2015-08-07 01:01:24

We are creating a family-friendly game that has a hippo + fruit + adventure. Let us know what you think of it...http://ow.ly/PUBUJ

2015-08-07 01:05:09

Can blind people play this game?

2015-08-07 01:35:23

Probably not. My apologies for posting it here. We do have a cool story line and music smile

2015-08-07 01:46:40

Well Bondswell, it's not a problem posting it here, we'd be happy to help you make this game accessible for the blind, we're here to promote audiogames and game accessibility. WElcome to the forum, by the way!

2015-08-07 04:10:58

Hello and welcome to the forum bondswell.

I second Jack's thought here. We love games with cool storylines and music, the problem unfortunately is if  a blind person can't actually play them that's not too helpful, indeed the world is full of games with cool storylines and music that are sadly unplayable big_smile.

Depending upon how your game is designed access might not be as difficult as you imagine sinse contrary to a lot of opinions, access doesn't mean removing all graphics or slowing gameplay down to a crawl.
An action game can be accessible with sterrio sound kews, (we've got games listed on this site from 3D adventure to first person shooter), while an rpg or slower pased game can be made accessible either by outputting text in a form readable with a screen reader, or by adding voice acting and audio menus.

A little introductory information on game access can be found in the resourcessection of this site or on This site from 7-128 software, plus of course we'd be very glad to help with any answered questions, testing etc.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-08-07 13:19:05

Definitely agreed with everyone else, we'd be happy to help. What sort of genre is your game? If you could give us a smalld escription of how gameplay works, we might be able to come up with ideas or variations that could be more accessible, without actually interfeering with the main gameplay design. For instance, the mainstream game Skullgirls has a clipboard mode which also adds extra sound queues. The clipboard mode copies text like "single player" to the clipboard when it is highlighted in the main game menu, and this includes story text. There are also many audiogames of varying types that can be really fast paced and hectic, or that su strategy as their main gameplay focus, or there are even ones whre you have to outrun science fiction ships and fighters.

2015-08-07 15:16:52

I tried opening your KickStarter  page,
but I think the video crashed FireFox.
I googled the game and got:
Jack Kudos - A family-friendly game
by BondsWell,
Join Jack in his chase through the jungle for his fruit & kudos
Watch him jump, flip and dance like no hippo has done before!
Jack Kudos is a family-friendly game that promotes good health with its premise seeing Jack, a young hippo, chasing after a bucket of fruit that was stolen from him. There are not many details on the game itself, though the video resembles a simple vertical platformer similar to Doodle Jump, which is easily
appealing to kids. Players earn their score by jumping on platforms with fruit, with strawberries being the highest ranking. Developer BondsWell is confident
that players will “gravitate to fruit on a subconscious level.”
BondsWell is looking to fully fund the project to $35,000 U.S.D. by August 19th. With 13 days left as of writing this article, $605 has been donated.

Rewards of donating $1-$50 range from a simple thank-you email, early access to the game, a shoutout on social media and the game’s credits, even a t-shirt
and shoutout on BondsWell’s personal blog. $100-$5,000 donations grant the Backer an invite to the developer’s VIP launch party, interviews and a domestic
flight to San Francisco for a dinner with the BondsWell team.

2015-08-09 00:41:49

Do you have plans on adapting it for the blind?

Kingdom of Loathing name JB77