2015-08-14 17:55:14

Why do you think that protection against cargo ships was implemented and why do you think I put the ban on combat in federation space. I'm actually considering extending federation space since its mainly where the attacks are being done that's the problem, at bakuan5.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-08-14 20:52:50

Perhaps you should not block attacking cargo ships, but give it consiquences.
Maybe if you attack a cargo ship you get clasified as a pirate and players can kill that person and get a reward. Maybe you could, in the future even change pirate missions so you have to kill a real player instead of some ai controlled ship.
As for pilots don't knowing where deep space is, It's clearly in the policies.

golfing in the kitchen

2015-08-14 23:36:22

Before the protection against cargo ships was implemented, cargo ships were always be destroyed. But the problem has  solved, Since the cargo protection system was implemented.
About mission type system, I aggree.

2015-08-14 23:42:15

I see both sides of the story here. On one hand, pirates want to be pirates, shoot down ships, and in general just... well, be pirates. On the other hand, you have though's guys who just want to play. They don't want to be shot down just because they've entered deep space. And lets face it, deep space is where the majority of the good stuff is. I remember this argument a month or so back about how difficult it was to make credits, now its about pirates verses normal players. If your going to be a pirate, do it right. At least picture if you were the pilot of that freighter and you were trying to make a few credits and points, only to lose them, and you got shot down. How do you think you'd feel if you were on their end? Now, as i've stated before. I'm not lifting the code limitation that prevents ships with no weapons being shot at. I specificly asked players before implementing it, including pirates who were on the game, and they all agreed on the system, hents its staying as it is. If you didn't want the system, this random out of control killing of ships that were hanging in deep space should have never happened. Once again. i'll restate that i'm not against pirates. I see your points, as well as the other side. This is why your allowed to attack gigantic ships. I do agree that players, once in control of though's capital ships with warhead launchers should take ultimit responcibility for their crafts, hents is why I did not add in a feature for players to opt in and out of pvp. If this killing ishue gets any worce however, then i'll consider it. However, I have made this choice. Bakuan5 and sinak are getting moved to locations with in fed space, so that people can upgrade their ships with out worrying about becoming the pirates next meal.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-08-15 02:05:15

Hi Danny,
this new system sounds like it will solve most of the problems associated with random killing. Pirates can be pirates, but as you suggested, targets should be picked wisely. I wouldn't have much of a reason targeting a light freighter, since they don't go far and they don't store much cargo. The capital vessels could be left vulnerable, which is why I always orbit fed space when I go offline. I know there's going to be a pirate in deep space who will probably shoot me down, so I avoid it in the first place.
I also would like to know what you mean by introducing Project Alpha creations into the game. Do you imply that we will fight the monsters we encountered on DM PA? If so, that gives me an idea. We could have a derelict salvaging mission that would involve salvaging debris. However, in some of the rooms, monsters would reside. So, in order to be able to salvage the artifacts, we would have to fight them off.
I also heard that everyone got reset on STW chat. So, I'm wondering if that also means my ships disappeared. I have to update the client and log on. Hopefully, everything should be fine now.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

2015-08-15 02:09:59

If your ship was baught before I made a backup about a few days after I made the new speed system, you should be alright, I think I made it when the cargo hauler was intraduced. Not everyone got reset, just though's who baught a ship after that and that was do to a server acksadent.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-08-15 02:42:01

Where is the sinack and bakuen?

2015-08-15 02:49:26

When i first started really playing this game about  3 weeks ago. I was playing on a friday and was also getting ready for a acamping trip. I didn't know alot then so i left my g51 orbiting a planet in deep space. I come back and it's gone and i had  died while offline. On the one hand, I was a bit pissed. On the other after i heard about the responsibilities of deep space i saw that point also. so I, like Danny, see both sides.  My problem is not so much with killing in general, but the indiscriminate constant killing because your board or whatever . 
Having said this I think pirates should be pirates. but remember piratees don't rnadomly kill they choose targets carefully and plan out how they're going to handle their victims. it's the players responsibility to be careful. But agian I'd like to stress, and i'm putting this in all caps. INDESCRIMINATE KILLING IS NOT WHAT THIS GAME IS ALL ABOUT.  At least in my opinion.
Having said this, I think it's partially the lack of activities not

2015-08-15 03:27:46

hi danny
I got a cool idea.
While many problems were reported about random killing, and still problems in protection system like escape pard, I've just got a cool idea.
I have two ideas.
1. Install an aditional autopilot module in to small ship's autopilot console.
It works like this.
First, go to your autopilot console and press a cirtain button, I don't know your
choice, so I don't know what's this name will be. Anyway... press a button, and it shows a sensor interface, you can select a target just like autopilot.
You will select a random killer's ship.
If it entered, your sensors will be fully operational. If your sensors detected the random killer's ship in your sensor range, the alert sounds will played, the flight destination will be canceled, search your waypoint list, then your ship will fly the nearest destination in your waypoint list automatically.
Plasma cannons are short ranged weapons, and sensor range is very long. I think if it has implemented, It would be good for cargo ships.
Another idea. I think it would be good if small ships can have a speed booster for escape.
It is like the rift drive, but it is a upgraded version.
First, set your destination in autopilot. And press a button. The ship will fly the destination with nearly unlimited speed, like 100000. When the ship has arrived, the ship will stop.
What do you think?
I think idea 1 is very good.
And if my idea has been implemented, I think cargo ship protection doesn't needed anymore.
Anyway it is only my suggestions.

2015-08-15 03:47:19

apparently my message got cut off. what i was trying to say is this. Having said this, I think it's partially the lack of activities not that there are not actiities but I'm wondering if people who are pirating are getting bored with surveying or colony missins or osmething.  I think what this game needs is more rp and less hey lets fight over chat. Just my opinion. thanks for reading and hating me for it. lol.

2015-08-15 05:52:29

Hello Danny.
I would be happy to become an admin and crack down on the player killing for everyone's sake. The offer's always open. If I do become an admin pirates beware! Lol.

What has been created in the laws of nature holds true in the laws of magic as well. Where there is light, there is darkness,  and where there is life, there is also death.
Aerodyne: first of the wizard order

2015-08-15 06:14:09


STAY. OUT. OF. MY. WAY. you hear that?
  If you come in my way, on dmnb, admin or not, I will gun you down, simply for the fact that you've just threatened me and my entire faction, (pirates). Beware dude. I've got some powerful equipment.

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2015-08-15 07:52:37

Danny, a doubt. The giant plannet cracker ship, like the firestar or the turbo, doesn't have any combat system.
following the rule of no weapon, magic shield, that giant and expensive ships, not for noobs, are magic protected?
Or only the basic ships without shields are protected.
You've to say, exactly what ships have the protection, and for expensive ships, including that don't have weapons, don't have any magic shield.

This is my doubt :3

2015-08-15 08:15:40

The g51 has few turrets, but firestar aren't.
And danny, can you just replace the tram calling system, please?
I'm stuck in my firestar, and my chat was locked out since I was very rude. I'm sorry for about that again.
Getting back to the tram calling thing, can you implement the tram calling system again if it is possible?
If you can't replace this system again please tell me the reason.
I hope you can replace this system without much time.

2015-08-15 15:58:47

To redo the tram calling system is on my todo list, adding new things has slowed down since I had to spend so much time chasing these annoying crashers down and then having to staybelize and fix the speed system despite complaints, which i'll just say this, the new system was implemented specificly, because of the complaint that ships took too long to accelerate and decelerate and that it was difficult to remember long numbers, as well as the thrustor output constantly killing people do to in correct usage. As for planet crackers san, when I said large ships, planet crackers were excluded. They are not warships, and extremely expensive. No matter the provocation, no one deserves to have worked for a planet cracker only to have it obliderated. I did discover that uncharted colonies vessels can be, ahem, quite dangerous even to a drednaught, so i'm planning for a new mission in which you'll dephanatly need crew together. Also, some grate news! These crashes are now 20 times more tolerable because ship saving works! So enjoy!

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-08-15 20:40:42

Greetings! Per the suggestion of severe storm steve, their is now a brand new mission! Are you ready to survive waves of uncharted colonies corvettes? Do you think you have the skills to take on a mass fleet, depending on your ship and your brave crew? Then take the invasion extreme mission, at apollo station! This is a face off against 99 uncharted colonies corvettes. But no, this is not kill 99 and return to base. You must kill off 5 waves of uncharted colonies ships, each wave has a fleet of 99 ships to kill. Only brave crew and rank 1 and above vessels will survive the onslaught of uncharted colonies vessels. But for a reward, you get 900000 mission points, 1000000000 credits, and a nice list of acheavements for every wave you complete. I dephanatly suggest not trying to solo one of these things.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-08-15 20:48:38

so cool! so, totaly we should against er, 495 uncharted colonies?

I'm sorry for my english. Because it isn't my native language

2015-08-15 21:39:32

the mission sounds interesting danny. I hohpe to get on a crew that's doing one. as for a rank one ship surviving. My nebvun almost got  torn apart yesterday sheidles and all when i went to help steve with some corvettes that were left over lol. but I can't wait to try it.  I had something else to write about but I can't remember what now.

2015-08-15 21:54:54

hi danny
You have chose stupid time to eat pizza.
I think there is a hacker in dmnb, The name of the is storm.
I don't know what happened, but I know it he hacked stevo and jasper.
I'd like to suggest you about my idea of security.
This is a computer security system. When you come in to dmnb, the server will take your computer's infomation and you can log in to your character with this computer, only this computer.
What do you think?

2015-08-15 22:00:05

@momo he can change computer names, and i'm already on it. The rest of you move along, I should have the server back up as soon as I can.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-08-15 22:00:49

hi all,
today on death match a new beginning, we had an old, let's just say, ban evader come back. And this time, when he came back, he hacked my account, Stevo, as well as Jesper, and an attempt to hack Danny who had thankfully set a password. So to clear up the confusion, this is all i have to say about the matter.

I logged on as wow and stevo2, those were the accounts I used during the ordeal.
Jesper logged on as Jesper2.

The hacker used the following accounts:
Storm, a name that was an eloquence crash word that I'll not post here for obvious reasons, Jesper, Stevo, and very briefly Danny but he was unsuccessful logging in.
Danny is fixing things back to normal now, so do not panick.

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2015-08-15 22:04:53 (edited by techmaster20 2015-08-15 22:05:37)

Great idea. That's actually how most mainstream online games do it. It actually goes off of your hard drive's serial   number, and your windows product key to prevent ban evaders who manage to change their computer name  or IP address

Power is not the responsibility of freedom, but it is actually the responsibility of being responsible, it's self, because someone who is irresponsible is enslaved by their own weaknesses.

2015-08-15 22:24:39

First, I think it is very hard to handle this hacker, because you can't ban him, he will evade he's ban, he can change computer name.
And I made a misstake.
I was locked out of chat channel. I was normally playing this game.
And a ban evader came in dmnb, named storm. Also he hacked some other peoples.
At first, I've just tent pm to wow.
But I know I must report the ban evader, And I thought the situation is critical because someone said he has a hacking software.
This means he can hack danny's account as well, and another one said he has a program called admin.exe
I thought dmnb is critical now, like a messive building was caught in a hell fire.
I couldn't think my chat was locked out, because I said, the situation was critical.
So I've just sent some words over general communication, I just wanted to notice that storm had loged in as stevo.
After I've disconnected, I was very very upset for this thing, general comunication. I'm sorry about it, I'm really sorry.
And I have a question. If I've been locked out of the chat channel, and if I saw a ban evader or hacker, what should I do? If the situation gone critical, what should I do? Say it over general? or just watch it?
Anyway, I'm really sorry.
Thank you

2015-08-15 22:31:25

@momo if their is a hack you may report it on any channel. And we'll find a way of dealing with him.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-08-15 23:04:46

Servers are back up. To prevent this hacker from doing damage to your character, I suggest everyone set a password when they connect, you can do this by pressing o while in the game.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us