2015-06-04 21:22:10

I basolutely agree flyby chow, and you presented it in a logical way without relying on the "bitchy blind entitled people". I am more frustrated over how that argument has shut down so many valid customer complaints.
I will not blame philip, and I am actually okay with the game. My Point still stands though, people's complaints here seem to be mostly valid.

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2015-06-04 21:23:47 (edited by arjan 2015-06-04 21:26:50)

We've already been through this... Some people went a bit too far but honestly I think that's part of having customers. Which is not to say that those people shouldn't make so much noise in the future, but on the whole people were critical but certainly not out of line. The ones that asked for refunds were, in my opinion, but there were only a couple of those. Most people who were critical said why they found the game limited, and that $25 was definitely worth it for the sounds but not for the game content itself. They were well within their right to be critical about the game, and as I said only a few people said things they probably shouldn't have said. Frankly, I think it's rather lame if this is the reason we're not getting any response, since IMO you have to at least be able to deal with a couple of people who don't word their criticisms too eloquently. But there could be a different reason why they're not answering, so lets not leap to conclusions. But if it's not an emergency, it's definitely not very professional.

2015-06-05 01:02:43

burak wrote:

Hi, I htink there should be an option to kindly ditch people from the gang if we don't want them.

Just kill 'em off, it's easy to do, just set a bomb off somewhere you know they will end up at.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-06-05 21:14:14

You know thetruegamer, i have made exactly the argument you espouse and have been doing so for fifteen years.  However, I do not believe I ever engaged in deliberate rudeness toward a developer, even one in whom I was disappointed.  It's the fact that it happens over and over and over again for just about every title from Swamp (you were an offender there) to David Greenwood games to, well I haven't read about a game with any significant buzz that did not include the sort of post I'm criticizing.  Poor Aprone surely has had to deal with the shit end of that stick, including people who, for the sake of their own warped ideas of revenge made his life unnecessarily hard to the point where he nearly abandoned the most popular game in the audio games industry history, or pretty near anyway.
So yes, have your disappointment, and find ways of expressing it that don't sound like a whiny thirteen year old.  I am personally really kind of done with all the bitching, as distinct from actual proper critique that goes on here and in other fora.

2015-06-05 23:58:11

Yeah, I personally find the whiny bitching distasteful, even if you feel that way, keep it to yourself, you can express your disappointment without being a bastard about it. Think what someone who might want to develop audiogames would think if they ran across topics like these, it'd stop them dead in their tracks and make them take a long and hard second look at it.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-06-06 01:13:16

Hello all!
Its been a while since I could post; I have been away on a trip. When I got back, I've had to deal with a rather nasty sickness.
But I fugred now that sickness seems to be getting just a bit better, I'd give you guys a bit of an update.
I have opted not to release any new versions of Psycho Strike until the XP issue is fixed.
The issue is not my area of the project to fix, it is Philip Bennefall's. Philip has been very busy as of late, but we should be getting the issue resolved pretty soon.

2015-06-06 01:44:59 (edited by speeder 2015-06-14 06:27:22)

good to see you haven't given up on the project despite the heavy criticisms bordering on major flaming this game received. as my friend ethin baught the game for me and I support it whole-heartedly  I appreciate the work that goes into it and though I don't have xp I hope the issue will be soon resolved.


2015-06-06 02:56:59

Agreed. I feel bad for the way this has turned with some of the posts, but I guess that's the life of a dev. Hope you enjoyed your trip, and look forward to see what's planned for the future.

2015-06-06 06:50:17 (edited by flyby chow 2015-06-06 06:50:57)

hi there, TheOnlyPKMNmaster, glad to here that you are getting better, Thank you for popping in, happy to here you have some new things planned for psycho strike, it sounds fun, I am looking forward to see what comes next myself. smile.

There's a place for me in this universe.

2015-06-07 18:26:35

I hope you're feeling better.
I had a cold myself and they're nasty.

I was one of those that asked to get a refund. I do think that that should be an option but that's just me. I like the idea behind the game but think it could do with a story and levels if possible.

It's awesome that the xp issue is being worked on and I hope that you keep going with the game, even though some people, myself included, asked for a refund.

@everyone else.

For those that are saying that I'd hate to come across this flaming as a new dev to audiogames, I disagree. I'd actually look at this and say, okay, so some people want a refund, some don't like the game, some like it but think this this this and this, could be added. I'll go back to my notepad file, or where ever it is I store ideas, and write this down and then think on how to make an awesome game. No, you're never going to get people who are 100 percent satisfied but that's everywhere, not only in games.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-06-07 21:04:59

Hi Pkmmaster.

I'm very glad to hear that the Xp problem is still being born in mind, sinse I am looking forward to trying the game for myself (and possibly buying it), particularly with how polarized some opinions have been.

I have not read this topic so cannot speak on flaming or refunds or anything else, though I will remind everyone that if matters of criticism seem to be getting personal rather than constructive, that is what the "report" link is for and myself or one of the other moderators will deal with the situation as necessary.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-06-26 16:38:35

Hi Aaron, if it's in deed you and not a fake post, as I believe you were using the nick of The Only PKM Master before,
glad to finally hear from you again.
I'm not an XP or a VM user so I'm not affected by either of these bugs, but I tend to believe, perhaps call it an intuitive or instinctive assumption, that the issue might have something to do with the Elias DLL, or maybe with the BGT Elias bridge class.
My main reason to think so is that no other BGT game I'm aware of so far has had such a problem, and I believe I've even heard of people who were able to play other BGT games on a Mac VM successfully.
What about trying to gather up a team of beta testers, perhaps recruit them among the paying customers who were complaining about this issue, to test if the game still crashes even without the Elias DLL being used?
I'm not sure if Elias is even needed for this game at all. The kind of few transitions you seem to use it for could easily be achieved by using two separate sound objects or sound_pool slots for the two music tracks you want to crossfade, as far as I can tell. Yeah, it would involve some extra coding and perhaps several attempts to get the implementation right, so it may seem like unnecessary excessive work when the work has already been done in Elias, but if the presence of Elias is in deed the cause of the issue, it could at least be used as a temporary workaround until Philip gets the time to look into it and perhaps fix it.
To be honest, the game does deserve some urgent attention as soon as you are able to attend to it. Just look through this topic to make your own judgment about this matter.
Just my thoughts. Thanks for reading and especially for coming back to us.

I won't be using this account any more or participating in the forum activity through other childish means like creating an alternate account. I've asked for the account to be removed but I'm not sure if that's actually technically possible here. Just writing this for people to know that I won't be replying, posting new topics or checking private messages until the account is potentially removed.

2015-06-26 17:34:13

He's still using that username.

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-06-26 22:20:12

Actually Bryan as reported in This topic Aaron Baker did request his username be changed from theonlypknmaster.

He initially sent me a pm on the subject, but I ask that he made the request publically in the site and forum feedback area so as to hopefully avoid some of the  confusions, but obviously some people might have missed that topic.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-06-28 07:43:35

Ah, yeah, so I'm definitely one of these. Many thanks for the explanation. It'snot difficult to miss even an important announcement like that among allthe other tons of stuff. :-)
In that case, I'm very glad Aaron is still alive. :-) Thanks for letting us know what's going on. Although it's already almost a month since that last post again, having read it is still reassuring to me.

I won't be using this account any more or participating in the forum activity through other childish means like creating an alternate account. I've asked for the account to be removed but I'm not sure if that's actually technically possible here. Just writing this for people to know that I won't be replying, posting new topics or checking private messages until the account is potentially removed.

2015-07-30 03:04:06

Hi. First off let me say, having played this game a little more and getting my char to level 80 with a little help from game cheater; It's a good little game but I still say paying that much was a big mistake of mine.

I wonder if the game will be updated? I'll say this about it the voice acting is very good. I guess I don't like this game much because I'm more of a exploring kind of gamer. Yes it's fun to use weapons on police and other people, but I'm tired of these find the sound press the button games, with no strategy involved. Saying that though, I don't like space themed games either. smile There's a strategy game that I can't remember the name of that is space themed but that's not my kind of thing.

I think i'm going to try to go away from this forum for a month or so and see what other things I can do, I really need a brake from hear.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-07-30 05:21:28

After reading through this topic for a while now and hearing all of the complaints, I have decided to weigh in with a verdict.
To start off, the game mechanics aren't too tough to learn. For those who are just getting started with this game, the controls won't be a challenge. That being the case, I see the same format being used in most of these side-scrolling action games. You name it, from Battle Zone, Scrolling Battles Pro, Alex Vs Sam, UltraPower, Sam Tupy's Imminent Death demo, we see the same thing over and over again. You control a character using the arrows and use the space bar, or control key to attack.
While this is simple to learn and implement, many players feel that it's time to move on to a better, more advanced system. After all, limiting combat to one keystroke makes the experience rather boring. There are no move sets, devastating combos, parrying, blocking, dodging, or grappling. These are very common elements in most mainstream beat-em-ups. Since this game focuses heavily on brawling with police, these elements should be incorporated into the game to make it more realistic. One way to do this is to simply switch the arrows for letters, which could represent a d-pad. For example, a, s, d, and w, could be used to represent left, down, right, and up respectively. Then, the four letters, u, i, j, and k could act as attack buttons as they do in many fighting games. This increases the possibility of advanced attacks like strings of punches and kicks, followed by a takedown.
OK, now that I've gotten the controls sorted, I would also improve the fighting itself. In the beginning levels, players start out using their fists and knives. However, as the game progresses, players find themselves in more and more gun battles. Eventually, the game becomes a side-scrolling fps, which detracts from the melee combat of a beat-em-up. So, it is hard to engage in hand-to-hand combat with opponents who can kill you with a few powerful shots.
In order to make the game even, a simple, but effective defense system should be put in place. As mentioned before, blocking, parrying, and dodging, especially wen dealing with guns, is crucial to a player's survival. As of now, the only way to avoid attacks is to jump over an enemy. However, this doesn't always work when dealing with police armed with rifles and revolvers. So, using a keystroke, such as down-arrow, or s, could be used to dodge enemy attacks.
Finally, I would like to see a system that allows for upgrading a player's existing weapons. Too often, weapons need to be bought over and over again, simply because the newer weapon has higher stats than the weapon I was using. For example, I pick up a revolver as a level 9 player, only to find that at level 12, that revolver isn't as powerful as the one I can buy in the shop. It is true that revolvers and pistols can be picked up on the map, but other weapons, such as rifles aren't as abundant. So, It would be much more efficient for a player to simply upgrade the stats on a weapon. This could be done a few ways. One way involves using experience points to level the weapon up. So, I could select the shotgun from an upgrade menu and upgrade it by spending those points. I could also pick up upgrade items on the map, which could increase a weapon's stats, or increase a character's stats, which could apply globally, regardless of which weapon is being used. Finally, there could be training centers in the game, such as a gym, that could be used to train stats. I have noticed that fist power never goes up in the game. So, increasing the effectiveness of unarmed attacks would definitely help many players fight off an army of police officers much more quickly.
I hope that this gives the developers of this rather unfinished game some ideas to work with, should they decide to continue development. If not, I hope that these ideas could be beneficial to other devs who may wish to improve the replay value of their games and make them much more appealing to players, especially those with mainstream gaming backgrounds.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

2015-07-30 07:18:51

I think this game has suffered from bad planning. OK, here's a saying about scuba diving, but it could be adapted to most anything. Proper planning prevents piss poor performance. Now, Since I'm not the devs of this game, I can't say what the thought process was at that time, but I can weigh in on a few things. OK, first of all, the voice acting is very well done, but was that the prevailing thought, to have good voice acting. After all, you have to pay those actors, thus, driving up the price. Now $24 is not that much to shell out for a game, however, I'd like a little more for my cash. So, once you get into the game and learn the mechanics you're pretty much good to go. Just keep your guys fed and paid so they stay loyal, get the best weapons in the hands of your main char, and probably drug one or more but never drug your main char, that's pretty much it. Oh and don't trust the AI with explosives, lol. I agree with post 422 in that you're just hitting one button to attack over and over again. Now in mainstream games, in the big studios, you have programmers, graphics artists, sound guys, composer or composers, level designer, testers, etc. So this team works together because if the programmers couldn't design a level if it was staring in front of them, then you got a problem. Thus, the designer, who comes up with ideas and bounces them off the programmers keeps the project on track. And the designer's don't have to be able to code at all. Now you might have talented people who might fill two or more of these roles, more so in indie development. My point being is that in audiogames, most of the time, it is indie development. You have one or two guys doing the work of a full team. This makes it essential for the person or persons to make sure they have an outline in the direction they want their game to take. Hell, if you want to make a game, but feel you aren't organized enough, or creative enough, you can get someone to fill in the blanks, and you, a coder, can stick to what you know best. And if you sell it, hell, chuck the ideas guy a couple bucks, he deserves it. Large projects have even a community manager. The message I'm trying to get across is do what you do best, the more an individual tries to go outside their limits, the worse their focus is going to be. We work best if we do what we're good at. Also, the designers have to take heed to what the devs say, so if they say that can't be done, or it would take too long, then the designer should come up with something else. Also, there is a tendency for developers of audiogames to go big fast. This isn't a good thing, because if you do this, you're forcing yourself to take on all the roles, without any practice in them. So that one person should do a couple smaller games, working on their game mechanics, sound design, whatever.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-07-30 08:28:45

And this is exactly what the problem is. While this game was an indie project with only two devs working on it, I still feel that they based the development of the mechanics on previous titles, many of which use basically the same system. If you think of any good fighting games, I.e. Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Soul Calibur, Street Fighter, or the Smack Down series, they all have an advanced fighting system in place. In other words, you aren't limited to mashing one button constantly, hoping you get in as many attacks as you can. This system is simply two basic for a game that has you take control of a gang leader who has to fight an army of civilians and heavily armed police.

I think this game has suffered from bad planning. OK, here's a saying about scuba diving, but it could be adapted to most anything. Proper planning prevents piss poor performance. Now, Since I'm not the devs of this game, I can't say what the thought process was at that time, but I can weigh in on a few things. OK, first of all, the voice acting is very well done, but was that the prevailing thought, to have good voice acting. After all, you have to pay those actors, thus, driving up the price. Now $24 is not that much to shell out for a game, however, I'd like a little more for my cash. So, once you get into the game and learn the mechanics you're pretty much good to go. Just keep your guys fed and paid so they stay loyal, get the best weapons in the hands of your main char, and probably drug one or more but never drug your main char, that's pretty much it. Oh and don't trust the AI with explosives, lol. I agree with post 422 in that you're just hitting one button to attack over and over again.

Again, you make many very good points. The price is definitely jacked up because of the voice acting. Let's face it, the actors did a damn good job with all of the taunts that you hear during game play. However, they aren't unique because similar taunts can be heard when playing Battle Zone, which is quite shocking considering that title is completely free. Furthermore, it may have provided Psycho Strike devs with the inspiration for this rather typical side-scrolling system we keep seeing over and over again. Also, I agree with the management of characters. I don't usually provide my gang members with explosives, since the AI is unpredictable. As long as you keep the other members comfortable by feeding them as you pointed out, you shouldn't have much trouble.
Again, this game has a lot of potential. However, the team being limited to two devs could be the reason for the basic, repetitive game play that makes it difficult to play this game for an extensive period of time. If the controls were more advanced, then there would be room for more interesting fighting mechanics. Until that happens, I don't see the game surviving much longer, considering the project has stalled.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

2015-07-30 09:31:00


exactly. I've just finished the game but honestly, I don't feel like I've achieved anything.

On the one hand, I feel bad for saying all this stuff about how bad I think the game is but on the other hand I don't because those that make games, movies, stories, have opinions, and so on; will get positive and negative reviews, it's just the way we as human beings are.

I think I'm going to leave this thread alone, I've said all I need to say about this game.

I'll say this; good luck. I hope the developer can learn from this experience

I'm gone for real :)

2015-07-30 15:29:38

Well its like this, they could have had the idea for voice actors, but not knowing how the game would do, they could have done their own voice acting, or used eSpeak or whatever, released the game, evaluated the sales, then, if it was making good money, hire voice actors to replace the recorded or whatever. I know that's not how it's usually done, but you have to put feelers out because you never know how good a game will do in this community. What I see is they planned heavily around the voice actors and that drove up the price as I said in my earlier post. They could have kept updating it, and added new stages or features as DLC to cover the cost of hiring the voice actors, I mean, if a game is doing well, why not create some DLC, charge like 5 bucks for it. And again, I love the voice acting, but the mechanics are primative at best. And also, this community is desperate for games, so if you work hard on it and make it good, and the mechanics unique, then people will buy it, some won't be able to afford it. If I was in charge of a game, I'd actually do drawings and contests and sales to try to put it in the hands of those who couldn't afford it. especially if you wanted to create DLC because they might not beable to afford 25 or 30, but they might be able to do 5 or 10 for the DLC. Also, I'd want it in as many hands as possible.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-07-30 17:22:39

Good points. I for one do intend to buy the game simply because I do see potential in it. Besides there's no small satisfaction for me in pounding the hell out of a bank vault door and then hearing the lovely sound of cash. And it's fun to do things in a game that I wouldn't even attempt in real life. I also get a kick out of naming my ganng leaders after favorite fictional characters who would never do these sorts of things in real life. I mean who could see Frodo or Bilbo Baggins robbing a bank?

But wait, what's that? A transport! Saved am I! Hark, over here! Hey nonny non, please help!

2015-07-30 21:05:43

And this, folks, is a stellar example of constructive criticism, not to mention some really solid points. The last few posts demonstrate the kind of feedback this community should be striving to give. That way, we may very well get to see the changes that we're all hoping for.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.

2015-07-31 06:29:08

turtlepower17 wrote:

And this, folks, is a stellar example of constructive criticism, not to mention some really solid points. The last few posts demonstrate the kind of feedback this community should be striving to give. That way, we may very well get to see the changes that we're all hoping for.

Exactly, which is why the devs probably haven't been able to really continue development based on feedback. Many of the earlier posts discussed receiving refunds, or even contained speculation as to what the developers do with their money, such as going on vacation and not responding to posts. After a while, we received a reply and that probably changed our minds considerably regarding the status of this game. I hope that the game does continue to evolve, however, as I said before, the feedback provided could help other game developers overcome obstacles should this game no longer be developed.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

2015-07-31 08:10:38

Yeah, that's why I pointed it out. I'm relieved to see that people are moving past such petty crap as demanding refunds and attacking the devs just because updates weren't released in a timely fashion to their standards.

But yeah, an update is past due at this point.

The glass is neither half empty nor half full. It's just holding half the amount it can potentially hold.