2015-06-23 07:55:57

Hi it's me again. smile

Okay. I'm happy now so am going to give more of my thoughts to god or this energy.

I have been doing some thinking and I have a question.

And I want you who are christian or even if you're not, to think on this long and hard.

And if you don't know, just say it. It's actually better to say i don't know than give a reason that doesn't feel right to you. For example, I said to god that I don't know all about meditation, I don't know all about energy and I don't know all or anything really about you. Do you know how happy i felt after admitting that? It's awesome.

here's my question. If, from what I am seeing and reading, god hates gay people so much, why is that?

Think of it this way. If it's a population thing, well, the world's over populated as it is isn't it? so that's out.

It can't be a state of being that god hates because god does not hate being in a certain mind set. I'm hear today to say god does not hate gays, lesbians, or any one of any gender. It is simply a state of being that you have chosen to be in at the current time. Will it change in this life time? perhaps, perhaps not, and if it doesn't, that's fine.

That would be like saying god hates every single blind person, or every person with a disability because without operations, you can't change that.

Another reason could be this; in the times of the bible, the world was under populated.

Please, I want you to think on this and give me, your! Answer, no bible verses please, I want a persons answer and not a bible verse that I probably won't understand.

By all means give your findings and if you have to quote scripture give a link or two, but I want to hear your, own, reasons.

Do you think you can do that? That's my challenge to people.

Man i feel good today. smile

I've just thought, perhaps I'm just listening to the wrong kind of christians and if that's so then i'm sorry if I offend christians but I must admit I am very interested in these kind of questions.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-06-23 09:35:26

Haven't jumped in this topic feet first, figured I'd just see what others had to say. But with your question... you asked for an answer, and here's mine. god does not hate gays.

It's that simple. I don't know where people get the idea from, and I don't know where christians get off spouting this nonsense. God does not hate them, and if you are a christian, you shouldn't, either. Does God have an issue with the act of homosexuality? That's a whole different story... why? Because sex, at its nature, is not simply for pleasure and physical release... but also to create. And when god originally designed coupling, sex, marriage... he meant it to be for a man, and a woman. Homosexuality, if you follow a biblical worldview, is a twisting of that design... not evil, or demonic, perhaps, but not the way God intended it to be. It is no worse than any other sin, specifically, sexual sin. the bible views it in a similar way that it views chold molestations and beastiality... do I personally agree? Well, frankly, far be it from me to say whether it's right or not. Like with drugs and other physical addictions and flaws, I would never do it myself. Do I consider it a sin? Sure... but I do not hate the people who are homosexual. I treat them the way I would treat anyone else... give them the same advice, share my faith with them and what it says about their particular situation, and they can take it or leave it... I won't stop being friends with them simply because of that. As for the rest... there is way too much for me to discuss all in one post, so if anyone wants my thoughts on a particular subject, simply ask for it. God bless you all and good night. smile

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-06-23 10:50:41

Firstly, I humbly and respectfully submit the following to those who believe that all roads lead to heaven; you wouldn't board a flight to France to go to Australia, would you?  Of course not, because not all flights land in Australia.  Even if they start in that general direction, they don't all necessarily go there.  If all roads lead to heaven, then why, praytell, do all of the major  religions differ if only ever so slightly?
Second, God does not hate gay people.  He hates their actions, the same as hating the actions of heterosexuals who engage in sexual acts outside of marriage.  Sex outside of marriage is seen as a sin, and since God meant for the traditional marriage to contain a male and a female, for two males to commit something that is clearly against God's plan is a direct violation of his clear instruction given to man from the very beginning according to Genesis chapter 2.  Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one.
Homosexuality is, in all regards, man's decision to disregard this instruction.  It is a stand against God, against his decree that such an act is an abomination, and yet he does not reject anyone until he himself is rejected, allowing salvation and forgiveness through his son Jesus Christ for any and every sin.
Of course this brings us back to the discussion that has fueld countless debates both on and off of this forum and which will continue for an unforeseeable amount of time, why Christ?  Why not something else?  Many hints have been given; countless evidence has been presented, and humanity remains Skeptical as the profets predicted centuries ago, and yet when we take much of what the world has become and study it through the lense that Jesus himself gave us in the pages of the new testament, we find that we are not surprised by the chaos and turmoil we have inherited.  I once heard of a nonChristian individual who asked, "What is this world coming to?"  To which his Christian friend calmly replied, "Exactly what Jesus said it would."

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2015-06-23 11:02:55


Thanks for all your answers everyone. I did pray this morning and found it an interesting experience to have. I personally know that for me, Christianity is not the way. I will go on my own path and have already found something I'm very interested in. Thanks once again for all your responses.

I'll be taking the topic down in a couple of hours, if you want to create a new one, feel free to do so.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-06-23 11:21:02

First, I don't believe in God. Here I am most familiar with the Christian god, but this may aply also to other gods.
According to Christians, god is immutable, omniscient, all justice, omnipotent and omnipresent. Do we agree so far?
Good. Now, please, take a look at the bible itself. Even at Genesis 1 and 2.
In Genesis 2, God says to Adam that if he eats the fruit of good and evil, he'll die that day. Guess what, he eats it and he doesn't die. Huh? Isn't this... strange? God, being all just forgives Adam (well, in some way), but changes his mind. Immutablity out. Thus, God is not perfect. Plus, the Bible has got a lot of contradictions and atrocities (this is just one of them). And the world is full of atrocities and God, if it exists, doesn't intervene.

So, I may come to some conclusions: God doesn't exist, or he is a really evil guy, or he doesn't care about us, or he cares just about some of us. Honestly, I prefer the first one.
And finally, here goes a video, showing some of the Bible's atrocities.
Sorry if I offend someone with this post.

2015-06-23 11:22:19

Why take down the topic? It's interesting to see people's views, please leave it up

2015-06-23 11:43:59


Alright. I'll do that.

I'm looking into things like black magic, demons, rituals, meditation and so on. Since I believe that god is energy and it can think but I do not believe it cares what I do in my life much, I'm looking into this stuff and find some of the stuff interesting. I also like looking at conversion stories or x, (insert religion) stories and videos. Like I said, i deffenetly believe we have a soul, or spirit. I believe there are other relms out there, I also  believe that we, that is humans animals  and any other living things are not alone in this universe.

So that is what I'm looking into at the moment but I know my life will change since I'm only 21.

I hope that what I wrote above does not start a, my religion is better than yours because, or you should not do this because thing. The way I see it, people need to learn from what they see as good or interesting topics. If it doesn't affect people around you, then it's okay to look into these things in my opinion.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-06-23 12:20:18

Hi Brad,

Just to clarify a point. We don't sing the Qur'an. I know it may sound like that to some, but the Qur'an is so amazing that nothing humanistic like singing can be atributed to  it. When you linguistdikly examine the Qur'an, you see that it is written like a poem. The nature of old arabic is such that the Qur'an could be recited malodiously.

Secondly, to those who asked why we have problems.  Here is my answer.
God is testing us to see whether we should go to heaven or not. Yes, I know God knows everything, but what we have to remember is that Allah is - Ahad. Ahad in arabic means 1, but 1 in a special distinction. Unlike anything else. So you can't really think of Allah in logical terms, since he surpasses logic itself. Back to what I was saying, whereas humans should have been on the straight path, they have deviated from the truth because of their own desires, inspired by Iblis Shatan.
God therefore lets these evils happen to test us for the following reasons.
1. Will we believe?
2. Perhaps, had he not placed this tribulation upon us, something bad would have happened in our lives.
3. Perhaps it is to punnish us for a sin that we committed.
4.. perhaps it is to raise our rank in his eyes.
Hope this helps.

If you still find it hard to understand, I recommend too you and to all other non believers to listen to Numen Ali Kon understanding Islam and Sheikh Hasan ali love of Allah. I think love of Allah is the name. Type it in anyway, and you should find it or something similar to what I said.
Also Sheikh Hasan Ali Shaykh I don't watch Tv. While the lecture is about enjoyment in this life, I feel as though it contains interesting points. also Sheikh Hasan Ali temptations of the Dunya. Dunya means world in arabic. He has a facebook page so you can email him with questions if you wish, I'm not a Sheikh - one who knows their religion very well, although I am trying to learn. This guy has years of knowledge and experience that I don't.
Hope this helps.

2015-06-23 12:47:34


Thanks so much for the  help. I'm looking at different beleif systems so haven't really found one that is in tune to what i believe. As for the qu'ran It does sound really nice.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-06-23 13:03:34

am I the first one who has experience with Hinduism to post around here? well, theoritically, I'm a Hindu, through and through. and about God, I certainly believe that there's some higher power that regulates/maintains the overall function of the universe. and that power is called the Virat or the Purusha in the Vedas. and as a Hindu, the religion also offers me a rational explanation for the question:"why are their multiple Gods and Goddesses?". the single power, for the sake of the proper functioning of the universe, derived from itself all the forms. and yes, the religion lets us see these as forms of energy, with a "living" form attached to the energy. I have, in my experience, found that this imagery helps me consentrate better during meditation. and as for hell and heaven, the Hindu scriptures present these as mere concepts, and not as actual places. I do have more to say, but perhaps later,...

come and join my
facebook group!

2015-06-23 16:34:22

I'm fairly certain that if one makes categorical statements about what God loves and/or hates, one is engaging in a lack of humility that is staggering in its intensity and tragic in its failure to comprehend the sheer majesty of a God who can create a multiverse and be at once separate from and part of that construction.  I'm also fairly certain that, given the incidence of homosexual behavior in the natural non-human world, anyone who asserts with certainty that God hates the actions of homosexuals needs some basic biological primers.  Finally, the notion that the Bible should be your sole guide to the knowledge and understanding of God leads to a barren and dead faith that cannot change, except by political maneuvering that alters a supposedly inerrant text, (as has happened many times in the 2,500 years plus that parts of what we call the Bible have been around.  it is necessary to study the Bible, but hardly sufficient.  Failing to apply life experience, reason and above all the humility to pray and actually listen is spitting on the gifts we have been given.  If a Christian tells you that God hates something, gently suggest he or she go pray about that again.

2015-06-23 17:46:56

If the bible is not the inspired word of God, then I can agree with the above post.  I can also shrug off any commitments I have in life including my marriage because, well, why not!  If there is a God who is unchanged, constant, persistent through all of time as we know it as well as before and beyond, there must be an ontic referent, a foundation to which we can return without fail, assuming that he even wants a relationship with us and that we want to establish one with him, else how would we at all get to know him, given the many views that are circulated throughout the world?  If this god is a god that changes with the seasons, then none of us need him anymore than we need human interaction, something we have proven we can live without even though we desire it, because he is no better than you or I or anyone else in this world.  He could choose to be loving one day, hateful the next, and what kind of god what he honestly be?  He would not be perfect, for perfection does not require change.  He would not be holy, for holiness would be lost with his righteousness, and that would change with him.  If one thing is right one day and wrong the next, he can't be any better at determining right from wrong or telling us what is good and bad in this world anymore than I can tell you that eating a sandwitch bought at your nearest fastfood joint is good or bad for you.  He is no better at establishing his authority over us because he is externally affected and changed by anything and everything, his existence altered so that he cannot be the same god entirely.  Why rely on such a god?
No, the god I serve is not affected by what I think of him, nor is he affected by what I do for him.  He does not make exceptions for me or anyone else, nor does he honestly need me to believe in him to exist.  You can say that my faith is in vain, can say that is possesses no reason or rationality, that I have traded in any greatness that I could have accumulated by turning my back on it for something I cannot prove to you or anyone else, but when I consider the alternatives, wen I compare time as I know it to eternity, I realize that everything I do in the world I know is just everything I've done and that it matters not once I'm gone, because everything else and everyone else who could establish it and imortalise it and turn it into anything worth discussing it will die just as I will, passing on with the age into nothingness, all for nothingness.  That is, in my opinion, a rather bleak vision that can only be overcome by a god powerful enough to overcome it.  Such a god would have to be just, have to reign supreme over all, his sovereignty unchanging, his majesty never wavering, his love and passion evident even in his judgement, his grace and mercy prevailing from beginning to end regardless of people or places or ideas.  Long and hard did I fight against this idea, proclaiming that there was no truth to it.  A year ago, my life changed and I discovered that no reason to believe was the very reason to believe.  I also discovered that truth cannot be modified to fit what one wants and wishes to hear.  It cannot be altered if it is to remain true.  Just as changing perfection renders it imperfect, so too changing truth turns it into a lye.  In the end, what one believes does not make it any more true than what anyone else believes.  Truth remains truth regardless, and if there is a god, a true god, then I once again, humbly submit, that we cannot all be right.

When life gives you oranges, demand lemons since everyone else is obviously getting them.

2015-06-23 18:05:32

Hi Brad,

You're welcome. These speakers I gave are highly popular actually. If there's anything that I can do to help you further, let me know.

2015-06-23 21:43:27

Well said and completely agreed on both your posts, Nocturnus. smile

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-06-25 02:07:47

Who says that invariance equals perfection?  Who says that perfection does not in fact consist of being able to adapt perfectly to the mind-numbing complexity of a world far beyond your humble comprehension.  I do not say your faith is vain, I say it is cruel and arrogant, costing the lives and well being of real humans.  I say that you fail to understand the meaning of Jesus' life in a tragically superficial way that allows you to feel superior and "saved".  By the way, are you aware that to redeem is to liberate, as in slavery, and is less about achieving some narrowly guarded moral perfection than it is about humans achieving what it means to live in God's image?
And no, the alternative to absolutist philosophy is not nihilism.  That shows a lack of imagination on your part, not an understanding of truth.  You speak of the love of Christ, and all I see, to borrow liberally from J. R. R. Tolkien is the cclaw of egosim, cruel and cold and devoid of love.  I do not say that you have not experienced the love of the God you profess, that would be presumptuous, but that you find a human document to be inerrant, showing the whole of the mind of a being you are unequipped to comprehend in its entirety is a demonstration that you want God to be smaller than he/she/it truly is.
I wouldn't care, except that your God is killing people I love and taking a morally indefensible pleasure in doing so, exuding the falsely sympathetic nonsense of loving the sinner and hating the sin. 
If you ever come to my home, I will break bread with you, pray with you, and show you an unconditional welcome.  You cannot say the same thing.

2015-06-25 14:35:35

The only thing I've got to say at the moment is that Violinist just said what I wished, in a much nicer way... Probably except the praying part at the end since I'm not religious, at least not in a way that I pray.
Especially thumbs up for the love the sinner/hate the sin comment.

To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
William Blake - Auguries of Innocence, line 1 to 4

2015-06-26 03:48:34

All right, look.  Message 40 is not actually representative of what I understand to be my obligation if I'm going to profess Christianity.  In the light of 24 hours thought, I think I have taken a disagreement to a more personal level than I should have done and i am sorry for doing that. 
It is very hard for me, part of what I am learning by being on this path.  I passionately believe in the rightness of people loving whom they love.  Every fiber of who I am longs for the day when we stop noticing who is holding whose hand or kissing whom or marrying whom.  I long for that day when we smile to see love, wherever and however that love might be shaped.  I truly believe that is the example Jesus set us by his life.
I have also seen the results of seemingly well intended attempts to dissuade people from being who they are by people who thought they were saving souls.  They brought Hell into reality here on earth by their actions, by the lack of compassion and vision they showed.
When I run into this sort of thinking, it sets off my anger.  I will work for the world I spoke of.  I hope I can bring you along.

2015-06-28 05:42:20

Many of you are aware that I grew up in a Christian home, was Christian for the first 25 years of my life or so, but have since become much more agnostic towards the belief in a god or higher power. It is not so much I think such a thing is impossible, but more a case I can't find any empirical evidence that such a being exists beyond what is written in ancient books like the bible and the Koran. I was raised as many Christians are that the bible is infallible and inerrant, but once I really studied what the bible says was completely unable to look past a number of contradictions and inaccuracies within the scriptures. Not only were there a number of contradictions, but there were plenty of things within the bible I outright disagreed with from an ethical and moral standpoint.

To give an example earlier in this thread Brad brought up the question of hell. That was one of the core doctrines that drove a wedge between me and any belief in a higher power. The reason being on one hand the bible states that God loves us, that he was willing to die for us, etc but on the other hand if someone breaks one of his commandments, sins against God, or questions his existence he or she will burn for an eternity in hell. I could not fathom the unjustness, the sheer evil, the barbarism of a being that would torture souls for an eternity in a lake of fire. Why not just kill them and get it over with? That would be ultimately more merciful and punishment would be served.

Of course, I am well aware not all Christians believe in that type of hell. When I began to have these kinds of doubts Christian friends, ministers, etc would try and explain hell away by stating they don't think hell is like that. They believed in a more humane hell where people are cast into outer darkness away from the presents of God. However, while I see their point of view it is unavoidable that the New Testament itself mentions a lake of fire in a number of verses and I just can not worship or love a God like that. For me the concept of hell makes God an evil, tyrannical, unmerciful, dictator and I personally believe such a being does not exist.

As for the issue of why people believe so strongly in one religion or another I think basic sociology and psychology can explain that. It is no big mystery that someone born into a Muslim home will grow up to be Muslim, a person raised as Christian will usually become a Christian, and someone raised Jewish will grow up to be Jewish. They really have no choice in the matter because they are told from the moment they can communicate with family and friends that this or that religion is true and they never get to a point of questioning it too deeply. They are in effect brainwashed from birth to adulthood to accept various things are true and when they are old enough to look into it they are either afraid to or are unable to relinquish those beliefs in favor of an alternative belief system. Which brings me to a point.

In his post Brad was asking why people believe in one God, the one true religion, etc and the answer is simply that is always what they have been told. If one is a student of the New Testament they'll notice that many scriptures state things like "there is one mediator between God and man" or that "Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light." For many Christians such verses are the authority that their beliefs are the one true religion and that all other perspectives, religious beliefs, and concepts are false. They aren't in a position to question their beliefs so it is hard to convince them of anything else. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are monotheism's meaning the central doctrine is one God, one truth, one revelation so obviously polytheistic concepts have no place in those belief systems.

Since I am not religious I personally find all concepts of god or gods to be false, at least as far as I know, but don't want to sound like an arrogant ass by insisting my opinion is the only valid point of view. I realize I could be wrong about the god thing, but if so I merely ask that evidence be presented that I both can recognize and that can be validated. As the late great Carl Sagan said, "the more extraordinary the claim the more extraordinary the evidence needs to be to prove it." At this point we haven't gotten to ordinary evidence let alone extraordinary evidence so I remain unconvinced by the god hypothesis at this current time myself.

Thomas Ward
USA Games Interactive

2015-06-28 09:09:58

Hi thomas.

I believe god or this higher power is energy.

So when I meditate, something i need to get back in to, i am talking or using god power. I believe we all are part of god because, from what I believe, we all have a sole or spiritual self. TO me there is no difference in those two words. I believe astral projection is more than possible. I've had a dream where I actually woke up and wroled over but hear's the thing, I wroled over and fell back on to my bed from the air. Now i don't know if my body was in the bed or if my spiritual selfwas out of it but it felt so real so to me that's all the proof I need. I'm quite a simple person, I don't need science to explain away god to me. all i need is what i feel and believe in. Until scientists find proof they can say that god does or does not exist I'll let them figure  that out on there own. I believe science is awesome by the way, the  things people have figured out are amazing. For those that don't believe astral projection is possible, how is it; that a blind woman who astral projected said she could see color and saw Jesus and so on? Yes she could have been told to say it but for what reason would people have to do that? Scare tackticks? Perhaps, I don't know. Or people who die and have this out of body experience thing and then can tell the doctors who were working on them exactly what they were saying? Even the scientists are saying that they may not fully believe it but there is a lot of evidence to suggest that OBE's are real.

As for religions. I really don't think I'll be folloiwng one in this life time.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-06-28 11:15:15 (edited by burak 2015-06-28 11:15:53)

Hi, personally I do not believe that god has a sun. Jesus was a proffet.
So we face a controdiction according to the Bible here: So the Bible says that Jesus is the sun of God, but then priests don't get merried, right? So why does God have a sun, yet priests are not allowed to get merried?
Thank you.

I post sounds I record to freesound. Click here to visit my freesound page
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2015-06-28 12:36:59 (edited by brad 2015-06-28 21:04:33)

for anyone who is knew to this topic. I deleted the post i had hear since it was worded in a way I didn't mean.

I personally do not find this topic interesting anymore. but will keep it up so that people may express themselves and ask questions
/end of edit.

I'm gone for real :)

2015-06-28 12:57:27

Humans are inharrently flawed beings, do you disagree?
If not, how can you believe the evidence (by humans!) that god exists? furthermore, the bible has passed through time, through countless translations. Relatedly, it has passed through countless human hands. How can we, humans, be trusted enough to have not made any modifications? we are imperfect beings, after all.
Other than humans and the bible, I see no evidence of god's existence.
And I'm kind of amazed that taking Jesus as one's king is the only way to heaven. So people who have lived all their life for humanity, and have not discovered Christianity. Will not go to heaven?
Sorry, I'd rather try to save myself from this god by disbelief rather than trust in him, for a god like him isn't really a god I would be proud to give my allegiance to.
And I'm curious. If Satan is as powerful as god, (if not feel free to correct me), theoretically he would have full control over his realm. If I follow Satan and go to hell, again, theoretically I might be in a better place than heaven.
And about homosexuals. America passed a law allowing this a while ago.
So if you're (genetically!) a homosexual, you'll be sent to hell without any chanse to repent? I...find that action far more akin to a dictator than a loving god.
Again, I have done no research on Christianity, so these are just from the things I have heard. Please feel free to correct me if I had anything wrong.

This is not a signature.

2015-06-28 18:20:20

Brad, just as an aside... you realize in your last post you essentially did what you said you don't appreciate on religion doing over another... why take the topic down just because one group of people, in this case Christians are simply professing we're believes? As bladestorm said, our job is to simply express and share the gospel of Jesus Christ, not force anyone to believe it. Telling us what to say or not say is not respectful, nor is taking down this topic... because quite frankly, this is actually the most civilized discussion about these matters I've seen on this forum to date! lol

There isn't much I have to say after bladestorm's post, save that I agree with him completely as well. @Tward though, I will say that I'm not so sure about your idea that sociological and psychological reasons are the only explanations for someone's faith, especially your ascertion that someone who is born into a particular faith stays that way. I actually see many more Christians who were born into the faith then leave it because of college life, whether it be because of what you said, them questioning and not finding any satisfactory answers or because they see the restraints on partying and especially having  some fun with the opposite gender to be troublesome and irritating. But atheists and agnostics becomes Christians later in life as well... and the same applies to any other faith. I have known muslim friends who've walked away from that faith, and also the opposite... I have heard stories and met some people who have embraced Islam at an older age and not coming from any sort of Islamic background. Bladestorm and I are examples of that as well, both having found our faith in christ relatively recently, and for me at least, never having a Christian family or much of a Christian presence that was in any way positive when I was young. As for all the other questions... if and when I can get myself to wake up, I might be able to write something longer. Last thing though. burak, your question about priests getting married is assuming that God had to be maried to have a son... which is not true. Mary gave birth to the baby Jesus... and the Bible said that she conceived as a result of a miracle from the holy spirit. And priests don't marry, yes, but that is specific to Catholics... christian pastors are often married and have kids of their own.

Discord: clemchowder633

2015-06-28 19:07:00

Hi Tward,

Here is the proof you've asked for.
“Do they not look at the sky above them?― How We have made it and adorned?...” (Qaf, 50/6)

The following is stated in another verse:

“And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors: verily in that are Signs for those who know.” (ar-Rum, 30/22)

Another sign is Allah's two names, Malik and Malik. One of them means King, the other owner. Have you ever heard of anyone saying "I am the King and owner of this kingdom?"
Sincere regards,

2015-06-28 21:01:14


I see your point. ok. I will change that post.

sorry if i offended anyone.

I'm gone for real :)