2015-07-27 22:02:03


I think we can get a good discussion going. Silly things you've done throughout life. Enjoy! I'll let someone else take the lead rather than starting myself.

2015-07-28 00:32:37

Funniest one by far goes a bit like this:
I woke up feeling very wide awake, this was a day of school. I went to have a shower, did all that, was about to get into my school uniform, then checked the time. 3 AM. Since then, I always check the time when I wake up, and I do mean always.

2015-07-28 03:25:02

I have done this a couple times, a street light shines down and it looks like its like late in the afternoon.
it is 2 am in the morning, and I thought it was the same time but in the afternoon, so yeah I think we have all done something like that.

2015-07-28 08:09:16

I was at the special school. It was about three and a half years ago and it was my birthday. After hanging out with my best friends, I got really tired so decided to sleep. It was 2:00 AM but my friends didn't feel like sleeping, so they went to play some fifa games with each other. Fortunately the assistant carer allowed them so they got started. Remember, we were living in a dorm. They came back to me at 3:00 AM and my close friend called my name. I was in a state between sleeping and sleepy. One of my friends understood how I was, and he said to me, "What are you doing here? Do you know, it's 8:15 and everybody's gone to school. Wake up or the teacher will come and shout at you.
I threw away my blanket rapidly and got out of my bed right away, wore my trousers and headed to the first floor. My friends held back their laughter until the assistant carer shouted at me "Where are you going? It's 3 AM! Go to sleep immediately! . I was feeling disgraced. smile

2015-07-28 13:00:37

I fel asleep outside a college class.  I showed up about 20 minutes early given that there had been nothing scheduled before then, sat on a bench, turned on my mp3player, and next thing I know, it was two hours later, the class had ended, and it was time to go home.  No one bothered to wake me up or anything, which made me realize for the first time just how different college was from highschool.  :d

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2015-07-28 18:13:24

I've done what aaron did, only in my case the time was right, it wasn't until I was waiting at the bus stop, watching the activity at the church across the street that i realized that it was Saturday so there was no school. I felt pretty stupid while walking home that morning.

2015-07-28 18:45:51


I'll list several ones
Okay, this was in year 6 of primary school. We went to Bournmouth. To make a long story short, the pockets of my coat were filled with sand. There wasn't a washing machine so I tried to put the pocket directly under the water. A day  later, just as we were leaving, it was found.

Another time was in year 7. As the end of day registration was going on, I hid under the table.As my name was called out, I came out from under. I don't think the teacher appreciated it though.
I have more for later.

2015-07-28 20:21:31

Some of the best  mistakes and mix ups i've had hve been involved with stage performances, sinse there's nothing like a theatrical mistake.

On one occasion, I was at the gilbert and sullivan light opera festival. I was on stage, as I'd been chosen to do the youth representation bit. The director challenged the audience to suggest any song from all 13 Gilbert and Sullivan opperetas and someone would sing it, the duette "Ah must I leave thee here" from pirates of Penzance was chosen.
I  knew the song but hadn't sung it before, however there was one line I wasn't sure of. The  oh so kind soprano I was singing the duette with went and checked the score and despite my frantic gestures and my whispered "what is my third line?" she didn't notice. So I was singing my part, and getting slower and slower and slower as I frantically tried to remember that bloody line!
The song is all about how frederic is going back to being a pirate and leaving his beloved. I really did slow the thing down until eventually I got to that rotten line and instead of singing "till nature day by day shal sing in altered tone, this weary roundilay, he loves thee, he is gone"
I sang "till nature day by day shal sing most unexpectedly this dreary roundilay, he loves thee he is gone!"

The joke was I got so very very slow, the audience all thought I was being super emotive, and I got many complements, and nobody actually noticed I'd forgotten the bloody words!

On another occasion I was doing a production of The Mikado in 2008. as people might know, The Mikado is an oppereta set in japan. It begins with the male chorus singing about how they are gentlemen of Japan. The director decided to stage this very dramatically, with everyone dressed as samurai doing a huge dramatic stick fight in a smoky haze produced by a smoke machine.

As playing Nanki poo, the principle tenor and son of said Mikado, I had to come on stage after the big stick fight and sing my first line "gentlemen I pray you tell me"

In the dress rehearsal everything went fine!
In the actual production however, someone forgot to open a window. The "gentlemen of Japan" come on, do their song, their dramatic stick fight in the smoke, then on I charge through a field of flailing weaponry for my "Gentlemen I pray you tell me"  ----- and off goes the fire alarm!

The weerd thing was, I thought the orchestra would stop, but the conductor thought I would stop, so neither of us stopped, and as I'm walking down to the front of stage to begin my song I'm thinking "I can't hear the bloody oboe!"

Then, just as I'm launching into the wandering minstrel, on comes one of the back stage crew telling us we need to evacuate the building sinse the fire alarm automatically called the fire briggade!

Just to compound errors, later we had a huge amount of sceenary fall down during the Mikado's song, and I had another disaster. After finishing her song about how happy she is to be marrying me (well it's theatre so it's pretend), Yum yum, the principle girl was supposed to stay on so we can do a scene together.
Unfortunately, she got a wee bit confused and went off one side of the stage while I came on the other. So I'm standing there center stage thinking "oh my god! where the hell is she, what could I be doing!" so eventually I decide the only thing to do is dash back stage and get her.
I run into the wings, to find she's actually gone right around the stage.
I'm there having a panic in the wings when suddenely I see someone in a bright orange kimono come on stage from the other side and I charge on in great relief! People said it looked very romantic sinse she came on from one side, and I literally ran on, swept her off her feet into my arms, murmered something to the effect of "thank god your here!" , spun her around and stood her where we should be standing to commence our scene.

then! at the end of that performance I made the biggest gaff of all!

The end of the Mikado involves nanki poo supposedly having been murdered but actually going off to get married, and  the villainous coco cooking up a big lie about this to The Mikado, and then Nanki poo walking in just as Coco is about to be executed.
The problem is I missed my kew. The Mikado said "and as you've slane the heir apparent?"

And I didn't go on sinse Yum yum and I were sorting out our big costumes! In fairness the guy playing The Mikado (who was awesome), covered it really well and started improvising about the execution for ten seconds, when I realized what I had done,. and boomed out "behold! the Heir apparent is not slane!" and walked on.

theatrical mistakes are always the best! particularly sinse everyone is so full of buz, you just find a way to pickup and go on with the show just like the queen song said.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-07-30 04:49:05

Okay, this one is kind of funny.

Basicly in bournmouth I was with my friend Jacob. We were in our room and I told him that I was attracted to a girl called Nella. I wish I hadn't told him now.

This is not something I did, but it was a silly mistake. Basicly a group of people went to a trip. What makes this insidant so funny is that it was done by accedent. Two boys accedentily shared the bed. I don't know whether it was a displacement, or whether the rrong boy accedentily fell into the same bed. When they woke up, it caused quite a bit of an insidant.

Another one was in primary school. Basicly what they do is they bring police officers every year. Honestly they teach you nothing, but at the  time I was a kid and soaked up everything they taught. Apparently the police officer was female and I said, "I like female police officers." What I actually meant was that, and I'd kindly ask everyone not to jump to conclusions, I like female police officers because I like women. I've always found it easier to get on with the women rather than the men because females are tender hearted. What I mean is that women have a different sort of tenderness because of their Motherly instincts. I can't explain it, words on paper can't really describe it. That's not to say men arn''t either. I don't want to say anymore because I don't want this topic to spyral into a debate on women and men, and I don't want to offend anyone, because each person has different personalities and different perceptions. But back to the insidant, my LSA [learning support assistant] said that the officer was female.

Number three is rather dangerous. So brace yourselves! I nicked my friends hat. My other friend was chasing me, trying to get it. I planned to give it to Jake in class. Unfortunately, I was so focused on outrunning Jacob. I tripped up on a lunchbox tray and bashed my forehead into the radiator. Luckily the damage wasn't critical. They just took me to hospital and bandaged my head.

Okay, this one was silly of me. It worked once before, so why wouldn't it work again?

We were in class. In order to execute my plan, I told my LSA that I needed to go to the toilet.You know those cubical toilets? I nelt down and I stuck my head under the door. I tried to pull it out but it was stuck. Tried a few more times. Then screamed for HELP! So help did arrive, and I got told off by my LSA [learning support assistant.]

This one happened about two years ago. I was walking to my form room. Basicly that's a room in school where students meet up, and the register is taken, news is given, etc. Discussions outside of class are held. Each year has several forms. As I was walking out of the bridge, I tripped up on a chair and fell. My RS [religious teacher] was there. One of my guides told me that she has a boyfriend. Well I wanted to ask, and there were several students there. So I asked, "Miss Gishen, do you have a boyfriend?" Everyone burst out laughing but she told me that I shouldn't ask questions like that becauee they were inappropriate.
I have more that I'll share later.

2015-07-30 11:53:16

Well thunderfist,  some of those are pretty random, I won't comment on the male/female thing, though I will suggest you start to rethink sexist assumptions about "tender hearted women" and "men being less so" sinse generally they won't work in reality, (I've met several women who were anything but and several men who are astonishingly kind natured), , but as you said, derailing this topic is probably not a good idea. though as far as injuries go, there is one I  remember as amusing.
This was when I still lived in colidge before I moved out to my flat and so had a very! long walk each day.  To get to the entrance of my colidge that I used and the block where I lived, I needed to cross a road and then walk down the other side and turn right. I crossed the road, however I had not realized there was a massive set of roadworks, ie, people digging holes in the road. There was no one around but they left the barriers up. So I determined to walk along one side of the barriers and round until I could get to the pavement. Obviously sinse these dam things were sticking out into the road, I wanted to stick as close to the barriers as possible so as not to get run over, however the numbsculls who'd set the barriers up had put them across! the hole, not beside it. So as I try to walk to the side of the barriers my foot hits the edge of the hole, and down I go, taking the barrier with me and giving my knee a good old ding on the way down. Fortunately it was only about four foot deep.

This however isn't the funny part. As usual when such a thing happens I begin a very colourful round of loud sware words. A random woman walks up to me, and the first thing she says isn't "are you alright", but "calm down" I replied "calm down! i've just fallen down a bloody! hole!"

I actually find it quite funny these days, though fortunately sinse I've had reever my guide dog, nothing similar has happened sinse.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-07-30 13:08:34

LOL hahahahahahahahahahahaha the one with the question related to the boyfriend was really funny.

I was at the 9th grade at the primary school, and at the time, we were administrated by an evil headmaster. So we decided to do evil things to him. It was Monday, and we had just come from our homes, knowing that we were living in a dorm. We bought some chews and what came to my mind would be turned into a serious trouble for the school administrators. My plan was to block all the doors of the first floor of the dorm, and the entrance door of the school by placing those chews inside the lock, so that the key wouldn't be fitted. Well, we did so exactly after 10 PM, when most of the children were watching TV. The next day the school couldn't be opened for half an hour, so we didn't start until 9 AM. Then the trouble started, and the headmaster ordered an urgent meeting with students. Nothing was found. Just an hour later, We had the time with the teacher responsible for our class, so we started discussing about the problem. Being the highest grade students at the school, she started lecturing us, telling that those are simply dishonest and very bad actions by whoever has done them. Then, my friend and I said to the teacher, "OK, should we be really honest? We have done them." She replyed by saying, "It's better you didn't take responsibility for actions commited by stupid people outa this class." After we finished that hour with our teacher, we laughed so much and I told my close friends that the path to mayhem here is free and untouched. Nobody will blaim us for anything bad done in this school.

2015-07-31 04:49:57

Hi Darkk,

that sounds funny. And just to clarify, I wasn't intending to be sexist. I didn't mean to suggest that women are more tender hearted than mmen or anything like that. I don't want to say more since this will spyrll into a debate which will deviate from the topic, and I might potentially offend someone which might start a flame war, and I am one to pick my battles wisely. That said, I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I'm sorry if I did.

Okay, this one is really good. Basicly before I went to secondary school we had an induction day. That's just get to know the school before you enter sort of thing. They asked on the paper what I wanted to do. So I got my LSA too write "I want to make sweets that turn people upside down." It was inspired by the levicorpous spell in Harry Potter and the half blood prince and the sweets that caused stuff like nose bleeding, invented by Fred and George Weasley in Order of the Phoenix.

Another silly thing I did when I was little was that I deceived my Father. I thought he wouldn't allow me to have chocolate. So I told him that I was going to the toilet. Well I went into the kitchen, went into the cupboard and had my chocolate. I did get told off for that though.

Okay, this one wasn't done by me, but was told to me. Well, a kid a few years younger than me told me this. In his school, someone's name was called at registration. . The person said, "sorry, he can't answer you now." Just like a messaging machine on a telephone. The person who did it got into really big trouble.

This was in year 9. Ms. Gishen told us that she came from Africa. She tried to get us to guess where she came from. I asked, "zululand?" Everyone in my class laughed. I actually thought she might come from zululand.

2015-07-31 13:04:03 (edited by daigonite 2015-07-31 13:08:59)

Eh, I don't think thunderfist's assumptions are too bad as long as he recognizes that not all ladies and not all dudes are like that. Assumptions can cause issues.

I mean are we talking just blind stuff or not? Sometimes I practice blind skills in public without people knowing (hey! I want to learn O&M too...), and one time I mixed up two girls as little boys. Mom wasn't too happy until she realized I couldn't see.

Most of my mix ups are actually because of autism lol. I have mild autism but it's enough to add a bit of spice to the whole game of life I guess. A lot of times I'll say things that people misinterpret. I think there's too many to count.

I think the craziest/silliest thing I've ever done was this.

Back in Middle School I once found someone throwing out a cool stuffed pheasant. I love birds and I thought this thing was awesome so I tried to take it with me, but it was too big. So I just took the head. Halfway along the way I looked at the bird, realized it looked pretty creepy and realized I could use it as a puppet. So mischievous and weird me put it on my finger, decided to go and say "EEEEEEEEE" at all the people I didn't like with it, Five Night's At Freddy's style, with this stupid screaming bird head in their face. Vice principal got really pissed and threw it out but it was so worth it haha

...I was a weird kid ok

you like those kinds of gays because they're gays made for straights

2015-07-31 14:33:33

That's amusing Daigonite, and reminds me of something similarly bad I did when I was about five at nursery related to a stuffed bird.
I'd recently got a large plastic skeleton to hang on my wall, one which my mum even labeled the bones on in braille. I would say I was a rather odd child, accept that I've still got a similar skeleton on my bedroom door at my parents and a rather amusing skull on the wall in my flat.
I decided that a good name for this skeleton would be "dead dennis!" indeed, I was quite taken with my own cleverness at coming up with such a good name.

At nursery, the teacher bought in a stuffed falcon to show everyone. She gave a long speech about how wonderful it was that we had this "new friend" and asked people to come up with a name. I of course, stuck my hand in the air and said "dead dennis!" In fairness it wasn't that I thought the bird was dead, I just liked the sound of "Dead dennis" so much.

This resulted in the teacher who'd bought in the falcon grabbing me and dragging me into the corner giving me a severe yelling at. However, most of the rest of the staff and my mum (who was there at the time), had a good laugh about it, indeed even though the teacher did her best to give the bird a better name, apparently it was still referd to as "dead dennis!"

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-07-31 16:14:38

This happened about 45 years ago when I was in the 6th grade.

It was windter, my brothers and I decided to make as big a snowball as we possibly could. We started rolling a small ball around and it slowly grew. Every once in a while we'd pour a bucket of water on it to keep it from falling apart, little did we know we were making an ice ball. After a while, it was so big and heavy that it was very difficult to move. God only knows how much it weighed, but I'd guess the thing was about four feet in diameter. I'm amazed we were able to move the thing at all.

Anyway, we had a couple of problems, the first was that our snowball was in the alley that went down the middle of our block, this was a problem because the alley was the only way people that lived on the block could get to their driveways. The other problem was a bit stickier, our block was on the side of a hill and the bottom of the hill was a four lane highway that carried a lot of traffic. We finally did get the snow ball out of the alley without sending it into the traffic at the bottom of the hill, how I have no idea, I call it a miracle. Unfortunately for one resident of our block it was wedged very tightly in his gate.

The following morning, on my way to school, I saw the guy, swearing up a storm and hacking at a huge snowball stuck in his gate with an axe. It wasn't easy, but I managed to get far enough away that he couldn't hear me before I burst out laughing.

After I got home from school that day, I checked, he had apparently given up on the snowball because it was still in his gate. It looked like he had walked around half the block to get to his car.

Before he got home, I removed the snowball. As far as I know, he never found out where the snowball came from, or who removed it.

2015-07-31 23:06:31

If you want to read about tender-heartedness in people regardless of their biological sex, I suggest you look into hormone and neurotransmitter testing. Some females take drugs that disrupt these receptors, which makes them difficult to rely on their maternal instincts. Some people, including myself in the LGBTQIA community advocate for the raising of awareness about not making assumptions based on beliefs, since a simple blood test and a little bit of observation can prove whether one is able to feel emotions.
Now, going back to the topic, I remember one time when I was cooking in our dorm's kitchen. After I was done, I went up to the laundry room to transfer some items into the dryer. There was just one problem. It wouldn't start. I did everything I could, but it didnt' start up. So, thinking I had everything right, I went up to the residential advisor, who saw what the problem was. They had me check the door. I soon discovered that I never closed the door, although I thought I did. I really had this memory that I closed the door. So you can imagine how stupid I felt when I let that slip out of my mind. I guess my mind was occupied on other stuff.

Ulysses, KJ7ERC

2015-08-01 06:52:47

green gables fan's story reminded me of another one.

This was 15 years ago, when it was standard for computers to have a floppy disk drive and BIOSes were pretty dumb. I had been at a client's office doing some work on their computers the previous day. I ended up staying late, after shutting down the office, we went to dinner, then they gave me a ride home. The following day I went to work, it was a normal day as far as I could tell, until I got home.

There were a bunch of messages on my answering machine from my client, his computer wasn't working, it kept coming up with a "not a boot disk" error and wouldn't go any further. He was pannicking because he had work to do, and no computer to do it with.

The problem turned out to be a floppy disk I was using the day before that had been inadvertantly left in the floppy disk drive, and BIOS was set up to look for a boot disk in the floppy drive first.

Today's BIOSes would have seen that the disk wasn't bootable and skipped to the next bootable device in the boot order list. But not the BIOSes back then.

2015-08-01 07:21:51

This one time, at band camp, we were doing this comedy night thing where everyone divided into groups and came up with something to perform.
I was in a group that was going to do some sort of Irish Drinking Song.
I had two main candidates for the bit I was going to do, and when it came time to sing it, I mixed them up--the first line from one, the second from the other.
Instead of managing to gracefully continue it, I opt for not missing a beat, and just finish early with the third line being "Crap."
Meh, probably for the better.

I was in a gladiator-themed show, once. We'd been practicing the choreography all fine and well, and had a pretty good idea of how this fight was going to go--locking swords, at one point I kick my opponents sword out of his hand...
... At some point, though, my sword is the one that goes flying. So we somehow have to improvize a way for me to overpower and stab him without it.
Luckily, it was in the open, only a few feet from a crowd of 200 drunken college students, so all I had to do was tackle him and wait for him to say something. (I wound up punching him and taking his sword.)

So this other time, we went to Disney World and did the character dinner thing, where basically the fab five (not to be confused with the fab four) come in for a few minutes for photos and mild amusement.
This was a trip involving two families, so there were multiple tables, and generally I'm neither big on photos nor conversation, so I was kinda far from most of the activity.
So, as I realize that Goofy is walking away and I didn't get a picture, I get up and start walking toward everyone else. I really couldn't tell you if Goofy saw the head-on collision coming or not.

"If you want utopia but reality gives you Lovecraft, you don't give up, you carve your utopia out of the corpses of dead gods."
MaxAngor wrote:
    George... Don't do that.

2015-08-01 11:09:56

Well cae talking of crazy stuff at university reminds me of a distinctly fun packed evening.
While I was an undergraduate (and in the first year of my masters as well), I was president of the philosophy society. This meant arranging and booking a lot of academic speakers to come and give talks, and arranging and setting up some  social events usually with a philosophical theme, for example we had a French Sartre coffee evening.

For the final end of term bash we decided to do a party with the title "A celibration of life and death" we got a member of the department (actually my tutor), to come and do a talk on  "celibrating life and death" we bought and put out a huge buffet, and we had those who wished turn up in costume as "theirfavourite dead philosopher", we also bought my sterrio to play various amusing music on during the evening, --- this was before the days of Iphones and Ipods and other devices, so portable music meant carting around a personal sterrio system.

The evening began fairly well. after setting out everything, I turned up in a large grim reaper outfit, an kicked things off with a playing of Carmina Borana, stalking through the door  robes flying declaring in my best discworld death voice, "welcome! to this party of life and death!

My tutor even got into the spirit of the thing, he asked if we could celibrate death, then said "Death what do you think?"
To which I replied (still in discworld death voice), "I like death! but then again, I'm biased!"

The problems however first started with one of my more random friends who was also on the society committee. for some reason best known to himself, he decided to hier a cardinal's outfit. That was okay, however he also decided to consume rather too much wine rather too quickly, (he still admits himself he had no idea what he was doing, though sinse he's the sort of person that only has a bare idea what he's doing most of the rest of the time that's not saying much),

When we went around the room and everyone said what they'd come as he replied in a  rather loud voice "I'm cardinal pope jesus!"
We made sure he was okay though and got him into a taxi around midnight. The contest was won by someone who had come as Xeno's paradox complete with a toga, a very cute fluffy tortus and a small bow and arrow.

When it came time to pack up, (around four in the morning), unfortunately there was a dirth of taxies, and it was pissing down with rain. being president and to some extent responsable, I made sure everyone who needed one got taxies back and held off on getting one myself, despite the fact I had a half hour walk back to colige.

This then finished therefore with myself, still dressed as death, and two of my more random friends sitting in the common room department at half past 7 surrounded by dirty glasses and plates drinking very nice coffee and very very bad rot gut wisky, with them trying to get me into nine inch nails.
This would have all been fine if the secretary hadn't proceeded to walk in and and tell us that unfortunately that day was the departmental open day for new students!

Amazingly, (sinse their own house was a nightmare), myself and my two friends managed to do the world's quickest clean up job (me still dressed as death), and everything was set to rights by 9 am. We then decide that we all want a cooked breakfast so todle of to a local cafe, ---- me still! dressed as death carrying around a sterrio.
Fortunately, the lady at the cafe was quite used to students, Durham is that sort of city, actually it was a very awesome breakfast too.
We then parted company and I went off to sleep for the day!

I'm not sure if I'd class this as "silly things I did" as opposed to just randomly interesting circumstances in life, but hay, why not! and that's about the only time I imagine you'd ever see Death washing up fourty people's wine glasses accompanied by the downward spiral! big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-08-03 07:33:32

I once ate my tooth when it felll out. Tasted rather sweet. Never did it again.