2015-06-26 12:44:19


I have deleted that second post, however  Trenton is correct,  just use the "delete" link after any of your own posts to delete it.

Some  forums only allow moderators to delete posts, but it is reasonable that members should be able to delete what they post themselves, and situations like the above prove why.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-06-26 17:06:14

I forgot about that delete link, since I never had any reason to use it before.

be a hero and stop Coppa now!
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dkm … DkWZ8/edit
-id software, 1995

2015-06-28 21:24:25

I was wondering if someone could help me with this. I bought the game, but everytime I launch it it says unable to access guidedog please make sure that it is running running the installed shortcut should fix this problem. I want to register my game but like I said it won't let me do it either. Thanks in advance for your help.

2015-06-28 22:02:08

when you launch the game and it says that messagee about unable to launche guidedog client, turn on your screen reader and alt tab, you should find yourself in the guide dog client, (you might even be there by default). Enter your name and password and Yellowbonnet should load up fine.

It would be nice if the game actually launched guide dog client first letting you log in and then launching the game correctly rather than opening the game and complaining at you (especially when I have launched the game from the programs menu so don't know what it's moaning about with the installed shortcut business), but it's not really a major deal and I suspect it's something that will be fixed when Guidedog and/or yellow bonnet gets an update.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-06-29 05:21:24

Ok thanks, I have tried it and it just freezes my computer so I have to always restart the crazy thing. Hopefully it gets resolved soon, noworries.

2015-06-29 06:28:00

Well that one sounds like a bug so I'd report it to the developers, sinse obviously when things are in beta if they're going wrong on anyone's machine they really ought to know, so unless they check this topic themselves I'd suggest going to valiant galaxy associates and dropping them an e-mail.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-06-29 06:35:01

No mac/iOS version, no money. That goes for all games. Yeah its hard to make cross platform games, yeah I can play in vm-ware, but playing for a while and spending quality time on a cool game are two different things to me.

Devin Prater
My Blog
Follow me

2015-06-29 11:40:59


You might try making sure if you're using an anti-virus program that it knows both Guidedog and YB are allowed exceptions.  I doubt if this is causing all of the issue, but that'd be my first gut instinct idea to try.  I'll make sure that Aaron who is the technical whiz part of this company knows about this and perhaps he can suggest more. 

I hope this helps,


Valiant Galaxy Associates Company, owned by Aaron Spears and Jeremy Brown develops and markets audiogames for the Blind and Low Vision markets.

2015-06-29 11:48:23


I appreciate your input and opinion on this.  Unfortunately, we're a small company.  In fact, we're basically two guys that met on Alter Aeon and tried to put together a BGT version of a game from an extremely old version of the same game that I developed in Basic in high school in the 80s.  Aaron doesn't use IOS products except in the past phones, and other than my phone, I don't either.  Neither of us can afford the extra equipment or time.  I think the best solution for the Mac and audio games problem that I hear about more and more from friends online and from people like you who are upset on forums that there are no games for your platform, or not the games that are coming out and being discussed, is for either a group of Mac users to get together and find programmers willing to take on the project, form a kickstarter, give that programmer an incentive, and see what comes of it.  The other option would be to get a few enterprising Audio gamers/programmers who use Mac to develop new games.  In a perfect world, there'd be cross platform support for all programs, but currently, this is a far from perfect world.  Now, that said, if anyone on forum wants to give me say 10,000 dollars so I can buy a Mac, take some courses, and learn what I need, I would strongly consider converting our games into IOS.  No guarantees though, I need groceries first:(. 

Take care,


Valiant Galaxy Associates Company, owned by Aaron Spears and Jeremy Brown develops and markets audiogames for the Blind and Low Vision markets.

2015-06-29 20:09:19

Steffanne, Aaron here.

Can you give us more info? We're not really reproducing this problem on our end. A lot more detail on your part might go a long ways.

It would be nice if you could tell us which version of windows you're running this under. Are you running it in a virtual machine?

What sort of internet do you have, do you use anti Malware utilities? One of those could be blocking the game from having access to the guidedog client, and so if you can allow the game and the client that may solve this difficulty. It would be great to know what the anti malware utility is if that is the case.

Last question, which screen reader if any are you using? We had someone on our test team with issues while running Window-Eyes but managed to solve that, turned out for them it was their anti malware too but it was messing up Window-Eyes enough that they couldn't tell that.

Thanks for your patience. You should be able to get a refund if you truly can't get it to run, but I suspect it is something that can be solved.

Valiant Galaxy Associates Company, owned by Aaron Spears and Jeremy Brown develops and markets audiogames for the Blind and Low Vision markets.

2015-06-30 18:26:52

Valiant Galaxy Associates is proud to announce the release of version 9 of Yellowbonnet.  After receiving some feedback from purchasers, beta testers, and people who tried the demo version of the game, we have made some extensive changes:

1.  Added a lot of sound material both as ambience and for specific characters. 
2. Added introductory and closing text to the game.
3. Added new hot keys J to check number of jobs left, s to search, and o to open look menu.
4. Added an inventory menu with a brief description of weapons in statistical form and a note that other items are of no practical use implying they are best sold.
5. Cash spent no longer penalizes score.  However, found items do add to the score.
6. All characters fought, and all hazards encountered, are now tracked.
7. The copy to clipboard text is radically changed.
8. Attempted to eliminate odd strings in combat where snakes were blocking blows with arms.
9. Changed encounter text on mobile hazards to make it clearer what happened.
10. The burglar no longer appears if the deputy does not have a job for the player.
11. A number of other minor bug and string cleanup changes were made.  For full information see the change log.

     Current customers do not need to do anything.  Once you start Yellowbonnet again, the game will automatically download new files and update itself.  This update is completely free.  As usual our beta test team were amazing, and we believe we’ve squashed all known bugs.  If you find any, please notify us.  We hope you enjoy the game even more now.  Thank you for the feedback and support.

To read the documentation go to http://www.valiantgalaxy.com/yellowbonn … ation.html
To download the game go to http://www.valiantgalaxy.com/yellowbonn … taller.exe
To purchase the game go to https://guidedoggames.com:7081/games/4

Valiant Galaxy Associates Company, owned by Aaron Spears and Jeremy Brown develops and markets audiogames for the Blind and Low Vision markets.

2015-07-01 09:17:33

Having played the game I'd actually like a continuous version of it.
Ie you complete jobs in the town and other things.
However I'd like the ability to live your life in the town, maybe try to mine gold etc.
If I went the violent crime way kill everyone in the town or something crazy and become the king of the underworld or something or get killed with appropriate messages or be the good guy or simply muck round for all time.
I would also like  it if I was one of the towns chars or could get a perminant job with people  but still do odd jobs and other junk.
This game for 5 bucks is really good but I'd really like more.
If nothing else I'd like to actually play it till I die or until no one has any jobs for me.
I'd also like to get better weapons and maybe buy more ammo etc.
And I'd like random things such as a bank robery or a jailbreak to contain etc.
Its a good game for what it is but I want more.

2015-07-02 09:19:33

devinprater wrote:

No mac/iOS version, no money. That goes for all games. Yeah its hard to make cross platform games, yeah I can play in vm-ware, but playing for a while and spending quality time on a cool game are two different things to me.

that's your choice. When people buy a Mac, they know that there aren't audiogames made for the system. So that's just your choice of not wanting to play audiogames. I play a lot of games in Fusion on my Mac, and it just works fine. If you can't deal with the small lag you might get, then Bootcamp is the option for you. So again, that's your choice, and don't blame the developers that much when you at leased have a choice to play most of the games you want.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-07-02 09:20:36

Wow, awesome update. I'll check this out as soon as possible. I really like the game.

Best regards SLJ.
Feel free to contact me privately if you have something in mind. If you do so, then please send me a mail instead of using the private message on the forum, since I don't check those very often.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/sorenjensen1988
Twitter: https://twitter.com/soerenjensen

2015-07-02 10:26:43

Well first off I confess I had a few shenanigans with the update.
I ran yellow bonnet to have windows open for both the "guide dog client launcher" and the client itself. I sat around and waited for the game to start or update, but nothing happened, then it occurred to me to run yellow bonnet again so I did that however a yellow bonnet launcher window came up and again I sat around for a minute or two waiting feeling a trifle confused.
I closed all the windows and was just about to come and report an error, but decided to try on the basis of "third time lucky" only for everything to launch fine and for yellow bonnet to tell me the update was successful.

Of course, I confess myself I was a bit of a chump for not activating the dolphin curser and checking those launcher windows, however perhaps for future reference a sound file or two could be added to the guide dog client to let you know when programs need updating, particularly sinse I suspect as now you can login to the client and leave it running and then turn your screen reader off for games, some people will likely do as I did and not read the launcher windows.

Either way it all worked out and I'm loving the new updates, the ambience, the sounds, the extra descriptions, very good stuff indeed! I particularly like the descriptive text. where in that game I decided to do a bit of good olrough housin' I will actually try to complete the jobs next time and see what I get.

My only miner comment is that you could consider adding a few more shortcut keys, eg, t for talk, I for inventory and f for fight, though look and search are the major things and having keys for them really speeds up the game, and while I definitely approve of a menu for options,fluid gameplay is good, still this is just a miner deal and I liked a lot of this.
I actually agree with Sean, this is a nice formula for game creation and you could definitely do more with it, indeed you've got the basic mechanics down for an rpg or a stratogy game here, as is already proved by traders of known space so I'll be interested to see what comes next.

Statistics for Playthrough of the Yellowbonnet Game, on Version 9
The game lasted 17 minutes and 33 seconds and ended on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 9:0 AM - The player lost!

A man going by the handle of Bruce Mcgrusome came in off the dusty trails into Yellowbonnet a new hand.

Bruce Mcgrusome got himself killed fighting A burglar! Bruce Mcgrusome was laid to rest in our cemetery right and proper at this here town’s expense. He might for sure have been a tolerable good addition to our fine town, but we’ll never know now. Yet another soul is sacrificed in the taming of the good ol' grand frontier, folks.

Bruce Mcgrusome moved 26 times to finish 1 out of 6 jobs, defeated 1 hazards, found 9 items worth 220 points, spent 17 cash, and wound up with 15 cash.

Bruce Mcgrusome  dealt with happenings like, fighting a drunk cowboy and fighting A burglar.

Final score: 5735. Bruce Mcgrusome is, or that is, was, sure a dude!

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-07-02 10:51:22

Ah, that game went much better and more successful, even if I did have to head to the docks for surgery twice, however I did notice a few weerd things.

Firstly, when I had the scalple as my weapon, I sold it by mistake, however when I had the broken bottle as my weapon it wasn't available to sell, ---- of course I'm guessing broken bottles aren't particularly worth mutch other than for giving drunken cowboys a very close shave so this does make sense, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

A weerder problem was that I was told I could not buy the revolver even when I had 44 cash, which was odd, and a trifle irritating sinse it did mean Anny never got her gun! big_smile.

Also, "a man going by the handle of anny?" is that a  friend of the boy named Sue? big_smile.

Anyway, here are the statisticss, whacky though the report may be.

Statistics for Playthrough of the Yellowbonnet Game, on Version 9
The game lasted 15 minutes and 41 seconds and ended on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 9:47 AM - The player beat the game! woohoo!

A man going by the handle of anny smokely came in off the dusty trails into Yellowbonnet a new hand.

anny smokely moved 66 times to finish 6 out of 6 jobs, defeated 2 hazards, found 17 items worth 350 points, spent 44 cash, and wound up with 24 cash.

anny smokely  dealt with happenings like, fighting a runaway Horse and fighting a mad Bull On the Loose.

Final score: 31374. anny smokely will surely go down in them books as one to ride the river with!

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-07-02 11:45:15

This is Jeremy:

I'll make two posts, a general response, and then one addressing specific issues raised by Dark.

Thank you for trying out the update.  I'm glad it is an improvement:)  We may very well release other updates later.  For instance, with TKS last year we released a similar update after the game was released, and we're planning another this year to bring in some things we liked from Yellowbonnet.

It is possible there are some bugs with updated material.  We tried to test as extensively as we could, but we were trying to work quickly (Aaron had farm-related things going on during the first part of July) and it's possible some things slipped past us.

In answer to Crashmaster's request for more material, there are plans afoot to return to Yellowbonnet and environs for future releases in this mini-game series.  At this point, some of these plans are nebulous, but our hope would be eventually to release a small series and be able to sell them separately or bundle them together. 

In response to the comments about expanding the game, making it larger, having something more detailed:  Aaron put a lot of work into making the game do just this.  A lot of the code is very portable, and we're discussing taking time out to create a generic game creation engine that I could use to create more titles that use similar mechanics and ideas to create other games that might use this format.  This is still very tentative: a lot depends on time, what we have going, and need.  Further, I like to expand on what I do design wise when I do something new, and this sounds like a good idea in principle, but could lead to YB in just different time periods.  That's not a bad thing necessarily, but it strikes me as stale after a while.

Again, we appreciate the feedback and support.  We're hoping to have Interceptor out before the end of July.  With three games under our belt, we're starting to feel like real game designers and stuff:) 

Also, again as a teaser, if you tried TKS last year, our next project is going to be a greatly revised and expanded version of that concept.  Using a lot of ideas suggested on the TKS forum last year, as well as several suggestions we've received from players since then, we're going to rip the game apart and start from the ground up to redo not only the size of the map, but rework the way the economy works, the opportunities for avoiding/lessening hazards, creating business opportunities outside just standard trading, engaging in criminal trading, and other things.  Word of caution: this is likely to be a long running project.  I suspect it won't have the kind of 3 year cycle Interceptor had, but it's likely to take us a lot longer than the original TKS or YB.  We will probably be establishing a mailing list in the coming months to give fans of the games more info. 

Take care,


Valiant Galaxy Associates Company, owned by Aaron Spears and Jeremy Brown develops and markets audiogames for the Blind and Low Vision markets.

2015-07-02 11:56:39

Here is Jeremy again:

As promised, a more detailed response.

1.  Update oddness.  Dark, this is odd, the game is supposed to announce downloading files and then give an update periodically.  I'm not sure why it didn't in your case.  I'll call Aaron's attention to it.

2. More hot keys.  This is something that might happen in future games.  We like having the menu and the hot keys for some activities, but one to mention is inventory has the hot key tab.  I'm not sure now why we didn't make it the I key though.  There's I believe 19 hot keys in game now, and we were trying to avoid making too many and overwhelming the player.

3. You diagnosed the broken bottle issue yourself.  The broken bottle is a weapon without value.  I wanted to make weapons fairly easy to get without money since tough hombre starts with barely enough money to get surgery and medicine.  In the original iteration of the prices, surgery and medicine were more expensive, so weapons were more important to find.  When we did sell back options, the bottle was of course left off.

4. Your revolver issue is more worrying.  That suggests a bug.  We have not reproduced this one up to now.  I'll work on seeing if I can reproduce, and if we can figure out the cause, we'll fix.

5. The man going by the handle of thing is either a bug (a gender referent not being translated correctly) or an oversight.  By the time we were doing the clipboard text, it was late in the process.  My gut instinct is that it is an oversight.  This should be an easy fix.  The only other possibility, would be user error in setting gender, but I suspect you didn't make that error. We'll look at it.

Please continue calling our attention to issues and bugs as you find them.  Thank you all again, and take care,


Valiant Galaxy Associates Company, owned by Aaron Spears and Jeremy Brown develops and markets audiogames for the Blind and Low Vision markets.

2015-07-02 12:26:20

Hi fellas.

On expantion and changes, the advanced tks sounds like a good thing, as do more games set in and around Yellow bonnet, however gameplay wise while I do really like the map and talk to formula and the stat tracking, I'd personally be more in favour of games that each had something distinct.

I'm guessing it would be fairly easy to create essentially a modded version of Yellow Bonnet. For example, have a number of survivers of a zombocalypse each in their different house giving the player jobs and replace the runaway horses and cowboys with zombies, or have a sea side Jamaican pirate town with various seedy taverns, naval officers and drunken pirates. However, II'm not sure of that idea myself sinse esentially you'd be playing the same game and doing the same thing with similar mechanics, just a slightly different setting and map.
If a similar formula was used in the future, I'd prefer to wait and see it get a little tweaking gameplay wise to alter things. For example, imagine a more adventure style game similar to "a dark room" where you needed to make it from Yellow Bonnet to the gold mine crossing the desert, where moving each square took water, where you had to mine gold but had a limited carrying capacity and also had to juggle what weapons you took with you.

Or maybe another game set around the town, but one based on finding a number of hidden outlaws  by  piecing together clues from the town's people, eg, "I thought they were hiding somewhere south of the church", with the goal to have a limited number of moves to deduce the outlaw's location and catch them before they rob the bank. Or maybe a game which expanded the combat idea, with some more tactical fight options, like perhaps the ability to use the revolver on people in the surrounding squares, or have different weapons had different properties and different qualities against various targets.

There are certainly possibilities, but I'd I think be more in favour of something which  tweaked the board and movement gameplay in various ways rather than just repeating the same mechanics again.

for example, one game I've always! wanted to see is a single player space colony management game, where you get to gather resources from a map, guide your colonists through various hazards from disease, to accidents, to alien beasts and mechanical failures, build buildings and machines and eventually fly off your initial planet and colonize other worlds, either as resource bases for your original colony or as actual new colonies.

As to Yellow bonnet itself, the revolver thing was rather weerd and I really can't explain it, it might have been a miner glitch.
With the inventory I didn't know tab showed it. I actually don't think hotkeys are a bad thing provided that there are always menu commands instead because that gives people the choice, people can choose either the menu or the hotkeys, but as I said the two main hotkeys I wanted were look around and search.

With the ending clipboard text, one suggestion  I do have might be instead of just putting the modifyer "man" or "woman" to use something a bit more colourful and wild westy, just for purposes of flavour if nothing else..

For example "A roustabout going by the handle of insert player name"

I've actually always been a fan of the term "roustabout" it's got a nice ring to it. I first came across it in the novelization of the film Pale Rider by Alan Dean Foster (one of the few westerns, possibly even the only western I've ever read). Amusingly enough, because I read the book in grade two braille, and because whoever had translated it into braille had thought it was a good idea to use the "A b"  sign for about in roustabout, I thought for quite some time the term was actually "roustab" which sounds sort of Klingon big_smile.

Perhaps a new race for the Tks universe? the gun toating no good roustabs! big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-07-02 14:31:06

Jeremy here:


Agreed.  My reservations on the generic engine come from just such a concern.  However, that said, The generic system was to be more flexible than that.  For instance, jobs might be quests in a different setting or missions.  The generic nature comes more from how the game handles characters, objects, rooms, etc.  In some ways, YB is a minimud and uses some of the same ideas.

As to Yb expansion, funnily enough both your suggestions have been considered.  One idea  was to explore some sort of resource management game, perhaps a farm or ranch based game though mining is also a possibility.  I had actually thought seriously of just such an outlaw hunting game.  There's others as well.  However, one idea we've played with is just expanding the map for future games.  So Yb is the center of a larger map, and just such interactions are possible further out. 

As to the generic term in the copy and paste text, if this isn't a variable misfiring, we will probably adopt something of the sort.

Roustab is pretty good.  I've encountered a lot of fun ones like that myself in the past, and you're right they'd make good names for aliens or monsters.  Another favorite I always had was creating a fantasy game where all the features were named after pharmaseudicals: the Benedrille forest, the Tylanol Mountains, the Viagra river, the city of Zolaf and so on and so forth.  Just some of those names are so nonhuman:).

Again, with YB a lot of the issue just comes in terms of scope.  The new TKS expansion will be a different animal.  Of course, for one thing, TKS already had possible infinite expansion in terms of length of career built into it.  The other thing is we're thinking of using a different map approach with this one, and if it works it'll be a fun departure.  One thing we try to do with any new project is to take what we've learned from other projects and apply it.  Interceptor gave us a lot of our BGT vocabulary as far as menu-driven possibilities were concerned.  In addition, Interceptor allowed us to explore a number of AI models and other issues that have come up since then.  With Expanding Known Space, a strategy game that we have in development but have discontinued temporarily, it provided the map structure and way of displaying objects that led to TKS.  A number of things we created specifically for TKS found their way into YB and YB itself provided a spring board for approaches to the next game. 

We freely admit that we are still learning.  We accept advice and help from other developers who have more experience, and we listen to players who, also, often have more experience:)  Further, we do try and learn and expand each time we take on a new project. 

One last comment: the pirates.  Of your suggestions, I've played in games that explored all three though I have to admit, I find Zombie Apocalypse games fairly boring myself.  I ran one for a short mini campaign in my table top game, and while it was fun, I don't see the fascination personally.  However, the pirates.  One mini-game idea we had on the cards was a pirate game.  However, after I revisited the idea, it's one I think I'd like to expand.  It might see the light of day again after TKS expansion hits the market.  Some of the same ideas we're experimenting with in TKS's expansion would lend themselves to a larger scale pirate game. 

Take care, and as always, thank you for thoughtful feedback.


Valiant Galaxy Associates Company, owned by Aaron Spears and Jeremy Brown develops and markets audiogames for the Blind and Low Vision markets.

2015-07-02 14:35:54

Jeremy here:

Oops, forgot to address one point I missed.

Your suggestion of a space colonization game is actually one I have notes for in my VG main line notes folder.  We have outlines for about 15 or 16 games in that folder exploring different aspects of science fiction and space opera conventions.  The colony game is one I want to pursue, but it needed to wait until we had a way of doing what I wanted with the map situation.  If this TKS expansion does use the map conventions I want to use, then that will become a lot closer to reality.  Now, given Aaron and my's glacial development pace in some cases, it might not see the light of day for many years, but it is thought of and lovingly fiddled with. 

Take care,


Valiant Galaxy Associates Company, owned by Aaron Spears and Jeremy Brown develops and markets audiogames for the Blind and Low Vision markets.

2015-07-02 15:07:10

space colonization would be good. one thing that gets on my whick is all the games I've seen that deal with colonization are always pure number crunching based on an always steady progression, there is no need to change your stratogies for unforseen circumstances or alter priorities on the fly. What I mean is, you build a metal refinery, it just gets build after some time and your production of metal per tick goes up, there is no chance of it collapsing or of the wagons that transport the ore breaking down or any of the usual things you'd expect to happen in a colony, indeed I really dislike the way in such games your "population" are just numbers who produce, you never have plagues or boardom.
Furthermore, the alien planets are always the bloody same, they're just generic place to build more buildings, no danger, no unexpected rewards, ---- and combine this with the fact that at any time you can have your expantion killed off by anyone who can number crunch better than you can sinse usually such games have unrestricted pvp, and  you will see why none of these games hold my interest, (was even trying one of these this morning).

I also like pirates, pirates are cool! big_smile.

Getting back to yellow Bonnet, one of my concerns in the game is that sinse your dealing with a town where all the buildings appear in the same place and the streets have a particular plan, your npcs and quests are always located in a similar area, meaning that once a person nows the map and what square is what it's only a case of watching out for random hazards. one of the things I'd like to see in a similar game with quests and the like is more randomness, eg, tracking someone down in the desert, or having a game with resource gathering where the various  resources shifted around the map, eg one game the mine might be on 3-2, the next it might be on 8-8 which would change how you got there and how things worked out. And of course there are various possibilities with expanding character stats and combat a little, though there is plenty of different ways you could go with that.

It also occurs to me that at the moment both tks and Yb use one single board with the items on it, where as you could have nested boards to create a world, for example an rpg game might have a large kingdom map, with squares of wilderness, a square for each town or dungeon then when you entered it you got a new map showing the inside of the town or dungeon, or a space game like tks might have a galaxy map with different systems, a system map with different planets, then even a planet map as well.

Either way I'll look forward to seeing the tks update, I did suspect the game would be getting one even if just to work with guide dog, but gameplay expantions would be great, I also am still waiting eagerly for interceptor which I very much suspect I'll be buying sinse turn based space combat is really my thing! big_smile.

With our dreaming and singing, Ceaseless and sorrowless we! The glory about us clinging Of the glorious futures we see,
Our souls with high music ringing; O men! It must ever be
That we dwell in our dreaming and singing, A little apart from ye. (Arthur O'Shaughnessy 1873.)

2015-07-02 16:01:23

Jeremy here:


I detest this kind of space colonization game as well.  It's one of the things that has bugged me with Sound RTS. 

If we do a space colonization game expect that to be different, perhaps not as detailed as either of us would like, but different:)

As to YB's random map generation.  Agreed, that could have been more random, how ever, with a modern town, the business district will always be in the same place.  We talked about several plans to randomize the map, and we didn't like our alternatives.  So we went with a simplified map.

As to the nested maps, that's precisely what I'm wanting to do with TKS's expansion.  I.e. a galactic map with star systems marked, once you click the star system a solar system map.  In TKS that's as far as it's likely to go, though there's a couple of intriguing possibilities with places to go further from that.  With a pirate game, I could see maps for overall area around the ship, islands, towns, individual ships and houses.  A lot of it depends on our ability to fool with randomizing maps within certain parameters and letting the game juggle multiple map settings.  That's something we have an idea for, and we have a couple of games that might utilize it.  IF the TKS expansion works out well in that regard, we might try another minigame that uses a different map strategy and then move on to pirates.  All of this is very nebulous.  Aaron and I have not plotted our future beyond the winter.  Take care,


Valiant Galaxy Associates Company, owned by Aaron Spears and Jeremy Brown develops and markets audiogames for the Blind and Low Vision markets.

2015-07-09 03:53:27

Greetings VGA.

Amidst the litany of sometimes negative criticism that you guys have received, allow me to express my enthusiasm with your game development, and approval of your delivery method. I think people are mostly complaining because it's possibly a model with which they are unfamiliar -- they're used to off-line games which require license keys, keys which can indeed be handed out to others, robbing the developer of their due compensation.

I've been a Steam member for a while now, and have grown quite used to having a solid connection as a requirement for registration and authorization. I personally play Street Fighter 4, and that game will drop you out if it cannot interface with Steam to return validation data, and this is a game that costs upwards of thirty dollars, depending on what DLC you purchase.
We're in a new era, and I think the staid and old expectations of not having games request authorization on a regular basis should be done with. It's been well prove that, in the audio gaming sphere, if it can be cracked, it will be, and if someone can find a way to break the system to either play a game free or receive unfair perks, they will take full advantage of such an exploit.

I also think all the people harping on about the lack of cross-platform support (particularly for Mac and iOS) don't understand the complications involved. Mac is a very different environment to develop for, from what I understand, and iOS development carries with that unfamiliar terrain an Apple Developer fee. I'm not sure where they expect people to just come up with the money for the equipment or participation to the required distribution services, tutorials, and support services. Never mind that I don't believe BGT is even cross-platform, and you've got a fairly unreasonable set of demands from people who obviously don't understand the scope of their requests.

I'll be downloading and trying the games and distribution system momentarily. I may not necessarily agree with Guide Dog Gaming as a name, but that won't necessarily deter me from playing on it either. I think a gaming platform should really have a more outstanding moniker, but that decision wasn't up to me, and names are mercurial enough that they can be changed later, so such a concern is of very little consequence.

Again, great job, and I hope to be hearing more from you guys! You may know that I've lent my hand to working on Swamp, and have purchased multiple libraries over years and years of collection. If you'd like to collaborate with me to enhance any sound you feel you had to compromise on, feel free to get in contact with me on that subject. Since I'm fairly sure you're encrypting your assets, I won't mind using my resources and abilities to assist your efforts.


Spill chuck you spots!

2015-07-09 05:34:48

Jeremy here:


Thanks for the offered help and the words of encouragement.  We appreciate both.  It's good to hear a favorable comparison with Steam as well.  I hope you enjoy the games,


Valiant Galaxy Associates Company, owned by Aaron Spears and Jeremy Brown develops and markets audiogames for the Blind and Low Vision markets.