2015-06-28 14:08:40 (edited by Dakonna 2015-06-28 14:10:09)

so I was actually going to create a pole for this, but it didn't create the pole for some reason so I can't exactly do that. So I'm considering making a map campagne for tactical battle. With the holladays rolling along, I'll have more time to do it than before. Just tell me what you wanna see and I'll try making it.

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-06-28 17:33:46

What about...highlander or incredible hulk based map set?

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2015-06-28 17:49:47

I think that wee need a campain of any historicaly event. for example 100 years wars. or conquest of great alexander or somethink historical event. I hope that you can understand me, english is not my national language and verry is bad my apologies for that...

2015-06-28 20:53:08

How about an Avengers themed one? But you're taking on Chitauri aliens? So you've got Iron Man, Hulk, Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye and Thor and each has there respective skills/powers.

Heroes need foes to test them. Not all teachers can afford to be kind, and some lessons must be harsh.
Discord: CritterPup
RPG Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QQcHS3Gk

2015-06-29 07:22:25

make marvel heroes campaign already, rofl jk. Hmm, the historical map sounds very interesting

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.

2015-06-29 16:44:46 (edited by Dakonna 2015-06-29 16:47:09)

hmm actually that wouldn't be that hard, doing somethingfrom marvle or dc commics in general. It wouldn't be of the original searies that dc commics publishes, sinse I'm not really feeling up to getting a bunch of that stuff. But I have some graphic audio stuff from dc commics, marvle and that sort of things kicking around on my harddrive, so if you want tactical battle versions of all the fights that are in there, I could probably pull that off. You'd need to give me some time to actually listen to the fights though, check out the characters involved, what they can do and the features of the enemies so this would take me some time. But I'll try to make it in the time before I'm gone for about 3 weeks. In that time I won't have my computer with me, but I'll have most of summer break to continue working on it. Historic events? That would actually be really hard to make, sinse doing e.G. An alex the great campagne or something would take me much longer sinse I'd need to do a bunch of research on the person involved, check out all the battles, see what army was involved and what tactics they were using, find units that matched the warriors in those battles and then write the thing. Also note that this is my first campagne that I've actually gotten serious about making. Thankfully the code used for scripting is really easy to pick up, but if there's things I did wrong if this ever gets released just tell me and I might fix them. I say might, because I've never seen any campagne developper actually fix bugs with their campagnes. The fact that the campagne files aren't encripted might be a part of this...

I used to be a knee like you, then I took an adventurer in the arrow.

2015-06-29 22:12:33

What I can really say now is...thank you so much for all hard work man.:)

Why do ghost hunters have to hunt ghosts? Well, there's a fear of being ghosted out there. They may need therapy as well as their ghost hunting kit.