2015-08-03 07:30:51


I'm playing through King of Dragon Pass and I was wondering how other people approach the game. So far I'm still climbing the learning curve and my first run through has been less than savory lol.
One thing I was a bit confused about was the random event that required you to go places and it only gave you a vague direction. The one in particular I dealt with told me I had to go find some ancient kingdom to the northwest. Would I just explore randomly in that direction or is there a special map icon? I got a little confused.

2015-08-03 09:26:27

did you hear my podcast that I linked to in the other thread? it was intended to make starting up a bit easier, so I hope it helped.

One thing I notice with Kodp is it has almost a double learning curve. People begin, think "My god this is a complex game", struggle to learn the mechanics then when they grasp everything will play for a bit but find that things are going pare shaped and not know why, and many people give up at this point or say "well it's a great game but you just lose and it seems random"  sinse it is true seeing your clan struggle can be quite depressing.
If however people persist even beyond this stage and learn how to work with the world and culture and the stratogies of the game, and also that frequently bad events can be coped with, you end up with a far better experience, indeed I'd sight Kodp as one of the finest games I've ever played, for all I tend to limit how much I play it sinse it is so intensive.

For the exploring, I stuck a guide on how to use the map in the explorer mode in the articles room.

In general tips wise there are a few things.
First, shrines are your friends! Venga is pretty much a necessity if you mean to explore, and battle blessings from gods like humact can help, really if you don't have the favour of a few gods on side your in trouble.
also, trade goods are really useful for many things, from giving gifts to rival clans to erecting more temples and fortifications to having something other than cows to sacrifice, indeed I personally always go with the perk at startup that lets you begin with more crafters, making trades and trying to get trade partners going early is also often a good idea too . speaking of startup, having the ice demons as your traditional enemy can be very helpful sinse it lets you raid in winter, although the ice demons are pretty tough as compared to the people of prax or the trolls, I would also personally recommend not keeping thrawls sinse they tend to be more trouble than they're worth.
For doing well with events or farming, remember that your ring are your friends, listening to their advice often can help you choose wisely during events, and of course as I said with lots of goods spare you can always sacrifice to your ancestors if your stuck.

I personally like to try and make allies (and trading partners), as early as possible so as to increase my reputation. I usualy start with clans who owe me favours sinse they will be better disposed towards me, though I find it helps to keep one rival clan fued going to give my weaponthanes somebody to practice on.

I'd not personally suggest worrying about hero quests too early, sinse especially for making a tribe you will need a good reputation and solid base to work from first, though of course sacrificing for mysteries to learn the clan myths will help.

If your really stuck you can check the Kodp wikifound here, which is very useful for explaining several game mechanics and helping you get through hero quests, though I' recommend staying clear of the pages of the wiki that detail events in the game sinse you don't want to spoil those for yourself.


With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-08-03 21:01:47

Awesome thanks. I did find the podcast you made entirely helpful actually. It gave me some decent insight into how I wanted to form my clan and stuff early on. There is just soooo much stuff to remember. I definitely don't want to give up on the game by any means. I was just curious to see some other strategies. Really the exploration thing was the most confusing aspect of the game to me. I got an event that said "Orlanth wants you to make a pilgrimage to his mother's mountain." I was just unsure how to get there.

2015-08-03 22:16:40

I'm glad the podcast helped. Exploring isn't so bad once you know how the exploration map works, see This article for some explanation.

the odd thing about Kodp is that the more you play, the more you get immerced into Orlanthi culture, the less trouble the details seem. For example, all the gods seem a bit daunting, but when you've played for a while and read the myths and history you soon get a handle on which god does what and also what is and is not acceptable clan behaviour, this is also where looking at your Clan ring's advice can help sinse manifestly they know Orlanthi culture far better than you do. That's one thing I love about the game, it's not just a matter of memorizing random factors or minimaxing stratogy, as the manual says you really! need to start sort of thinking in an Orlanthi fashion in order to succeed.

The only basic numbers I'd suggest working on is that 7 cows is a good sacrifice, 15 or 20 cows is a generous gift, and buying treasures is very! expensive inded. make sure you always have max possible weaponthanes, and for farming, trust your clan ring particularly your worshippers of Earnalda,  urralda and Barnta, ie, the earth mother, the ploughman and the cattle goddess. Oh, I'd also suggest , until you start building a rapport with the gods, try thinking of them by their descriptive titles such as Storm father, the talking god and the healing goddess, this is a rather subtle little way the game uses to get you into thinking about the Orlanthi pantheon.

I'd also suggest checking the combat article on the wiki particularly, sinse it has a very handy table of which tactics are most likely to succeed when, though as with most of Kodp, blessings are your friends.

Btw your making me want to replay the game myself),

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-08-04 00:52:34

One thing I love/hate with KODP is that no decision is necessarily the  correct one, even in heroquests.  Really makes every game unique, which is good because I have to admit that midgame can get a bit tedius when you're waiting for the storyline to catch up. 
I'm hooked on the football chairman new pro game right now, which I really need to put a topic up about as it certainly deserves a DB page and the devs have been fantastic.  With that and Adventure to fate, plus another go at KODP and the ATF sequel I'm all good on games for the moment.  Although reading an LP archive of angband made me wish there was a way to play it.  Though kerkerkruip is apparently coming out with another version soon so we'll see how much they add. smile
Back on KODP though, I do have another tip.  Don't mess with beastman!  Trolls are a tonne easier to deal with, haven't tried the others yet.

2015-08-04 03:00:18

@Dan, please post some information about this football management game. I'd also greatly appreciate it if you made the information rather complete, sinse while I don't mind trying the game for purposes of exploring it in order to make a db page if it is free, football management doesn't interest me in the slightest so obviously the more information I can get about the game the better sinse it's not likely to be a game I'd be interested in playing long term myself, indeed if it is paid I might have to ask you for a full description sinse while I'm always happy to try games in order to write convincingly about them for the database, even games of genres I am not usually into, I'm afraid buying a game which is unlikely to peak my interest is going a wee bit too far big_smile.

As to Angband, well I will admit I've been lucky in that Angband is the one roguelike I've had success playing through a combination of very supernova friendly text and high visibility graphic tyles, although sadly making the game completely accessible without the graphics at all likely isn't possible.
The one thing about Angband however, is that playing successfully, and actually playing so as to have an interesting game are two very, very different things. To succeed most people pretty much run through the dungeon, never stopping to explore unless they get a good dungeon level message and killing very few monsters.
Personally, I prefer to see what I can outwit or out fight on my way and only abandon situations that actually look ridiculously dangerous. This is why my furthest dungeon level in Angband is only around level 30 or so, because simply running through not exploring or engaging and just looking to minimax equipment to stupid levels of resistance just doesn't interest me as a playing style for all it's the only way to succeed.
Of course this apparently has been a tendency they've been trying to change in the last couple of versions, or so I remember reading.

Anyway back to Kodp, pretty much any of the none human races can be deadly if you piss them off enough, though elves are more inconvenient than truly horrific. Dragonewts, trolls, beastmen and even dwarves (which I don't think there are many of in the game), can all pretty much slaughter you if you get on their nurves enough, that is why it's best off to have either prax or the ice demons as your traditional enemies, indeed the ice demons also come with the handy advantage of letting you raid in winter.

I only tend to find there is a mid game slump if I'm waiting to be elected king, though at the same time sinse the events are always pretty random and there is lots of map to explore, even when you've got stable relations with the other clan members there is still something to be done.

My one issue with the game is that heroquests are a little too unfare as far as your choices go, sinse you can still choose the right choice and fail and then next time assume you chose the wrong one. This is why I used the wiki to tell me the optimum choices for heroquests, particularly sinse while some myths like making of the storm tribe and Urnalda feeds the tribe are very specific, others are still pretty vague even when you actually have all the mysteries for them, also sinse you have to complete three heroquests within ten years to win the short game or bust, your really pressured,indeed I confess that last short game I finished I did save cheat a little just to complete orlanth and Duroga, sinse "sorry guys,not quick enough, bye bye goes the prophecy" is a little unfare.

I do need to try a long game actually, which would give me time to complete the quests and if I failed to simply let my clan recover which I'd much prefer to do.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-08-04 04:40:06

I didn't realize that the beginning choices such as which enemy to pick or which god you helped revive had any immediate baring on the game. Good to know.

2015-08-04 05:03:33

Yep, Cody clan creation is very important, providing you with both bonuses and some principles you need to adhere to if you don't want your ancestors cross with you. See This page on the Kodp wiki for details.

Btw, one whacky thing is, that page mentions an ancestral enemy that I've never seen, a salty lord of the sea. I don't know if this was missing in the Ios version?
I have seen the flood event, though thankfully it's rare, and if it occurred regularly it would be a right royal pest.

I personally find the trolls a pain sinse trolls will attack you very, very frequently, you can survive them if your prepared well enough but they just keep coming back, plus there are many trolls on the map and extra encounters with them during events. The beastmen don't attack as often as the trolls, but are much tougher, and remember if you get the beastmen or trolls too mad at you they will literally wipe you out, game over!

The elves basically just cause a really bad event that loses you some crops and cattle and maybe some of your people, but doesn't harm you directly, although there is one event where you do get the chance to exist peacefully with the elves which obviously if they're your enemy you need to turn down.
The Praxians are odd sinse you can literally play an entire game and not see them unless you specifically go to prax, and they seem pretty wimpy as far as combat goes, however you don't really get any bennifits from them either, they're sort of the least threatening choice.

I personally like to have the ice demons as my enemies, sinse while the event they cause is a nasty one, albeit imho not as bad as the elves you can survive it if your magic is good enough. Being able to raid in dark season is a major advantage, you always catch your enemy unawares and can almost guarantee to outnumber them, plus it's a good time for diplomatic missions as well.

If you want an easier time go with Prax, if you want to accept the bennifit for having to cope with the event I'd recommend the ice demons, the elves aren't too bad but don't choose the trolls or beastmen unless you want a tough time.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-08-04 17:30:39

One of my favorite things to do in KODP is to send all of my weaponthanes out exploring, to bypass the weaponthane limit and recruit more.  I've had 30-50 weaponthanes at a time, and the urnalda feeds the tribe quest is generally really easy, keeping them fed is not a problem.
Another thing I do involving that quest is acquire lots of food from it, then trade that food for cattle and/or send lots of gifts of food to nearby clans.  I generally only have one feud per game, because I always want to have a clan to raid repeatedly.  My reputation doesn't decrease, because I am allied with most of the other clans. smile
I do hate some of the events though, such as when the beastmen decide to attack you.  I never get that event anymore, in fact it's very easy to avoid, but recovering from it is nearly impossible.

you generally want to complete hero quests to increase the stats of your clan ring, for example  Lhankor Mhy finds the truth is able to steadily increase stats of all of the clan's  nobles. 
One more thing I find very useful about Urnalda feeds the tribe is that if I set the chief to a female urnalda  follower, complete the quest with the goal of gaining knowledge a couple of times, she will have several skills at heroic.  After that, a few completions of the making of the storm tribe will max her leadership as well, though that is much more dangerous.  I agree with dark though, I don't like how random hero quests can be.  Generally after your skills are really high, it's nearly impossible to fail some of the hero quests, but getting to that point is very dangerous.  I have heard of players that can get all of their clan ring to have heroic in nearly all skills, but I haven't managed to reach that point and every time I beat the long game, I have to take a really long break so probably won't be reaching that point any time soon.

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2015-08-04 22:14:34

@Aaron, interesting, though i eprsonally wouldn't fancy trying to spam weaponthanes both because of the horses cost and because if someone raids you at the wrong time you'd be in trouble, though using heroquests to get you a super ring is a good idea although it's quite difficult with some quests as you said. I did once get a very amazing chief called Verald who had heroic in both combat and leadership, he also became king and was generally pretty awesome, particularly sinse he started out as a humacti but failed the humact the champion hero quest, got lost in the realm of the gods, came back as an orlanthi, completed both Orlanth quests and then became both chief and king! he rocked!

You can avoid the beastmen appocalypse, but it's difficult. In one game I suddenly got the warning because I was allied to a clan who were at war with the beastmen, I just sent a friendly gift to the clan of marsh ducks who I'd previously made my allies and that avoided it.

This is why I I personally like maximizing goods more than food or even cows for gifting and everything else, sinse it's amazing how many problems can be solved by basically just chucking money at them until they go away. In my last game between treasures and temples and investments in trading partners I had over 600 goods and basically they were the solution to everything!

"oh chief the blue spruce are threatening a fude" here have some money! "Oh chief there is a despute with another tribe" money! 

The most hilarious part is the game clearly wanted me to start a tribal war but I simply refused. One clan raided me,  got completely and utterly slaughtered (giving me lots of horses in the process), the game gave me severall choices about retaliating or takig the matter to the tribe but instead I just made them pay me compensation, ---- yes! now you must pay for the privilidge of attacking me and getting totally trounced!
I then smoothed relations with their tribe with, --- guess what? money

I think the one neihbor I actually kept up the fued with must've been getting a bit narked with me, "hay how come everyone else! gets money out of this lot but we just get to be target practice?" it felt a bit cruel but was quite good fun, and really in order to maintain your weaponthanes you do need to keep using them at least once a year, sinse cattle raids won't do it, plus if your too successful with cattle raids against allies you risk them not being allies anymore I know the manual says Cattle raiding is sort of seen as a form of friendly rivalry and shouldn't affect your relations but that's not generally how it seems to work out, mostly because you can only cattle raid neighboring clans.

I actually think cattle raiding is also more  dangerous than real rading, sinse obviously when you cattle raid you are sending barely any of your people along.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-08-05 00:33:08

I think the reason Cattle raiding is worse than general raiding is because of the fact that it's more personal.  Your Weaponthanes slay enemy weaponthanes for nothing other than a slight gain and pleasure, and the families of those weaponthanes generally don't take that well.  Usually detected cattle raids, even if they're successful, never end well for me.
and yeah, it's too bad that money solution works in real life.
Reguarding feuds, like I said earlier I like to keep one clan that I generally spend all of fire season raiding for no reason other than my amusement.  I feel bad, but a part of me enjoys the thrill of raiding.  My favorite part is when I manage to take land from a neighbor and eventually that clan is disbanded.  It annoys me though, that allies of the clan I raid never seem to care about my interactions with them.  I can raid a clan that seems to be well liked, from another tribe for example, and other clans don't try to defend them. 
I like to have higher amounts of cattle than goods because clans seem to consider me more wealthy if I have more cattle than if I have more goods.  I usually have hundreds of goods, though, because when clans raid me, I like to capture prisoners then sell them back.  If I'm really lucky and I have one of those nets that help with capturing, I can acquire a few hundred goods from one raid alone.

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2015-08-05 02:35:43

I've never raided a clan completely into disbanding, I just like to keep them around as a punching bag for my weaponthanes, after all a fude isn't a war and the point of the game is to make friends not enemies. Remember though that Orlanthi morality isn't the same as ours, and the chance to die valiantly in battle is important in that culture hence why your weaponthanes will get irritated if they don't have anything to fight.

Cows certainly are how to get rich, but I generally prefer to maximize goods and let my herds take care of themselves, sinse unlike money in real life, cows tend to grow if you leave them alone big_smile.

Capturing with the net is a good way to get ransoms, though at the same time capturing prisoners is the hardest battle objective, I also tend to think that even though your ancestors don't view it as thrawl taking if you ransom the prisoner's back they probably should sinse your using a magic item basically designed to take thrawls.

it's a bit like a modern country  taking people prisoners of war and using them for labour even though slavery is illegal and according to convention prisoners of war can't be used for forced labour, so I tend to prefer to sell off the net if I get it or exchange it for a more useful treasure.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-08-05 03:28:51

For some reason, I get lots of warnings from my ancestors when I play, and I can never figure out why I do.  I try my best to follow the customs of the clan but I end up getting that scene anyway.  After that I generally proceed to capture the spirits or drive them off if they continue their attempts at scaring my population. smile

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2015-08-05 06:26:03

Odd  I've never had that happen myself. I think it's just a matter of sticking to what you chose with your profile, eg, don't do anything involved with thrawls if you didn't take the stick farmers as thrawls, don't go making fights with dragonewts if you weren't friends to begin with or visa versa, and definitely! don't make peace with whoever your ancestral enemy is, indeed using the summon evil ritual and then giving your ancestral foe a good pounding is a good way to end up in your ancestors' good books.

It's worth it, you get more magic to play with, also things like divinations during events are likely to work out. I've also found the ancestor's "luck" blessing you can get from shrines useful as well, or rather it's good to be lucky generally and that helps.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-08-05 18:23:25

It's probably because I try to make piece with my enemies.  I really need to play this game again at some point.

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2015-08-05 19:57:50

On the subject of ancestors being annoying, it's also possible for them to show up for no reason whatever. It isn't always something you've done. You can even tell them off for wasting your time.

Really looking forward to the sequel. A friend of mine is doing some testing of early stages. I'm resisting the impulse to ask her for info though, I want it to surprise me.

2015-08-05 20:30:39

@Aaron, yep, that is however why it is good to have the elves or the ice demons as your enemies sinse you not only don't get the chance to make peace with them, but more importantly they won't wipe you out if you annoy them too much the way the trolls and beastmen will, or the dragonewts for that matter. You can make peace with the Praxians but having them mad at you doesn't matter either.

@Zcline, I know you've probably played Kodp more extensively than anyone, any idea what happened to the Salty lord of the sea ancestral enemy option? was it removed in the Ios version for just being too much of an arse. I believe I recall getting the flood event so the event concerned with the sea is still there, but I haven't seen the enemy.

As to six ages, yeah, I can't wait for that myself though equally I really! hope there will be full access as there is in Kodp, sinse to have the game and for it too be inaccessible would likely make me want to start a clan fude with the developers and go and burgle all their cows and burn their steads down and likely curse their kids to grow beerds as well big_smile.

Seriously, if the developers have confirmed that six ages will have complete access (or at least that access will be added to the game), that would be good to know sinse then I can let myself just anticipate the game, oh and yes, i'd rather experience it for the first time around when playing too and don't want too many details.

Btw, has anyone ever tried creating a Kodp mud? obviously if it was just your bog standard dicu hack n slash it would be very dull and inappropriate, but given the complexity of some of the systems I've seen in other muds like Clok, Alter and even aardwolf I could see it working well, say by having players become carls and weaponthanes of the same clan being sent out on various missions or needing to farm and craft and obviously with lots of affects from curses, spirits, gods, bad relations with other clans etc.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-08-05 20:35:14

@dark: Still no official confirmation, though given how positive the developer has been about access in general I'm 99% sure we don't have anything to worry about. He clearly sees it as a good thing, albeit he likes to play his cards close to the chest.

Yes, the salty lord was taken out for not being nearly as effective as the other enemies were. There was a trend in the iOS port to strip out things which wouldn't be interesting to players, and that was one. I think SA will continue that kind of pruning.

2015-08-05 20:53:31

Hi all, the more I read about this game, the more excited I am to see it made accessible for android as well. I wrote to the developer of the android version and he will make it accessible in the upcoming months, it's one of the main plans he said. One question: How long is a game if you play it through? I know of a short and a long version, but i would like to know how long this will take.

2015-08-05 22:00:21

The game play through can take between a couple days to months and months depending on how much thought you like to put into your decisions.My ancestors are the least helpful things I've run into lolol.

2015-08-05 22:24:51

@Zcline,  I'm not surprised the salty lord of the sea was removed, sinse basically it was universally negative, not interesting to deal with like the elves or requiring careful handling like the beastmen, though I'm surprised another faction wasn't added to take his place.

I don't know if sa will have similar gameplay to Kodp or not, being as the little I do know about the game is that it has a very different setting, so what gets added or missed is nyone's guess, for example if your controlling a town or a family living in a town I don't see how exploring would work. Then again I've always thought the Kodp style system of tracking relations etc would be absolutely fantastic for a game of thrones, house politics type setup, so we'll see.

@Niclas, I hope android access works out, the game is fantastic, though sinse the interface is rather complex and has used a lot of vo's very specific features like speaking hints it might take a degree of tweaking and I hope the dev in charge of the android port will go along with it. As to how long a game lasts, well it can vary as others have said, but yess even the short game is pretty long!
I've not actually tried the long game yet, but I've had short games that have taken me about a week to finish, probably about 18 or 20 solid hours playing if not more.
The main problem is that Kodp is one of these eally absorbing games. While yes in theory you can pick it up and play a season or two for ten minutes and put it down, in practice you just get so much immerced in things that it's a pretty intensive affair, and one you don't want to stop, indeed I've heard of people getting severe burn out through playing over much which is why I have thus far restricted myself to one long, intensive week of play every few months, ---- at least once I got over the initial hurdle of the learning curve.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-08-05 22:33:38

Hi Dark, I will see how the accessibility will work out on android. Since it is herocraft's main plan for the upcoming months, i think it won't be bad. He said that he hopes to get my feedback if it is released. Are there any tipps wich I should give him before, so that a lot of work could be done imediately? I ask because I never played it on my Iphone before. So if there's any advice, it would be nice to have it for comunicating it to him.

2015-08-06 01:39:28

The iphone version uses the "speak hints" vo option a great deal for information which I think is just presented graphically, for example showing which clan members are in your ring and which is the chief as well as their stats, not to mention information on different clans, in game controls etc. I don't know what talkback does about that or if devellopers can add stuff for talkback to read, but it's worth considering.
Also there are a lot of overlays, where on one screen you get information overlaid on the top. Again, Vo has been configured to work with ehse and just show you mostly the top overlay while your looking at that portion of the screen, and again I don't know what talkback does with those. Also, as of the last few versions vo has been configured to instantly speak certain portions of text when sent to the screen so you don't need to hunt around for them, for example when I first got the game in 2012, when you double tapped on an adviser, you had to then find the little bubble with their advice and hit it for vo to read, version after that this got fixed and now vo will speak advice as soon as you select who's advice you want.

I don't know much about talkback, sinse there were so few games and other programs for Android and sinse that was my main interest in getting an Iphone in the first place I never even considered it as a platform, (and Kodp was certainly part of that decision), but I can say these are the things that strike me as sticky screen reader wise and which have caused occasions for vo to misfunction in the past, though they are now all well and truly fixed.

Perhaps Zcline could offer some more thoughts sinse I know not only was he instrumental in fixing the Ios version, but he's also got an android device and used talkback before where as I have not.

Btw niclas, if you say you have an Iphone, why not get the game on that and play it? it's an amazing game, particularly sinse much as I hope for the sake of Android users the port does get access, it'll likely take time to streighten everything out, it certainly did with Vo as I said.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-08-06 18:52:40

This is kind of what happens when I play.
I generally end up starting a game before I plan on going to bed, decide I will create the clan, reorganize the ring with people I want on it, and maybe try to build a temple or two.
Next thing I know, I'm involved in raids and heroquesting, and by the time I realize I was supposed to stop playing an hour ago, I tell myself I will just play one or two more years.  So I play one or two more years, and now I'm getting information about forming a tribe.  So now, before I go to bed, I must form the tribe, just in case I have a chance of becoming king before I go to bed.  It goes on and on through the night, then I wake up grumpy the next morning. sad
After you've seen a lot of the scenes a few times, it gets easier to resist the evil addiction, but my willpower is still generally not strong enough to resist. 
Also, I don't know how many of you are aware of this but there are actually many many youtube playthroughs on this game, though they're usually the pc version.  Watching a few, I haven't seen too many differences between the IOS and pc versions of the game, so I feel like tips you find in youtube playthroughs will apply to the IOS game as well.
Reguarding android accessibility, I have no idea, as I've never used android.  I know quite a bit about the OS, but nothing about talkback or any of the other screen readers.

I'm probably gonna get banned for this, but...

2015-08-06 19:57:37

Hi Dark, no, i have no Iphone anymore. I think this was misunderstanding. I had one but then I switched over to android for a number of reasons wich desturbed me on the IOS side. So, since this time I don't have an apple device. I considered buying a new ipod touch a while ago, but the things wich brought me to android would desturb me even yet and so I let it go. The number of games available to blind android users has grown up as well, so I'll take that route.