2015-07-01 20:56:38 (edited by jyro22 2015-08-02 06:58:27)

This fantasy epic now has some cool new game-play mechanics thanks to some of the members of this forum, including a neat shifting inventory!

A Clock Tower Chronicles prologue is now available for you to enjoy; straight from the Journal of Professor Tobias Watt.
Dark has done a fantastic job portraying this character and assisting with some story additions and new dialogue!

Check out the Journal Prologue here:

Clock Tower Chronicles as you may already know, is a puzzle adventure game releasing in July. The game is a prequel to the upcoming RPG Steampunk Neverland!

To obtain both full games, go to this link:
https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?c … LAXPHYPMAS

You'll receive the two full games for the price of only one, plus an original soundtrack and audio book
as well as the full game guides!

Professor Tobias Watt is an inventor who discovers Neverland with a group of orphans and pirates!
I hope you enjoy this epic fantasy!

2015-07-01 22:36:20

I'd be interested to know what sort of mechanics coding wise you have ready. Maybe even a simple play demo. I rather enjoyed the prologue, and I look forward to this release, but I'm just a little hesitant to get my hopes up because you've made this game sound so wonderful and well developed that I can't help but fear that it won't live up to the expectations placed upon it. Anything you can share to really put me at ease would really go a long way.

The universe is a rain storm. We are droplets sent to quench the problems of the world, yet we are blown sideways by the winds of distractions.

2015-07-02 08:11:29

While that youtube was interesting, if that's all the information you have for me to base a purchase decision on, I'll pass.

Besides, your PayPal link is apparently dead because all it does is take you to PayPal's home page.

2015-07-02 08:16:49

I look forward to try a demo version.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-07-02 08:33:49

@Gene, this is just a teaser I believe. descriptions of gameplay and more on the game can be found in This topic

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-07-02 09:26:06

Thanks, Dark, and good morning! big_smile

2015-07-02 09:49:57

I never played Zelda, are there any games with game play similar to these games so I can determine if I would like them? Thanks!

2015-07-02 13:27:00


I've PreOrdered the game bundle, which is going to be amazing.
I do have one thing to point out, I've looked on the new site and cannot find anything to do with audio games. There's a pretty cool squirrel game for sighted people on Iphone, which sounds quite addictive but no audiogames.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-07-02 14:32:24

I hope I've already reserved my copy. I preordered a couple of months back.

2015-07-03 00:52:17

I look forward to buying these when I have the money . :d

2015-07-03 11:35:34

Hay all, I found this link to buy the games in the other topic for this game, and it does work.

https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?c … LAXPHYPMAS

Hope this helps.

2015-07-03 11:41:48

Are you telling me that there are no similar games, or are you just ignoring my question?

2015-07-03 12:38:48


Well there is eric the cleric  but I think I've  spelt it wrong. Apart from that, no there's no zelda like games for the blind as far as i know. If you want to know what zelda is, you could look it up on wikepida or youtube and listen to a playthrough.

I'd like there to be rubies in the game, or some kind of collecting item like the rubies in zelda.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-07-03 12:45:47

@Gene, the simple answer is no. There is nothing like Zelda in audio at all.

To attempt to explain, the Zelda games is a long standing series of action/rpg titles which have existed on nintendo systems sinse the late 80's.  In the games you play a character called Link, who is your sterriotypical farm boy with amazing destiny. Somewhere in the games you will run into Princess Zelda, who is both usually Link's love interest, and also a girl with various forms of magical powers that have to do with safe guarding the kingdom of Hyrull where the games take place from the evil sorcerer Gannondorf and protecting three triangular objects called the triforces.

What however distinguishes the games is the gameplay and style. The games are all in real time, and have you able to turn in full 360 degrees and attack in all directions. There is a huge amount of exploring, and lots of puzzles to get through the various dungeons, for example pressing switches to change the landscape, open doors or lower bridges.
Your main weapon is the sword, a mystic weapon called the master swords which has a number of attacks from combos and even with enough magic power launching fireballs, to a 360 degree charge attack, however you also have a number of secondary weapons. Some, like the bow and arrows are used to attack at a distance, while others have various uses in exploring, for example you might have bombs to blow cracks in walls, or boots of speed to let you run past lowering doors, or the hook shot, a grapple like weapon that can let you swing across gaps.

There are of course lots of npcs to talk to and occasional little side quests to do, however for most of the games your exploring a huge environment and often going through some pretty complex routes to get into dungeons.
For example the landmark title Link to the past on the Snes had two different worlds, lightworld and dark world that you could walk between at any time and where there might say be a wall in one location in lightworld there might not be in darkwold and visa versa meaning lots of traversing.
Zelda 64 the Ockerina of time took this even further, one item you had was a mystic flute, the ockerina that you could play spells on including one to travel between two time periods, that of 10 year old kid link, and that 8 years in the future where Link was grown up but where the Kingdom had sort of gone to pot.
this meant lots of interesting puzzles such as needing to plant a seed in the earlier time period to go 8 years into the future to find it grew into a tree that you could climb to enter a location.

There were also huge amounts of hidden items to find, for example heart peaces to extend your life meater and take more hits of which there were a great number scattered around, as well as various cashes of treasure you could sell and items like medallians with different spells, sinse though Link didn't level up or gain xp like in most rpgs you could find lots of different objects and devices to use for your different abilities, many of which helped in battling, and fights in Zelda games could get very tough, indeed the old Uk computer games based program Games master ranked Zeld Link to the past on the Snes as the hardest game for the console, or at least the one they'd recieved more questions about than any other.

Hope this makes sense.

Btw, I've  never myself actually managed to play zelda, it's always been visually just not possible, and that aside from the huge amount of text and items, even in it's snes or nes outings let alone all the 3D ones. However it's been one of my brother's favourite games and I watched him play a lot of it back in the day, indeed he's even got the new one for the 3ds, hence why I am familiar with the series main concepts, and why I also love the idea of something similar in audio.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-07-03 14:35:10

how i can buy this game
if link dont work?

2015-07-03 17:30:53

Love the showing on youtube... hope we get more information about this soon! I may just pick this up... which would make this my first audiogame purchase in quite a while. hahaha.

Dark, although you personally don't play Japanese games, I don't think that's enough of a basis to say that there are no Zelda-like games in audio, at all... I think it more appropriate to say there aren't any in english since although it isn't for you, the Japanese side of audio games is an option that's open to people willing to try playing them. Shadow Line is actually more or less a zelda-style game with very similar concepts... just less depth compared to those. But it's got tons more to do compared to most audiogames that come close to calling themselves action rpgs.

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-07-03 17:33:47

I'm sorry, I should have said that I knew of Zelda and what kind of game it is, but have never played it or any game like it that I know of. Hence the wish to try something similar, not so much to finish the game unless I like it, but to simply see if I like that type of game, so I'd know whether I qant to buy this game or not.