibly done, and it won't ever happen again. Is there anything else that I should get out of this? I understand if you guys don't like me anymore. That's completely fine. I made stw for people to enjoy. I may have just ruined that and you guys probably don't trust me anymore. I wish it wasn't so, but it is fine. I can't change what you think of me. I can try simply by fixing my mistake and never doing it again, but I can't change your opinions anymore than I can change the passed. I can only not do it again and that's all I can say. If you guys don't want to play anymore that's fine, I probably deserve it. I was a complete idiot and again I take full responsibility for it. If I could let you guys read my mind so you guys could see how truely sorry I am for doing something so offle i'd let every one of you. I don't really have much to say other than, i'm truely, truely, sorry, and it won't happen again. I know i've said it a million times but i'm just saying the only thing I can say about it. I feel bad, i'm teribly sorry for doing something like this and if I could say it to SamTupyJunier's face, I would, and heck, maybe i'll find him and will. That's all I can say. I can apopogize and say it won't happen anymore, but I can't change the passed, and I will not force oppinians because it is the rong thing to do. I don't know what else I should do in this situation... But again, sorry. I really truely mean it. Thanks.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-08-14 22:48:43

Guys, guys!
Yeah, sam did something verry stupid. You told him it was wrong, I get it. He apologised. You now are all saying he said that just because he was caught! I get it, he's 13. You still don't need to talk to him like he's other race. Everyone can do something bad, but they then relise it was bad and feel bad about it, especially if people blame them for ever.
And if you want to stop playing stw because of this ... then do. Noone can say you should play it. But I'm going to belive Sam that he Will never do that again.
I don't want to insult anyone with this post. If I did, tell me, and I'll apologise, up to you to accept it.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2015-08-14 23:09:48

I'm gonna be a dick here for a second, but someone's gotta say it.

This is not the first time there have been problems with this game. That's what people are angry about.

There was the major hacking incident soon after the game got started. Then, the asinine decision to force people into using their first and last names to be allowed to play. And never mind all the complaints about there being too much realism in the game.
So it's not as though a bunch of people said, "hey, let's make this pick on Sam day!" To me, at least, there is quite a bit of justification for this outcry.

And, giving out someone's IP address is never ok. So nothing bad happened this time, that doesn't make it acceptable. Saying sorry kind of doesn't cut it when you're dealing with breaches of privacy.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-08-15 02:26:04

I'm going to have to step in here and say it as well. I realize that some people may not like what i'm about to say. But its got to be said. I've been a beta tester of survive the wild for a while now, ever since sam first showed me it. Even if I did think the game was getting a bit too realistic, and major gaping defects that might make the game easier ignored, sam has always had a little bit of respect from me, and my support as a fello dev, major or miner, depending on what you consider me as, but that's besides the point. I've seen menny problems, and I tried my best to grit my teath and bite it out. As most of you who are on stw know, I popt on their almost every day, if not for the roleplaying or playing aspect, but to meerly check on how progress was and see how everyone was doing. Though's who remember the first weak stw was opened will remember that I was an admin at launch. I did my best to try to help new players. The problem  was, I was the only admin with the acception of a few others who was actually online answering or trying to answer new players questions. What finily made me resign was I couldn't handle the stress. I however, tried my best to stay in the testing group and test the game to the best of my abilities, or what I could test. A series of too much realistic game mecanics, which I won't go into now because this point has already been talked about and you all know what my viewpoint on that is, cuppled with nothing being done, eventually forced me to resign from the testing group. Over the past few weaks i've continued to see an increase of game complaints not just by me but from other unhappy players. What finily caused me to lose all support in this project was the ip posting. I was on when it happened, and I was none too pleased about it. As for the hole seeming like its picking on sam day, this is my viewpoint. When that hole biznis with ethin and a few others happened with dmnb back in aypral, you guys made it perfectly clear to me I had made a grave mistake, and made an apoligy about it. But their's only so menny times you can make a mistake or several mistakes before you lose what you do have. If I were in sams shues, i'd expect the same responce that turdlepower had given here.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-08-15 04:25:43

hey sam
I don't want to step in to this worst thing.
But I'd like to give some advice to you here.
You constant said sorry, but... It isn't acceptable for this reason.
This is a serious, very very serious thing.
You will say sorry over and over again, but the problem is, others can't trust you, And just because other players will worried about it.

Please think about this situation.
You are a gamer, and the nicest game has just been released. You played it so much times. But the admin has posted someone's ip address, even with many many bad reasons? even the someone was a hacker?
The admin said sorry, sorry constantly, but many players can't trust the admin, including you.
You will think that the admin might have post someone's ip address again.
And sam, if you make a game in next time, I'd like to suggest something.
It is my opinion. Next time if you made a game, please take some notes yourself, about bug notes, admin rules, player suggestions, etc.
If you do take some notes, you will never cause this kind of things.
Just review your notes over and over again. and if a small situation was happened, think about it carefully.
Anyway, it is some advice and opinion.
Thank you.

2015-08-15 23:06:11

Please! Lets all forgive Sam for what he's done!
I mean.. We all make mistakes.
Thats all I have to say about this.
He doesn't deserve this...
He is working hard for his game and you i'm not gonna name people... You just complain about it.
Well if you are so good and so much better then Sam, go and write a better game then him and then go up to him and say what you think..
But for now lets all forgive him.. Please.

Follow me on twitter.

2015-08-15 23:20:44

Hi Sam,
I think you simply made a mistake. After all, you are still learning how to best manage a game and slowly, but surely you're getting there. Just remember, the more of these stunts you pull, the less people will trust you. An IP address gives out the location of a computer on a network and that was a breech of someone's privacy and security. Imagine if this was a mainstream game developer. Their game would see a sharp decrease in players and would even put the developer out of business. Furthermore, he or she could get into serious trouble with law enforcement for exposing sensitive information.
Again, I support you as a developer. I just don't wish to see you fall because of an act that makes people feel insecure. You saw what happened when Mason pulled that hacking prank earlier and it resulted in him actually being hacked. He then had to repair the damage and start fresh, hosting UP on a totally new server. You don't want the same thing to happen to you. You don't want to undo what you've done so far. You have the potential to make this game into one of the best games we've seen, but you just have to be open to ideas and not get so easily caught up in personal feelings. Hope this helps inspire you to continue moving forward from this slip up in the development of this game.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

2015-08-15 23:53:11

Hey there Sam.
Love the new update, thank you. I was wondering if there could be a switch to toggle dreams? I find them sorta distracting and annoying haha. Thank you for the game.

2015-08-16 00:55:16 (edited by revan 2015-08-16 00:59:34)

everyone can mistakes always
forgive him
he need to put him's hours,  and him's time for people? he's don't need to that
he is worked more hours
for write this game
it's not easy
fix bugs?  rewrite codes again? find and remove buggy codes,  and rewrite again?
you know how many hours taking finding bugs?
that takes forever
that's all everyone can know
just be carefuly next time what you're doing.
everyone can ask me,  how do you know?
i have experience  visual basic 6 engine

2015-08-16 01:30:22

I want to forgive sam, But I've stopped playing this game already.
I can trust sam once more, but I can't play this game just because the sun system.
I said about stw's realism over and over again, but he wouldn't decrease the realism very, very, very, very very very little.
And I think sam had gave it up, because this topic was stayed in nearly bottom.
I think sam will no longer reply on this topic, Sam will very disappointed to himself
And the majority of peoples can't trust Sam now, since the ip posting had happened
I personally think that stw will be discontinued, if Sam was disappointed, and if can't get hope.
If everyone or many players can't trust Sam
If he stopped developing this game because He thinks that he can't make online game
If another worst thing had happened
If Sam can't get any support
It isn't a good post, If someone hate this topic, I'm sorry I will delete this topic.

2015-08-16 01:36:24

I'm happy that I'm not the only one that can forgive Sam, and doesn't want to repport him to the police.
Momo, even if Sam said he was sorry, you *don't* need to say that he Will never again post in this topic or that, even worse, STW Will no longer be continued. I don't know him in person much better than you, but still I'm pritty sure we Will soon get a responce from him. I at least hope I'm right.
There are a lot of games not ment for realisem. STW is. I'm happy that now we at least can make a cumpas, though.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2015-08-16 01:52:52

Hello Samtupy1.
Well all I can say is mistakes happen your young so you will make a lot of mistakes overtime. Having said that I think you have made an excellent game. I haven't been on there in a while but I update my copy when it comes out. I think you deserve a second chance what does everybody think? One more chance to do things the right way.

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

2015-08-16 02:28:35

I want to trust Sam and play this game again, But please listen my last request.
If you see this post, Please, please, please add an option that you can change sun system to corrdinates system back.
I know, I know, I completely know your mind. Realism is good for a game. But stw has to much realism, that makes me to stop playing this game, this game is really unplayable for me, I totally can't escape the bitch sometimes.
If you don't want to accept my request and say like "It isn't your game", Well that's completely fine.
But keep in mind Sam, a game is just a game, it can't be real.
Much realism can make this game harder and harder, until players give it up.
Please Sam, please consider it seriously.
And the last thing. Everyone isn't same like you.  Everyone's mind, thinking is totally different.
You can play really hard game like this, But others can't play that really hard game.
Again, seriously, please consider about it.
Thank you.

2015-08-16 03:03:54

Well in my mind, trust has to be earned, for me at least, its not freely given. That trust is now shattered from Sam even though i was not personally affected because next time, I could be. I'm done with STW, not that I played all that much tbh. I do not forgive easily, even though the path we strive to take isn't always smooth. I know this is a fault in me, but I can't resolve it. I think about the possibilities here, who and what could be damaged. I know we all make mistakes, and that doing so is what makes us all human but this is a blatent attack on someone, whoever's IP address was given out. Look, there are people around here... not many, but a few whom I personally do not like, and one or 2 that go further than that for me. I do not attack them with release of their personal information. I may blow up at them, swear at them etc. But I don't attack their privacy.

Now, I think Sam could really stand to learn how to actually be a good admin. Find a community who would accept him as a moderator on an IRC channel or something. You can't expect to take the weight of too much responsibility at such a young age, and I get that. After all, things have improved on STW. I mean, I used to see outright admin abuse. And now I hadn't seen that, so that's a step forward.

Do I think this will cause STW to fail...? No. But hopefully people will really take precautions on their personal data now. I am not saying I hate sam or anything, just that I am choosing not to potentially compromize my personal data by accessing his server. Others will more easily trust then me, so I will leave that to more capable hands. And I hope that Sam's apology is sincere. That is all I have to say on the subject.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-08-16 04:55:09

Well as I was quite literally the first person to jump on Sam's case for this, I heard his apology first, and it did sound like he was quite sorry for it and new he'd screwed up. But fact of the matter is, yes we make mistakes when we're young, but we pay, for those mistakes. That said, I forgive Sam myself, but if others do not, I will not do as some people on this topic have and urge people to forgive Sam for his actions, as what he did was quite a big deal. The only reason I forgive him is that I don't have the heart not to, Sam is after all a nice dude who is fun to hang out with.

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2015-08-16 10:24:30

I, like Steeven over hear can't help but give you another chance. I, am a Gemini, and this zodiac is known for being kind toard one another. @Mayana: do you remember rusty99?

What audio dramas do you like. I like the leviathan chronicles, we're alive, and our fair city. Check them out!