2015-07-08 02:12:05

I've been using Outlook for email, only because the rehabilitation center said it was the best choice. I'm not so sure of that, for my needs it's way over kill. What are you using for email, my needs are real simple, I just want a clean and easy to work with email client that can do IMAP4 on gmail. Thanks!

2015-07-08 02:20:29

I personally use windows live mail 2009.
Its a really easy to use interface (mail folders in a tree on the left, tab to the list of messages on the right, tab again to read the message). Its got support for pop3, imap and http (microsoft hotmail). Its also a great feed reader (though some figiting may be needed for some sites).
The reason I specify 2009 in particular is that its got menus, as opposed to those blasted ribbons. In order to get a hold of it you'll want to do some googling (windows live 2009 full setup is what I used), as its no longer the official version.

2015-07-08 02:27:02

@GeneWarner, my personal recommendation would be Mozzilla Thunderbird. I personally find it a decent mail client, and of course it is 100% free software. As far as I know it is fairly accessible with all the major screen readers out there although I only really use it with NVDA.

Thomas Ward
USA Games Interactive

2015-07-08 03:29:16 (edited by jack 2015-07-08 03:30:54)

There's also the classic outlook express6, and it still happens to work under windows 7.
get it here
This outlook express is free and compatibility is guaranteed for windows 7 and up and possibly even windows 10. I think this one's lighter and much more responsive than the newer outlook

2015-07-08 05:24:29


Way cool, man! <Cheech & Chong> smile Before Windows 2000 I used Netscape Navigator, but after version 4.5 it got real buggy, so I switched to Internet Explorer and Outlook Express when I upgraded to Windows 2000. I've had to settle for Outlook after I upgraded to Windows 7. sad I'm going to give Thunderbird a try, I've heard a lot of good about it, but thanks to you, if it doesn't work out, I can now fall back to my old favorite. For what its worth, karma headed your way.

2015-07-09 15:03:30

Ok, I'm trying Mozilla Thunderbird for email.

Every time I highlight an email with external graphics, Thunderbird pops up an alert about blocking the external content. Other than allowing the content, how do you stop that very annoying alert from popping up?

If that alert can't be gotten rid of, Thunderbird is out of here!

2015-07-09 15:12:46


I have Office 2007, which has the ribbons, and I don't mind them. JAWS has an option that causes it to present them as if they were classic drop down menus. But I'll find that 2009 version you mentioned because what you describe sounds so simple which is what I'd like.

2015-07-09 17:24:51

I use mozilla thunderbird. It's easy to use. Outlook 6 was very good too, but what I hated about it was that you had to do a lot of configuration to make it support Hotmail.

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2015-07-10 03:33:30

For now I'm going to keep using Thunderbird, by googling "disable external content blocked alert thunderbird" I found out how to disable those annoying alerts.

Thanks to all for your input and suggestions, they are all appreciated. A special thanks for the link to Outlook Express 6, that was a fine email client that I thought was dead and gone. I've heard a lot of good about how simple and easy Windows Live Mail was, the only reason I hadn't considered it was because the people at the rehabilityation center I went to said it wasn't accessible.

2015-07-10 04:22:17

I'm actually glad that you brought this up, since I've wanted to get one myself ever since I switched to Win7 about two years ago...
Now I just need to get used to not using gmail's website to check my mails anymore, lol!
I'm gonna give you a thumbs up for this topic as a thank you ^^

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2015-07-10 05:00:34


You're welocme and thankyou for the thumbs up, not that I worry too much about that.

While I was working, I loved Outlook, it help me keep my working life in order. But now that I'm disabled/retired, Outlook is way too overkill for my personal needs and the jmail web site isn't very accessible, I have used it in a pinch, but a simple email client using IMAP4 is far better.

2015-07-10 10:30:06

On Windows, I use Thunderbird.

Devin Prater
My Blog
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2015-07-10 13:08:11 (edited by Figment 2015-07-11 04:46:24)

Ok, I'm admitting defeat, is there a setting somewhere that tells Thunderbird to always open the inbox folder at startup? I couldn't find anything in options or even in the configuration manager.

2015-07-11 10:29:46

Well, at least I can say I tried it, but it looks like Thunderbird is going to get booted out of my system. While trying it, I've encountered a number of annoyances and problems, some of which I've been able to resolve, but this last one not only doesn't seem to have a solution but to most people is silly, a lot of people have been asking the development group behind Thunderbird for a solution to this since 2004 and yet it still exists. In a list of emails, everybody I've ever heard of wants the newest emails at the top, in other words, sorted by date in descending order. Thunderbird's default is to sort by date, but in ascending order. And there doesn't appear to be a solution, there is a setting in the configuration manager that sounds like it should do it, but it doesn't. I would even accept having to set the sort in one folder and then have to option of using this setting for all folders. Not in Thunderbird! You have to set the sort order for each folder separately, and then remember to set it again everytime you create a new mail folder.

I'm giving up. It seemed like Thunderbird would work, but it has too many things that need attention, and I have better things to do than fight with an email client.

Now its a choice between the current Windows Live Mail, the 2009 version, Outlook Express 6, or Outlook 2007.

2015-07-12 17:54:06 (edited by jack 2015-07-12 17:59:15)

Anyone using Outlook Express, wish you could hide it in the system tray so it can receive mail in the background, completely out of your way? Well,
get this addon
that will hide outlook express in the system tray for you to bring up when you need it if the addon is running! You will have to run the addon, however, so I suggest making a batch file that will run both outlook and the addon at the same time.

2015-07-12 18:18:33

Because I prefer not to have my email client running all the time, I use a program called Mail Bell which sits in the system tray and monitors my email account and notifies me when new email arrives. Unfortunately, Mail Bell is no longer a free program, I'm thankful I've kept the free version, it may be old, but it still works.

2015-07-12 19:30:07

There's the forever free gmail notifier but that only works with gmail, unfortunately for non gmail users.

2015-07-12 20:07:54

Hi,Has anyone sucsseded in adding Hotmail into Outlook express?

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
I usually post game recordings to anyaudio. Click here to visit my anyaudio page

2015-07-18 17:28:07 (edited by Figment 2015-07-18 18:24:35)

Well, I think that was a mistake. A few days ago I found this web site called Do It Blind (http://www.doitblind.com) that had several interesting sounding JAWS scripts for sale, the two I was interested in were for Thunderbird and iTunes.

After installing the script for Thunderbird, I found that as you tab around the main screen, where you are, folders, tab, or list, is no longer reported to you, so you have no idea where you are. Not good. So I uninstalled the script. So now the question is, did installing that script over write one that Freedom Scientific supplied, or was there no script for Thunderbird to begin with. If there was a script for Thunderbird, I doubt the uninstaller for the DoItBlind script restored it. sad

Now I have to hope that their iTunes script is better than their Thunderbird script turned out to be.


I think I tried that a while back and found it didn't work very well, so I kept using Mail Bell.


Doesn't hot mail have remote access servers? (pop3, imap4, smtp)

When I could see, I liked web mail, but even then, I'd never use an email service that wouldn't allow access via an email client. Now that I'm blind, I'm glad I chose gmail because I can use an email client which I find far more accessible than the gmail web site.

2015-07-19 07:09:36

@Genewarner Yes, the extention is a bit buggy especially when you don't launch outlook and the extention at the same time, which is why I recommend making a batch file that launches outlook express and the extention at the same time, and just replace the standard outlook express shortcut with the batch file. Works a little better when I do that. But if that doesn't work, there's always mail bell or you can also get google's gmail notifier.

2015-07-19 08:18:31


What are you drinking? I want some! wink

I thought my message said I was using Thunderbird, plus I don't think you can launch JAWS scripts like a program

Anyway, I don't use Mail Bell to launch my email client, my keyboard has a bunch of programmable keys across the top and I have one of them programmed to start Thunderbird. Mail Bell just tells me that I have email waiting. For what it can do and what I use it for, Mail Bell is over kill, but it was free at the time I got it and it works.

I also heard from the developer of the ThunderbirdBlind JAWS script. He said he was awayre that recent changes to Thunderbird has broken some parts of his script and that he's working on an update. So, eventually I'll get to try out the script, if it's everything he says it is, it should be awesome.

2015-07-20 19:57:18

Ok Thunderbird experts,, what's the secret?

I tried to send an email to two people. In Outlook I could put as many addresses in the to field as I needed. I tried that in Thunderbird, but every time I hit tab to accept an auto complete offering, it moved me to the subject field. I had to shift tab back to the to field, hit end, then a comma, then manually enter the next address with no auto complete to help. When everything looked right and I tried to send it, the mail server wouldn't accept it saying there were invalid addresses in the to field. What gives?

2015-07-21 17:07:54

Outlook Express seems to want me to reenter my passwords for my different accounts every time I restart the program... I can't remember having this problem in the past. Anyone WHO knows how I can fix it? And yes, I did tell it to remember them big_smile

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2015-08-01 06:12:17

Hi Gene,

Regarding post 22, here are 2 options:
Start typing the first address, press end to accept the auto complete, then type a semi colon, space, and then the next address.
Separating the addresses with semi colons works where commas do not.
Pressing end only works to accept the auto complete if you did not press down to choose from all the possible choices.
In that case it seems you still have to press tab or enter to accept it.

Option 2:
Type the first address and press enter instead of tab to accept it.
This adds another address entry field and moves you down to it.
This also allows you to specify some addresses as To, some as CC, and some as BCC.

Personally I prefer option 2 unless I am using an external program to generate a list of addresses.

Hope that helps.

~ Ian Reed
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2015-08-01 06:19:39

ian, thanks for that, I discovered option two a day or two after I posted that message, and, like you, I use option 2 because it gives me the most choices.