2015-04-28 20:04:55 (edited by sneak 2015-04-28 20:07:59)

Hello! So I wasn't sure where to put this, so I thought I would put it here since the miriani pack was also posted here and it wasn't moderated.
As you can guess this pack is for the mud Epitaph, and features several things.
If you've played alteraeon with mush-z, you'll notice that a lot of the same features are in this pack as well.
There are soundbars to indicate stamina, energy, and health, and buffers that keep track of your chat messages, radio messages, says, whispers, and tells. There's definitely more to come, but I figured this would give a good step for those who have been wanting to play the game, but were having difficulties with all of the information being tamped into your ears.
The installation instructions are as follows.
Unzip the file into C;|.
Open the folder, and navigate down to the mush client.exe file and press enter, then press alt, arrow down to open world. Shift tab a few times and locate the address, c:\mush_e\worlds\epitaph\epitaph.mcl, the address here might not be 100 percent accurate, but it should be good enough for you to locate the file. then press enter and enjoy.
an additional step might be to create a desktop shortcut to play.
I figured this would be the easiest way to get you guys the pack, any other steps would require a ton more steps and if I were to set up a wizard it'd probably break as I don't really know how it works. Anyway. I hope you guys enjoy, if you've any comments questions or suggestions post them here and I'll get right to work on them.
Also, once you are in the game and you're character is all set up, type configmud so all of the options that maximize your screen reader's potential are switched to their appropriate values.
Future updates will include, combat sounds, special attack sounds, ambience hopefully, and more sound queues to help in navigation.
Don't forget to check out the main page at
to keep up to date on all of the patch notes and news.
LOL! I almost forgot to put the download link for the pack,
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/818 … _E_1.0.zip

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2015-04-28 21:46:29

SO that's where you have been hiding sneak.  I vaguely remember someone setting up a soundpack for Epitaph since Drakkos was into making games more and more accessible with this project, but I wasn't sure if it was still being worked on.

   I really need ot get back into that game, though the fact I still cannot get a carear path stared with the dream going is kind of driving me mad everytime I play and nothing.

2015-04-28 22:27:05

This pack I actually started making around 9 a.m. this morning and finished what's there about 2 PM.
There's been a few more changes to help with the origeons dreams, you ask jeff for hypnotizing or something like that and the next time you power nap you have an increased chance to get the dreams. HTH.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2015-04-29 00:02:17

Err Sneak, I think you uploaded the wrong thing.  I don't see anything for epitaph in there, and he sounds folder is mainly empty.

2015-04-29 00:09:05

Oh man! When first I saw this topic, i was like hey what!? Someone finally freaking made a soundpack for this mud!? And then I grabbed it immediately. Great work great work, keep it up man.*hugs sneak*

Now time to go check it out. I love Epitaph to death.:d

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2015-04-29 00:48:11

Hmm, okay give me a sec. I'm fairly sure that it's all in there. It's not a very big pack, only like 16 triggers or so, but it's enough o get people started, I'll be adding more as I go. Just wanted to give this to people who play the mud.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2015-04-29 00:49:32

Yeah, it's there. You're probably not seeing anything because it's in the mush folder /worlds. I went ahead and included the client. Just follow the steps in the first post and everything should work fine.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2015-04-29 01:17:23

I got it work now! Thank you for the great work again man. It took me sometimes to clear out some crap on my laptop and replace the script file location to get it to work with mush-z though.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2015-04-29 06:14:09

I keep getting this message when trying to set things up:

  Run-time error
World: epitaph
Immediate execution
[string "Trigger: "]:1: attempt to index global 'ppi' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
        [string "Trigger: "]:1: in main chunk

2015-04-29 07:04:09

just remove the luaaudio plugin if you have like two of them, then readd it. I recommend using it with mush-z. It's 100% usable

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2015-04-29 11:30:14

I really need to learn how to set up an installer for this thing sigh. If what the above post said doesn't work, make sure that epitaphworld is located within the epitaph folder, make sure scripting is enabled by pressing alt enter, shift tabbing to the treeview, and arrowing down to scripting, then tab to enable scripts, it might be checked already, go ahead and uncheck it, and then re-check it. then hit okay. If the problem continues let me know.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2015-04-29 15:35:13

I'm really sure many people use mush-z to play it, not just the normal mushclient. So, I'm going to place the guide for instaling it on mush-z here. It sure works 100%. At least it works for me.

Mush-z users who keep every single mud in one pack and want to try this out, please consider reading :

steps :

1. Get the soundpack file (of course), extract it somewhere you prefer.

2. Ignore the rest of the folder except worlds. Go inside the worlds folder and you'll see Epitaph folder. In this folder, there is a world file, world script and all sounds.

3. Coppy the epitaph folder, and Epitaph only, not the plugins thingy, especially if you have more than one luaaudio plugin (like me). Go to your mush-z folder, go to worlds and place it there.

*if you don't know where the mush-z main folder is, have a look in start menu>all programs submenu>mush-z (or mushclient, or whatever you name it, for some people).

4. Open the world file using notepad or wordpad, scroll down until you find this :
script_filename="C:\blah blah blah\bla blah blah\whatever\Epitaphworld.lua"
Leave the notepad window right there and get out of the window. Remember the Epitaph script I mentioned earlier in this guide? That is how you make use of it. Go to worlds>Epitaph>Epitaphworld.lua, don't open it, just press alt+d and hold shift then press down, then control+c to coppy the thing. You now have the script file path for your lovely Epitaph world.

5. Go back to the notepad world file, delete all the "C:\blah blah blah\blah blah blah\" or whatever path you have it (don't delete the quote. If you accidentally do, rewrite it again), place the new path file you coppied, add the epitaphworld.lua or whatever your scrip file name is, if the path doesn't have the file name (most likely). After you're done adding, control+s to save the thing then close the window. Open mush-z and load the world. Everything should work properly from now.

*Regarding to this step, if you feel like it's hard to type down the script file name, just delete all that in the quote, except epitaphworld.lua then place the file path you have. Make sure the \ key is still there before epitaphworld.lua.

N.O.T.E! :

*If you encounter the luaaudio runtime error, control+shift+p to sshow the plugins window, remove the luaaudio plugin you have and relocate it again. If that doesn't help, get the plugin from this link :


In this case, place the new plugin in the folder and remove luaaudio.xml from your world file then add this one. It's not the same plugin. I can't remember which one I use for Aartwolf soundpack since I have two, one is the lua thingy, which I renamed for easier adding, and one is luaaudio. I think this one is for Aartwolf, though.

*If your sounds don't play, despite the script you added, and you're very sure you've done everything correctly, load the world, alt+g to go to the game menu then go to configure>script, relocate the script file and everything should work properly.

*Don't remove the luaaudio from your computer. If you do, you've gone terribly wrong and might have to reinstall mush-z again. If you have two luaaudio plugins, just rename one of them to whatever you feel comfortable having, then try adding each of them to see which one works. Installing Aartwolf soundpack is much harder, I can say. That's why I'm really concern of you deleting the luaaudio thingy. I've done the same before. It was horrible.

Hope this helps, and sorry for any mistake I might have made in this post. English is not my native tongue.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2015-07-08 23:27:36

Hi, I cannot get this to work. It complains about a bunch of stuff having invalid paths, I am guessing because this is the second instance of MC i have on my computer and it's touching the registry, I am using the portable one so it shouldn't be, but who knows. Anyway one of the things it says is the lua script contains an invalid path, I checked it, there isn't even anything having to do with file paths in there. Anyway, I might try a manual install to my main MC because other soundpacks that distribute the client alongside like that don't work for me, with the exception of MUSHZ, and I'm not downloading that just to play epitaph because I don't like stacking muds on top of MUSHZ because it creates little issues you have to work around.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-07-08 23:57:51

did you follow my step or the read me step, ironcross? If you follow my step, it should work fine.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2015-07-09 00:42:39

Nah for the use of MUSHZ I like to keep it to altar Aeon only. I don't like to stack muds on the top of it.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-07-09 01:12:50

it's worth checking though. The script path must be changed before you can use it

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2015-07-09 05:30:09

Thanks for this Sneak.  Was just talking about this yesterday.

2015-07-09 06:47:48

sounds that always work fine in this pack, is the door close/open. No matter how I move, the sound surely plays

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2015-07-09 16:03:58

Ah I fixed the script pathing issue, now its causing tracebacks... lol

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-07-09 18:21:12

What kind of traceback did you get, ironcross?

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2015-07-09 19:09:50

I think its the same message indicated in post 9

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-07-09 19:54:48

download the plugin given by me in the post 11. Download that one that's named "luaaudio.xml", rename it to lua.xml, then remove the luaaudio plugin from your world file, put the lua.xml in the plugins folder, then add it in.

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2015-07-09 20:59:17

OK finally got it working, at least the door sound, I'm figuring if that works it all will, we'll see when I get in a fight. Thanks Mata for your help. I installed the relevant stuff to my main instance of MC which I will do from now on in soundpack installations...

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-07-09 23:18:41

Well something's going on, its posting things I'm not sure of so I'll have to dig, maybe there are plugins used n the sound pack that needing copied over, anyway, it got caught up into a loop trying to do something and it was very hard to get out of without restarting my PC, luckily enough I managed it.

Facts with Tom MacDonald, Adam Calhoun, and Dax
End racism
End division
Become united

2015-07-10 02:52:35

The fight sounds, rather than the status, never work. I'm not sure if I've done something wrong with it like how i did with Clokpack or something. Now not sure if it works anymore, since they changed the wb string. I might change the trigger too if it doesn't, to make it match the string and work again.
What's going on, Ironcross?

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.