2015-07-01 22:25:29

Hey Sam, I sent you a forum message.

2015-07-02 00:27:15

Hi Sam,
The new system sounds far more realistic. I can't wait to build a camp site. However, I want to know, will I be able to use mud bricks and wood to build huts or small houses? Simply putting up walls of brush and wood around a tree doesn't sound like enough. So, the more advanced tents, huts, or houses would help store items and allow a player's character to live more comfortably. As far as the idea of using pits, that sounds great. In 2d Platformer and Imminent Death, players have to jump over pits. So, building pits to trap players and make it harder for them to loot your camp site will make the game more interesting.
Also, the heavier bags taking more energy sounds more challenging. Players who forget to store their items in their camp site will suffer severely if they try to kill other players while carrying them. This will also cut down on the killing.

I attack with the savagery of a thousand piranhas.

2015-07-02 06:39:55

I got your message and replied omer. And as for huts, the building system is completely seperate from the inventory system, but I am working on that. Pits would be possible, but the thing is is spammers. We'd get some idiot going around making millions of pits all over the place just because he can. I'll probably provent this by taking up loads of energy to dig like that with a shovel, but yeah. I'll get there though.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-07-02 08:55:10

oh of course making pits will take a lotta energy, cause you have to lose some when working your shovel big_smile and it's possible to make not only ont type of trap. you know, that nice one, when it hangs you on the tree upside down big_smile and may be cutting the rope on your leg will take much time and take some health after falling down.

we are the strongest! we are the weapon of the force! we are one!
my name is darth scorp!

2015-07-02 09:07:57

Wow, the game gets better and better. The reduced playerkillinf makes me really wanna play the game again. Keep up the epic work dude. big_smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-07-02 10:37:59

so guys, I have just done a spam clean, and I figure i'll tell you about it because some of it may not have been spam, it was an AI, afterall. It deleted anything with the following
1. Any character comprised of only numbers
2. Any character that was less than 5 letters/digits in length. I I know this could be pushing it but I looked and there was a lot more spam with this issue than anything
and 3. Any characters that started with a number or punctuation simble. I was pretymuch forced to do this if I want this hole new inv system to work with out a complete character purging. ANd most of it was spam, infact, 28.42 percent of the entire database got nuked this way. Just keep that in mind guys, if this happens, try keeping your character name grater than 4 characters and don't start with numbers in it. I understand there is a lot of 4 letter names such as nick, jack, rick, tony, bob, sam, beth, etc, but it simply can't be helped, Plus, there is gonna soon be rules on names anyway which will help comply with the rules of RP. Rp isn't exactly forced, but rules around it will be, such as having a first and last name such as SamTupy, JohnDean, RickPauls, anything you like to be called in game. I am doing this for RP purpases, but that rule won't come for a bit. I pretymuch need to do this though because truely RP is what this game is comprised of and it's simply not for players who won't at least try it. And the people who go around with nothing to do but kill will soon start getting banned. You don't have to partake in RP, but soon most of the player base will expect it out of you if you talk in character. The game just isn't as fun with out rp. What's the fun of a camping trip if you have no one to talk to and your just going at it alone. RP could be hard for some of you to understand, but once you get the hole jest of it down, it adds so much more to the game it's not even funny.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-07-02 11:08:16

Hi everyone and Sam!
First of all I can say your game it was interesting day by day.
Congratulation for your hard work for everyone of us to enjoy.
I can't wait to see the big update will be going to live.
Very exciteing indeed for that.
Like SLJ said in the earlier post.
Keep up the good work.
If such a features going to implemented we will not going to worried about our stuff anymore.
Because we can built something that can hind our stuff.
So do your best!
Hope I will have chance to play soon.

No! Please don't get me wrong!
The wrong could be right! The right could be wrong.

2015-07-02 13:26:49

ahh, poor Fred, hahaha. Anyway, I must ask ... so, soon people must have first and last name? You can't rp that you aren't proud of your family and don't want to have a last name? Heh, it seams soon I'll be MayanaStorm, hahaha.
Have a nice day, Mayana.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2015-07-02 23:05:39 (edited by Sam_Tupy 2015-07-02 23:10:40)

Hi there folks, come join the next stw event! On skype. Send a chat to sam.tupy1 and you will be accepted, or teamtalk at tthub.org default ports. Find the channel survive the wild event! And join with password "stw" so come, join, have fun, and meat new people! If you don't wanna partake but want to listen live, the address is http://nsvr.ddns.net:19113/stream.mp3, thanks ns for the server.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-07-03 01:19:45

Sam, how to enter to the event?
When I log-in to the game, the situation is nomal, and you and the other people that is in the stream don't appear as connected players tongue

2015-07-03 02:59:59

So guys, I have done a complete character purge, it had to be done and there is a new rule. Any character name that you create must have a capital firstname, cabital last name. JackPeet, BeeJosh, SamTupy, LucasBrown, VicRensworth, the possibilities are endless. It does not have to be your real name, and you arn't forced into RP, but you are now expected to create propper character names We will be lenient on this at first, but we will start getting stricter on it. There is fair warning. Admins will warn you at least 5 times but then it could result in a ban. Also if we notise you are doing nothing but running around killing you will get banned, too. Thank you for your understanding.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-07-03 17:32:25

It seams most of players didn't see the rools or don't even speak English. I recomend, Sam, that you add this to read me and mabye also to where you make your account. I also think it would be better telling us, so we could still keep our items ... and here went my pots and fishes ... It seams you made a lot of rools about names in this fiew days, jumping from killing spam accounts to this verry quickly ...
I would also like to ask if you allready remuved gifts? Yesterday, there was said by admins that there are gifts and when you tiped /gifts, it showed that they are on. but me and some other players searched a lot, but didn't find even a single gift ...

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2015-07-03 21:14:17

about the rules, it scemes sudden, but it had to happen. I need to modify gifts before I do it so people can't get revolvers. Also, i'm adding something new! Voice chat! Yes, I'm adding voice chat in stw, but just warning you now, it's completely for rp only.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-07-04 03:13:45

hai sam so all carakter has bin reset?

i'm sorry because my english

2015-07-04 03:54:17

Err, just wondering, why exactly do we need a first and last name in the game? I can understand if, perhaps, this was due to names containing spam, but this certainly wouldn't resolve that so I'm still pretty much at a loss.
Secondly, if you're gonna do that, you might as well keep the username and password thing as normal, but have the user enter a first and last name that will be displayed instead of their username.

If you have issues with Scramble, please contact support at the link below. I check here at least once a day, so this is the best avenue for submitting your issues and bug reports.

2015-07-04 06:13:08

@samtupy1 I think it's a lack of respect he did, delete accounts Hispanic players just because one of them killed you? I think something stupid and immature on your part.
He has let his attitude Sam, you should know how to lose as any other player.
Furthermore, it is very foolish to generalize to all Hispanics as cheats, I have met many Anglo cheaters in their game and the Ultra Power for example.
Swam famous hakers were also mostly Anglo.
You should return the accounts that you deleted, or delete the accounts of all players, so that it is fair.

sorry my english, is not my native language.

2015-07-04 06:17:50 (edited by Sam_Tupy 2015-07-04 06:19:38)

Hi there,  I have longsence desided against that, and all players were deleted. All at once. I thought of doing that but I didn't really do anything, I knew it would be stupid to do that and I didn't. No the hole server took a character purge, but, now, in the update that I am uploading, on the other hand, we now have voice chat! For roleplay only, but still! Hold in v, say something, and release it to broadcast that to your position on the map! By the time you read this post, chances are, the update will be released! also about the names, I have decided to be a bit less strict about it. You can have what ever name, just so long as it sounds human. Only until I get the nickname system.

I am a web designer, and a game developer. If you wish see me at http://www.samtupy.com

2015-07-04 06:20:47

So far as I understand it, its to smooth out gameplay and to increase roleplay, though i'm slitely confused as to how that fixes the delemma of smoothing out the gameplay. I also think banning people for not having a firstname and a last name is a bit harsh, speshily since their's no rules command on the game and hents their's no way for people to know that said rule is in effect unless they look at this topic. Just my 2 sence.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-07-04 06:27:51

Woops, mist sams post before mine.

Check out the new reality software site. http://realitysoftware.noip.us

2015-07-04 17:07:30

Wow. VOice chat sounds interesting. I think I'm more into texting but nice for those who likes to voice chat. big_smile

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-07-04 17:45:39

Hi Sam. Is that the reason why I can't log into my account? I've tried a few times now but it just gives me an error message.

2015-07-04 18:57:21

Hello, joshua.preyser,
Every single account was remuved. if you want to log on again, create new account, your old one no longer exists.

Yes, I definitely left the forum. Mhm. Why would you have any doubt?
Code 7 tips: https://forum.audiogames.net/topic/4010 … or-code-7/
Don't forget to be awesome!

2015-07-04 19:50:26

first This is a cool game, & second I suggest you to omit users killing each other. I could not learn game well because somebody killed me when I came to the game. so, please help us to play this game. I'm board really really board.

2015-07-05 15:37:24

Maybe, this is a spam.

Ja volim samo kafu sa Rakijom.

2015-07-06 05:00:59

Hi Sam and everyone!
Yeah! I also feel like the spam as well.
By the way it was nice development a lot.
And of course it's getting great day by day.
Since I was playing your game a lot as well.
I found that the nubie player that you wanna protect from normal player to killing them.
Right now that kind of group of the players also try to kill the people who just starting to play your game as well.
Maybe the nubie player that just created that was the experience player that's why.
And seem like nubied players always try to hunt all kind of people not jjust nubie same as them.
And for the people that was not a nubie we also scare to do something with them cause we scare you going give us some ban or what ever it was.
Hope you could understand my explanation.
I hope you could overcome that kind of group of the people soon.
By the way it was nice game to play though.
Hope you will get improveing day by day.

No! Please don't get me wrong!
The wrong could be right! The right could be wrong.